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Line 59: l_group_name jtf_rs_groups_tl.group_name%type;

55: l_customer_name hz_parties.party_name%type;
56: l_received_date varchar2(500);
57: l_real_received_date iem_rt_proc_emails.received_date%type;
58: l_message_uid iem_rt_proc_emails.message_id%type;
59: l_group_name jtf_rs_groups_tl.group_name%type;
61: l_cursorID INTEGER;
62: l_dummy INTEGER;

Line 130: from iem_rt_proc_emails a, iem_route_classifications b, hz_parties c, jtf_rs_groups_tl d

126: elsif (p_customer_name is not null and p_group_id <> -1) then
128: l_query_string1 := 'select a.message_id, a.email_account_id, a.from_address, a.subject, b.name as classification_name,
129: c.party_name as customer_name, to_char(a.received_date, ''MM/DD/RRRR HH24:MI:SS'') as received_date, a.received_date as real_received_date, a.message_id, d.group_name
130: from iem_rt_proc_emails a, iem_route_classifications b, hz_parties c, jtf_rs_groups_tl d
131: where a.resource_id = 0 and a.email_account_id=:email_account_id
132: and a.rt_classification_id=b.route_classification_id and a.customer_id=c.party_id
133: and a.group_id=d.group_id and d.language=userenv(''LANG'') and d.group_id=:group_id';

Line 143: decode(a.group_id, 0, :all_groups, ( select group_name from jtf_rs_groups_tl where language=userenv(''LANG'') and group_id= a.group_id) ) as group_name

140: l_query_string1 := 'select a.message_id, a.email_account_id, a.from_address, a.subject, b.name as classification_name,
141: c.party_name as customer_name,
142: to_char(a.received_date, ''MM/DD/RRRR HH24:MI:SS'') as received_date, a.received_date as real_received_date, a.message_id,
143: decode(a.group_id, 0, :all_groups, ( select group_name from jtf_rs_groups_tl where language=userenv(''LANG'') and group_id= a.group_id) ) as group_name
144: from iem_rt_proc_emails a, iem_route_classifications b, hz_parties c
145: where a.resource_id = 0 and a.email_account_id=:email_account_id
146: and a.rt_classification_id=b.route_classification_id and a.customer_id=c.party_id ';

Line 166: from iem_rt_proc_emails a, iem_route_classifications b, jtf_rs_groups_tl d

163: l_query_string1 := 'select a.message_id, a.email_account_id, a.from_address, a.subject, b.name as classification_name,
164: decode(a.customer_id, -1, '''', 0, '''', (select party_name from hz_parties where party_id=a.customer_id) ) as customer_name,
165: to_char(a.received_date, ''MM/DD/RRRR HH24:MI:SS'') as received_date, a.received_date as real_received_date, a.message_id, d.group_name
166: from iem_rt_proc_emails a, iem_route_classifications b, jtf_rs_groups_tl d
167: where a.resource_id = 0 and a.email_account_id=:email_account_id
168: and a.rt_classification_id=b.route_classification_id
169: and a.group_id=d.group_id and d.language=userenv(''LANG'') and d.group_id=:group_id';
170: else

Line 175: decode(a.group_id, 0, :all_groups, ( select group_name from jtf_rs_groups_tl where language=userenv(''LANG'') and group_id= a.group_id) ) as group_name

172: l_query_string1 := 'select a.message_id, a.email_account_id, a.from_address, a.subject, b.name as classification_name,
173: decode(a.customer_id, -1, '''', 0, '''', (select party_name from hz_parties where party_id=a.customer_id) ) as customer_name,
174: to_char(a.received_date, ''MM/DD/RRRR HH24:MI:SS'') as received_date, a.received_date as real_received_date, a.message_id,
175: decode(a.group_id, 0, :all_groups, ( select group_name from jtf_rs_groups_tl where language=userenv(''LANG'') and group_id= a.group_id) ) as group_name
176: from iem_rt_proc_emails a, iem_route_classifications b
177: where a.resource_id = 0 and a.email_account_id=:email_account_id
178: and a.rt_classification_id=b.route_classification_id';
179: end if;