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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 11

    select ame_exceptions_log_s.nextval
      into l_log_id
      from dual;
Line: 15

    insert into ame_exceptions_log
      (l_log_id,p_package,p_routine,'','',p_errorcode,to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY:MM:DD:HH24:MI:SS')|| p_message);
Line: 27

      select aagc.application_id,
        from ame_approval_group_config aagc
       where sysdate between aagc.start_date
                         and nvl(aagc.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
         and not exists
               (select null
                  from ame_action_usages aau,
                       ame_rule_usages aru,
                       ame_actions aa,
                       ame_action_types aat
                 where aa.action_id = aau.action_id
                   and aau.rule_id = aru.rule_id
                   and aru.item_id = aagc.application_id
                   and sysdate between aa.start_date
                                   and nvl(aa.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
                   and sysdate between aat.start_date
                                   and nvl(aat.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
                   and aa.parameter = to_char(aagc.approval_group_id)
                   and aat.action_type_id = aa.action_type_id
                   and aat.name in ('pre-chain-of-authority approvals'
                                   ,'post-chain-of-authority approvals'
                                   ,'approval-group chain of authority')
                   and rownum < 2)
      order by aagc.application_id;
Line: 80

      update ame_approval_group_config master_cfg
         set master_cfg.end_date = l_migration_date
       where sysdate between master_cfg.start_date
                         and nvl(master_cfg.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
         and master_cfg.application_id = l_application_id
         and master_cfg.approval_group_id = l_approval_group_id;
Line: 145

      select aatc.application_id,
        from ame_action_type_config aatc
       where sysdate between aatc.start_date
                         and nvl(aatc.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
         and not exists
              (select /*+ use_nl (aa aru) */ null
                 from ame_actions aa,
                      ame_action_usages aau,
                      ame_rule_usages aru
                where sysdate between aa.start_date
                                  and nvl(aa.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
                  and aa.action_id = aau.action_id
                  and aau.rule_id = aru.rule_id
                  and aru.item_id = aatc.application_id
                  and aa.action_type_id = aatc.action_type_id
                  and rownum < 2)
      order by aatc.application_id;
Line: 192

      update ame_action_type_config master_cfg
         set master_cfg.end_date = l_migration_date
       where sysdate between master_cfg.start_date
                         and nvl(master_cfg.end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
         and master_cfg.application_id = l_application_id
         and master_cfg.action_type_id = l_action_type_id;
Line: 228

    update ame_action_type_config acf
       set chain_ordering_mode = null
          ,voting_regime       = null
     where (chain_ordering_mode is not null or
            voting_regime       is not null)
       and action_type_id not in
                     (select action_type_id
                        from ame_action_type_usages
                       where rule_type = ame_util.authorityRuleType
                         and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date,sysdate)
       and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date,sysdate);