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2 /* $Header: hriutddl.pkb 120.2 2006/01/20 02:04:45 jtitmas noship $ */
3 --
4 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- PROCEDURE recreate_indexes
6 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 --
8 -- This procedure recreates the indexes for the specified table using the
9 -- definitions stored in the temporary table
10 --
11 -- Parameter                 Type  Description
12 -- ------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------------
13 -- p_application_short_name  IN    Short name of the application product
14 --                                 calling this routine
15 -- p_table_name              IN    Table for which the indexes are to be dropped
16 -- p_table_owner             IN    Name of the Schema owning the table
17 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 --
19 PROCEDURE recreate_indexes(p_application_short_name IN VARCHAR2,
20                            p_table_name    IN VARCHAR2,
21                            p_table_owner   IN VARCHAR2)
22 IS
23   --
24   -- Gets create index statements from the temporary ddl table
25   --
26   CURSOR index_csr IS
27   SELECT ddl_object
28         ,ddl_stmt
29         ,ddl_type
30   FROM   hri_utl_dynmc_ddl_infrmtn
31   WHERE  table_name  = p_table_name
32   AND    table_owner = p_table_owner
33   AND    ddl_type IN ('INDEX', 'INDEX LOGGING')
34   ORDER BY DECODE(ddl_type, 'INDEX', 1, 2);
35   --
36   -- Variables for getting the APPLSYS schema name
37   --
38   l_fnd_schema              VARCHAR2(300);
39   l_dummy1                  VARCHAR2(2000);
40   l_dummy2                  VARCHAR2(2000);
41   --
43   --
44   -- Get APPLSYS schema name
45   --
46   IF (fnd_installation.get_app_info('FND',l_dummy1, l_dummy2, l_fnd_schema)) THEN
47     --
48     -- Loop through indexes to recreate / alter
49     --
50     FOR index_rec IN index_csr LOOP
51       --
52       IF (index_rec.ddl_type = 'INDEX') THEN
53         --
54         -- use AD API to recreate index
55         --
56         ad_ddl.do_ddl(applsys_schema         => l_fnd_schema,
57                       application_short_name => p_application_short_name,
58                       statement_type         => ad_ddl.create_index,
59                       statement              => index_rec.ddl_stmt,
60                       object_name            => index_rec.ddl_object);
61         --
62       ELSIF (index_rec.ddl_type = 'INDEX LOGGING') THEN
63         --
64         -- alter index
65         --
66         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE index_rec.ddl_stmt;
67         --
68       END IF;
69       --
70       -- Remove temporary ddl
71       --
72       DELETE FROM hri_utl_dynmc_ddl_infrmtn
73       WHERE table_name = p_table_name
74       AND table_owner = p_table_owner
75       AND ddl_object = index_rec.ddl_object
76       AND ddl_type = index_rec.ddl_type;
77       --
78     END LOOP;
79     --
80     -- for bug 3738009, commiting the transaction so that the transaction is not open after
81     -- completion of this process
82     --
83     COMMIT;
84     --
85   END IF;
86   --
87 END recreate_indexes;
88 --
89 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
90 -- PROCEDURE log_and_drop_indexes
91 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
92 --
93 -- This procedure drops all the indexes for a table and inserts definition
94 -- of the indexes in a temporary table. Using this definition the procedure
95 -- recreate_indexes can recreate the indexes. If some of the indexes are not
96 -- to be dropped, a comma separated list can be passed in parameter
97 -- p_index_excptn_lst.
98 --
99 -- NOTE: The procedure will not drop the primary key index.
100 --
101 -- Parameter                 Type  Description
102 -- ------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------------
103 -- p_application_short_name  IN    Short name of the application product
104 --                                 calling this routine
105 -- p_table_name              IN    Table for which the indexes are to be dropped
106 -- p_table_owner             IN    Name of the Schema owning the table
107 -- p_index_excptn_lst        IN    Pass a comma separated list of indexes which
108 --                                 are not to be dropped
109 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
110 --
111 PROCEDURE log_and_drop_indexes(p_application_short_name IN VARCHAR2,
112                                p_table_name       IN VARCHAR2,
113                                p_table_owner      IN VARCHAR2,
114                                p_index_excptn_lst IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL )
115 IS
116   --
117   -- Cursor to get the index properties
118   --
119   -- Create index with NOLOGGING
120   -- Alter index after creation if LOGGING is set
121   --
122   CURSOR  storage_csr IS
123   SELECT  index_name                                        index_name
124           ,DECODE(uniqueness, 'UNIQUE', 'UNIQUE ', null)    uniqueness
125           ,DECODE(INDEX_TYPE,'NORMAL',null,INDEX_TYPE)      index_type
126           ,NVL(LOGGING, 'NO')                               logging
127           ,DECODE(PARTITIONED,'YES','LOCAL ',' ')           ||
128           DECODE(NVL(TABLESPACE_NAME,'###'),'###',null,'TABLESPACE ' ||TABLESPACE_NAME) ||
129           ' NOLOGGING'         ||
130           ' STORAGE (INITIAL ' || NVL(to_char(initial_extent), '4K') ||
131           ' NEXT '             || NVL(to_char(next_extent), '40K') ||
132           ' MINEXTENTS '       || NVL(to_char(min_extents), '1') ||
133           ' MAXEXTENTS '       || NVL(to_char(max_extents), 'UNLIMITED') ||
134           ' PCTINCREASE '      || NVL(to_char(pct_increase), '0') ||
135           ' FREELIST GROUPS '  || NVL(to_char(freelist_groups), '4') ||
136           ' FREELISTS '        || NVL(to_char(freelists), '4') || ')' ||
137           ' PCTFREE '          || NVL(to_char(pct_free), '10') ||
138           ' INITRANS '         || NVL(to_char(ini_trans), '11') ||
139           ' MAXTRANS '         || NVL(to_char(max_trans), '255') ||
140           ' PARALLEL ' storage_clause
141   FROM    dba_indexes
142   WHERE   table_name  = p_table_name
143   AND     table_owner = p_table_owner
144   AND     owner       = p_table_owner
145   --
146   -- for bug 3738009, filter out the system created indexes on the materialized
147   -- views since these are not to be dropped and recreated
148   --
149   AND     index_name NOT LIKE 'I_SNAP$%';
150   --
151   -- Cursor to get the table columns referenced by the index
152   --
153   CURSOR   index_columns_csr(v_index_name  VARCHAR2) IS
154   SELECT   column_name
155   FROM     dba_ind_columns
156   WHERE    index_owner = p_table_owner
157   AND      table_owner = p_table_owner
158   AND      table_name  = p_table_name
159   AND      index_name  = v_index_name
160   ORDER BY column_position;
161   --
162   -- Variables for getting the APPLSYS schema name
163   --
164   l_fnd_schema              VARCHAR2(300);
165   l_dummy1                  VARCHAR2(2000);
166   l_dummy2                  VARCHAR2(2000);
167   --
168   -- Other local variable
169   --
170   l_index_columns           VARCHAR2(2000);
171   l_create_index_stmt       VARCHAR2(4000);
172   l_alter_index_stmt        VARCHAR2(4000);
173   l_drop_index_stmt         VARCHAR2(4000);
174   --
175   -- Exception
176   --
178   --
179   pragma exception_init(PRIMARY_KEY_INDEX,-02429);
180   --
182   --
183   -- Get APPLSYS schema name
184   --
185   IF (fnd_installation.get_app_info('FND',l_dummy1, l_dummy2, l_fnd_schema)) THEN
186     --
187     -- Loop through indexes defined on the table
188     --
189     FOR index_rec IN storage_csr LOOP
190       --
191       -- Do not drop the index if it is included in the list of exceptional
192       -- index which are not to be dropped.
193       --
194       IF nvl(instr(p_index_excptn_lst, index_rec.index_name),0) = 0 then
195         --
196         -- Initialize index column list
197         --
198         l_index_columns := NULL;
199         --
200         -- Loop through columns the index references
201         --
202         FOR index_column IN index_columns_csr(index_rec.index_name) LOOP
203           --
204           -- Build up the index column list
205           --
206           l_index_columns := l_index_columns || index_column.column_name || ',';
207           --
208         END LOOP;
209         --
210         -- Add the bracketing, remove the last comma to format the columnn string
211         --
212         IF (l_index_columns IS NOT NULL) THEN
213           --
214           l_index_columns := '(' || RTRIM(l_index_columns,',') || ')';
215           --
216         END IF;
217         --
218         -- Build up the index creation statement
219         --
220         l_create_index_stmt := 'CREATE ' || index_rec.uniqueness  || ' '
221                                          || index_rec.index_type  || ' INDEX '
222                                          || p_table_owner         || '.'
223                                          || index_rec.index_name  || ' ON '
224                                          || p_table_owner         || '.'
225                                          || p_table_name          || ' '
226                                          || l_index_columns       || ' '
227                                          || index_rec.storage_clause;
228         --
229         -- Build alter index statement
230         --
231         IF index_rec.logging = 'YES' THEN
232           l_alter_index_stmt := 'ALTER INDEX ' || p_table_owner         || '.'
233                                                || index_rec.index_name  ||
234                                 ' LOGGING NOPARALLEL';
235         END IF;
236         --
237         -- Build drop index statement
238         --
239         l_drop_index_stmt := 'DROP INDEX ' || p_table_owner || '.' || index_rec.index_name;
240         --
241         -- use AD API to drop the index
242         --
243 	BEGIN
244 	  --
245           ad_ddl.do_ddl(applsys_schema       => l_fnd_schema,
246                       application_short_name => p_application_short_name,
247                       statement_type         => ad_ddl.drop_index,
248                       statement              => l_drop_index_stmt,
249                       object_name            => index_rec.index_name);
250           --
251           BEGIN
252             --
253             -- Store the index creation statement in the temporary ddl table
254             --
255             INSERT INTO hri_utl_dynmc_ddl_infrmtn
256                    (table_name
257                    ,table_owner
258                    ,ddl_object
259                    ,ddl_type
260                    ,ddl_stmt)
261             VALUES
262                    (p_table_name
263                    ,p_table_owner
264                    ,index_rec.index_name
265                    ,'INDEX'
266                    ,l_create_index_stmt);
267              --
269              --
270              -- Unique index on table violated, so an entry already exist in
271              -- the table for the index. Update the existing record.
272              --
273              UPDATE hri_utl_dynmc_ddl_infrmtn
274              SET    ddl_stmt    = l_create_index_stmt
275              WHERE  table_name  = p_table_name
276              AND    table_owner = p_table_owner
277              AND    ddl_object  = index_rec.index_name
278              AND    ddl_type    = 'INDEX';
279              --
280           END;
281           --
282           IF (index_rec.logging = 'YES') THEN
283             --
284             BEGIN
285               --
286               -- Store the alter index statement
287               --
288               INSERT INTO hri_utl_dynmc_ddl_infrmtn
289                    (table_name
290                    ,table_owner
291                    ,ddl_object
292                    ,ddl_type
293                    ,ddl_stmt)
294                 VALUES
295                    (p_table_name
296                    ,p_table_owner
297                    ,index_rec.index_name
298                    ,'INDEX LOGGING'
299                    ,l_alter_index_stmt);
300               --
302               --
303               -- Unique index on table violated, so an entry already exist in
304               -- the table for the index. Update the existing record.
305               --
306               UPDATE hri_utl_dynmc_ddl_infrmtn
307               SET    ddl_stmt    = l_alter_index_stmt
308               WHERE  table_name  = p_table_name
309               AND    table_owner = p_table_owner
310               AND    ddl_object  = index_rec.index_name
311               AND    ddl_type    = 'INDEX LOGGING';
312               --
313             END;
314             --
315           END IF;
317         EXCEPTION
318           --
319           -- ad_ddl.do_ddl raises an exception when it tries to drop a primary
320           -- key index on a table. ignore the error and continue
321           --
323             --
324             null;
325             --
326         END;
327         --
328       END IF; -- End of exception index list handling
329       --
330     END LOOP; -- End of storage_csr loop
331     --
332     -- for bug 3738009, commiting the transaction so that the transaction is not open after
333     -- completion of this process
334     --
335     COMMIT;
336     --
337   END IF;     -- End of FND product installation check
338   --
339 END log_and_drop_indexes;
340 --
341 PROCEDURE maintain_mthd_partitions(p_table_name          IN VARCHAR2,
342                                    p_table_owner         IN VARCHAR2) IS
344   CURSOR no_tab_parts_csr IS
345   SELECT partition_count
346   FROM all_part_tables
347   WHERE table_name = p_table_name
348   AND owner = p_table_owner;
350   l_no_threads        PLS_INTEGER;
351   l_no_parts          PLS_INTEGER;
352   l_sql_stmt          VARCHAR2(32000);
356   -- Get number of child threads and add one for master process
357   l_no_threads := NVL(fnd_profile.value('HRI_NO_THRDS_LAUNCH'),8) + 1;
359   -- Get number of existing partitions
360   OPEN no_tab_parts_csr;
361   FETCH no_tab_parts_csr INTO l_no_parts;
362   CLOSE no_tab_parts_csr;
364   -- Add any extra partitions as required
365   IF (l_no_parts < l_no_threads) THEN
367     FOR i IN (l_no_parts + 1)..(l_no_threads) LOOP
369       l_sql_stmt :=
370 'ALTER TABLE ' || p_table_owner || '.' || p_table_name ||
371 ' ADD PARTITION p' || to_char(i) || ' VALUES(' || to_char(i) || ')';
373       EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql_stmt;
375     END LOOP;
377   END IF;
379 END maintain_mthd_partitions;