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Line 28: x_factor_by_code OUT NOCOPY pa_proj_fp_options.factor_by_code%TYPE, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895

25: PROCEDURE set_global_variables
26: (p_project_id IN pa_budget_versions.project_id%TYPE,
27: -- p_plan_class_code IN pa_fin_plan_types_b.plan_class_code%TYPE,
28: x_factor_by_code OUT NOCOPY pa_proj_fp_options.factor_by_code%TYPE, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
29: x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
30: x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
31: x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
32: is

Line 41: from pa_proj_fp_options po

37: -- pa_fin_plan_type_global.G_PLAN_CLASS_CODE := p_plan_class_code;
38: -- *** bug fix 2770782: retrieve x_budget_status code from project-level row ***
39: select nvl(po.factor_by_code, 1)
40: into x_factor_by_code
41: from pa_proj_fp_options po
42: where po.project_id = p_project_id and
43: po.fin_plan_option_level_code = 'PROJECT';

Line 249: FROM pa_proj_fp_options

245: , gen_src_all_plan_version_id
246: , gen_src_all_plan_ver_code
247: , fin_plan_option_level_code
248: , proj_fp_options_id
249: FROM pa_proj_fp_options
250: WHERE project_id = c_project_id
251: AND fin_plan_type_id IS NOT NULL -- eliminates project level record
252: AND fin_plan_type_id <> c_fin_plan_type_id -- eliminates plan type being deleted
253: AND (gen_src_cost_plan_type_id = c_fin_plan_type_id OR

Line 263: FROM pa_proj_fp_options o

259: -- Bug 3619687 Cursor to return the default generation source plan type
260: CURSOR def_gen_src_plan_type_cur (c_project_id NUMBER, c_fin_plan_type_id NUMBER)IS
261: SELECT pt.fin_plan_type_id as fin_plan_type_id
262: ,pt.plan_class_code as plan_class_code
263: FROM pa_proj_fp_options o
264: ,pa_fin_plan_types_vl pt
265: WHERE o.project_id = c_project_id
266: AND o.fin_plan_option_level_code = 'PLAN_TYPE'
267: AND o.fin_plan_type_id <> c_fin_plan_type_id

Line 413: -- Update pa_proj_fp_options table

409: END IF;
411: END IF;
413: -- Update pa_proj_fp_options table
414: UPDATE pa_proj_fp_options
415: SET gen_src_cost_plan_type_id = fp_options_rec.gen_src_cost_plan_type_id
416: , gen_src_cost_plan_version_id = fp_options_rec.gen_src_cost_plan_version_id
417: , gen_src_cost_plan_ver_code = fp_options_rec.gen_src_cost_plan_ver_code

Line 414: UPDATE pa_proj_fp_options

411: END IF;
413: -- Update pa_proj_fp_options table
414: UPDATE pa_proj_fp_options
415: SET gen_src_cost_plan_type_id = fp_options_rec.gen_src_cost_plan_type_id
416: , gen_src_cost_plan_version_id = fp_options_rec.gen_src_cost_plan_version_id
417: , gen_src_cost_plan_ver_code = fp_options_rec.gen_src_cost_plan_ver_code
418: , gen_src_rev_plan_type_id = fp_options_rec.gen_src_rev_plan_type_id

Line 438: to avoid full table scan pa_proj_fp_options would be used to fetch all the relevant option_ids

434: -- delete from PA_FP_ELEMENTS
436: /*
437: Bug 3106741 For pa_fp_elements there is no index avaialable on project_id and plan_type_id
438: to avoid full table scan pa_proj_fp_options would be used to fetch all the relevant option_ids
439: */
441: delete from pa_fp_elements e
442: where e.proj_fp_options_id in (select o.proj_fp_options_id from pa_proj_fp_options o

Line 442: where e.proj_fp_options_id in (select o.proj_fp_options_id from pa_proj_fp_options o

438: to avoid full table scan pa_proj_fp_options would be used to fetch all the relevant option_ids
439: */
441: delete from pa_fp_elements e
442: where e.proj_fp_options_id in (select o.proj_fp_options_id from pa_proj_fp_options o
443: where o.project_id = p_project_id and
444: o.fin_plan_type_id = p_fin_plan_type_id);
445: /*
446: Bug 3106741 For pa_fp_txn_currencies there is no index avaialable on project_id and plan_type_id

Line 447: to avoid full table scan pa_proj_fp_options would be used to fetch all the relevant option_ids

443: where o.project_id = p_project_id and
444: o.fin_plan_type_id = p_fin_plan_type_id);
445: /*
446: Bug 3106741 For pa_fp_txn_currencies there is no index avaialable on project_id and plan_type_id
447: to avoid full table scan pa_proj_fp_options would be used to fetch all the relevant option_ids
448: */
450: -- delete from PA_FP_TXN_CURRENCIES
451: delete from pa_fp_txn_currencies tc

Line 453: from pa_proj_fp_options o

450: -- delete from PA_FP_TXN_CURRENCIES
451: delete from pa_fp_txn_currencies tc
452: where tc.proj_fp_options_id in (select o.proj_fp_options_id
453: from pa_proj_fp_options o
454: where o.project_id = p_project_id and --Replaced project_id with p_project_id
455: --for bug 2740553
456: o.fin_plan_type_id = p_fin_plan_type_id);

Line 471: FROM pa_proj_fp_options pfo

469: FROM pa_fp_excluded_elements ee
470: WHERE ee.proj_fp_options_id IN (SELECT pfo.proj_fp_options_id
471: FROM pa_proj_fp_options pfo
472: WHERE pfo.project_id = p_project_id
473: AND pfo.fin_plan_type_id=p_fin_plan_type_id);

Line 480: -- finally, delete from PA_PROJ_FP_OPTIONS

476: pa_debug.g_err_stage:= To_char(SQL%ROWCOUNT) || ' records deleted.';
477: pa_debug.write('delete_plan_type_from_project : PA_FIN_PLAN_TYPE_GLOBAL',pa_debug.g_err_stage,3);
478: END IF;
480: -- finally, delete from PA_PROJ_FP_OPTIONS
481: delete from pa_proj_fp_options
482: where project_id = p_project_id and
483: fin_plan_option_level_code = 'PLAN_TYPE' and
484: fin_plan_type_id = p_fin_plan_type_id;

Line 481: delete from pa_proj_fp_options

477: pa_debug.write('delete_plan_type_from_project : PA_FIN_PLAN_TYPE_GLOBAL',pa_debug.g_err_stage,3);
478: END IF;
480: -- finally, delete from PA_PROJ_FP_OPTIONS
481: delete from pa_proj_fp_options
482: where project_id = p_project_id and
483: fin_plan_option_level_code = 'PLAN_TYPE' and
484: fin_plan_type_id = p_fin_plan_type_id;

Line 511: (p_project_id IN pa_proj_fp_options.project_id%TYPE,

507: -- APPROVED_BUDGET - if the plan type is an approved budget plan class
508: -- NON_APPROVED_BUDGET - if the plan type is a non-approved budget plan class
509: -- This is used for FUNCTION SECURITY checks in Budgeting/Forecasting OA pages
510: FUNCTION plantype_to_planclass
511: (p_project_id IN pa_proj_fp_options.project_id%TYPE,
512: p_fin_plan_type_id IN pa_proj_fp_options.fin_plan_type_id%TYPE)
513: return VARCHAR2 is
514: l_plan_class_code pa_fin_plan_types_b.plan_class_code%TYPE;
515: l_approved_cost_pt_flag pa_fin_plan_types_b.approved_cost_plan_type_flag%TYPE;

Line 512: p_fin_plan_type_id IN pa_proj_fp_options.fin_plan_type_id%TYPE)

508: -- NON_APPROVED_BUDGET - if the plan type is a non-approved budget plan class
509: -- This is used for FUNCTION SECURITY checks in Budgeting/Forecasting OA pages
510: FUNCTION plantype_to_planclass
511: (p_project_id IN pa_proj_fp_options.project_id%TYPE,
512: p_fin_plan_type_id IN pa_proj_fp_options.fin_plan_type_id%TYPE)
513: return VARCHAR2 is
514: l_plan_class_code pa_fin_plan_types_b.plan_class_code%TYPE;
515: l_approved_cost_pt_flag pa_fin_plan_types_b.approved_cost_plan_type_flag%TYPE;
516: l_approved_rev_pt_flag pa_fin_plan_types_b.approved_rev_plan_type_flag%TYPE;

Line 527: from pa_proj_fp_options

523: select approved_cost_plan_type_flag,
524: approved_rev_plan_type_flag
525: into l_approved_cost_pt_flag,
526: l_approved_rev_pt_flag
527: from pa_proj_fp_options
528: where project_id = p_project_id and
529: fin_plan_type_id = p_fin_plan_type_id and
530: fin_plan_option_level_code = 'PLAN_TYPE';
531: if l_approved_cost_pt_flag = 'Y' or l_approved_rev_pt_flag = 'Y' then