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APPS.IGS_AZ_GEN_001 dependencies on WF_ENGINE

Line 2471: l_person_id_sep := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype, itemkey, 'IA_USERS');

2467: --
2468: -- fetch student for whom the record has been procesed and add the user name to the
2469: -- adhoc role
2470: --
2471: l_person_id_sep := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype, itemkey, 'IA_USERS');
2472: --
2473: WHILE (LENGTH (l_person_id_sep) > 0) LOOP
2474: IF (INSTR (l_person_id_sep, ',') > 0) THEN
2475: l_person_id := SUBSTR (l_person_id_sep, 1, INSTR (l_person_id_sep, ',') - 1);

Line 2519: wf_engine.setitemattrtext (

2515: END LOOP;
2516: --
2517: -- now set this role to the workflow
2518: --
2519: wf_engine.setitemattrtext (
2520: itemtype => itemtype,
2521: itemkey => itemkey,
2522: aname => 'IA_ADHOCROLE',
2523: avalue => l_role_name