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Line 140: -- the OKC_OC_INT_CONFIG_PVT package to create the relationship

136: --
137: -- Modified By Vijay Ramalingam 20-Aug-2001
138: --
139: -- - Added the call to the quote_line relationship procedure in
140: -- the OKC_OC_INT_CONFIG_PVT package to create the relationship
141: -- between the quote lines.
142: -- - Modified the c_top_cle_init cursor to include the configuration
143: -- items.
144: -- - Modified the build_qte_line procedure to handle the configuration

Line 2795: ,px_k2q_line_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY okc_oc_int_config_pvt.line_rel_tab_type

2791: ,px_qte_hdr_rec IN ASO_QUOTE_PUB.qte_header_rec_type
2792: ,px_qte_line_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY aso_quote_pub.qte_line_tbl_type
2793: ,px_qte_line_dtl_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY aso_quote_pub.qte_line_dtl_tbl_type
2794: ,px_qte_ln_shipment_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY aso_quote_pub.shipment_tbl_type
2795: ,px_k2q_line_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY okc_oc_int_config_pvt.line_rel_tab_type
2796: -- ,x_total_price OUT NUMBER
2797: ,x_line_rltship_tab OUT NOCOPY ASO_QUOTE_PUB.line_rltship_tbl_type
2798: ,x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
2799: ) IS

Line 3678: -- Call the OKC_OC_INT_CONFIG_PVT.quote_line_relationship by passing the

3674: END LOOP; --FOR c IN 1..2 LOOP
3675: END IF;
3677: --
3678: -- Call the OKC_OC_INT_CONFIG_PVT.quote_line_relationship by passing the
3679: -- quote line table,quote line detail table and px_k2q_line_tbl
3680: -- to get the l_line_rltship_tbl, that contains information about
3681: -- relationship between quote lines.
3682: --

Line 3687: okc_util.print_trace(2,' Calling the OKC_OC_INT_CONFIG_PVT.quote_line_relationship procedure ');

3685: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
3686: okc_util.print_trace(2,' ');
3687: okc_util.print_trace(2,' Calling the OKC_OC_INT_CONFIG_PVT.quote_line_relationship procedure ');
3688: okc_util.print_trace(2,' ');
3689: END IF;

Line 3692: OKC_OC_INT_CONFIG_PVT.quote_line_relationship(

3688: okc_util.print_trace(2,' ');
3689: END IF;
3692: OKC_OC_INT_CONFIG_PVT.quote_line_relationship(
3693: px_k2q_line_tbl,
3694: px_qte_line_tbl,
3695: px_qte_line_dtl_tbl,
3696: x_line_rltship_tab,

Line 3711: okc_util.print_trace(2,' Success - Calling the OKC_OC_INT_CONFIG_PVT.quote_line_relationship procedure ');

3707: END IF;
3709: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
3710: okc_util.print_trace(2,' ');
3711: okc_util.print_trace(2,' Success - Calling the OKC_OC_INT_CONFIG_PVT.quote_line_relationship procedure ');
3712: okc_util.print_trace(2,' ');
3713: END IF;
3715: -- Need to identify the quote lines that have to be deleted, for which

Line 3965: l_k2q_line_rel_tab okc_oc_int_config_pvt.line_rel_tab_type; -- keeps track of k line to q line relation

3961: l_k_header_tl_rec c_k_header_tl%ROWTYPE;
3962: l_chrv_rec okc_contract_pub.chrv_rec_type;
3963: lx_chrv_rec okc_contract_pub.chrv_rec_type;
3964: l_rel_line_idx BINARY_INTEGER;
3965: l_k2q_line_rel_tab okc_oc_int_config_pvt.line_rel_tab_type; -- keeps track of k line to q line relation
3966: l_hdr_price NUMBER;
3967: x_total_price NUMBER;
3969: x_line_rltship_tab ASO_QUOTE_PUB.line_rltship_tbl_type;