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1 package cwm$olap$dim$attribute as
3   -- Create a new attribute of a dimension (or all levels).
4   --
5   -- param owner                     owner of the dimension
6   -- param dimension_name            name of the dimension
7   -- param attribute_name            name for the attribute
8   -- param display_name              display name for the attribute
9   -- param description               descriptive text for the attribute
10   --
11   -- raise no_access_privileges      if no privileges to edit the dimension
12   -- raise dimension_not_found       if dimension doesn't exist
13   -- raise invalid_name              if attribute name is invalid
14   -- raise attribute_already_exists  if an attribute with name already exists
15   procedure create_dimension_attribute(owner varchar2
16                                      , dimension_name  varchar2
17                                      , attribute_name  varchar2
18                                      , display_name    varchar2
19                                      , description     varchar2);
21   -- Delete a dimension attribute.
22   --
23   -- param owner                 owner of the dimension
24   -- param dimension_name        name of the dimension
25   -- param attribute_name        name of the attribute
26   --
27   -- raise no_access_privileges  if no privileges to edit the dimension
28   -- raise attribute_not_found   if attribute doesn't exist
29   procedure drop_dimension_attribute(owner varchar2
30                                    , dimension_name varchar2
31                                    , attribute_name varchar2);
34   -- Set new descriptive text for a dimension attribute.
35   --
36   -- param owner                 owner of the dimension
37   -- param dimension_name        name of the dimension
38   -- param attribute_name        name of the attribute
39   -- param description           new descriptive text for the attribute
40   --
41   -- raise no_access_privileges  if no privileges to edit the dimension
42   -- raise attribute_not_found   if attribute doesn't exist
43   procedure set_description(owner varchar2
44                           , dimension_name varchar2
45                           , attribute_name varchar2
46                           , description varchar2);
48   -- Set a new display name for a dimension attribute.
49   --
50   -- param owner                 owner of the dimension
51   -- param dimension_name        name of the dimension
52   -- param attribute_name        name of the attribute
53   -- param display_name          new display name for the attribute
54   --
55   -- raise no_access_privileges  if no privileges to edit the dimension
56   -- raise attribute_not_found   if attribute doesn't exist
57   procedure set_display_name(owner varchar2
58                            , dimension_name varchar2
59                            , attribute_name varchar2
60                            , display_name  varchar2);
62   -- Add a level attribute to the dimension attribute.
63   --
64   -- param owner                     owner of the dimension
65   -- param dimension_name            name of the dimension
66   -- param dim_attribute_name        name of the dimension attribute
67   -- param level_name                name of the level containing the level attribute
68   -- param lvl_attribute_name        name of the level attribute
69   --
70   -- raise no_access_privileges      if no privileges to edit the dimension
71   -- raise dimension_not_found       if dimension doesn't exist
72   -- raise attribute_not_found       if either attribute doesn't exist
73   -- raise attribute_already_exists  if level attribute already added
74   procedure add_level_attribute(owner varchar2
75                               , dimension_name varchar2
76                               , dim_attribute_name varchar2
77                               , level_name varchar2
78                               , lvl_attribute_name varchar2);
80   -- Remove a level attribute from the dimension attribute.
81   --
82   -- param owner                     owner of the dimension
83   -- param dimension_name            name of the dimension
84   -- param dim_attribute_name        name of the dimension attribute
85   -- param level_name                name of the level containing the level attribute
86   -- param lvl_attribute_name        name of the level attribute
87   --
88   -- raise no_access_privileges      if no privileges to edit the dimension
89   -- raise dimension_not_found       if dimension doesn't exist
90   -- raise attribute_not_found       if attribute doesn't exist
91   -- raise attribute_use_not_found   if the use does not exist
92   procedure remove_level_attribute(owner varchar2
93                                  , dimension_name varchar2
94                                  , dim_attribute_name varchar2
95                                  , level_name varchar2
96                                  , lvl_attribute_name varchar2);
99   -- Lock the dimension attribute
100   --
101   -- param owner                 owner of the dimension
102   -- param dimension_name        name of the dimension
103   -- param attribute_name        name of the attribute
104   -- param wait_for_lock         wait for lock if acquired by other user
105   --
106   -- raise no_access_privileges  if no privileges to edit the dimension
107   -- raise attribute_not_found   if attribute doesn't exist
108   -- raise failed_to_gain_lock   if lock could not be acquired
109   procedure lock_dimension_attribute(owner varchar2
110                                    , dimension_name varchar2
111                                    , attribute_name varchar2
112                                    , wait_for_lock boolean := false);
115   -- Internal method to return the id of the dimension attribute
116   --
117   -- param owner                 owner of the dimension
118   -- param dimension_name        name of the dimension
119   -- param attribute_name        name of the attribute
120   --
121   -- raise attribute_not_found   if attribute doesn't exist
122   function get_dimensionattribute_id(owner varchar2
123                                    , dimension_name varchar2
124                                    , attribute_name varchar2) return number;
126 end;