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Line 282: h_b := BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Table_Has_Proj_Calc(x_sum_table);

279: -- Create temporary tables used for calculation and tranformations
281: -- Projection
282: h_b := BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Table_Has_Proj_Calc(x_sum_table);
283: IF h_b IS NULL THEN
284: RAISE e_unexpected_error;
285: END IF;

Line 290: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Create_Proj_Temps(h_periodicity,

287: IF h_b THEN
288: h_projection_flag := 'YES';
289: --ENH_PROJECTION_4235711: pass TRUE in x_trunc_proj_table parameter
290: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Create_Proj_Temps(h_periodicity,
291: h_current_fy,
292: h_num_of_years,
293: h_previous_years,

Line 343: -- IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Refresh_EDW_Views(x_sum_table,

339: -- -- Refresh materialized view
340: -- -- Refresh union view
341: -- -- Delete from BSC table any data existing in the materialized view
342: -- -- Period of the base table is the maximun reported in the materialized view
343: -- IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Refresh_EDW_Views(x_sum_table,
344: -- h_key_columns,
345: -- h_num_key_columns,
346: -- h_data_columns,
347: -- h_num_data_columns,

Line 361: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Apply_Filters(x_sum_table) THEN

357: -- No changes in this two functions.
360: -- Filter the table
361: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Apply_Filters(x_sum_table) THEN
362: RAISE e_unexpected_error;
363: END IF;
364: COMMIT;

Line 368: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Merge_Data_From_Tables(x_sum_table,

364: COMMIT;
367: -- Merge data from target tables
368: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Merge_Data_From_Tables(x_sum_table,
369: h_key_columns,
370: h_num_key_columns) THEN
371: RAISE e_unexpected_error;
372: END IF;

Line 378: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Calculate_Projection(x_sum_table,

375: -- Calculate projection
376: IF h_projection_flag = 'YES' THEN
377: -- AW_INTEGRATION: Pass FALSE to x_aw_flag and change_vector parameter of Calculate_Projection. This is not for AW.
378: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Calculate_Projection(x_sum_table,
379: h_periodicity,
380: h_period,
381: h_key_columns,
382: h_num_key_columns,

Line 405: h_b := BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Table_Has_Profit_Calc(x_sum_table);

401: -- So we dont need to calculate profit for the materialized view
402: -- No changes in this function.
404: -- Calculate Profit
405: h_b := BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Table_Has_Profit_Calc(x_sum_table);
406: IF h_b IS NULL THEN
407: RAISE e_unexpected_error;
408: END IF;

Line 412: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Calculate_Profit(x_sum_table,

408: END IF;
410: IF h_b THEN
411: --AW_INTEGRATION: Pass FALSE to x_aw_flag and change vector. This is not for AW
412: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Calculate_Profit(x_sum_table,
413: h_key_columns,
414: h_key_dim_tables,
415: h_num_key_columns,
416: h_data_columns,

Line 435: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Calculate_Zero_Code(x_sum_table,

431: -- - We do not need to calculate zero code on tables used only for targets
432: h_target_flag := BSC_UPDATE_UTIL.Get_Table_Target_Flag(x_sum_table);
433: IF h_target_flag = 0 THEN
434: h_zero_code_calc_method := 4; -- This is the only zero code method supported;
435: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Calculate_Zero_Code(x_sum_table,
436: h_zero_code_calc_method,
437: h_key_columns,
438: h_num_key_columns,

Line 913: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Create_Proj_Temps(h_arr_pt_periodicities(h_i).periodicity_id,

909: IF (h_arr_pt_periodicities(h_i).yearly_flag = 1) OR
910: (h_arr_pt_periodicities(h_i).source_periodicity IS NULL) THEN
911: -- The periodicity is yearly or it is a base periodicity
912: -- Calculate projection for this periodicity
913: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Create_Proj_Temps(h_arr_pt_periodicities(h_i).periodicity_id,
914: h_current_fy,
915: h_num_of_years,
916: h_previous_years,

Line 922: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Calculate_Projection(h_pt_name,

918: RAISE e_unexpected_error;
919: END IF;
921: -- AW_INTEGRATION: Pass FALSE to x_aw_flag and change vector parameter. This is not for AW
922: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Calculate_Projection(h_pt_name,
923: h_arr_pt_periodicities(h_i).periodicity_id,
924: h_arr_pt_periodicities(h_i).current_period,
925: h_key_columns,
926: h_num_key_columns,

Line 956: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Create_Proj_Temps(h_arr_pt_periodicities(h_i).periodicity_id,

952: END IF;
953: END LOOP;
955: IF h_can_calculate THEN
956: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Create_Proj_Temps(h_arr_pt_periodicities(h_i).periodicity_id,
957: h_current_fy,
958: h_num_of_years,
959: h_previous_years,

Line 965: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Rollup_Projection(

961: RAISE e_unexpected_error;
962: END IF;
964: --ENH_PROJECTION_4235711: no need to pass table name
965: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Rollup_Projection(
966: h_arr_pt_periodicities(h_i).periodicity_id,
967: h_arr_pt_periodicities(h_i).current_period,
968: h_arr_pt_periodicities(h_i).source_periodicity,
969: h_arr_pt_periodicities(h_i).source_current_period,

Line 1001: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Merge_Projection(h_pt_name,

997: END LOOP;
999: --ENH_PROJECTION_4235711: Merge projection into the PT table. Projection is calculated
1000: --in BSC_TMP_PROJ_CALC
1001: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Merge_Projection(h_pt_name,
1002: h_key_columns,
1003: h_num_key_columns,
1004: h_data_columns,
1005: h_num_data_columns,

Line 1019: h_zero_code_calc_method := BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Get_Zero_Code_Calc_Method(x_sum_table);

1015: -- BSC-MV Note: There is no need to calculate filters here. The MV already is filtered
1016: -- and there is no cases where the summary table is based on T or B tables.
1018: -- Calculate zero codes
1019: h_zero_code_calc_method := BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Get_Zero_Code_Calc_Method(x_sum_table);
1020: IF h_zero_code_calc_method IS NULL THEN
1021: RAISE e_unexpected_error;
1022: END IF;

Line 1030: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Calculate_Zero_Code(x_sum_table,

1026: -- BSC-MV Note: In this architecture if the projection table exists
1027: -- it is only to store projection at kpi level. If the table
1028: -- has projection it only contains data with no zero codes (from the MV)
1029: -- So in this case we can calcualte the zero code in all required keys.
1030: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Calculate_Zero_Code(x_sum_table,
1031: h_zero_code_calc_method,
1032: h_key_columns,
1033: h_num_key_columns,
1034: NULL) THEN

Line 1043: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Calculate_Zero_Code(x_sum_table,

1039: -- BSC-MV Note: In this new architecture if the table exist and does not
1040: -- has projection, this table is to rollup projection to another level.
1041: -- In this case we need to check to avoid calculating zero code on keys
1042: -- that already has zero codes inherit from the source table.
1043: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_CALC.Calculate_Zero_Code(x_sum_table,
1044: h_zero_code_calc_method,
1045: h_key_columns,
1046: h_num_key_columns,
1047: h_origin_tables(1)) THEN