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1 package WF_MAIL as
2 /* $Header: wfmlrs.pls 120.12.12010000.1 2008/07/25 14:43:30 appldev ship $ */
3 /*#
4  * Provides APIs to access the Oracle Workflow message subsystem and send messages through e-mail.
5  * @rep:scope public
6  * @rep:product OWF
7  * @rep:displayname Workflow Message Subsystem
8  * @rep:lifecycle active
10  * @rep:compatibility S
11  */
12 --
13 -- Global table to store the url content.
14 --
15 type url_content_array is table of varchar2(2000) index by binary_integer;
16 content_array url_content_array;
18 -- bug 2437782
19 -- record type to store the response attribute information
20 TYPE resp_attr_rec IS RECORD
21 (
22    attr_prompt  varchar2(80),
23    attr_type    varchar2(8),
24    attr_name    varchar2(30),
25    attr_format  varchar2(240)
26 );
28 TYPE resp_attrs_t IS TABLE OF resp_attr_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
30 -- Test flag. Internal use only
31 test_flag boolean := FALSE;
33 --
34 -- E-mail notification recipient record
35 --  Name - Name of the recipient
36 --  Address - Valid e-mail address
37 --  Recipient_Type - TO or CC or BCC
38 TYPE wf_recipient_rec_t IS RECORD
39 (
40    NAME     VARCHAR2(360),
41    ADDRESS  VARCHAR2(320),
43 );
47 -- Global variable to hold a static stylesheet definition
48 g_newLine varchar2(1) := wf_core.newLine;
49 g_template_style varchar2(32000) :=
50                'body,html,td, p { top-margin:0; padding:0; font-family:Tahoma; font-size:9pt; color:#3c3c3c; }'||g_newline||
51                'H2.OraHeader{ color:#343434; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px; font-family:Arial; font-weight:bold; font-size:9pt; vertical-align:middle; }'||g_newline||
52                '.OraHeaderSub,.x3w {margin-bottom:0px;color:#426ca7;font-family:Arial;font-weight:bold;font-size:92%;vertical-align:middle;border-bottom:1px solid #aabed5;margin:5px 0px 0px 0px}'||g_newline||
53                '.OraHeaderBar,.x6z {color:#3c3c3c;font-family:Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif;background-repeat:repeat-x;padding:0px 0px 0px 8px;font-weight:bold;font-size:8pt;vertical-align:middle;'||
54 	       'border-style:solid;border-width:1px 1px 1px 1px;border-color:#a3bed8;margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:0px}'||g_newline||
55                '.OraLink:link,.xd:link,.OraLink:active,.xd:active,.OraLink:visited,.xd:visited,.OraBulletedList A,.xj A,.OraCopyright A,.xv A,'||
56                '.OraPrivacy A,.xw A,.OraAbout A,.xx A,.OraLinkText,.x2v,.OraVLinkText,.x2w,.OraALinkText,.x2x,.OraHGridNavRowActiveLink,.x3u,.OraShuttleLinkText,.x4a,.OraSubTab A,.x4h A,.p_OraTreeRow A:link,.x5c A:link,'||
57                '.p_OraTreeRow A:active,.x5c A:active,.p_OraTreeRow A:visited,.x5c A:visited {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;color:#2da0cb}'||g_newline||
58                '.OraContentContainerHeader,.xp {background-color:#d6f5ff;margin:5px 0px 0px 0px;padding:0px 0px 0px 8px;font-weight:bold;font-size:8pt;vertical-align:middle;border-bottom:1px solid #aabed5;'||
59 	       'margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:0px;font-family:Tahoma;color:#343434}'||g_newline||
60                '.OraTipLabel,.x55 {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif;font-weight:bold;color:#426ca7;font-size:8pt}'||
61                '.OraTipText,.x56 {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif;color:#3a5a87;font-size:8pt}'||g_newline||
62                '.OraTableColumnHeader, .x1r, .OraTableRowHeader, .x1u { text-align:left;vertical-align:bottom;font-family:Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,'||
63                'sans-serif;font-weight:bold;background-color:#cfe0f1;color:#3c3c3c;border-color:#c9cbd3;font-size:8pt }'||g_newline||
64                '.OraTableCellText, .x1l { color:#3c3c3c;vertical-align:baseline;font-family:Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif;border-color:#c9cbd3;font-size:9pt;background-color:#f2f2f5 }'||g_newline||
65                '.OraTableContent,.x1h {border-color:#c9cbd3;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;border-collapse:collapse}'||g_newline||
66                '.OraTableHeaderLink,.x24 {text-decoration:none;text-align:left;vertical-align:bottom;font-family:Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif;font-weight:bold;background-color:#cfe0f1;'||
67 	       'color:#3c3c3c;border-color:#c9cbd3;font-size:8pt}'||g_newline||
68                '.OraInstructionTextStrong,.x1,.OraDataText,.x2 {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;font-weight:bold;color:#3c3c3c} '||g_newline||
69                '.OraPromptText,.x8 {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif;font-size:8pt;text-align:right;color:#000000;font-weight:normal} '||g_newline||
70                '.OraTableBorder0001,.x4j {border-style:solid;border-width:0px 0px 0px 1px}'||g_newline||
71                '.OraTableBorder1000,.x4q {border-style:solid;border-width:1px 0px 0px}'||g_newline||
72                '.OraTableBorder1111,.x4x {border-style:solid;border-width:1px}';
74 -- Defining explicit formatting values for whatever output that requires it
75 -- Header attributes
76 g_th_bgcolor varchar2(7) := '#cfe0f1';
77 g_th_fontcolor varchar2(7) := '#3c3c3c';
78 g_th_fontface varchar2(80) := 'Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif';
79 g_th_fontsize varchar2(2) := '2';
81 -- Cell attributes
82 g_td_bgcolor varchar2(7) := '#f2f2f5';
83 g_td_fontcolor varchar2(7) := '#3c3c3c';
84 g_td_fontface varchar2(80) := 'Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif';
85 g_td_fontsize varchar2(2) := '2';
87 -- Table of recipient record
88 TYPE wf_recipient_list_t IS TABLE OF wf_recipient_rec_t INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
90 -- UpdateStatus
91 --   Update mail status and close any notification with no response.
92 --   Handle error.
93 -- IN
94 --   notification id
95 --   status
96 --   error name (null if error is in WF_CORE)
97 procedure UpdateStatus(
98     nid        in number,
99     status     in varchar2,
100     error_name in varchar2 default null);
102 -- UpdateStatus2
103 --   Update mail status and close any notification with no response.
104 --   Handle error.
105 -- IN
106 --   nid notification id
107 --   status Status to set the notification
108 --   autoclose Flag to specify whether the notification should be closed
109 --             automitically
110 --   error name (null if error is in WF_CORE)
111 --   external_error Any error message that can not be reflected or captured
112 --                  through the wf_core.context facilty ie Java.
113 procedure UpdateStatus2(
114     nid        in number,
115     status     in varchar2,
116     autoclose  in varchar2,
117     error_name in varchar2 default null,
118     external_error in varchar2 default null);
120 -- ResetFailed
121 --   Update mail status from FAILED to MAIL.
122 -- IN
123 --   Queue number
124 procedure ResetFailed(p_queue varchar2 default '1');
126 -- HandleSendError
127 --   Call any callback in error mode if error occurs in sending mail.
128 -- IN
129 --   notification id
130 --   error name (null if error is in WF_CORE)
131 --   external_error Any error message that can not be reflected or captured
132 --                  through the wf_core.context facilty ie Java.
133 procedure HandleSendError(
134     nid        in number,
135     status     in varchar2,
136     error_name in varchar2 default null,
137     external_error in varchar2 default null);
140 -- UpdateRecipient
141 --    Updates the recipient of a notification to DISABLED where
142 --    there has been a failure to deliver to their email address.
143 --    This function is triggered by the oracle.apps.wf.notification.send.failure
144 --    event.
145 function Disable_Recipient_Ntf_Pref(p_subscription_guid in raw,
146                      p_event in out NOCOPY WF_EVENT_T) return varchar2;
148 -- HandleResponseError (PRIVATE) handle exception in response
149 --
150 --   Sets the MAIL_ERROR error message attribute, then sets the
151 --   notification status to INVALID.
152 --
153 -- IN
154 --   notification id
155 --   lookup type
156 --   value found
158 procedure HandleResponseError(nid in number,
159                               lk_type in varchar2,
160                               lk_meaning in varchar2,
161                               error_result in out NOCOPY varchar2);
164 -- WordWrap (PRIVATE)
165 --   Insert newlines to word wrap a line buffer.
166 -- Inputs:
167 --   text - text buffer
168 --   indent - number of tabs to indent each line by
169 -- Returns:
170 --   buffer contents with newlines and tabs embedded
171 function WordWrap(
172   text in varchar2,
173   indent in number default 0) return varchar2;
175 -- GetWarning - get warning messages
176 --
177 -- IN
178 --   Template
179 --   unsolicited from
180 --   unsolicited subject
181 --   unsolicited body
182 -- OUT
183 --   message subject
184 --   message body (text)
185 --   message body (html)
186 procedure GetWarning(
187     template  in  varchar2,
188     ufrom     in  varchar2,
189     usubject  in  varchar2,
190     ubody     in varchar2,
191     subject   out NOCOPY varchar2,
192     text_body_text out NOCOPY varchar2,
193     html_body_text out NOCOPY varchar2) ;
195 -- GetWarning - get warning messages
196 --
197 -- IN
198 --   unsolicited from
199 --   unsolicited subject
200 --   unsolicited body
201 -- OUT
202 --   message subject
203 --   message body (text)
204 --   message body (html)
205 procedure GetWarning(
206     ufrom     in  varchar2,
207     usubject  in  varchar2,
208     ubody     in varchar2,
209     subject   out NOCOPY varchar2,
210     text_body_text out NOCOPY varchar2,
211     html_body_text out NOCOPY varchar2) ;
213 -- GetSummary - get summary messages for one role
214 -- where the summary body can be a LOB
215 -- Bug# 2358498
216 --
217 -- IN
218 --   role name
219 --   role display name
220 --   mailer node name
221 -- OUT
222 --   message subject
223 --   message body (text)
224 --   message body (html)
225 --   lob (Y or N)
226 procedure GetSummary(
227     role      in  varchar2,
228     dname     in  varchar2,
229     node      in  varchar2,
230     subject   out NOCOPY varchar2,
231     body_text out NOCOPY varchar2,
232     lob       out NOCOPY varchar2);
234 -- GetSummary - get summary messages for one role
235 --
236 -- IN
237 --   role name
238 --   role display name
239 --   mailer node name
240 -- OUT
241 --   message subject
242 --   message body (text)
243 --   message body (html)
244 procedure GetSummary(
245     role      in  varchar2,
246     dname     in  varchar2,
247     node      in  varchar2,
248     subject   out NOCOPY varchar2,
249     body_text out NOCOPY varchar2);
251 -- GetSummary2 - get summary messages for one role
252 -- Support the render flag for Applications Framework.
253 -- If set, no body will be rendered as it will be
254 -- deferred to the middle tier.
255 -- IN
256 --   role name
257 --   role display name
258 --   mailer node name
259 --   content type
260 -- OUT
261 --   message subject
262 --   message body (text)
263 --   message body (html)
264 --   lob (Y or N)
265 procedure GetSummary2(
266     role      in  varchar2,
267     dname     in  varchar2,
268     node      in  varchar2,
269     renderBody in varchar2,
270     contType   in varchar2,
271     subject   out NOCOPY varchar2,
272     body_text out NOCOPY varchar2,
273     lob       out NOCOPY varchar2);
275 -- GetMessage - get email message data
276 --
277 -- IN
278 --   notification id
279 --   mailer node name
280 --   web agent path
281 --   Replyto Address
283 -- OUT
284 --   message subject
285 --   message body (text)
286 --   message body (html)
287 --   message attachments
288 procedure GetMessage(
289     nid       in  number,
290     node      in  varchar2,
291     agent     in  varchar2,
292     replyto   in  varchar2,
293     subject   out NOCOPY varchar2,
294     text_body out NOCOPY varchar2,
295     html_body out NOCOPY varchar2,
296     body_atth out NOCOPY varchar2,
297     error_result in out NOCOPY varchar2);
299 --
300 -- setContext (PRIVATE)
301 --   Set the context by executing the selector function
302 -- IN
303 --   nid - Notification id
304 --
305 procedure setContext(nid NUMBER);
307 -- GetLOBMessage3 - get email message data
308 --
309 -- IN
310 --   notification id
311 --   mailer node name
312 --   web agent path
313 --   Replyto Address
314 --   recipient role
315 --   language
316 --   territory
317 --   notification preference
318 --   email address
319 --   display name
320 --   render body flag
321 -- OUT
322 --   message subject
323 --   message attachments
324 --   bodyToken a flag to indicate if there is a BODY token in the
325 --   main message template
326 procedure GetLOBMessage3(
327     nid       in  number,
328     node      in  varchar2,
329     agent     in  varchar2,
330     replyto   in  varchar2,
331     recipient in  varchar2,
332     language  in  varchar2,
333     territory in  varchar2,
334     ntf_pref  in varchar2,
335     email     in varchar2,
336     dname     in varchar2,
337     renderbody in varchar2,
338     subject   out NOCOPY varchar2,
339     body_atth out NOCOPY varchar2,
340     error_result in out NOCOPY varchar2,
341     bodyToken in out NOCOPY varchar2);
343 -- GetLOBMessage2 - get email message data
344 --
345 -- IN
346 --   notification id
347 --   mailer node name
348 --   web agent path
349 --   Replyto Address
350 --   recipient role
351 --   language
352 --   territory
353 --   notification preference
354 --   email address
355 --   display name
356 -- OUT
357 --   message subject
358 --   message attachments
359 procedure GetLOBMessage2(
360     nid       in  number,
361     node      in  varchar2,
362     agent     in  varchar2,
363     replyto   in  varchar2,
364     recipient in  varchar2,
365     language  in  varchar2,
366     territory in  varchar2,
367     ntf_pref  in varchar2,
368     email     in varchar2,
369     dname     in varchar2,
370     subject   out NOCOPY varchar2,
371     body_atth out NOCOPY varchar2,
372     error_result in out NOCOPY varchar2);
374 -- GetLOBMessage - get email message data
375 --
376 -- IN
377 --   notification id
378 --   mailer node name
379 --   web agent path
380 --   Replyto Address
382 -- OUT
383 --   message subject
384 --   message attachments
385 procedure GetLOBMessage(
386     nid       in  number,
387     node      in  varchar2,
388     agent     in  varchar2,
389     replyto   in  varchar2,
390     subject   out NOCOPY varchar2,
391     body_atth out NOCOPY varchar2,
392     error_result in out NOCOPY varchar2);
394 -- initFetchLOB
395 --
396 -- IN
397 -- type - Document type (TEXT or HTML)
398 --
399 procedure InitFetchLOB(doc_type VARCHAR2 default WF_NOTIFICATION.doc_text,
400                        doc_length OUT NOCOPY NUMBER);
403 -- FetchLOBContent
404 --
405 -- IN
406 -- type of document to fetch TEXT/HTML
407 -- End of LOB marker
408 -- OUT
409 -- 32K chunk of the LOB
410 --
411 -- Use the API in the following manner
412 -- WF_MAIL.InitFetchLob(WF_NOTIFICATION.doc_text)
413 -- while not clob_end loop
414 --    WF_MAIL.FetchLobContent(cBuf, WF_NOTIFICATION.doc_text, clob_end);
415 --    ...
416 -- end loop;
417 --
418 procedure FetchLOBContent(buffer OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
419                           doc_type IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT WF_NOTIFICATION.doc_text,
420                           end_of_clob IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER);
421 -- CloseLOB - Close the message LOBs ready for use again later
422 --
423 -- IN
424 --    Document type
425 procedure CloseLOB(doc_type in VARCHAR2);
427 -- CloseLOB - Close the message LOBs ready for use again later
428 --
429 procedure CloseLOB;
431 -- FetchUrlContent - Fetched the content from the global buffer which
432 --                   populated by GetUrlContent().
433 --
434 -- IN
435 --   piece_count - the index to the url_content_array.
436 -- OUT
437 --   piece_value - the data stored in the global content_array table.
438 function FetchUrlContent(piece_count in number,
439                          error_result in out NOCOPY varchar2) return varchar2;
441 -- GetUrlContent - get URL content
442 --
443 -- IN
444 --   url address id
445 -- OUT
446 --   piece_count
447 --   error result
448 procedure GetUrlContent(
449     url          in  varchar2,
450     piece_count  out NOCOPY number,
451     error_result in out NOCOPY varchar2);
453 -- GetDocContent - get Document content
454 --
455 -- IN
456 --   notification id
457 --   document attribute name
458 --   display type
459 -- OUT
460 --   document content
461 --   error result
462 procedure GetDocContent(
463     nid          in  number,
464     docattrname  in  varchar2,
465     disptype     in  varchar2,
466     doccontent   out NOCOPY varchar2,
467     error_result in out NOCOPY varchar2);
469 -- GetLOBDocContent - get LOB Document content
470 --
471 -- IN
472 --   notification id
473 --   document attribute name
474 --   display type
475 -- OUT
476 --   document content
477 --   error result
478 procedure GetLOBDocContent(
479     nid          in  number,
480     docattrname  in  varchar2,
481     disptype     in  varchar2,
482     error_result in out NOCOPY varchar2);
484 -- GetLOBDocContent - get LOB Document content
485 --   Returns the document type of the PLSQLCLOB document
486 --
487 -- IN
488 --   notification id
489 --   document attribute name
490 --   display type
491 -- OUT
492 --   document type
493 --   document content
494 --   error result
495 procedure GetLOBDocContent(
496     nid          in  number,
497     docattrname  in  varchar2,
498     disptype     in  varchar2,
499     doctype      out NOCOPY varchar2,
500     error_result in  out NOCOPY varchar2);
502 -- GetLovMeaning (PRIVATE)
503 --   Return the displayed meaning of a lookup
504 -- Inputs:
505 --   lk_type - lookup type
506 --   lk_code - lookup code
507 -- Returns:
508 --   lookup meaning
509 function GetLovMeaning(
510   lk_type in varchar2,
511   lk_code in varchar2) return varchar2;
513 -- GetLovCode (PRIVATE) Return the hidden code of a lookup
514 --
515 -- IN
516 --   lookup type
517 --   lookup meaning
518 -- RETURN
519 --   lookup code
520 function GetLovCode(
521     lk_type    in varchar2,
522     lk_meaning in varchar2)
523 return varchar2;
526 -- PutMessage - response processing
527 --
528 -- IN
529 --   notification id
530 --   node name
531 --   response body
532 --   from address
533 procedure PutMessage(
534     nid       in  number,
535     node      in  varchar2,
536     resp_body in  varchar2,
537     from_addr in  varchar2,
538     error_result in out NOCOPY varchar2);
540 -- PutDirectMessage - direct response processing
541 --
542 -- IN
543 --   notification id
544 --   node name
545 --   response body
546 --   from address
547 procedure PutDirectMessage(
548     nid       in  number,
549     node      in  varchar2,
550     resp_body in  varchar2,
551     from_addr in  varchar2,
552     error_result in out NOCOPY varchar2);
554 -- More Info Feature - bug 2282139
555 -- PutMoreInfoRequest
556 --   Reply processor.  Read body of a request for more information
557 --   parse the body for the role to send the request to.
558 --   Used by the notification mail response processor.
559 -- IN
560 --   notification id
561 --   mailer node name
562 --   response body text
563 --   email 'from' address
564 procedure PutMoreInfoRequest(
565     nid       in  number,
566     node      in  varchar2,
567     resp_body in  varchar2,
568     from_addr in  varchar2,
569     error_result in out NOCOPY varchar2);
571 -- PutMoreInfoMessage
572 --   Reply processor.  Read body of a reply for more information
573 --   request, parse the body for the comments from the user and
574 --   update wf_notification and wf_comments apropriately
575 --   Used by the notification mail response processor.
576 -- IN
577 --   notification id
578 --   mailer node name
579 --   response body text
580 --   email 'from' address
581 procedure PutMoreInfoMessage(
582     nid       in  number,
583     node      in  varchar2,
584     resp_body in  varchar2,
585     from_addr in  varchar2,
586     error_result in out NOCOPY varchar2);
588 -- direct_response - Return the value of the direct response flag
589 --
590 -- OUT
591 --   Direct Response as [TRUE|FALSE]
592 function direct_response return boolean;
594 -- send_accesskey - Return the value of the send access key flag
595 --
596 -- OUT
597 --   Direct Response as [TRUE|FALSE]
598 function send_accesskey return boolean;
600 -- Autoclose_FYI - Return the value of the Autoclose FYI flag
601 --
602 -- OUT
604 function Autoclose_FYI return boolean;
606 -- Autoclose_FYI_on - Set the Autoclose flag to TRUE
607 --
608 -- OUT
609 procedure Autoclose_FYI_On;
611 -- Autoclose_FYI_off - Set the Autoclose flag to TRUE
612 --
613 -- OUT
614 procedure Autoclose_FYI_Off;
616 -- direct_response_on - Set the value of the direct response flag to TRUE
617 --
618 procedure direct_response_on;
620 -- direct_response - Set the value of the direct response flag to FALSE
621 --
622 procedure direct_response_off;
624 -- send_accesskey - Set the value of the send acces key flag to TRUE
625 --
626 procedure send_access_key_on;
628 -- send_accesskey - Set the value of the send acces key flag to FALSE
629 --
630 procedure send_access_key_off;
633 function UrlEncode(in_string varchar2) return varchar2;
634 pragma restrict_references(UrlEncode, WNDS);
636 procedure GetUrlAttachment (nid in number,
637                             buffer out NOCOPY varchar2,
638                             error_result out NOCOPY varchar2);
640 -- set_template - Set the mail template
641 -- if nothing is specify, it will clear the mail template value.
642 procedure set_template(name in varchar2 default null);
644 --
645 -- GetCharset (PRIVATE)
646 --   Get the character set base of the language and territory info.
647 -- NOTE
648 --   We may do more in the future to find the character set.
649 --
650 procedure GetCharset(lang in varchar2,
651                      terr in varchar2 default null,
655 -- Get the session language and territory for the
652                      charset out NOCOPY varchar2);
654 -- GetSessionLanguage
656 -- current session
657 --
658 -- OUT
659 -- Language
660 -- Territory
661 -- codeset
662 procedure GetSessionLanguage(lang out NOCOPY varchar2,
663                              terr out NOCOPY varchar2,
664                              codeset out NOCOPY varchar2);
666 -- Bug 2375920
667 -- GetSignaturePolicy (PUBLIC)
668 --    Get the signature policy for the notification from
669 --    the notification attribute
670 -- IN
671 --   nid  -  Notification id
672 -- OUT
673 --   sig_policy  - Signature policy
675 procedure GetSignaturePolicy(nid        in  number,
676                              sig_policy out NOCOPY varchar2);
678 -- gets the size of the current LOB table
679 function getLobTableSize return number;
681 -- GetTemplateName (For Internal Use only)
682 --    Get the template type and name based on the status of the
683 --    notification and whether, or not,  name has been overridden
684 --    in the configuration parameters or on the message definition
685 --    itself.
686 --
687 -- IN
688 --    Notification ID
689 --    Notification status
690 --    Notification Mail status
691 -- OUT
692 --    Item type for template
693 --    Message name for template
695 procedure getTemplateName(nid in number, n_status in varchar2,
696                           n_mstatus in varchar2, t_type out NOCOPY varchar2,
697                           t_name out NOCOPY varchar2);
699 -- ProcessSecurityPolicy
700 --    Processes the security policy for the notification. The security policy
701 --    is determined by the #WF_SECURITY_POLICY.
702 -- IN
703 --    p_nid   - Notification id
704 -- OUT
705 --    p_email - Determines whether content is secure or not
706 --    p_message_name - If the notification is not to be sent through email,
707 --                     suggest a template to use.
708 procedure ProcessSecurityPolicy(p_nid          in  number,
709                                 p_email        out NOCOPY varchar2,
710                                 p_message_name out NOCOPY varchar2);
712 -- get_Ntf_Function_URL (For internal use only)
713 -- Returns the Applications Framework URL
714 -- IN
715 -- Notification ID
716 -- Notification Access Key
717 -- Signature policy
718 function get_Ntf_Function_URL(nid              in number,
719                               n_key            in varchar2,
720                               n_sig_policy     in varchar2,
721                               n_override_agent in varchar2 default null)
722 return varchar2;
724 -- Set_FYI_Flag (Private)
725 --   Sets a global flag to identify if the current e-mail being processed is a
726 --   FYI notification
727 -- IN
728 --   p_fyi  boolean
729 procedure Set_FYI_Flag(p_fyi in boolean);
731 -- Get_FYI_Flag (Private)
732 --   Returns a global flag to identify if the current e-mail being processed is
733 --   a FYI notification
734 -- OUT
735 --   Boolean value
736 function Get_FYI_Flag return boolean;
738 -- Get_Ntf_Language (PRIVATE)
739 --   Overrides the language and territory setting for the notification based
740 --   on the #WFM_LANGUAGE and #WFM_TERRITORY attributes. If neither user's
741 --   preference nor the notification level setting are valid, the base NLS
742 --   setting is used-- IN
743 --   p_nid - Notification Id
744 -- IN OUT
745 --   p_language   - NLS Language
746 --   p_territory  - NLS Territory
747 --   p_codeset    - NLS Codeset
748 procedure Get_Ntf_Language(p_nid       in            number,
749                            p_language  in out nocopy varchar2,
750                            p_territory in out nocopy varchar2,
751                            p_codeset   in out nocopy varchar2);
753 --
754 -- Generic mailer routines
755 --
756 -- Send
757 --   Sends a e-mail notification to the specified list of recipients.
758 --   This API unlike wf_notification.send does not require workflow
759 --   message or workflow roles to send a notification.
760 /*#
761  * Sends a message to be dispatched through e-mail by the Oracle Workflow
762  * Notification Mailer. The message content and recipients provided in the
763  * parameters do not need to be associated with any workflow process or
764  * directory service roles. The message content must be complete,
765  * preformatted, and email-ready, and should conform to the content type
766  * specified in the p_content_type parameter. Where possible, Oracle
767  * recommends setting only the required parameters and using the default
768  * values for the optional parameters.
769  * @param p_subject The Subject header value
770  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
771  * @param p_message The message content
772  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
773  * @param p_recipient_list The list of recipients to whom the message should be sent
774  * @paraminfo {@rep:innertype WF_MAIL#wf_recipient_list_t} {@rep:required}
775  * @param p_module The program or application to which the message belongs
776  * @paraminfo {@rep:required}
777  * @param p_idstring An optional identifier for the message, used in response processing
778  * @param p_from An optional From header value
779  * @param p_replyto An optional Reply-To header value
780  * @param p_language An optional language setting for the message
781  * @param p_territory An optional territory setting for the message
782  * @param p_codeset An optional codeset encoding specification for the message
783  * @param p_content_type An optional Content-Type header value
784  * @param p_callback_event The event raised to enable further processing, if needed, after the message is dispatched
785  * @param p_event_key The key that identifies the message when the message is enqueued for dispatch
786  * @param p_fyi_flag A flag to indicate whether the message is for your information (FYI) or requires a response
787  *
788  * @rep:displayname Send Message
789  * @rep:businessevent oracle.apps.wf.notification.send
790  * @rep:scope public
791  * @rep:lifecycle active
792  * @rep:compatibility S
793  *
794  */
795 procedure send(p_subject        in varchar2,
796                p_message        in out nocopy clob,
797                p_recipient_list in wf_recipient_list_t,
798                p_module         in varchar2,
799                p_idstring       in varchar2 default null,
800                p_from           in varchar2 default null,
801                p_replyto        in varchar2 default null,
802                p_language       in varchar2 default 'AMERICAN',
803                p_territory      in varchar2 default 'AMERICA',
804                p_codeset        in varchar2 default 'UTF8',
805                p_content_type   in varchar2 default 'text/plain',
806                p_callback_event in varchar2 default null,
807                p_event_key      in varchar2 default null,
808                p_fyi_flag       in varchar2 default null);
811  --
812  -- SendMoreInfoResponseWarning
813  --   procedure to send a warning notification about the answer for a More
814  --   Informantion request that has already been answered.
815  -- IN
816  --   p_nid - Notification Id
817  --   p_from_email - Email address of the responder
819  procedure SendMoreInfoResponseWarning(p_nid IN NUMBER,
820                                        p_from_email IN VARCHAR2 default null);
822 -- SetNtfEventsSubStatus
823 --   This procedure sets the status of seeded subscription to the event group
824 --   oracle.apps.wf.notification.send.group. This subscription is responsible
825 --   for notification XML message generation and presenting it to the mailer for
826 --   e-mail dispatch. Disabling this subscription causes e-mails not to be sent.
827 --
828 --    ENABLED  - E-mails are sent
829 --    DISABLED - E-mails are not sent
830 -- IN
831 --   p_status - Subscription status (Either ENABLED or DISABLED)
832 procedure SetNtfEventsSubStatus(p_status in varchar2);
834 -- SetResponseDelimiters
835 -- Sets the package level variables with one procedure call. The
836 -- response delimiters are used to determine the free form text
837 -- values in email notification responses.
838 --
839 -- IN
840 -- open_text - Opening text/plain delimiter
841 -- close_text - Closing text/plain delimiter
842 -- open_html - Opening text/html delimiter
843 -- close_html - Closing text/html delimiter
844 procedure SetResponseDelimiters(open_text in varchar2,
845                                 close_text in varchar2,
846                                 open_html in varchar2,
847                                 close_html in varchar2);
849 end WF_MAIL;