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Line 54: FROM gme_batch_header_mig

50: item_not_defined EXCEPTION;
52: CURSOR Cur_get_batches IS
53: SELECT *
54: FROM gme_batch_header_mig
55: WHERE NVL(migrated_batch_ind, ' ') <> 'M'
56: AND organization_id IS NOT NULL
57: ORDER BY batch_id;
58: CURSOR Cur_get_materials(v_batch_id NUMBER) IS

Line 432: UPDATE gme_batch_header_mig

428: gme_debug.put_line('After update material');
429: END IF;
430: create_batch_mapping(p_batch_header_mig => get_batches,
431: p_batch_header => l_batch_header);
432: UPDATE gme_batch_header_mig
433: SET migrated_batch_ind = 'M'
434: WHERE batch_id = get_batches.batch_id;
435: IF (g_debug <= gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
436: gme_debug.put_line('Done batch basic processing');

Line 552: PROCEDURE build_batch_hdr(p_batch_header_mig IN gme_batch_header_mig%ROWTYPE,

548: p_db_error => SQLERRM,
549: p_app_short_name => 'GMA');
550: END recreate_open_batches;
552: PROCEDURE build_batch_hdr(p_batch_header_mig IN gme_batch_header_mig%ROWTYPE,
553: x_batch_header OUT NOCOPY gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE) IS
554: BEGIN
555: x_batch_header.batch_id := p_batch_header_mig.batch_id;
556: x_batch_header.plant_code := p_batch_header_mig.plant_code;

Line 1358: PROCEDURE create_batch_mapping(p_batch_header_mig IN gme_batch_header_mig%ROWTYPE,

1354: gme_debug.put_line('End procedure '||l_api_name);
1355: END IF;
1356: END create_batch_step_transfers;
1358: PROCEDURE create_batch_mapping(p_batch_header_mig IN gme_batch_header_mig%ROWTYPE,
1359: p_batch_header IN gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE) IS
1360: BEGIN
1361: INSERT INTO gme_batch_mapping_mig(plant_code,
1362: old_batch_id,

Line 1493: FROM gme_batch_header_mig o, gme_batch_mapping_mig m

1490: PROCEDURE release_batches IS
1491: CURSOR Cur_wip_batches IS
1492: SELECT m.*, o.actual_start_date
1493: FROM gme_batch_header_mig o, gme_batch_mapping_mig m
1494: WHERE o.batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip
1495: AND m.old_batch_id = o.batch_id
1496: AND o.parentline_id IS NULL
1497: AND m.new_batch_id NOT IN (SELECT batch_id