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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 118

    select be.procedure_name proc_name, bea.billing_assignment_id bea_id,
           bea.billing_extension_id be_id, bea.top_task_id task_id,
           decode(be.amount_reqd_flag, 'Y', nvl(bea.amount, 0), 0) amt,
           decode(be.percentage_reqd_flag, 'Y', nvl(bea.percentage, 0), 0)
    from   pa_billing_extensions be, pa_billing_assignments bea -- , Commented for bug 3643409
--           pa_projects p Commented for bug 3643409
    where  -- p.project_id = x_project_id Commented for bug 3643409
--    and    Commented for bug 3643409
	   bea.active_flag = 'Y'
    and    bea.billing_extension_id = be.billing_extension_id
    and    (be.calling_process  = x_calling_process
	    or be.calling_process = 'Both')
    and    (bea.project_id  = X_project_id
	    or    bea.project_type  = l_project_type
    	    or bea.distribution_rule  = l_distribution_rule)
	    -- Added above two lines for bug 3643409
--    	    or    bea.project_type  = p.project_type Commented for bug 3643409
--    	    or bea.distribution_rule  = p.distribution_rule) Commented for bug 3643409
       ( x_calling_place = 'PRE'    and nvl(be.pre_processing_flag,'N') = 'Y')
    or ( x_calling_place = 'POST'   and nvl(be.post_processing_flag,'N')= 'Y')
    or ( x_calling_place = 'DEL'    and nvl(be.call_before_del_flag,'N')= 'Y')
    or ( x_calling_place = 'CANCEL' and nvl(be.call_after_cancel_inv_flag,'N')= 'Y')
    or ( x_calling_place = 'WRITE-OFF'   and nvl(be.call_after_woff_inv_flag,'N')= 'Y')
    or ( x_calling_place = 'CONCESSION'   and nvl(be.call_after_concession_inv_flag,'N')= 'Y')  -- Added this line for Concession Invoice
       ( x_calling_place = 'ADJ' and nvl(be.call_after_adj_flag,'N')= 'Y')
       or ( x_calling_place = 'REG' and nvl(be.call_after_reg_flag,'N')= 'Y')
       or ( x_calling_place = 'POST-REG' and nvl(be.call_post_reg_flag,'N')= 'Y')
          (   nvl(be.trx_independent_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
	   (    x_calling_process in ('Invoice','Both')
    		AND   EXISTS
		     (select NULL from pa_draft_invoices pdi
        	     where pdi.project_id = x_project_id
	             and   pdi.request_id = x_request_id
--	 	     and   pdi.invoice_line_type <> 'NET ZERO ADJUSTMENT'
    		     and   ((   x_calling_place = 'ADJ'
 		           and pdi.draft_invoice_num_credited is not null)
	   	           (   x_calling_place IN ('REG' , 'POST-REG')
		           and pdi.draft_invoice_num_credited IS NULL)))
	   (    x_calling_process in ('Revenue','Both')
    		AND   EXISTS
		     (select NULL from pa_draft_revenues pdr
        	     where pdr.project_id = x_project_id
	             and   pdr.request_id = x_request_id
    		     and   ((   x_calling_place = 'ADJ'
 		           and pdr.draft_revenue_num_credited is not null)
	   	           (   x_calling_place IN ('REG','POST-REG')
		           and pdr.draft_revenue_num_credited IS NULL)))
    order by be.processing_order, bea.billing_assignment_id;
Line: 186

	SELECT	distinct
			'PROJECT', decode(X2_task_id, NULL, NULL, X2_task_id),
			'TASK',	   t.top_task_id,
			 t.top_task_id) tpid
	FROM	pa_tasks t
	WHERE	t.project_id = X_project_id
	AND	t.task_id = nvl(X2_task_id, t.task_id)
        AND     t.ready_to_distribute_flag =
                  decode(x_calling_process, 'Revenue', 'Y', 'Both', 'Y',
        AND     t.ready_to_bill_flag =
                  decode(x_calling_process, 'Invoice', 'Y', 'Both', 'Y',
Line: 229

/* Added below select statement for bug 3643409 */
SELECT	project_type,distribution_rule
INTO	l_project_type,l_distribution_rule
FROM	pa_projects_all
WHERE	project_id = x_project_id;
Line: 493

 	PA_MCB_INVOICE_PKG.log_message('Before select of pa billing params v pa_billing.ccrev :');
Line: 498

     SELECT default_cost_plan_type_id,default_rev_plan_type_id
     INTO l_cost_plan_type_id,l_rev_plan_type_id
     FROM pa_billing_extn_params_v;
Line: 634

	PA_MCB_INVOICE_PKG.log_message('Rev part Before insert pa_billing.ccrev.insert_event 1  :'||to_char(Revenue));
Line: 637

    	pa_billing_pub.insert_event (
			X_rev_amt => Revenue,
			X_bill_amt => 0,
                       	X_event_description => event_description,
                        X_audit_amount1 => amount_left,
                        X_audit_amount2 => revenue_amount,
                        X_audit_amount3 => budget_revenue,
                        X_audit_amount4 => event_revenue,
			X_audit_amount5 => budget_cost,
		        X_audit_amount6 => cost_amount,
                        X_audit_cost_budget_type_code => l_cost_budget_type_code,
                        X_audit_rev_budget_type_code  => l_rev_budget_type_code,
                        X_audit_cost_plan_type_id     => l_cost_plan_type_id, /* Added for fin plan impact */
                        X_audit_rev_plan_type_id      => l_rev_plan_type_id,  /* Added for fin plan impact */
			X_error_message => l_error_message,
			X_status	=> l_status
Line: 656

	PA_MCB_INVOICE_PKG.log_message('rev part after insert pa_billing.ccrev.insert_event rev  :'||to_char(revenue_amount));
Line: 657

	PA_MCB_INVOICE_PKG.log_message('rev part after insert pa_billing.ccrev.insert_event budget rev  :'||to_char(budget_revenue));
Line: 658

	PA_MCB_INVOICE_PKG.log_message('rev part after insert pa_billing.ccrev.insert_event amt left  :'||to_char(amount_left));
Line: 659

	PA_MCB_INVOICE_PKG.log_message('rev part after insert pa_billing.ccrev.insert_event evt rev  :'||to_char(event_revenue));
Line: 660

	PA_MCB_INVOICE_PKG.log_message('rev part after insert pa_billing.ccrev.insert_event budget cost  :'||to_char(budget_cost));
Line: 661

	PA_MCB_INVOICE_PKG.log_message('rev part after insert pa_billing.ccrev.insert_event cst amt   :'||to_char(cost_amount));
Line: 709

	PA_MCB_INVOICE_PKG.log_message('inv part before insert pa_billing.ccrev.insert_event inv 2  :'||to_char(Invoice));
Line: 711

    	pa_billing_pub.insert_event (
			X_rev_amt => 0,
			X_bill_amt => Invoice,
			X_event_description => Event_Description,
                        X_audit_amount1 => amount_left,
                        X_audit_amount2 => invoice_amount,
                        X_audit_amount3 => budget_revenue,
                        X_audit_amount4 => event_invoice,
			X_audit_amount5 => budget_cost,
		        X_audit_amount6 => cost_amount,
                        X_audit_cost_budget_type_code => l_cost_budget_type_code,
                        X_audit_rev_budget_type_code  => l_rev_budget_type_code,
                        X_audit_cost_plan_type_id     => l_cost_plan_type_id, /* Added for fin plan impact */
                        X_audit_rev_plan_type_id      => l_rev_plan_type_id,  /* Added for fin plan impact */
			X_error_message => l_error_message,
			X_status	=> l_status
Line: 730

	PA_MCB_INVOICE_PKG.log_message('inv part after insert pa_billing.ccrev.insert_event inv 2  :'||to_char(invoice_amount));
Line: 731

	PA_MCB_INVOICE_PKG.log_message('inv part after insert pa_billing.ccrev.insert_event bud rev 2  :'||to_char(budget_revenue));
Line: 732

	PA_MCB_INVOICE_PKG.log_message('inv part after insert pa_billing.ccrev.insert_event amt lft 2  :'||to_char(amount_left));
Line: 733

	PA_MCB_INVOICE_PKG.log_message('inv part after insert pa_billing.ccrev.insert_event evt inv 2  :'||to_char(event_invoice));
Line: 734

	PA_MCB_INVOICE_PKG.log_message('inv part after insert pa_billing.ccrev.insert_event bd cst 2  :'||to_char(budget_cost));
Line: 735

	PA_MCB_INVOICE_PKG.log_message('inv part after insert pa_billing.ccrev.insert_event cst amt 2   :'||to_char(cost_amount));
Line: 760

PROCEDURE Delete_Automatic_Events ( 	X_Project_id	NUMBER,
					X_request_id	NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
					X_rev_inv_num	NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
					X_calling_process	VARCHAR2) IS

g1_debug_mode varchar2(1) := NVL(FND_PROFILE.value('PA_DEBUG_MODE'), 'N');
Line: 773

	PA_MCB_INVOICE_PKG.log_message('Entering pa_billing.Delete_Automatic_Events :');
Line: 776

	DELETE 	from pa_events v
        WHERE 	v.project_id = X_project_id
        AND 	v.request_id+0 = X_request_id
        AND 	(v.project_id, nvl(v.task_id, -1), v.event_num) IN
	        (SELECT l.project_id, nvl(l.task_id, -1), l.event_num
             	 FROM 	pa_cust_event_rev_dist_lines l
	         WHERE 	l.project_id = X_project_id
                 AND    l.line_num_reversed is null
                 AND 	l.draft_revenue_num = X_rev_inv_num)
                 (SELECT vt.event_type
                    FROM pa_event_types vt
                   WHERE vt.event_type_classification||'' = 'AUTOMATIC'
		     AND vt.event_type = v.event_type)
        AND 	v.calling_process = X_calling_process;
Line: 792

	PA_MCB_INVOICE_PKG.log_message('Deleted Revenue pa_billing.Delete_Automatic_Events :');
Line: 797

              WHERE V.Project_ID = X_project_id
              AND  (nvl(V.Task_ID, -1), V.Event_Num) IN
                   (select nvl(dii.Event_Task_ID, -1), dii.Event_Num
                    from pa_draft_invoice_items dii, pa_draft_invoices di
                    where di.Project_ID = X_project_id
                    and di.draft_invoice_num = X_rev_inv_num
                    and dii.Project_ID = di.Project_ID
                    and dii.draft_invoice_num = di.draft_invoice_num
                    and nvl(di.write_off_flag, 'N') = 'N')
              AND   V.Bill_Amount <> 0
              AND   V.calling_process = X_calling_process;
Line: 811

	PA_MCB_INVOICE_PKG.log_message('Deleted Invoice pa_billing.Delete_Automatic_Events :');
Line: 821

	PA_MCB_INVOICE_PKG.log_message('Exiting pa_billing.Delete_Automatic_Events :');
Line: 823

END Delete_Automatic_Events;
Line: 883

 |  Table. If there are discrepancies it updates the amounts                  |
 |                                                                            |
 |  Parameters are:                                                           |
 |                                                                            |
 |     X_Option           :  I - Update Only Invoice Amounts                  |
 |                           R - Update Only Revenue Amounts                  |
 |                           B - Update Both Revenue/Invoice Amounts          |
 |                                                                            |
 |    X_proj_id           :  pa_projects.project_id                           |
 |    X_start_proj_num    :  Start project Number (pa_projects.segment1)      |
 |    X_end_proj_num      :  End   project Number (pa_projects.segment1)      |
 |                                                                            |
 |                                                                            |
 |  Called from :  PARGDR - Generate Draft Revenue                            |
 |                 PAIGEN - Generate Draft Invoice                            |
 |                                                                            |
 |  Morg Orientation:  Project Orientation.                                   |
 |                                                                            |
 |  History:                                                                  |
 |    21-Mar-97    N. Chouhan       Created                                   |
 |                                                                            |

PROCEDURE CHECK_SPF_AMOUNTS( X_option         in varchar2,
                             X_proj_id        in number,
                             X_start_proj_num in varchar2,
                             X_end_proj_num   in varchar2) IS

   l_project_id    number;
Line: 917

   |     Cursor For Selecting AND Locking PA_PROJECTS TABLE                  |

 /* CURSOR sel_proj is
         SELECT project_id
           FROM pa_projects
          WHERE (   (    nvl(X_proj_id,0) <> 0
                     AND project_id = X_proj_id )
                 OR (    nvl(X_proj_id,0) = 0
                     AND segment1 between X_start_proj_num
                         and X_end_proj_num))
         FOR UPDATE OF project_id; Commented for bug 3372249*/
Line: 933

         SELECT project_id
           FROM pa_projects
          WHERE project_id = X_proj_id
         FOR UPDATE OF project_id;
Line: 939

         SELECT project_id
           FROM pa_projects
          WHERE segment1 between X_start_proj_num
                         and X_end_proj_num
         FOR UPDATE OF project_id;
Line: 950

   |     Cursor For Selecting record having 0 accrued revenue                |
   CURSOR spf_acc_0 is
         SELECT pf.agreement_id, pf.project_id, pf.task_id
           FROM pa_summary_project_fundings pf
          WHERE (pf.revproc_accrued_amount <> 0 /* MCB related changes */
                 /* The following added to fix bug 2249216 */
                 OR pf.PROJFUNC_ACCRUED_AMOUNT <> 0
                 OR pf.PROJECT_ACCRUED_AMOUNT <> 0
                 OR pf.TOTAL_ACCRUED_AMOUNT <> 0)
                 /* END fix bug 2249216 */
            AND pf.project_id = l_project_id
            AND NOT EXISTS
                  ( SELECT null
                      FROM pa_draft_revenue_items dri,
                           pa_draft_revenues dr
                     WHERE dri.project_id = dr.project_id
                       AND dri.draft_revenue_num = dr.draft_revenue_num
                       AND (   nvl(pf.task_id,0) = 0
                            OR dri.task_id = pf.task_id )
                       AND dr.project_id = pf.project_id
                       AND dr.agreement_id+0 = pf.agreement_id);
Line: 974

   |     Cursor For Selecting record having bad accrued revenue data         |
   CURSOR spf_acc_amt is
         SELECT pf.agreement_id, pf.project_id,
                decode(p.project_level_funding_flag,'Y',0,pf.task_id) task_fund, /*Decode added for bug 3647592 */
                sum(dri.amount) dri_amount, dri.revproc_currency_code,
                sum(dri.projfunc_revenue_amount) dri_projfunc_amount,dri.projfunc_currency_code,
                sum(dri.project_revenue_amount) dri_project_amount,dri.project_currency_code,
                sum(dri.funding_revenue_amount) dri_funding_amount,dri.funding_currency_code
           FROM pa_draft_revenue_items dri,
                pa_draft_revenues dr,
                pa_summary_project_fundings pf,
                pa_projects p                          /* Added pa_projects for bug 3647592 */
          WHERE dri.project_id = dr.project_id
            AND dri.draft_revenue_num = dr.draft_revenue_num
            AND (   (nvl(pf.task_id,0) = 0 AND nvl(p.project_level_funding_flag,'N')='Y')
                 OR dri.task_id = decode(p.project_level_funding_flag,'Y',0,pf.task_id) )   /* Added decode condition for bug 3647592 */
            AND dr.project_id+0 = pf.project_id
            AND dr.agreement_id = pf.agreement_id
            AND pf.project_id = l_project_id
            AND p.project_id = pf.project_id
    	    AND exists (select 1 from pa_agreements paa where paa.agreement_id = pf.agreement_id
                             and dri.funding_currency_code =  paa.agreement_currency_code) /*  condition added  for  Bug  5956273*/

       GROUP BY pf.agreement_id, pf.project_id, decode(p.project_level_funding_flag,'Y',0,pf.task_id),dri.revproc_currency_code,
                dri.funding_currency_code;   /* MCB related changes */
Line: 1003

   |     Cursor For Selecting record having 0 billed amount                  |
   CURSOR spf_bill_0 is
         SELECT pf.agreement_id, pf.project_id, pf.task_id
           FROM pa_summary_project_fundings pf
          WHERE (pf.invproc_billed_amount <> 0 /* MCB related changes */
                 /* The following added to fix bug 2249216 */
                 OR pf.PROJFUNC_BILLED_AMOUNT <> 0
                 OR pf.PROJECT_BILLED_AMOUNT <> 0
                 OR pf.TOTAL_BILLED_AMOUNT <> 0)
                 /* END fix bug 2249216 */
            AND pf.project_id = l_project_id
            AND NOT EXISTS
                  ( SELECT null
                      FROM pa_draft_invoice_items dii,
                           pa_draft_invoices di
                     WHERE dii.project_id = di.project_id
                       AND dii.draft_invoice_num = di.draft_invoice_num
                       AND (   nvl(pf.task_id,0) = 0
                            OR dii.task_id = pf.task_id )
                       AND di.project_id = pf.project_id
		       AND dii.invoice_line_type<>'RETENTION' /* added for bug 2822610 */
                       AND di.agreement_id+0 = pf.agreement_id);
Line: 1028

   | Cursor For Selecting record having bad bill amount data for Projects    |
   | Funded at Project Level                                                 |
   CURSOR spf_pl_bill_amt is
         SELECT pf.agreement_id, pf.project_id,
                sum(dii.amount) dii_amount,dii.invproc_currency_code,
                sum(dii.projfunc_bill_amount) dii_projfunc_amount,dii.projfunc_currency_code,
                sum(dii.project_bill_amount) dii_project_amount,dii.project_currency_code,
                sum(dii.funding_bill_amount) dii_funding_amount,dii.funding_currency_code
           FROM pa_draft_invoice_items dii,
                pa_draft_invoices di,
                pa_summary_project_fundings pf
         WHERE dii.project_id = di.project_id
           AND dii.draft_invoice_num = di.draft_invoice_num
           AND dii.invoice_line_type <> 'RETENTION'
           AND di.project_id+0 = pf.project_id
           AND di.agreement_id = pf.agreement_id
           AND nvl(pf.task_id, 0) = 0
           AND pf.project_id = l_project_id
	   AND pf.total_baselined_amount > 0  /* 2094391 */
	   AND exists (select 1 from pa_agreements paa where paa.agreement_id = pf.agreement_id
                         and dii.funding_currency_code =  paa.agreement_currency_code) /*  condition added  for  Bug  5956273*/
      GROUP BY pf.agreement_id, pf.project_id
               , dii.funding_currency_code;  /* MCB related changes */
Line: 1055

   | Cursor For Selecting record having bad bill amount data for Projects    |
   | Funded at Task Level                                                    |
   CURSOR spf_tl_bill_amt is
         /* This new currency procs. is being used which covers the MCB2 as well as old functionality */

         SELECT pf.agreement_id, pf.project_id, pf.task_id
                ,PA_MULTI_CURRENCY_BILLING.ROUND_TRANS_CURRENCY_AMT(sum(dii.amount * (1 -
                    ( nvl(di.retention_percentage,0)/100 )) ), dii.invproc_currency_code) dii_amount,dii.invproc_currency_code,
                PA_MULTI_CURRENCY_BILLING.ROUND_TRANS_CURRENCY_AMT(sum(dii.projfunc_bill_amount * (1 -
                    ( nvl(di.retention_percentage,0)/100 )) ),dii.projfunc_currency_code) dii_projfunc_amount,dii.projfunc_currency_code,
                PA_MULTI_CURRENCY_BILLING.ROUND_TRANS_CURRENCY_AMT(sum(dii.project_bill_amount * (1 -
                    ( nvl(di.retention_percentage,0)/100 )) ),dii.project_currency_code) dii_project_amount,dii.project_currency_code,
                PA_MULTI_CURRENCY_BILLING.ROUND_TRANS_CURRENCY_AMT(sum(dii.funding_bill_amount * (1 -
                    ( nvl(di.retention_percentage,0)/100 )) ),dii.funding_currency_code) dii_funding_amount,dii.funding_currency_code
           FROM pa_draft_invoice_items dii,
                pa_draft_invoices di,
                pa_summary_project_fundings pf
         WHERE dii.project_id = di.project_id                            /* Bug#5081194 : Removed the +0 for perf issue */
           AND dii.draft_invoice_num+0 = di.draft_invoice_num
           AND pf.task_id = dii.task_id
           AND dii.invoice_line_type <> 'RETENTION'
           AND di.project_id = pf.project_id                    /* Bug#5081194 : Removed the +0 in di.project_id for perf issue */
           AND di.agreement_id = pf.agreement_id
           AND pf.project_id = l_project_id
           AND pf.project_id = dii.project_id                 /* Bug#5081194 : added this condition */
       AND pf.total_baselined_amount > 0  /* added for bug 3464050 */
       AND exists (select 1 from pa_agreements paa where paa.agreement_id = pf.agreement_id
                         and dii.funding_currency_code =  paa.agreement_currency_code) /*  condition added  for  Bug  5956273*/
      GROUP BY pf.agreement_id, pf.project_id, pf.task_id
               dii.project_currency_code,dii.funding_currency_code;         /* MCB related changes */
Line: 1143

        UPDATE pa_summary_project_fundings pf
           SET pf.total_accrued_amount    = 0,
               pf.revproc_accrued_amount  = 0,   /* MCB related changes */
               pf.projfunc_accrued_amount = 0,
               pf.project_accrued_amount  = 0
         WHERE pf.agreement_id   = acc_0_rec.agreement_id
             AND pf.project_id     = acc_0_rec.project_id
             AND nvl(pf.task_id,0) = nvl(acc_0_rec.task_id,0);   /* MCB related changes */
Line: 1165

      UPDATE pa_summary_project_fundings pf
           SET   pf.total_accrued_amount =
                 pf.revproc_accrued_amount =
                 pf.projfunc_accrued_amount =
                 pf.project_accrued_amount =
         WHERE pf.agreement_id   = acc_amt_rec.agreement_id
           AND pf.project_id     = acc_amt_rec.project_id
           AND nvl(pf.task_id,0) = nvl(acc_amt_rec.task_fund,0);      /* changed task_id to task_fund for bug 3647592 */ /* added semi-colon for bug 3717388*/
Line: 1200

        UPDATE pa_summary_project_fundings pf
           SET pf.total_billed_amount    = 0,
               pf.invproc_billed_amount  = 0,  /* MCB related changes */
               pf.projfunc_billed_amount = 0,
               pf.project_billed_amount  = 0
         WHERE pf.agreement_id   = bill_0_rec.agreement_id
           AND pf.project_id     = bill_0_rec.project_id
           AND nvl(pf.task_id,0) = nvl(bill_0_rec.task_id,0); /* MCB related changes */
Line: 1222

      UPDATE pa_summary_project_fundings pf
           SET pf.total_billed_amount =
               pf.invproc_billed_amount =
               pf.projfunc_billed_amount =
               pf.project_billed_amount =
         WHERE pf.agreement_id   = pl_bill_amt_rec.agreement_id
           AND pf.project_id     = pl_bill_amt_rec.project_id /* MCB related changes */
	   AND nvl(pf.task_id,0) = 0; /* 2094391 */
Line: 1254

      UPDATE pa_summary_project_fundings pf
           SET pf.total_billed_amount =
               pf.invproc_billed_amount =
               pf.projfunc_billed_amount =
               pf.project_billed_amount =
         WHERE pf.agreement_id   = tl_bill_amt_rec.agreement_id
           AND pf.project_id     = tl_bill_amt_rec.project_id
           AND pf.task_id        = tl_bill_amt_rec.task_id;  /* MCB related changes */
Line: 1347

                SELECT SUM(NVL(ERDL.amount,0)),SUM(NVL(ERDL.project_revenue_amount,0)),
                INTO x_revproc_writeoff_amount,x_project_writeoff_amount,
                     x_projfunc_writeoff_amount,p_writeoff_amount /* MCB related changes */
                FROM   PA_CUST_EVENT_RDL_ALL ERDL,
                        PA_DRAFT_REVENUES_ALL DR,
                        PA_EVENT_TYPES ET,
                        PA_EVENTS E
                WHERE   NVL(E.REVENUE_DISTRIBUTED_FLAG , 'N')  = 'Y'
                        AND   ERDL.PROJECT_ID=DR.PROJECT_ID
                        AND   E.EVENT_NUM = ERDL.EVENT_NUM
                        AND   E.TASK_ID = ERDL.TASK_ID
                        AND   ET.EVENT_TYPE = E.EVENT_TYPE
                        AND   ET.EVENT_TYPE_CLASSIFICATION ||''='WRITE OFF'
                        AND   E.PROJECT_ID =  ERDL.PROJECT_ID
                        AND   ERDL.PROJECT_ID = DECODE(ET.EVENT_TYPE,NULL,
                                              NULL, E.PROJECT_ID)
                        AND   E.TASK_ID =  p_task_id
                        AND   NVL(DR.AGREEMENT_ID,0) = NVL(p_agreement_id,DR.AGREEMENT_ID)
                        AND   E.PROJECT_ID = p_project_id
Line: 1376

                SELECT SUM(NVL(ERDL.amount,0)),SUM(NVL(ERDL.project_revenue_amount,0)),
                INTO x_revproc_writeoff_amount,x_project_writeoff_amount,
                     x_projfunc_writeoff_amount,p_writeoff_amount /* MCB related changes */
                FROM   PA_CUST_EVENT_RDL_ALL ERDL,
                        PA_EVENT_TYPES ET,
                        PA_EVENTS E
                WHERE   NVL(E.REVENUE_DISTRIBUTED_FLAG , 'N')  = 'Y'
                        AND   E.EVENT_NUM = ERDL.EVENT_NUM
                        AND   E.TASK_ID = ERDL.TASK_ID
                        AND   ET.EVENT_TYPE = E.EVENT_TYPE
                        AND   ET.EVENT_TYPE_CLASSIFICATION ||''='WRITE OFF'
                        AND   E.PROJECT_ID =  ERDL.PROJECT_ID
                        AND   ERDL.PROJECT_ID = DECODE(ET.EVENT_TYPE,NULL,
                                              NULL, E.PROJECT_ID)
                        AND   E.TASK_ID =  p_task_id
                        AND   E.PROJECT_ID = p_project_id;
Line: 1395

               /* This select is commented for MCB2, the same objective is fulfill by the above select */
         /*     SELECT SUM(NVL(E.revenue_amount,0)),SUM(NVL(E.project_revenue_amount,0)),
                INTO x_revproc_writeoff_amount,x_project_writeoff_amount,
                FROM   PA_EVENT_TYPES ET,
                       PA_EVENTS E
                WHERE  NVL(E.REVENUE_DISTRIBUTED_FLAG , 'N')  = 'Y'
                       AND   ET.EVENT_TYPE = E.EVENT_TYPE
                       AND   ET.EVENT_TYPE_CLASSIFICATION ||''='WRITE OFF'
                       AND   E.TASK_ID =  p_task_id
                       AND   E.PROJECT_ID = p_project_id;
Line: 1421

                SELECT SUM(NVL(ERDL.amount,0)),SUM(NVL(ERDL.project_revenue_amount,0)),
                INTO x_revproc_writeoff_amount,x_project_writeoff_amount,
                     x_projfunc_writeoff_amount,p_writeoff_amount /* MCB related changes */
                FROM   PA_CUST_EVENT_RDL_ALL ERDL,
                       PA_DRAFT_REVENUES_ALL DR,
                       PA_EVENT_TYPES ET,
                       PA_EVENTS E
                WHERE  NVL(E.REVENUE_DISTRIBUTED_FLAG , 'N')  = 'Y'
                       AND   ERDL.PROJECT_ID=DR.PROJECT_ID
                       AND   E.EVENT_NUM = ERDL.EVENT_NUM
                       AND   ET.EVENT_TYPE = E.EVENT_TYPE
                       AND   ET.EVENT_TYPE_CLASSIFICATION ||''='WRITE OFF'
                       AND   E.PROJECT_ID =  ERDL.PROJECT_ID
                       AND   NVL(DR.AGREEMENT_ID,0) = NVL(p_agreement_id,DR.AGREEMENT_ID)
                       AND   E.PROJECT_ID = p_project_id
                       AND NVL(E.TASK_ID,0) = NVL(ERDL.TASK_ID,0);  /* Added for bug 1504680 */
Line: 1447

                SELECT SUM(NVL(ERDL.amount,0)),SUM(NVL(ERDL.project_revenue_amount,0)),
                INTO x_revproc_writeoff_amount,x_project_writeoff_amount,
                     x_projfunc_writeoff_amount,p_writeoff_amount /* MCB related changes */
                FROM   PA_CUST_EVENT_RDL_ALL ERDL,
                       PA_EVENT_TYPES ET,
                       PA_EVENTS E
                WHERE  NVL(E.REVENUE_DISTRIBUTED_FLAG ,'N')  = 'Y'
                       AND   E.EVENT_NUM = ERDL.EVENT_NUM
                       AND   ET.EVENT_TYPE = E.EVENT_TYPE
                       AND   ET.EVENT_TYPE_CLASSIFICATION ||''='WRITE OFF'
                       AND   E.PROJECT_ID =  ERDL.PROJECT_ID
                       AND NVL(E.TASK_ID,0) = NVL(ERDL.TASK_ID,0)  /* Added for bug 1504680 */
                       AND   E.PROJECT_ID = p_project_id;
Line: 1464

              /* This select is commented for MCB2, the same objective is fulfill by the above select */
                SELECT SUM(NVL(E.revenue_amount,0)),SUM(NVL(E.project_revenue_amount,0)),
                INTO x_revproc_writeoff_amount,x_project_writeoff_amount,
                FROM  PA_EVENT_TYPES ET,
                      PA_EVENTS E
                WHERE  NVL(E.REVENUE_DISTRIBUTED_FLAG , 'N')  = 'Y'
                       AND   ET.EVENT_TYPE = E.EVENT_TYPE
                       AND   ET.EVENT_TYPE_CLASSIFICATION ||''='WRITE OFF'
                       AND   E.PROJECT_ID = p_project_id; */
Line: 1486

                SELECT SUM(NVL(ERDL.amount,0)),SUM(NVL(ERDL.project_revenue_amount,0)),
                INTO x_revproc_writeoff_amount,x_project_writeoff_amount,
                     x_projfunc_writeoff_amount,p_writeoff_amount /* MCB related changes */
                FROM   PA_CUST_EVENT_RDL_ALL ERDL,
                       PA_DRAFT_REVENUES_ALL DR,
                       PA_EVENT_TYPES ET,
                       PA_EVENTS E
               WHERE   NVL(E.REVENUE_DISTRIBUTED_FLAG , 'N')  = 'Y'
                       AND   ERDL.PROJECT_ID=DR.PROJECT_ID
                       AND   E.EVENT_NUM = ERDL.EVENT_NUM
                       AND   ET.EVENT_TYPE = E.EVENT_TYPE
                       AND   ET.EVENT_TYPE_CLASSIFICATION ||''='WRITE OFF'
                       AND   E.PROJECT_ID =  ERDL.PROJECT_ID
                       AND   DR.AGREEMENT_ID = p_agreement_id
                       AND NVL(E.TASK_ID,0) = NVL(ERDL.TASK_ID,0);  /* Added for bug 1504680 */
Line: 1512

                        SELECT SUM(NVL(ERDL.amount,0)),SUM(NVL(ERDL.project_revenue_amount,0)),
                        INTO x_revproc_writeoff_amount,x_project_writeoff_amount,
                             x_projfunc_writeoff_amount,p_writeoff_amount /* MCB related changes */
                        FROM    PA_CUST_EVENT_RDL_ALL ERDL,
                                PA_DRAFT_REVENUES_ALL DR,
                                PA_EVENT_TYPES ET,
                                PA_EVENTS E
                        WHERE   NVL(E.REVENUE_DISTRIBUTED_FLAG , 'N')  = 'Y'
                                AND   ERDL.PROJECT_ID=DR.PROJECT_ID
                                AND   E.EVENT_NUM = ERDL.EVENT_NUM
                                AND   ET.EVENT_TYPE = E.EVENT_TYPE
                                AND   ET.EVENT_TYPE_CLASSIFICATION ='WRITE OFF'
                                AND   E.PROJECT_ID =  ERDL.PROJECT_ID
                        AND   ERDL.PROJECT_ID = DECODE(ET.EVENT_TYPE,NULL,
                                              NULL, E.PROJECT_ID)
                                AND   DR.DRAFT_REVENUE_NUM = ERDL.DRAFT_REVENUE_NUM
                       AND NVL(E.TASK_ID,0) = NVL(ERDL.TASK_ID,0);  /* Added for bug 1504680 */
Line: 1585

    insert_error_message  boolean;
Line: 1629

             insert_error_message := FALSE;
Line: 1728

             Error (Invalid Length inside a variable string). Instead the select
             statement below has been used for populating labor_sch_type .
             This is a workaround and needs to be removed in future the select
             below is unneccessary and will affect performance */
/* Indicator variables Bug# 634414 */
          NC := 1206;
Line: 1734

           select t.labor_sch_type
             into labor_sch_type
             from pa_tasks t, pa_expenditure_items_all e
            where t.task_id = e.task_id
              and e.expenditure_item_id = ei_id( j );
Line: 1777

                     insert_error_message := TRUE;
Line: 1809

   into l_mcb_cost_flag
   from pa_projects_all
   where project_id =(select project_id from pa_expenditure_items_all where expenditure_item_id=ei_id(j));
Line: 1883

          IF ( insert_error_message ) THEN
            IF (stage = 200) THEN
                reason( j ) := 'NO_IND_RATE_SCH_REVISION';
Line: 2089

              Select 'Y'
              Into   l_exist_flag
              From   dual
              Where  exists ( select null
                              from   pa_tasks
                              where  project_id  = p_project_id
                              and    customer_id = p_customer_id
                              and    task_id     = top_task_id
                              and    decode(p_task_id
                                      , null, top_task_id
                                      , p_task_id) = top_task_id