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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 88

	stmt := 'SELECT ORACLE_USERNAME from fnd_oracle_userid@'||g_source_db_link|| '  where oracle_id=900';
Line: 139

	SELECT param.value into l_dir
	FROM v$parameter param where upper(param.name) = 'UTL_FILE_DIR';
Line: 194

	select segment_name
	from fnd_id_flex_segments_vl
	where 	upper(id_flex_code) = p_id_flex_code
	and id_flex_num = p_struct_num
	and upper(segment_name) like p_trunc_segment
	order by creation_date;
Line: 210

	select distinct application_id
	from edw_attribute_mappings attr, edw_flex_attribute_mappings flex
	where attr.attr_mapping_pk = flex.attr_mapping_fk
	and object_short_name = p_obj_name;
Line: 216

	select  descriptive_flex_context_code
	(select descriptive_flex_context_code
	from fnd_descr_flex_contexts_vl
	where upper(descriptive_flexfield_name)  = p_id_flex_code
	and application_id = p_application_id
	order by creation_date )
	where rownum < p_struct_num
	order by rownum desc;
Line: 227

	select end_user_column_name
	from fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_vl
	where descriptive_flexfield_name = p_id_flex_code
	and descriptive_flex_context_code = p_context_code
	and end_user_column_name like p_trunc_segment
	order by creation_date;
Line: 507

	stmt := ' SELECT count(distinct(column_name)) FROM all_tab_columns@'||g_source_db_link;
Line: 584

    stmt := 'SELECT text FROM all_errors@'||g_source_db_link||' WHERE NAME = :s1 and type = :s2 and owner = :s3';
Line: 907

Line: 908

Line: 909

Line: 910

Line: 976

			SELECT flex_field_prefix FROM edw_sv_flex_assignments
			WHERE upper(flex_field_code) = upper(pIdFlexCode)
			AND upper(flex_view_name) = upper(pViewName) ;
Line: 1022

 stmt  VARCHAR2(500) := 'select substr(RELEASE_NAME, 1,8) from fnd_product_groups@'
                              || g_source_db_link;
Line: 1070

 stmt  VARCHAR2(500) ;:= 'select substr(RELEASE_NAME, 1,8) from fnd_product_groups@'
Line: 1079

	SELECT warehouse_to_instance_link into l_db_link
	WHERE instance_code = p_instance;
Line: 1083

	stmt := := 'select substr(RELEASE_NAME, 1,8) from fnd_product_groups@|| l_db_link;
Line: 1125

stmt varchar2(200) := 'select context_column_name from fnd_descriptive_flexs_vl@'||edw_gen_view.g_source_db_link||
                       ' where descriptive_flexfield_name =:s1 ';
Line: 1130

        stmt := 'select context_column_name from fnd_descriptive_flexs_vl@'||edw_gen_view.g_source_db_link||
                       ' where descriptive_flexfield_name =:s1 ';
Line: 1133

        stmt := 'select set_defining_column_name from fnd_id_flexs@'||edw_gen_view.g_source_db_link||
                       ' where id_Flex_code =:s1 ';
Line: 1154

		SELECT distinct structure_num, segment_name, structure_name, VALUE_SET_DATATYPE
		from edw_attribute_mappings a, edw_flex_attribute_mappings b
		where upper(a.source_view) = upper(pView)
		and upper(a.attribute_name) = upper(pAttr)
		and a.attr_mapping_pk = b.attr_mapping_fk;
Line: 1166

	stmt1 		VARCHAR2(1500) := 'select replace(SEGMENT_NAME, '||''' '||
			a.id_flex_num FROM fnd_id_flex_structures_vl@'||g_source_db_link
			||' b, fnd_id_flex_segments_vl@'||g_source_db_link||
			' a WHERE a.segment_name = :seg_name';
Line: 1181

	select replace(p_name, '''', '''''') from dual;
Line: 1337

   l_stmt:='select distinct a.flex_view_name from edw_source_views a, edw_local_generation_status@'||g_source_db_link
    ||' b where a.object_name=:s1 and a.version= :s2 and b.generate_status =:s3 and a.flex_view_name = b.flex_view_name';
Line: 1364

     l_stmt:= 'select generate_status, error_message from edw_local_generation_status@'|| g_source_db_link ||' where flex_view_name=:s1';
Line: 1429

	FROM edw_source_instances_vl
	WHERE instance_code = p_instance;
Line: 1503

	SELECT count(1) into l_dummy from user_views where view_name='EDW_DIMENSIONS_MD_V';
Line: 1506

	    open cv for 'select count(1) from edw_dimensions_md_v where dim_name =:s1' using p_obj_name;
Line: 1537

	stmt := 'delete from edw_object_deployments where
		 object_short_name = :obj and instance_code = :src';
Line: 1549

	stmt := 'INSERT INTO edw_object_deployments(object_short_name   ,
        dim_flag                ,
        instance_code           ,
        deployment_date         ,
        change_flag             ,
        last_update_date        ,
        last_updated_by         ,
        last_update_login       ,
        created_by              ,
        creation_date           ) VALUES
        (:obj, :dim_flag, :source, sysdate, ''N'', sysdate, 1, 1, 1, sysdate)';
Line: 1580

		writelog('Updated entries in edw_object_deployments');
Line: 1663

	l_stmt := 'select additional_where_clause from fnd_flex_validation_tables@'||
		p_link||' where flex_value_set_id = :vsid';