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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 17

**  08-NOV-2000 rayyadev 115.2     updated the sql for payment.
**  11-NOV-2000 rayyadev 115.3     added legislation code
**  07-JUL-2001 apunekar 115.4     added function to calculate invalidity balance.
**  03-OCT-2001 apunekar 115.5     Made Changes for Bug2021219
**  10-OCT-2001 ragovind 115.6     Added parameter p_invalidity_component to the**                                 ETP_Prepayment_information function
**  05-DEC-2001 nnaresh  115.9     Updated for GSCC Standards.
**  04-DEC-2002 Ragovind 115.10    Added NOCOPY for the functions etp_payment_information,etp_prepayment_information
**  15-May-2003 Ragovind 115.11    Bug#2819479 - ETP Pre/Post Enhancement.
**  23-JUL-2003 Nanuradh 115.12    Bug#2984390 - Added an extra parameter to the function call etp_prepost_ratios - ETP Pre/post Enhancement
**  22-Apr-2005 ksingla  115.13    Bug#4177679 -Added an extra parameter to the function call etp_prepost_ratios .
**  25-Apr-2005 abhargav 115.14    Bug#4322599 - For ETP Tax modified the package hr_aubal call,
**                                               now calling the package in action mode rather then date mode
**  21-Nov-2007 tbakashi 115.15    Bug#6470561 - STATUTORY UPDATE: MUTIPLE ETP IMPACT ON TERMINATION REPORT
**  ============== Formula Fuctions ====================
**  Package contains Reporting Details for the Termination
**  report in AU localisatons.
  -- FUNCTION ETP_prepayment_information
  -- Returns :
  --           1 if function runs successfully
  --           0 otherwise
  -- Purpose : Return the Values of ETP Prepayment information
  -- In :      p_assignment_id       - assignment which is terminated for
  --                                    which report is requiered
  --           p_Hire_date           - date Of commencement of the assignment
  --           p_Termination_date    - date Of Termination Date
  -- Out :     p_pre_01Jul1983_days   - no Of Days in the Pre Jul 1983
  --	       p_post_30jun1983_days  - no Of Days in the Post Jul 1983
  --	       p_pre_01jul1983_ratio  -ratio Of Days in the Pre Jul 1983
  --           p_post_30jun1983_ratio -ratio Of Days in the Post Jul 1983
  --	       P_Gross_ETP            -gross ETP With out super annuation
  --	       P_Maximum_Rollover     -Maximum rollover amount
  --	       p_Lump_sum_d           -Lump sum D Tax free amount

  -- Uses :
  --           pay_au_terminations
  --           hr_utility
  function ETP_prepayment_information
  (p_assignment_id        in  number
  ,P_hire_date            in  Date
  ,p_Termination_date     in  date
  ,P_Assignment_action_id in  Number
  ,p_pre_01Jul1983_days   out NOCOPY number
  ,p_post_30jun1983_days  out NOCOPY number
  ,p_pre_01jul1983_ratio  out NOCOPY number
  ,p_post_30jun1983_ratio out NOCOPY number
  ,P_Gross_ETP            out NOCOPY number
  ,P_Maximum_Rollover     out NOCOPY number
  ,p_Lump_sum_d           out NOCOPY number
  ,p_invalidity_component out NOCOPY number
  ,p_etp_service_date     out NOCOPY date   /* Bug#2984390 */
return number

    l_procedure     constant varchar2(100) := 'ETP_prepayment_information';
Line: 90

    To_Number( prrv.result_value)
	 pay_run_result_values prrv,
	 pay_input_values_f piv,
	 pay_element_types_f pet,
	 pay_run_results prr,
	 pay_assignment_Actions  paa
	 and piv.element_type_id=pet.element_type_id
	 and prr.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
	 and prr.run_result_id = prrv.run_result_id
	 and prr.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_Action_id
         and paa.Assignment_action_id = P_Assignment_action_id
	 and paa.assignment_id = P_assignment_id
	 and pet.element_name=Lv_Element_Name
	 and piv.name = Lv_Input_Name
	 and piv.legislation_code = 'AU'
	 and pet.legislation_code = piv.legislation_code
         and P_Termination_Date between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date
         and P_Termination_Date between pet.effective_start_date and Pet.effective_end_date;    /* 6470561 */
Line: 117

    sum(To_Number( prrv.result_value))
	 pay_run_result_values prrv,
	 pay_input_values_f piv,
	 pay_element_types_f pet,
	 pay_run_results prr,
	 pay_assignment_Actions  paa
	 and piv.element_type_id=pet.element_type_id
	 and prr.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
	 and prr.run_result_id = prrv.run_result_id
	 and prr.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_Action_id
         and paa.Assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
	 and paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
	 and pet.element_name= Lv_Element_Name
	 and piv.name = Lv_Input_Name
	 and piv.legislation_code ='AU'
	 and piv.legislation_code = pet.legislation_code
         and p_termination_date between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date
         and p_termination_date between pet.effective_start_date and Pet.effective_end_date
	 and prr.run_result_id in (
	 select unique(prr3.run_result_id)
		from pay_run_results prr2,
		     pay_input_values_f piv2,
		     pay_element_entries_f pee2,
		     pay_run_result_values prrv2,
		     pay_assignment_actions paa2,
		     pay_run_results prr3
		    prr2.element_type_id = pee2.element_type_id and
		    piv2.element_type_id = pee2.element_type_id and
		    prr2.run_result_id = prrv2.run_result_id and
		    prrv2.input_value_id = piv2.input_value_id and
		    paa2.assignment_action_id = prr2.assignment_action_id and
		    piv2.name = 'Transitional ETP' and
		    prrv2.result_value = 'Y' and
		    paa2.assignment_id = p_assignment_id and
		    prr2.source_id = prr3.source_id ) ;
Line: 300

    sum(To_Number( prrv.result_value))                    /* 6470561 */
	 pay_run_result_values prrv,
	 pay_input_values_f piv,
	 pay_element_types_f pet,
	 pay_run_results prr,
	 pay_assignment_Actions  paa
	 and piv.element_type_id=pet.element_type_id
	 and prr.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
	 and prr.run_result_id = prrv.run_result_id
	 and prr.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_Action_id
         and paa.Assignment_action_id = P_Assignment_action_id
	 and paa.assignment_id = P_assignment_id
	 and pet.element_name=Lv_Element_Name
	 and piv.name = Lv_Input_Name
	 and piv.legislation_code ='AU'
	 and piv.legislation_code = pet.legislation_code
         and p_termination_date between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date
         and p_termination_date between pet.effective_start_date and Pet.effective_end_date;
Line: 325

    sum(To_Number( prrv.result_value))
	 pay_run_result_values prrv,
	 pay_input_values_f piv,
	 pay_element_types_f pet,
	 pay_run_results prr,
	 pay_assignment_Actions  paa
	 and piv.element_type_id=pet.element_type_id
	 and prr.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
	 and prr.run_result_id = prrv.run_result_id
	 and prr.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_Action_id
         and paa.Assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
	 and paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
	 and pet.element_name= Lv_Element_Name
	 and piv.name = Lv_Input_Name
	 and piv.legislation_code ='AU'
	 and piv.legislation_code = pet.legislation_code
         and p_termination_date between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date
         and p_termination_date between pet.effective_start_date and Pet.effective_end_date
	 and prr.run_result_id in (
	 select unique(prr3.run_result_id)
		from pay_run_results prr2,
		     pay_input_values_f piv2,
		     pay_element_entries_f pee2,
		     pay_run_result_values prrv2,
		     pay_assignment_actions paa2,
		     pay_run_results prr3
		    prr2.element_type_id = pee2.element_type_id and
		    piv2.element_type_id = pee2.element_type_id and
		    prr2.run_result_id = prrv2.run_result_id and
		    prrv2.input_value_id = piv2.input_value_id and
		    paa2.assignment_action_id = prr2.assignment_action_id and
		    piv2.name = 'Transitional ETP' and
		    prrv2.result_value = p_transitional and
		    paa2.assignment_id = p_assignment_id and
		    prr2.source_id = prr3.source_id ) ;
Line: 370

cursor get_date_earned is select date_earned
                           from  pay_payroll_actions ppa
                            ,pay_assignment_actions paa
                           where paa.assignment_action_id=p_assignment_action_id
                             and paa.payroll_action_id=ppa.payroll_action_id;
Line: 440

		select Balance_Type_id Into Lv_Balance_Type_id
		from Pay_Balance_Types
		Where Balance_Name = 'Lump Sum C Deductions'
		and Legislation_code = 'AU';
Line: 450

		select Balance_Type_id Into Lv_Balance_Type_id_1
		from Pay_Balance_Types
		Where Balance_Name = 'ETP Deductions Transitional Not Part of Prev Term'
		and Legislation_code = 'AU';
Line: 455

		select Balance_Type_id Into Lv_Balance_Type_id_2
		from Pay_Balance_Types
		Where Balance_Name = 'ETP Deductions Transitional Part of Prev Term'
		and Legislation_code = 'AU';
Line: 460

		select Balance_Type_id Into Lv_Balance_Type_id_1
		from Pay_Balance_Types
		Where Balance_Name = 'ETP Deductions Life Benefit Not Part of Prev Term'
		and Legislation_code = 'AU';
Line: 465

		select Balance_Type_id Into Lv_Balance_Type_id_2
		from Pay_Balance_Types
		Where Balance_Name = 'ETP Deductions Life Benefit Part of Prev Term'
		and Legislation_code = 'AU';
Line: 514

		select Balance_Type_id Into Lv_Balance_Type_id_1
		from Pay_Balance_Types
		Where Balance_Name = 'Invalidity Payments Transitional Not Part of Prev Term'
		and Legislation_code = 'AU';
Line: 519

		select Balance_Type_id Into Lv_Balance_Type_id_2
		from Pay_Balance_Types
		Where Balance_Name = 'Invalidity Payments Transitional Part of Prev Term'
		and Legislation_code = 'AU';
Line: 524

		select Balance_Type_id Into Lv_Balance_Type_id_1
		from Pay_Balance_Types
		Where Balance_Name = 'Invalidity Payments Life Benefit Not Part of Prev Term'
		and Legislation_code = 'AU';
Line: 529

		select Balance_Type_id Into Lv_Balance_Type_id_2
		from Pay_Balance_Types
		Where Balance_Name = 'Invalidity Payments Life Benefit Part of Prev Term'
		and Legislation_code = 'AU';
Line: 609

    cursor get_date_earned is select date_earned
                           from  pay_payroll_actions ppa
                            ,pay_assignment_actions paa
                           where paa.assignment_action_id=p_assignment_action_id
                             and paa.payroll_action_id=ppa.payroll_action_id;
Line: 616

		select Balance_Type_id Into Lv_Balance_Type_id_1
		from Pay_Balance_Types
		Where Balance_Name = 'Invalidity Payments Transitional Not Part of Prev Term'
		and Legislation_code = 'AU';
Line: 621

		select Balance_Type_id Into Lv_Balance_Type_id_2
		from Pay_Balance_Types
		Where Balance_Name = 'Invalidity Payments Transitional Part of Prev Term'
		and Legislation_code = 'AU';