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Line 1437: ,gl_ledgers gll

1433: ELSE 'N' END header_error4-- Balance type code invalid
1434: ,CASE when xe.event_id IS NULL THEN 'Y'
1435: ELSE 'N' END header_error5-- Header without valid event
1436: from xla_ae_headers xah
1437: ,gl_ledgers gll
1438: ,xla_events xe
1439: where gll.ledger_id (+) = xah.ledger_id
1440: and xe.event_id (+) = xah.event_id
1441: and (gll.ledger_id IS NULL OR

Line 1489: from gl_ledgers gll

1485: where xal.application_id = p_application_id
1486: and xal.ae_header_id = p_header_id
1487: and xal.currency_code <> 'STAT'
1488: and xal.ledger_id in (select gll.ledger_id
1489: from gl_ledgers gll
1490: where gll.suspense_allowed_flag = 'N')
1491: group by xal.ae_header_id
1492: having nvl(sum(accounted_dr), 0)
1493: <> nvl(sum(accounted_cr), 0)

Line 1643: , gl_ledgers gll

1639: ELSE 'N' END line_error10
1640: FROM xla_ae_headers xah
1641: , xla_ae_lines xal
1642: , gl_code_combinations glcc
1643: , gl_ledgers gll
1644: , hz_parties hz
1645: , hz_party_sites hps
1646: WHERE glcc.code_combination_id(+) = xal.code_combination_id
1647: AND xah.ae_header_id = xal.ae_header_id