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Line 38: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

34: rcd.ext_rcd_id,
35: rcd.rcd_type_cd
36: FROM ben_ext_rcd rcd
37: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
38: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
39: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id = Ben_Ext_Thread.g_ext_dfn_id
40: AND rin.ext_file_id = dfn.ext_file_id
41: AND rin.ext_rcd_id = rcd.ext_rcd_id
42: ORDER BY rin.seq_num;

Line 51: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

47: CURSOR c_get_rcd_id(c_seq IN Number) IS
48: SELECT rcd.ext_rcd_id
49: FROM ben_ext_rcd rcd
50: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
51: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
52: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id = Ben_Ext_Thread.g_ext_dfn_id -- The extract executing currently
53: AND rin.ext_file_id = dfn.ext_file_id
54: AND rin.ext_rcd_id = rcd.ext_rcd_id
55: AND rin.seq_num = c_seq;

Line 257: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

253: ) IS
254: SELECT rcd.ext_rcd_id
255: FROM ben_ext_rcd rcd
256: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
257: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
258: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id = Ben_Ext_Thread.g_ext_dfn_id -- The extract
259: AND rin.ext_file_id = dfn.ext_file_id
260: AND rin.hide_flag = c_hide_flag -- Y=Hidden, N=Not Hidden
261: AND rin.ext_rcd_id = rcd.ext_rcd_id

Line 271: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

267: CURSOR csr_ext_rcd_id_hidden(c_rcd_type_cd IN Varchar2) IS
268: SELECT rcd.ext_rcd_id
269: FROM ben_ext_rcd rcd
270: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
271: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
272: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id = Ben_Ext_Thread.g_ext_dfn_id
273: AND rin.ext_file_id = dfn.ext_file_id
274: AND rin.ext_rcd_id = rcd.ext_rcd_id
275: AND rcd.rcd_type_cd = c_rcd_type_cd

Line 636: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

632: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
633: ,ben_ext_rslt res
634: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
635: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
636: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
637: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id
638: FROM pqp_extract_attributes
639: WHERE ext_dfn_type = 'NL_FPR')
640: and dtl.person_id = g_person_id

Line 2230: FROM ben_ext_dfn ed

2227: CURSOR csr_ext_name(c_ext_dfn_id IN Number
2228: )IS
2229: SELECT Substr(ed.NAME,1,240)
2230: FROM ben_ext_dfn ed
2231: WHERE ed.ext_dfn_id = p_ext_dfn_id;
2233: CURSOR csr_pay_name(c_payroll_id IN Number
2234: ,c_end_date IN Date

Line 2250: l_extract_name ben_ext_dfn.NAME%TYPE;

2246: WHERE con.consolidation_set_id = c_con_set;
2249: l_proc_name Varchar2(150) := g_proc_name ||'Set_ConcProg_Parameter_Values';
2250: l_extract_name ben_ext_dfn.NAME%TYPE;
2251: l_payroll_name PAY_PAYROLLS_F.PAYROLL_NAME%TYPE ;
2253: l_org_name hr_all_organization_units.NAME%TYPE;

Line 2457: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

2453: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
2454: ,ben_ext_rslt res
2455: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
2456: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
2457: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
2458: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id
2459: FROM pqp_extract_attributes
2460: WHERE ext_dfn_type = 'NL_FPR')
2461: AND val_05 <> '00000000' -- Ptpn St Date

Line 3258: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

3254: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
3255: ,ben_ext_rslt res
3256: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
3257: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
3258: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
3259: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id
3260: FROM pqp_extract_attributes
3261: WHERE ext_dfn_type = 'NL_FPR')
3262: and dtl.person_id = g_person_id

Line 3283: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

3279: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
3280: ,ben_ext_rslt res
3281: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
3282: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
3283: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
3284: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id
3285: FROM pqp_extract_attributes
3286: WHERE ext_dfn_type = 'NL_FPR')
3287: and dtl.person_id = g_person_id

Line 3308: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

3304: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
3305: ,ben_ext_rslt res
3306: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
3307: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
3308: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
3309: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id
3310: FROM pqp_extract_attributes
3311: WHERE ext_dfn_type = 'NL_FPR')
3312: and dtl.person_id = g_person_id

Line 3333: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

3329: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
3330: ,ben_ext_rslt res
3331: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
3332: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
3333: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
3334: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id
3335: FROM pqp_extract_attributes
3336: WHERE ext_dfn_type = 'NL_FPR')
3337: and dtl.person_id = g_person_id

Line 3360: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

3356: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
3357: ,ben_ext_rslt res
3358: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
3359: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
3360: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
3361: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id
3362: FROM pqp_extract_attributes
3363: WHERE ext_dfn_type = 'NL_FPR')
3364: and dtl.person_id = g_person_id

Line 5592: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

5588: rcd.ext_rcd_id,
5589: rcd.rcd_type_cd
5590: FROM ben_ext_rcd rcd
5591: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
5592: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
5593: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id = Ben_Ext_Thread.g_ext_dfn_id
5594: AND rin.ext_file_id = dfn.ext_file_id
5595: AND rin.ext_rcd_id = rcd.ext_rcd_id
5596: ORDER BY rin.seq_num;

Line 5633: l_ext_dfn_id ben_ext_dfn.ext_dfn_id%TYPE;

5629: l_conc_reqest_id ben_ext_rslt.request_id%TYPE;
5630: l_ext_dfn_type pqp_extract_attributes.ext_dfn_type%TYPE;
5631: i per_all_assignments_f.business_group_id%TYPE;
5632: l_ext_rslt_id ben_ext_rslt.ext_rslt_id%TYPE;
5633: l_ext_dfn_id ben_ext_dfn.ext_dfn_id%TYPE;
5634: l_return_value Varchar2(2) :='N';
5635: l_proc_name Varchar2(150) := g_proc_name ||'Pension_Criteria_Full_Profile';
5636: l_assig_rec csr_assig%ROWTYPE;
5637: l_effective_date Date;

Line 7965: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

7961: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
7962: ,ben_ext_rslt res
7963: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
7964: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
7965: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
7966: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id
7967: FROM pqp_extract_attributes
7968: WHERE ext_dfn_type = 'NL_FPR')
7969: AND dtl.person_id = g_person_id

Line 8154: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

8150: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
8151: ,ben_ext_rslt res
8152: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
8153: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
8154: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
8155: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id
8156: FROM pqp_extract_attributes
8157: WHERE ext_dfn_type = 'NL_FPR')
8158: AND dtl.person_id = g_person_id

Line 8565: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

8561: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
8562: ,ben_ext_rslt res
8563: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
8564: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
8565: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
8566: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id
8567: FROM pqp_extract_attributes
8568: WHERE ext_dfn_type = 'NL_FPR')
8569: and dtl.person_id = g_person_id

Line 10745: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

10741: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
10742: ,ben_ext_rslt res
10743: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
10744: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
10745: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
10746: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id
10747: FROM pqp_extract_attributes
10748: WHERE ext_dfn_type = 'NL_FPR')
10749: and dtl.person_id = g_person_id

Line 10769: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

10765: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
10766: ,ben_ext_rslt res
10767: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
10768: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
10769: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
10770: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id
10771: FROM pqp_extract_attributes
10772: WHERE ext_dfn_type = 'NL_FPR')
10773: and dtl.person_id = g_person_id

Line 10849: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

10845: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
10846: ,ben_ext_rslt res
10847: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
10848: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
10849: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
10850: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id
10851: FROM pqp_extract_attributes
10852: WHERE ext_dfn_type = 'NL_FPR')
10853: and dtl.person_id = g_person_id

Line 16366: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

16362: CURSOR csr_rcd_05_id IS
16363: SELECT rcd.ext_rcd_id,rin.seq_num
16364: FROM ben_ext_rcd rcd
16365: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
16366: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
16367: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id = Ben_Ext_Thread.g_ext_dfn_id
16368: AND rin.ext_file_id = dfn.ext_file_id
16369: AND rin.ext_rcd_id = rcd.ext_rcd_id
16370: AND rin.seq_num = 5;