295: req_data := fnd_conc_global.request_data;
296: log(' ');
297: -- log(' req_data = ' || req_data);
298: -- l_no_of_workers := nvl(to_number(p_no_of_workers),1);
299: l_no_of_workers := nvl(fnd_profile.value('HZ_DQM_PM_NUM_OF_WORKERS'), 1);
300: l_dup_batch_id := to_number(p_dup_batch_id);
303: IF (req_data IS NULL OR req_data = 'SYSTEM_PHASE1') THEN
326: IF (c1%ROWCOUNT > 0) THEN
327: /* Using the new master default. Call default_master
328: -- based on this profile, winner party is updated if the request type for a batch is 'SYSTEM_GENERATED'
329: l_prof_value := nvl(fnd_profile.value('HZ_AUTOMERGE_WINNER_SELECT_RULE'), 'KEEP_EARLIEST_CREATED'); -- creae new profile and change code accordingly
330: log (' l_prof_value' || l_prof_value);
331: log (' ');
332: IF l_prof_value = 'KEEP_EARLIEST_CREATED' THEN
333: l_sql_stmt1 := 'select dup_party_id
346: and rownum = 1
347: order by b.creation_date desc ' ;
348: END IF; */
350: if nvl(fnd_profile.value('HZ_AM_SUGG_GROUPINGS'),'N') = 'Y'
351: then
352: l_default_mapping := 'Y';
353: else
354: l_default_mapping := 'N';