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2 /* $Header: BOMBEXPS.pls 120.1 2005/06/21 02:46:49 appldev ship $ */
3 /*==========================================================================+
4 |   Copyright (c) 1993 Oracle Corporation Belmont, California, USA          |
5 |                          All rights reserved.                             |
6 +===========================================================================+
7 |                                                                           |
8 | File Name    : BOMBEXPS.pls                                               |
9 | Description  : This is the bom exploder.                                  |
10 | Parameters:   org_id          organization_id                             |
11 |               order_by        1 - Op seq, item seq                        |
12 |                               2 - Item seq, op seq                        |
13 |               grp_id          unique value to identify current explosion  |
14 |                               use value from sequence bom_explosion_temp_s|
15 |               levels_to_explode                                           |
16 |               bom_or_eng      1 - BOM                                     |
17 |                               2 - ENG                                     |
18 |               impl_flag       1 - implemented only                        |
19 |                               2 - both impl and unimpl                    |
20 |               explode_option  1 - All                                     |
21 |                               2 - Current                                 |
22 |                               3 - Current and future                      |
23 |		incl_oc_flag	1 - include OC and M under standard item    |
24 |				2 - do not include                          |
25 |		incl_lt_flag	1 - include operation lead time %           |
26 |				2 - don't include operation lead time %     |
27 |               max_level       max bom levels permissible for org          |
28 |               rev_date        explosion date dd-mon-yy hh24:mi            |
29 |               err_msg         error message out buffer                    |
30 |               error_code      error code out.  returns sql error code     |
31 |                               if sql error, 9999 if loop detected.        |
32 | Revision                                                                  |
33 |		Shreyas Shah	Creation                                    |
34 | 02/10/94	Shreyas Shah	added common_bill_Seq_id to cursor          |
35 |				added multi-org explosion                   |
36 | 10/19/95      Robert Yee      select operation lead time percent from     |
37 |                               routing                                     |
38 | 09/05/96      Robert Yee      Increase Sort Order Width to 4 from 3       |
39 |				(Bills can have >= 1000 components          |
40 +==========================================================================*/
42 -- G_SortWidth constant number := 7; -- 1 to 999,9999 components per level
43 G_SortWidth constant number := Bom_Common_Definitions.G_Bom_SortCode_Width;
45 PROCEDURE bom_exploder(
46 	verify_flag		IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
47 	online_flag		IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1,
48 	org_id 			IN NUMBER,
49 	order_by 		IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1,
50 	grp_id			IN NUMBER,
51 	levels_to_explode 	IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1,
52 	bom_or_eng		IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1,
53 	impl_flag		IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1,
54         plan_factor_flag	IN NUMBER DEFAULT 2,
55 	explode_option 		IN NUMBER DEFAULT 2,
56 	std_comp_flag		IN NUMBER DEFAULT 2,
57 	incl_oc_flag		IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1,
58 	incl_lt_flag		IN NUMBER DEFAULT 2,
59 	max_level		IN NUMBER,
60 	module			IN NUMBER DEFAULT 2,
61 	rev_date		IN VARCHAR2,
62 	err_msg		 IN OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2,
63 	error_code	 IN OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ NUMBER
64 );