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2 /* $Header: pyfiacrr.pkb 120.5 2006/04/03 05:44:25 dbehera noship $ */
3    FUNCTION get_archive_payroll_action_id (p_payroll_action_id IN NUMBER)
5    IS
6       l_payroll_action_id   NUMBER;
7    BEGIN
8       IF p_payroll_action_id IS NULL
9       THEN
10          BEGIN
11             SELECT payroll_action_id
12               INTO l_payroll_action_id
13               FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa,
14                    fnd_conc_req_summary_v fcrs,
15                    fnd_conc_req_summary_v fcrs1
16              WHERE fcrs.request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id
17                AND fcrs.priority_request_id = fcrs1.priority_request_id
18                AND ppa.request_id BETWEEN fcrs1.request_id
19                                       AND fcrs.request_id
20                AND ppa.request_id = fcrs1.request_id;
21          EXCEPTION
22             WHEN OTHERS
23             THEN
24                NULL;
25          END;
26       ELSE
27          l_payroll_action_id := p_payroll_action_id;
28       END IF;
29       RETURN l_payroll_action_id;
30    END;
31    PROCEDURE get_data (
32       p_business_group_id  in varchar2,
33       p_payroll_action_id   IN              VARCHAR2,
34       p_template_name       IN              VARCHAR2,
35       p_xml                 OUT NOCOPY      CLOB
36    )
37    IS
38       /*  Start of declaration*/
39       -- Variables needed for the report
40       l_sum                 NUMBER;
41       l_counter             NUMBER                                            := 1;
42       l_payroll_action_id   pay_action_information.action_information1%TYPE;
43       CURSOR csr_Element_data (csr_v_pa_id IN VARCHAR2)
44       IS
45       SELECT pai.action_information2 Legal_Employer,
46        pai.action_information10 Start_Date,
47        pai.action_information11 End_Date,
48        pai2.action_information4 Local_Unit,
49        pai1.action_information5 ||'-' || pai2.action_information6 Company_Number,
50        pai4.action_information4 Element_name,
51        pai4.action_information6 Account_number,
52        nvl(pai4.action_information7,0) Credit,
53        nvl(pai4.action_information8,0) Debit
54   FROM pay_action_information pai,
55        pay_payroll_actions ppa,
56        pay_action_information pai1,
57        pay_action_information pai2,
58        pay_action_information pai4
59  WHERE pai.action_context_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
60    AND ppa.payroll_action_id = csr_v_pa_id
61    AND pai.action_context_id = pai1.action_context_id
62    AND pai1.action_context_id= pai2.action_context_id
63    AND pai2.action_context_id=pai4.action_context_id
64    AND pai4.action_context_id=pai.action_context_id
65    AND pai1.action_information3=pai2.action_information5
66    AND pai2.action_information3=pai4.action_information5
67    AND pai1.action_context_type='PA'
68    AND pai1.action_information2 = 'LE'
69    AND pai1.action_information1 = 'PYFIACRA'
70    AND pai1.action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
71    AND pai.action_context_type = 'PA'
72    AND pai.action_information1 = 'PYFIACRA'
73    AND pai.action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT DETAILS'
74    AND pai2.action_context_type = 'PA'
75    AND pai2.action_information1 = 'PYFIACRA'
76    AND pai2.action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
77    AND pai2.action_information2 = 'LU'
78    AND pai4.action_context_type = 'PA'
79    AND pai4.action_information1 = 'PYFIACRA'
80    AND pai4.action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
81    AND pai4.action_information2 = 'EL';
83    element_data              csr_Element_data%ROWTYPE;
84    BEGIN
85       l_payroll_action_id :=
86                           get_archive_payroll_action_id (p_payroll_action_id);
87       FOR element_data IN csr_Element_data (l_payroll_action_id)
88       LOOP
89          gplsqltable (l_counter).tagname := 'START';
90          gplsqltable (l_counter).tagvalue := 'START';
91          l_counter :=   l_counter
92                       + 1;
93          gplsqltable (l_counter).tagname := 'LEGAL_EMPLOYER';
94          gplsqltable (l_counter).tagvalue :=
95                                           TO_CHAR (element_data.Legal_Employer);
96          l_counter :=   l_counter
97                       + 1;
98          gplsqltable (l_counter).tagname := 'START_DATE';
99          gplsqltable (l_counter).tagvalue :=
100 				       (element_data.Start_Date);
101          l_counter :=   l_counter
102                       + 1;
103          gplsqltable (l_counter).tagname := 'END_DATE';
104          gplsqltable (l_counter).tagvalue :=
105 					   (element_data.End_Date);
106          l_counter :=   l_counter
107                       + 1;
108          gplsqltable (l_counter).tagname := 'CURRENCY';
109          gplsqltable (l_counter).tagvalue := TO_CHAR('EUR');
110          l_counter :=   l_counter
111                       + 1;
112          gplsqltable (l_counter).tagname := 'LOCAL_UNIT';
113          gplsqltable (l_counter).tagvalue := TO_CHAR (element_data.Local_Unit);
114          l_counter :=   l_counter
115                       + 1;
116          gplsqltable (l_counter).tagname := 'COMPANY_NUMBER';
117          gplsqltable (l_counter).tagvalue :=
118                                             TO_CHAR (element_data.Company_Number);
119          l_counter :=   l_counter
120                       + 1;
121          gplsqltable (l_counter).tagname := 'ELEMENT_NAME';
122          gplsqltable (l_counter).tagvalue := TO_CHAR (element_data.Element_Name);
123          l_counter :=   l_counter
124                       + 1;
125          gplsqltable (l_counter).tagname := 'ACCOUNT_NUMBER';
126          gplsqltable (l_counter).tagvalue :=
127                                        TO_CHAR (element_data.Account_Number);
128          l_counter :=   l_counter
129                       + 1;
130          gplsqltable (l_counter).tagname := 'CREDIT';
131          gplsqltable (l_counter).tagvalue :=TO_CHAR(NVL(FND_NUMBER.canonical_to_number
132 					   (element_data.Credit),0) ,'999G999G990D99' );
133          l_counter :=   l_counter
134                       + 1;
135          gplsqltable (l_counter).tagname := 'DEBIT';
136          gplsqltable (l_counter).tagvalue :=
137                                          TO_CHAR(NVL(FND_NUMBER.canonical_to_number
138 					(element_data.Debit),0) ,'999G999G990D99' );
139          l_counter :=   l_counter
140                       + 1;
141          gplsqltable (l_counter).tagname := 'END';
142          gplsqltable (l_counter).tagvalue := 'END';
143          l_counter :=   l_counter
144                       + 1;
145       END LOOP;
146       writetoclob (p_xml);
147       COMMIT;
148    END get_data;
149 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
150    PROCEDURE writetoclob (p_xfdf_clob OUT NOCOPY CLOB)
151    IS
152       l_xfdf_string   CLOB;
153       l_str1          VARCHAR2 (1000);
154       l_str2          VARCHAR2 (20);
155       l_str3          VARCHAR2 (20);
156       l_str4          VARCHAR2 (20);
157       l_str5          VARCHAR2 (20);
158       l_str6          VARCHAR2 (30);
159       l_str7          VARCHAR2 (1000);
160       l_str8          VARCHAR2 (240);
161       l_str9          VARCHAR2 (240);
162       l_str10         VARCHAR2 (20);
163       l_str11         VARCHAR2 (20);
164       current_index   PLS_INTEGER;
165       l_counter       PLS_INTEGER;
166       l_IANA_charset VARCHAR2 (50);
167    BEGIN
168      l_IANA_charset :=hr_fi_utility.get_IANA_charset ;
169       hr_utility.set_location ('Entering WritetoCLOB ', 70);
170       l_str1 := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="'||l_IANA_charset||'"?> <ROOT>';
171       l_str2 := '<';
172       l_str3 := '>';
173       l_str4 := '</';
174       l_str5 := '>';
175       l_str6 := '</ROOT>';
176       l_str7 := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="'||l_IANA_charset||'"?> <ROOT></ROOT>';
180       DBMS_LOB.OPEN (l_xfdf_string, DBMS_LOB.lob_readwrite);
177       l_str10 := '<ACCR>';
178       l_str11 := '</ACCR>';
179       DBMS_LOB.createtemporary (l_xfdf_string, FALSE, DBMS_LOB.CALL);
181       current_index := 0;
182       IF gplsqltable.COUNT > 0
183       THEN
184          DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str1), l_str1);
185          FOR table_counter IN gplsqltable.FIRST .. gplsqltable.LAST
186          LOOP
187             l_str8 := gplsqltable (table_counter).tagname;
188             l_str9 := gplsqltable (table_counter).tagvalue;
189             IF l_str9 = 'END'
190             THEN
191                DBMS_LOB.writeappend (
192                   l_xfdf_string,
193                   LENGTH (l_str11),
194                   l_str11
195                );
196             ELSIF l_str9 = 'START'
197             THEN
198                DBMS_LOB.writeappend (
199                   l_xfdf_string,
200                   LENGTH (l_str10),
201                   l_str10
202                );
203             ELSIF l_str9 IS NOT NULL
204             THEN
205                DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str2), l_str2);
206                DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str8), l_str8);
207                DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str3), l_str3);
208                DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str9), l_str9);
209                DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str4), l_str4);
210                DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str8), l_str8);
211                DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str5), l_str5);
212             ELSE
213                DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str2), l_str2);
214                DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str8), l_str8);
215                DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str3), l_str3);
216                DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str4), l_str4);
217                DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str8), l_str8);
218                DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str5), l_str5);
219             END IF;
220          END LOOP;
221          DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str6), l_str6);
222       ELSE
223          DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str7), l_str7);
224       END IF;
225       p_xfdf_clob := l_xfdf_string;
228       WHEN OTHERS
229       THEN
230          hr_utility.TRACE (   'sqlerrm '
231                            || SQLERRM);
232          hr_utility.raise_error;
233    END writetoclob;
234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------