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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 10

  FROM   ghr_pay_plans ppl
  WHERE  ppl.pay_plan = p_pay_plan
  AND    ppl.equivalent_pay_plan = 'FW';
Line: 28

  FROM   ghr_pay_plans ppl
  WHERE  ppl.pay_plan = p_pay_plan
  AND    ppl.equivalent_pay_plan = 'GS';
Line: 42

FUNCTION update34_implemented_date (p_person_id IN NUMBER)
CURSOR cur_update34_date is
  SELECT fnd_date.canonical_to_date(pei_information3) update34_date
  FROM per_people_extra_info
  WHERE information_type = 'GHR_US_PER_UPDATE34'
  AND person_id          = p_person_id;
Line: 53

  FOR cur_update34_date_rec IN cur_update34_date LOOP
      l_date := cur_update34_date_rec.update34_date;
Line: 58

END update34_implemented_date;
Line: 67

    SELECT job_id
    FROM   hr_all_positions_f pos
    WHERE  pos.position_id = p_position_id
    AND    p_effective_date BETWEEN pos.effective_start_date and pos.effective_end_date;
Line: 72

    SELECT name
    FROM   per_jobs
    WHERE  job_id = l_job_id;
Line: 89

PROCEDURE update34_implement (p_person_id  IN NUMBER
                             ,P_date       IN DATE)


l_date date;
Line: 99

l_date := update34_implemented_date (p_person_id);
Line: 104

                       ,p_information_type       => 'GHR_US_PER_UPDATE34'
                       ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE         => p_date
                       ,P_PEI_information_category => 'GHR_US_PER_UPDATE34'
                       ,P_PEI_INFORMATION3        => fnd_date.date_to_canonical(p_date)
                       ,p_PERSON_EXTRA_INFO_ID   => l_PERSON_EXTRA_INFO_ID
Line: 111

END update34_implement;
Line: 159

SELECT asg.organization_id
FROM   per_all_assignments_f asg
WHERE  asg.person_id = p_per_id
AND    asg.assignment_type <> 'B'
AND    trunc(p_eff_date) between asg.effective_start_date
	and asg.effective_end_date;
Line: 170

SELECT distinct cert_group
FROM   ghr_perf_cert
WHERE  cert_agency	    = substr(p_agency_code,1,2)
AND    cert_agency_sub_code IS NULL
AND    cert_organization    IS NULL
AND    p_eff_date BETWEEN cert_start_date AND  nvl(cert_end_date,to_date('31/12/4712','DD/MM/YYYY') )
AND    ( INSTR(cert_group,p_pay_plan) > 0 );
Line: 182

SELECT cert_group
FROM   ghr_perf_cert
WHERE  cert_agency	    IS NULL
AND    cert_agency_sub_code = p_agency_sub_code
AND    cert_organization    IS NULL
AND    p_eff_date BETWEEN cert_start_date AND  nvl(cert_end_date,to_date('31/12/4712','DD/MM/YYYY') )
AND    ( INSTR(cert_group,p_pay_plan) > 0 );
Line: 195

SELECT cert_group
FROM   ghr_perf_cert
WHERE  cert_agency	     IS NULL
AND    cert_agency_sub_code  IS NULL
AND    cert_organization     = p_org_id
AND    p_eff_date BETWEEN cert_start_date AND  nvl(cert_end_date,to_date('31/12/4712','DD/MM/YYYY') )
AND    ( INSTR(cert_group,p_pay_plan) > 0 );
Line: 206

SELECT equivalent_pay_plan
FROM   ghr_pay_plans ppl
WHERE  ppl.pay_plan = p_pay_plan;
Line: 294

SELECT  udr.row_low_range_or_name,udr.row_high_range
   FROM    pay_user_columns                     udc,
           pay_user_rows_f                      udr,
           pay_user_tables                      udt,
           pay_user_column_instances_f          uci
   WHERE   udt.user_table_id = l_user_table_id
   AND     udr.user_table_id = udt.user_table_id
   AND     NVL(p_effective_date,TRUNC(SYSDATE)) BETWEEN udr.effective_start_date AND udr.effective_end_date
   AND     udc.user_table_id = udt.user_table_id
   AND     uci.user_column_id = udc.user_column_id
   AND     udr.user_row_id = uci.user_row_id
   AND     upper(udc.user_column_name) = upper(l_user_clomun_name)
   AND     NVL(p_effective_date,TRUNC(SYSDATE)) BETWEEN uci.effective_start_date AND uci.effective_end_date;
Line: 373

l_update34_date           DATE;
Line: 415

  SELECT gdf.segment1 pay_plan
        ,gdf.segment2 grade_or_level
  FROM  per_grade_definitions gdf
       ,per_grades            grd
  WHERE grd.grade_id = l_grade_id
  AND   grd.grade_definition_id = gdf.grade_definition_id;
Line: 424

        select asg.assignment_id
          from per_assignments_f asg
         where asg.person_id = per_id
           and trunc(eff_date) between asg.effective_start_date
                                   and asg.effective_end_date
           and asg.primary_flag = 'Y';
Line: 435

WHERE  position_id=p_pos_id
AND    p_eff_date between effective_start_Date and effective_end_date;
Line: 570

    l_update34_date := update34_implemented_date(p_person_id);
Line: 571

    if l_update34_date is not null AND p_effective_date >= l_update34_date then
   -----if the pay basis is null then raise a error message
       l_pay_basis := l_retained_grade.pay_basis;
Line: 1466

    if l_update34_date is not null AND p_effective_date >= l_update34_date then
        p_locality_adj        :=  ghr_pay_calc.convert_amount(l_converted_locality_adj
                                                          , 'PA'
Line: 1575

    IF l_update34_date is not null AND p_effective_date >= l_update34_date THEN
      p_locality_adj        :=  ghr_pay_calc.convert_amount(l_converted_locality_adj
                                                          , 'PA'