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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 9

The p_a_interface() logic will insert pay data to the PA_Transaction_Interface
table.Details to be inserted will be passed in as parameters to a function
called p_a_interface.Because the interface to Project Accounting will vary on
different installations,the p_a_interface logic will be stored in the
HXT_USER_EXITS package.HXT_USER_EXITS is designed to contain unique code,
specific to a customers needs.

Following is a list of parameters to the p_a_interface function and the source
of each argument:

i_hours_worked  --  HXT_det_hours_worked_x.hours
i_rate          --  per_pay_proposals.proposed_salary
                      (employees hourly rate)
                      (timecard override hourly rate)
                    per_pay_proposals.proposed_salary *
                      (employees hourly rate)
                      (manually entered multiple from timecard)
                    per_pay_proposals.proposed_salary *
                      (employees hourly rate)
                      (multiple from pay element flex)
                      (daily amount from element flex)
                      (hours worked)
                    per_pay_proposals.proposed_salary *
                      (employees hourly rate)
                    hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v.hxt_premium_amount - 1.0
                      (non-ot premium multiple from pay element flex minus 1.0)
i_premium_amount -- hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v.hxt_premium_amount
                      (premium amount element flex)
                    hxt_det_hours_worked_x.amount (timecard override amount)
i_trans_source   --  hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v.hxt_earning_category
i_period_end     --  per_time_periods.end_date
i_employee_number--  per_people_f.employee_number

--SIR162i_employment_cat --  fnd_common_lookups.meaning(lookup_type = 'EMP_CAT')
--SIR162i_emp_cat_code   --  per_assignments_f.employment_category

i_oganization_name       --  hr_organization_units.name
i_organization_id        --  hr_organization_units.id
i_date_worked            --  hxt_det_hours_worked_x.date_worked
i_effective_start_date   --  hxt_det_hours_worked_x.effective_start_date
i_effective_end_date     --  hxt_det_hours_worked_x.effective_end_date
i_hours_type             --  hxt_det_hours_worked_x.element_name
i_salary_basis           --  per_pay_proposals_v.pay_basis
i_time_detail_id         --  hxt_det_hours_worked_x.id
i_hxt_earning_category   --  hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v.hxt_earning_category
i_retro_transaction      --  TRUE if  Retro Transaction
                         --  FALSE if Normal Transaction
i_standard_rate          --  per_pay_proposals.proposed_salary
                         --     (employees unmodified base hourly rate)
i_project_id             --  hxt_det_hours_worked_x.project_id
i_task_id                --  hxt_det_hours_worked_x.task_id
i_segment1               --  pa_projects.segment1
i_task_number            --  pa_tasks.task_number
i_project_name           --  pa_projects.name
i_task_name              --  pa_tasks.task_name
i_assignment_id          --  per_assignments_f.assignment_id
i_cost_allocation_keyflex_id --  pay_cost_allocation_keyflex.cost_allocation_keyflex_id
i_job_definition_id      --  per_job_definitions.job_definition_id


FUNCTION p_a_interface(  i_hours_worked               IN     NUMBER
                        ,i_rate                       IN     NUMBER
                        ,i_premium_amount             IN     NUMBER
                        ,i_trans_source               IN     VARCHAR2
                        ,i_period_end                 IN     DATE
                        ,i_employee_number            IN     VARCHAR2
                        ,i_employment_cat             IN     VARCHAR2
                        ,i_element_type_id            IN     NUMBER   --SIR162
--SIR162                ,i_emp_cat_code               IN     VARCHAR2
                        ,i_organization_name          IN     VARCHAR2
                        ,i_organization_id            IN     NUMBER
                        ,i_date_worked                IN     DATE
                        ,i_effective_start_date       IN     DATE
                        ,i_effective_end_date         IN     DATE
                        ,i_hours_type                 IN     VARCHAR2
                        ,i_salary_basis               IN     VARCHAR2
                        ,i_time_detail_id             IN     NUMBER
                        ,i_hxt_earning_category       IN     VARCHAR2
                        ,i_retro_transaction          IN     BOOLEAN
                        ,i_standard_rate              IN     NUMBER
                        ,i_project_id                 IN     NUMBER
                        ,i_task_id                    IN     NUMBER
                        ,i_segment1                   IN     VARCHAR2
                        ,i_task_number                IN     VARCHAR2
                        ,i_project_name               IN     VARCHAR2
                        ,i_task_name                  IN     VARCHAR2
                        ,i_assignment_id              IN     NUMBER
                        ,i_cost_allocation_keyflex_id IN     NUMBER
                        ,i_job_definition_id          IN     NUMBER
                        ,o_location                      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
                        ,o_error_text                    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
                        ,o_system_text                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)

-- Define local variables for each coloumn to ease customizations

l_trans_source    pa_transaction_interface.transaction_source%TYPE DEFAULT NULL;
Line: 178

    SELECT eltv.hxt_expenditure_type
    FROM   hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v eltv
    WHERE  eltv.element_type_id = i_element_type_id
    AND    i_date_worked BETWEEN eltv.effective_start_date
                             AND eltv.effective_end_date;
Line: 191

    SELECT hoi.org_information10
    FROM   hr_organization_information hoi
    WHERE  hoi.org_information_context = 'Business Group Information'
    AND    hoi.organization_id         = i_organization_id;
Line: 204

    SELECT for_person_id
    INTO   l_resource_id
    FROM   hxt_timecards_x tim
    WHERE  tim.id = (SELECT det.tim_id
                     FROM   hxt_det_hours_worked_x det
		     WHERE  det.id = i_time_detail_id
Line: 452

  INSERT INTO pa_transaction_interface_all
  VALUES(     l_trans_source
           -- need the NVL on the following line where
           -- pa_misc.get_week_ending_date() might return NULL.
           -- This would happen in Columbia,or anywhere else that ExpEndDates
           -- not set up in ProjAccting.However,i_period_end will be WRONG for
           -- any Payroll Type other than Weekly.SIR151
	     ,nvl(l_expenditure_ending_date,i_period_end) --SIR151
--Bug2177304 ,'USD'
Line: 548

  HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('after insert to pa_transaction_interface.'); --HXT115