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Line 184: -- CSD_REPAIRS_V given a repair number. If there

180: -- Function : Get_Customer_From_Repair_Num
181: -- Usage : Used by the Routing module to get the customer ID from the
182: -- repair number.
183: -- Description : This function retrieves a party ID from
184: -- CSD_REPAIRS_V given a repair number. If there
185: -- Parameters :
186: -- p_repair_number IN VARCHAR2(30) Required
187: --
188: -- Return : NUMBER

Line 202: FROM csd_repairs rep,

198: -- get party ID given a repair number
199: --
200: CURSOR c_party_id (repnum NUMBER) IS
201: SELECT inc.customer_id
202: FROM csd_repairs rep,
203: cs_incidents_v inc
204: WHERE rep.repair_number = repnum
205: AND rep.incident_id = inc.incident_id;