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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 14

  SELECT count(hrl.meaning) total
  FROM hr_lookups          hrl
  ,(select evt.reason_type from hri_edw_event_hrchys evt
  where not exists (select 1 from hri_edw_event_hrchys dummy
                    where dummy.rowid > evt.rowid
                    and evt.reason_type = dummy.reason_type)) types
  WHERE NVL(hrl.last_update_date, to_date('01-01-2000','DD-MM-YYYY'))
  BETWEEN p_from_date AND p_to_date
  AND hrl.lookup_type = types.reason_type;
Line: 54

  x_last_update_date    NUMBER:= x_date;
Line: 57

/* Select the length of the instance code */
  CURSOR inst_cur IS
  SELECT avg(nvl( vsize(instance_code),0 ))
  FROM edw_local_instance;
Line: 64

FROM hr_lookups          hrl
  ,(select evt.reason_type from hri_edw_event_hrchys evt
  where not exists (select 1 from hri_edw_event_hrchys dummy
                    where dummy.rowid > evt.rowid
                    and evt.reason_type = dummy.reason_type)) types
  WHERE NVL(hrl.last_update_date, to_date('01-01-2000','DD-MM-YYYY'))
  BETWEEN p_from_date AND p_to_date
  AND hrl.lookup_type = types.reason_type;
Line: 103

		     + NVL(ceil(x_last_update_date + 1), 0)
 	 	     + NVL(ceil(x_creation_date + 1), 0);