1348: -- This User Key is a special case.
1349: -- Depending of the mapping of ZX_EVENT_CLS_MAPPINGS and
1350: -- value in table ZX_PARTY_TYPES, for
1351: -- every user_key, will be chosen a from either
1352: -- HZ_PARTY_SITES or PO_VENDOR_SITES, so we have the following:
1353: -- If PO_VENDOR_SITES the segments in user key are:
1354: -- Segment 1 is VENDOR_NAME
1355: -- Segment 2 is VENDOR_SITE_CODE
1356: -- Segment 3 is ORG_ID
1349: -- Depending of the mapping of ZX_EVENT_CLS_MAPPINGS and
1350: -- value in table ZX_PARTY_TYPES, for
1351: -- every user_key, will be chosen a from either
1352: -- HZ_PARTY_SITES or PO_VENDOR_SITES, so we have the following:
1353: -- If PO_VENDOR_SITES the segments in user key are:
1354: -- Segment 1 is VENDOR_NAME
1355: -- Segment 2 is VENDOR_SITE_CODE
1356: -- Segment 3 is ORG_ID
1357: -- If HZ_PARTY_SITES the segments in user key are:
1441: exception
1442: WHEN no_data_found then
1443: select party_site_id
1444: into x_user_key_id
1445: from po_vendor_sites
1446: where vendor_site_code = l_varchar2_id;
1448: select location_id
1449: into l_ship_from_location_id
1451: where party_site_id=x_user_key_id;
1452: end;
1453: ELSE
1454: ---------------------------------------------------
1455: -- Retrieves the user_key_id using PO_VENDOR_SITES
1456: ---------------------------------------------------
1457: write_message('~ Retrieves the user_key_id using PO_VENDOR_SITES');
1458: select vendor_site_id
1459: into x_user_key_id
1453: ELSE
1454: ---------------------------------------------------
1455: -- Retrieves the user_key_id using PO_VENDOR_SITES
1456: ---------------------------------------------------
1457: write_message('~ Retrieves the user_key_id using PO_VENDOR_SITES');
1458: select vendor_site_id
1459: into x_user_key_id
1460: from po_vendor_sites_all
1461: where vendor_site_code = l_varchar2_id;
1456: ---------------------------------------------------
1457: write_message('~ Retrieves the user_key_id using PO_VENDOR_SITES');
1458: select vendor_site_id
1459: into x_user_key_id
1460: from po_vendor_sites_all
1461: where vendor_site_code = l_varchar2_id;
1462: --Bug 4306914. The Composite Key was simpified to single key.
1463: /*where vendor_id = to_number(l_varchar2_id)
1464: and vendor_site_code = l_varchar2_id1
1478: p_user_key_type|| ' the vendor_site_code'|| l_varchar2_id1 ||
1479: 'is not unique in table PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL. '||sqlerrm);
1480: write_message(substr(sqlerrm,1,200));
1481: FND_MSG_PUB.Add;
1482: x_user_key_id := -9999;