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Line 224: fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'INVALID_MMTT_TEMP_ID');

220: end if;
221: if(fnd_api.to_boolean(p_endDebug)) then
222: wip_logger.cleanUp(x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
223: end if;
224: fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'INVALID_MMTT_TEMP_ID');
225: fnd_msg_pub.add;
226: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
227: wip_logger.log(SQLERRM, l_returnStatus);
228: end if;

Line 373: fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'WIP_LESS_OR_EQUAL');

369: -- Fixed bug 3678776. We should allow user to overreturn assembly back
370: -- to non-standard job.
371: if(abs(p_cplRec.priQty) > l_qtyCompleted AND
372: l_jobType = WIP_CONSTANTS.STANDARD) then
373: fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'WIP_LESS_OR_EQUAL');
374: fnd_message.set_token('ENTITY1', 'total txn qty-cap', true);
375: fnd_message.set_token('ENTITY2', 'job complete quantity', true);
376: fnd_msg_pub.add;
377: l_errMsg := 'not enough quantity to return';

Line 374: fnd_message.set_token('ENTITY1', 'total txn qty-cap', true);

370: -- to non-standard job.
371: if(abs(p_cplRec.priQty) > l_qtyCompleted AND
372: l_jobType = WIP_CONSTANTS.STANDARD) then
373: fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'WIP_LESS_OR_EQUAL');
374: fnd_message.set_token('ENTITY1', 'total txn qty-cap', true);
375: fnd_message.set_token('ENTITY2', 'job complete quantity', true);
376: fnd_msg_pub.add;
377: l_errMsg := 'not enough quantity to return';
378: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;

Line 375: fnd_message.set_token('ENTITY2', 'job complete quantity', true);

371: if(abs(p_cplRec.priQty) > l_qtyCompleted AND
372: l_jobType = WIP_CONSTANTS.STANDARD) then
373: fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'WIP_LESS_OR_EQUAL');
374: fnd_message.set_token('ENTITY1', 'total txn qty-cap', true);
375: fnd_message.set_token('ENTITY2', 'job complete quantity', true);
376: fnd_msg_pub.add;
377: l_errMsg := 'not enough quantity to return';
378: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
379: end if;

Line 420: fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'WIP_LESS_QTY');

416: and operation_seq_num = p_cplRec.lastOpSeq
417: for update of quantity_waiting_to_move nowait;
419: if(l_toMoveQty - p_cplRec.priQty < 0) then
420: fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'WIP_LESS_QTY');
421: fnd_msg_pub.add;
422: l_errMsg := 'not enough qty in to move of last op';
423: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
424: end if;

Line 444: fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'WIP_LESS_QTY');

440: else
441: oc_primary_qty := p_cplRec.overCplPriQty;
442: end if;
443: if p_cplRec.priQty - abs(l_qtyAvailToComplete) - oc_primary_qty > 0 then
444: fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'WIP_LESS_QTY');
445: fnd_msg_pub.add;
446: l_errMsg := 'Quantity required to complete this transaction no longer available';
447: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;

Line 477: fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_WIP_WORK_ORDER_LOCKED');

473: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
474: p_msg => 'records were locked',
475: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
476: end if;
477: fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_WIP_WORK_ORDER_LOCKED');
478: fnd_msg_pub.add;
479: when others then
480: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
481: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wip_cplProc_priv',

Line 626: fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'WIP_LESS_QTY');

622: returning quantity_waiting_to_move into l_newSchedQty;
624: if(l_newSchedQty < 0) then
625: --add check for pending txns here
626: fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'WIP_LESS_QTY');
627: fnd_msg_pub.add;
628: l_errMsg := 'not enough qty in to move of last op';
629: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
630: end if;

Line 796: fnd_msg_pub.add; --assume prev fn used the fnd_message pkg

792: x_first_sched_id => l_firstSchedID,
793: x_last_sched_id => l_lastSchedID,
794: x_error_mesg => l_errMsg);
795: if(l_errMsg <> null) then
796: fnd_msg_pub.add; --assume prev fn used the fnd_message pkg
797: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
798: l_errMsg := 'wip_repetitive_utilities.get_first_last_sched: ' || l_errMsg;
799: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
800: end if;

Line 812: fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'WIP_OC_TOLERANCE_FAIL');

810: if(x_returnStatus = wip_constants.no) then
811: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
812: fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'WIP_OC_TOLERANCE_FAIL');
813: fnd_msg_pub.add;
814: l_errMsg := 'cpl exceeded tolerances';
815: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
816: else

Line 1174: fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'WIP_SCHED_MULTIPLE_BILL_REV');

1171: --if the revisions don't match...
1172: if(l_schedRecTbl.bomRev(j) <> l_txnRecTbl.revision(i) and
1173: (l_schedRecTbl.bomRev(j) is not null or l_txnRecTbl.revision(i) is not null)) then
1174: fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'WIP_SCHED_MULTIPLE_BILL_REV');
1175: fnd_msg_pub.add;
1176: l_errMsg := 'Schedules have different bill revisions.'; --set message in case it fails
1177: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
1178: end if;

Line 1230: fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'WIP_INT_ERROR_NO_SCHED');

1226: end loop;
1227: if(l_remainingQty <> 0) then -- over-completion/return
1228: if(l_lastSchedID is null) then
1229: /* Fix for bug 5373061: Passed missing token */
1230: fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'WIP_INT_ERROR_NO_SCHED');
1231: fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'wip_cplProc_priv.preAllocateSchedules');
1232: fnd_msg_pub.add;
1233: l_errMsg := 'did not find any schedules.';
1234: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error; -- couldn't find any open schedules

Line 1231: fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'wip_cplProc_priv.preAllocateSchedules');

1227: if(l_remainingQty <> 0) then -- over-completion/return
1228: if(l_lastSchedID is null) then
1229: /* Fix for bug 5373061: Passed missing token */
1230: fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'WIP_INT_ERROR_NO_SCHED');
1231: fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'wip_cplProc_priv.preAllocateSchedules');
1232: fnd_msg_pub.add;
1233: l_errMsg := 'did not find any schedules.';
1234: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error; -- couldn't find any open schedules
1235: end if;

Line 1261: fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'WIP_INT_ERROR_NO_SCHED');

1258: /* Fix for Bug#6018877 - FP of bug#6004763. Added the if condition check not to consider Return txn */
1259: if(p_txnActionID <> wip_constants.retassy_action) then
1260: if(l_txnRecTbl.overCplQty(i) IS NULL) then
1261: fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'WIP_INT_ERROR_NO_SCHED');
1262: fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'wip_cplProc_priv.preAllocateSchedules');
1263: fnd_msg_pub.add;
1264: l_errMsg := 'did not find any schedules.';
1265: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error; -- couldn't find any open schedules

Line 1262: fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'wip_cplProc_priv.preAllocateSchedules');

1258: /* Fix for Bug#6018877 - FP of bug#6004763. Added the if condition check not to consider Return txn */
1259: if(p_txnActionID <> wip_constants.retassy_action) then
1260: if(l_txnRecTbl.overCplQty(i) IS NULL) then
1261: fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'WIP_INT_ERROR_NO_SCHED');
1262: fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'wip_cplProc_priv.preAllocateSchedules');
1263: fnd_msg_pub.add;
1264: l_errMsg := 'did not find any schedules.';
1265: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error; -- couldn't find any open schedules
1266: end if;

Line 1743: fnd_message.set_name(application => 'CST',

1739: err_num => l_err_num,
1740: err_code => l_error_msg,
1741: err_msg => l_error_msg);
1742: IF(l_ret_value <> 1) THEN
1743: fnd_message.set_name(application => 'CST',
1744: name => 'CST_SNAPSHOT_FAILED');
1745: fnd_msg_pub.add;
1746: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
1747: END IF;

Line 1823: fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FND_GENERIC_MESSAGE');

1819: x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus,
1820: x_errorMsg => l_error_msg);
1822: IF(x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
1823: fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FND_GENERIC_MESSAGE');
1824: fnd_message.set_token('MESSAGE', l_error_msg);
1825: fnd_msg_pub.add;
1826: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
1827: END IF;

Line 1824: fnd_message.set_token('MESSAGE', l_error_msg);

1820: x_errorMsg => l_error_msg);
1822: IF(x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
1823: fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FND_GENERIC_MESSAGE');
1824: fnd_message.set_token('MESSAGE', l_error_msg);
1825: fnd_msg_pub.add;
1826: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
1827: END IF;

Line 1901: fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FND_GENERIC_MESSAGE');

1897: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
1898: l_error_msg := ' unexpected error: ' || SQLERRM || 'SQLCODE = ' ||
1899: SQLCODE;
1901: fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FND_GENERIC_MESSAGE');
1902: fnd_message.set_token('MESSAGE', l_error_msg);
1903: fnd_msg_pub.add;
1905: IF (l_log_level <= wip_constants.trace_logging) THEN

Line 1902: fnd_message.set_token('MESSAGE', l_error_msg);

1898: l_error_msg := ' unexpected error: ' || SQLERRM || 'SQLCODE = ' ||
1899: SQLCODE;
1901: fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FND_GENERIC_MESSAGE');
1902: fnd_message.set_token('MESSAGE', l_error_msg);
1903: fnd_msg_pub.add;
1905: IF (l_log_level <= wip_constants.trace_logging) THEN
1906: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_cplProc_priv.processOATxn',