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Line 136: usage of fnd_profile.value_wnps to use

132: cxsimpso 28-DEC-99 115.21 Added get_validation_name function.
133: smcmilla 29-DEC-99 115.22 Added product id 453 to
134: core_hr_app_id function (HRI)
135: mbocutt 03/01/2000 115.23 1125512 Change get_business_group_id. Replace
136: usage of fnd_profile.value_wnps to use
137: fnd_profile.value. This routine writes
138: the profile value to cache thus aiding
139: performance.
140: alogue 14/02/2000 115.24 Utf8 support.

Line 137: fnd_profile.value. This routine writes

133: smcmilla 29-DEC-99 115.22 Added product id 453 to
134: core_hr_app_id function (HRI)
135: mbocutt 03/01/2000 115.23 1125512 Change get_business_group_id. Replace
136: usage of fnd_profile.value_wnps to use
137: fnd_profile.value. This routine writes
138: the profile value to cache thus aiding
139: performance.
140: alogue 14/02/2000 115.24 Utf8 support.
141: hsajja 21/02/2000 115.25 Included function DECODE_SHARED_TYPE

Line 451: return(fnd_profile.value('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID'));

448: if ( fnd_global.user_id = -1 ) then
449: return(null);
450: else
451: return(fnd_profile.value('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID'));
452: end if;
454: end get_business_group_id ;
455: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 1456: l_security_profile_id:=fnd_profile.value('PER_SECURITY_PROFILE_ID');

1452: hr_utility.raise_error;
1453: end;
1454: -- check that the security profile business group matches the
1455: -- set business group.
1456: l_security_profile_id:=fnd_profile.value('PER_SECURITY_PROFILE_ID');
1457: --
1458: open sec_bg;
1459: fetch sec_bg into l_security_business_group_id;
1460: if sec_bg%notfound then


1590: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| l_proc, 1);
1591: --
1592: -- Get the profile value for the PER_ENABLE_DTW4.
1593: --
1595: l_dtw4_profile_option_value);
1596: --
1597: IF hr_utility.chk_product_install(p_product =>'Oracle Payroll',
1598: p_legislation => 'US') OR

Line 1839: fnd_profile.get('HR_POSITION_NAME',l_hr_pos_name_profile_value);

1835: -- Only open the cursor if the parameter is going to retrieve anything
1836: --
1837: if p_position_id is not null then
1838: --
1839: fnd_profile.get('HR_POSITION_NAME',l_hr_pos_name_profile_value);
1840: --
1841: if l_hr_pos_name_profile_value is null or l_hr_pos_name_profile_value = 'L' then
1842: --
1843: open csr_latest_position;

Line 2169: return( fnd_profile.value('HR_CROSS_BUSINESS_GROUP') );

2165: or fnd_global.per_security_profile_id is null )
2166: then
2167: return 'Y' ;
2168: else
2169: return( fnd_profile.value('HR_CROSS_BUSINESS_GROUP') );
2170: end if;
2172: end get_xbg_profile;
2173: --------------------------------------------------------------