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Line 20: -- the the call to igs_ps_usec_occurs_pkg.update_row

16: --Change History:
17: --Who When What
18: --jbegum 26-Apr-2003 For Enh Bug# 2833850
19: -- Added columns preferred_region_code and no_set_day_ind to
20: -- the the call to igs_ps_usec_occurs_pkg.update_row
21: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23: PROCEDURE wf_create_event(
24: p_uoo_id IN NUMBER,

Line 36: CURSOR c_usec_occur_id (cp_uoo_id igs_ps_usec_occurs.uoo_id%TYPE) IS

33: --
34: -- cursor to fetch the usec_occur_id
35: --
36: CURSOR c_usec_occur_id (cp_uoo_id igs_ps_usec_occurs.uoo_id%TYPE) IS
37: SELECT unit_section_occurrence_id
38: FROM igs_ps_usec_occurs
39: WHERE uoo_id = cp_uoo_id;

Line 38: FROM igs_ps_usec_occurs

34: -- cursor to fetch the usec_occur_id
35: --
36: CURSOR c_usec_occur_id (cp_uoo_id igs_ps_usec_occurs.uoo_id%TYPE) IS
37: SELECT unit_section_occurrence_id
38: FROM igs_ps_usec_occurs
39: WHERE uoo_id = cp_uoo_id;
41: --
42: -- procedure to define_event

Line 103: -- procedure to update igs_ps_usec_occurs

99: p_parameters => l_wf_parameter_list_t);
100: END raise_event;
102: --
103: -- procedure to update igs_ps_usec_occurs
104: --
105: PROCEDURE update_usec_occurs (p_usec_occur_id IN NUMBER)
106: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
107: --Created by : smanglm ( Oracle IDC)

Line 125: CURSOR c_usec_details (cp_usec_occur_id igs_ps_usec_occurs.unit_section_occurrence_id%TYPE) IS

121: IS
122: --
123: -- cursor to get the usec details
124: --
125: CURSOR c_usec_details (cp_usec_occur_id igs_ps_usec_occurs.unit_section_occurrence_id%TYPE) IS
126: SELECT *
127: FROM igs_ps_usec_occurs
128: WHERE unit_section_occurrence_id = cp_usec_occur_id;

Line 127: FROM igs_ps_usec_occurs

123: -- cursor to get the usec details
124: --
125: CURSOR c_usec_details (cp_usec_occur_id igs_ps_usec_occurs.unit_section_occurrence_id%TYPE) IS
126: SELECT *
127: FROM igs_ps_usec_occurs
128: WHERE unit_section_occurrence_id = cp_usec_occur_id;
130: l_cst_complete CONSTANT VARCHAR2(10) DEFAULT 'COMPLETE';
131: BEGIN

Line 137: igs_ps_usec_occurs_pkg.update_row

133: -- open the cursor and call update row of
134: --
135: FOR rec_usec_details IN c_usec_details (p_usec_occur_id)
136: LOOP
137: igs_ps_usec_occurs_pkg.update_row
138: (
139: X_ROWID => rec_usec_details.ROW_ID,
141: X_UOO_ID => rec_usec_details.UOO_ID,

Line 271: -- in igs_ps_usec_occurs and change field values to null in the shadow

267: p_usec_occur_id => rec_usec_occur_id.unit_section_occurrence_id);
268: END IF;
269: --
270: -- on successful raising of events update notify status to COMPLETE
271: -- in igs_ps_usec_occurs and change field values to null in the shadow
272: -- table
273: --
274: update_usec_occurs (p_usec_occur_id => rec_usec_occur_id.unit_section_occurrence_id);
275: END LOOP;

Line 298: -- in igs_ps_usec_occurs and change field values to null in the shadow

294: p_usec_occur_id => p_usec_occur_id);
295: END IF;
296: --
297: -- on successful raising of events update notify status to COMPLETE
298: -- in igs_ps_usec_occurs and change field values to null in the shadow
299: -- table
300: --
301: update_usec_occurs (p_usec_occur_id => p_usec_occur_id);
302: END IF; -- end of check for p_usec_occur_id