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1 PACKAGE WSM_Serial_support_GRP AS
2 /* $Header: WSMGSERS.pls 120.0.12000000.1 2007/01/12 05:35:36 appldev ship $ */
4 -- Serial Number Record definition
5 -- Will be used in all the OSFM modules
7 (
8 Serial_Number			mtl_serial_numbers.serial_number%type                  ,
9 Assembly_item_id		number						       , -- added for attributes support during move..
10 header_id			number						       , -- added for attributes support during move..
11 Generate_serial_number		number                                                 ,
12 Generate_for_qty		number                                                 ,
13 Action_flag			number                                                 ,
14 Current_wip_entity_name		wip_entities.wip_entity_name%type                      ,
15 Changed_wip_entity_name		wip_entities.wip_entity_name%type                      ,
16 Current_wip_entity_id		wip_entities.wip_entity_id%type                        ,
17 Changed_wip_entity_id		wip_entities.wip_entity_id%type                        ,
18 serial_attribute_category   	mtl_serial_numbers.serial_attribute_category%type   ,
19 territory_code              	mtl_serial_numbers.territory_code%type              ,
20 origination_date            	mtl_serial_numbers.origination_date%type            ,
21 c_attribute1                	mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute1%type                ,
22 c_attribute2                	mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute2%type                ,
23 c_attribute3                	mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute3%type                ,
24 c_attribute4                	mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute4%type                ,
25 c_attribute5                	mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute5%type                ,
26 c_attribute6                	mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute6%type                ,
27 c_attribute7                	mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute7%type                ,
28 c_attribute8                	mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute8%type                ,
29 c_attribute9                	mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute9%type                ,
30 c_attribute10               	mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute10%type               ,
31 c_attribute11               	mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute11%type               ,
32 c_attribute12               	mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute12%type               ,
33 c_attribute13               	mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute13%type               ,
34 c_attribute14               	mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute14%type               ,
35 c_attribute15               	mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute15%type               ,
36 c_attribute16               	mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute16%type               ,
37 c_attribute17               	mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute17%type               ,
38 c_attribute18               	mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute18%type               ,
39 c_attribute19               	mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute19%type               ,
40 c_attribute20               	mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute20%type               ,
41 d_attribute1                	mtl_serial_numbers.d_attribute1%type                ,
42 d_attribute2                	mtl_serial_numbers.d_attribute2%type                ,
43 d_attribute3                	mtl_serial_numbers.d_attribute3%type                ,
44 d_attribute4                	mtl_serial_numbers.d_attribute4%type                ,
45 d_attribute5                	mtl_serial_numbers.d_attribute5%type                ,
46 d_attribute6                	mtl_serial_numbers.d_attribute6%type                ,
47 d_attribute7                	mtl_serial_numbers.d_attribute7%type                ,
48 d_attribute8                	mtl_serial_numbers.d_attribute8%type                ,
49 d_attribute9                	mtl_serial_numbers.d_attribute9%type                ,
50 d_attribute10               	mtl_serial_numbers.d_attribute10%type               ,
51 n_attribute1                	mtl_serial_numbers.n_attribute1%type                ,
52 n_attribute2                	mtl_serial_numbers.n_attribute2%type                ,
53 n_attribute3                	mtl_serial_numbers.n_attribute3%type                ,
54 n_attribute4                	mtl_serial_numbers.n_attribute4%type                ,
55 n_attribute5                	mtl_serial_numbers.n_attribute5%type                ,
56 n_attribute6                	mtl_serial_numbers.n_attribute6%type                ,
57 n_attribute7                	mtl_serial_numbers.n_attribute7%type                ,
58 n_attribute8                	mtl_serial_numbers.n_attribute8%type                ,
59 n_attribute9                	mtl_serial_numbers.n_attribute9%type                ,
60 n_attribute10               	mtl_serial_numbers.n_attribute10%type               ,
61 status_id                   	mtl_serial_numbers.status_id%type                   ,
62 time_since_new              	mtl_serial_numbers.time_since_new%type              ,
63 cycles_since_new            	mtl_serial_numbers.cycles_since_new%type            ,
64 time_since_overhaul         	mtl_serial_numbers.time_since_overhaul%type         ,
65 cycles_since_overhaul       	mtl_serial_numbers.cycles_since_overhaul%type       ,
66 time_since_repair           	mtl_serial_numbers.time_since_repair%type           ,
67 cycles_since_repair         	mtl_serial_numbers.cycles_since_repair%type         ,
68 time_since_visit            	mtl_serial_numbers.time_since_visit%type            ,
69 cycles_since_visit          	mtl_serial_numbers.cycles_since_visit%type          ,
70 time_since_mark             	mtl_serial_numbers.time_since_mark%type             ,
71 cycles_since_mark           	mtl_serial_numbers.cycles_since_mark%type           ,
72 number_of_repairs           	mtl_serial_numbers.number_of_repairs%type           ,
73 attribute_category          	mtl_serial_numbers.attribute_category%type          ,
74 attribute1                  	mtl_serial_numbers.attribute1%type                  ,
75 attribute2                  	mtl_serial_numbers.attribute2%type                  ,
76 attribute3                  	mtl_serial_numbers.attribute3%type                  ,
77 attribute4                  	mtl_serial_numbers.attribute4%type                  ,
78 attribute5                  	mtl_serial_numbers.attribute5%type                  ,
79 attribute6                  	mtl_serial_numbers.attribute6%type                  ,
80 attribute7                  	mtl_serial_numbers.attribute7%type                  ,
81 attribute8                  	mtl_serial_numbers.attribute8%type                  ,
82 attribute9                  	mtl_serial_numbers.attribute9%type                  ,
83 attribute10                 	mtl_serial_numbers.attribute10%type                 ,
84 attribute11                 	mtl_serial_numbers.attribute11%type                 ,
85 attribute12                 	mtl_serial_numbers.attribute12%type                 ,
86 attribute13                 	mtl_serial_numbers.attribute13%type                 ,
87 attribute14			mtl_serial_numbers.attribute14%type		    ,
88 attribute15			mtl_serial_numbers.attribute15%type
89 );
91 TYPE WSM_SERIAL_NUM_TBL is table of WSM_SERIAL_NUM_REC index by binary_integer;
93 -- This procedure will be called from the WIP move processor for backflush processing of intreface txn
94 -- If the txn is an undo or assembly return txn for a lot based job, populate_components will be invoked.
95 -- else the WIP API will be invoked
96 Procedure backflush_comp (p_wipEntityID      IN        NUMBER,
97 	                  p_orgID            IN        NUMBER,
98 	                  p_primaryQty       IN        NUMBER,
99 	                  p_txnDate          IN        DATE,
100 	                  p_txnHdrID         IN        NUMBER,
101 	                  p_txnType          IN        NUMBER,
102 	                  p_fmOp             IN        NUMBER,
103 	                  p_fmStep           IN        NUMBER,
104 	                  p_toOp             IN        NUMBER,
105 	                  p_toStep           IN        NUMBER,
106 	                  p_movTxnID         IN        NUMBER,
107 	                  p_cplTxnID         IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
108 	                  p_mtlTxnMode       IN        NUMBER,
109 	                  p_reasonID         IN        NUMBER := NULL,
110 	                  p_reference        IN        VARCHAR2 := NULL,
111 	                  p_init_msg_list    IN      VARCHAR2,
112 			  x_lotSerRequired   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
113 	                  x_returnStatus     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
114                           x_error_msg        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
115                           x_error_count      OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
116                         );
118 -- Populate MMTT,MTLT and MSNT for an assembly return/undo transaction for a lot based job
119 -- based on the previous move transaction records in MMT,MTL,MUT.
121 procedure populate_components(p_wip_entity_id  		IN 	   NUMBER,
122 			      p_organization_id		IN	   NUMBER,
123 			      p_move_txn_id		IN	   NUMBER,
124 			      p_move_txn_type		IN	   NUMBER,
125 			      p_txn_date		IN	   DATE,
126 			      p_mtl_txn_hdr_id  	IN         NUMBER,
127 			      p_compl_txn_id		IN         NUMBER,
128 			      x_return_status   	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
129 			      x_error_count   		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
130 			      x_error_msg     		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
131 			     );
134 END WSM_Serial_support_GRP;