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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 58

 *                    INSERT INTO bcpsa_xla_temp
 *                    VALUES(bcpsa_xla_temp_S.NEXTVAL,p_debug);
Line: 171

 *  --                                       Insert into FV_REF  ......values (event_id,line_num.,application_id .......)  -- columns for PO
 *  --                              END IF
 *  --                           END IF----- End PO
 *  --
 *  --
 *  --                      IF Application_id = 501 THEN -- Start AP
 *  --
 *  --                               IF AP Transaction object is NOT NULL THEN
 *  --                                 -- process logic and populate the FV reference object for AP events...
 *  --                                   Insert into FV_REF  ......values (event_id,line_num,application_id........) -- columns for AP
 *  --                              END IF
 *  --                      END IF----- End AP
 *  --                       ...
 *  --                      ...
 *  --                     .. Costing etc
 *  --
 *  --
 *  --            END IF  --- check for accounting mode
 *  --
 *  --            RETURN TRUE
 *  --
 *  --            ------------------End FV Extract Logic---------------
 *  --
 * /*============================================================================*/

  p_application_id               IN            NUMBER,
  p_accounting_mode              IN            VARCHAR2

    l_debug_info                   VARCHAR2(240);
Line: 264

    SELECT glseg.ar_gl_natural_segment_value inv_natseg_value
      FROM  ar_gl_segments_ref_v glseg , ar_cust_trx_lines_l_v trxobj
     WHERE trxobj.trx_line_dist_ccid = glseg.ar_gl_code_combination_id
       AND trxobj.event_id = p_event_id
       AND trxobj.line_number = p_line_number;
Line: 273

    SELECT bill_customer_class_code
      FROM ar_bill_to_customers_s_v trxcc
     WHERE trxcc.event_id = p_event_id;
Line: 282

    SELECT to_number(glseg.ar_gl_natural_segment_value) rct_natseg_value
      FROM  ar_gl_segments_ref_v glseg , ar_distributions_l_v trxobj
     WHERE  trxobj.dist_code_combination_id = glseg.ar_gl_code_combination_id
      AND   trxobj.event_id = p_event_id
      AND trxobj.line_number = p_line_number;
Line: 292

    SELECT dist_source_type
      FROM ar_distributions_l_v ardist
     WHERE ardist.event_id = p_event_id
       AND ardist.line_number = p_line_number;
Line: 316

    IF (p_event_info.event_type_code IN ('INV_CREATE', 'INV_UPDATE')) THEN

        /* Get the Customer Class Information */
        OPEN cur_ar_inv_trx_custclass(p_event_info.event_id);
Line: 369

    ELSIF (p_event_info.event_type_code IN ('RECP_CREATE', 'RECP_UPDATE', 'RECP_REVERSE')) THEN
            -- Get the Natural Account Segment
            OPEN cur_ar_rct_natseg_value(p_fv_extract_rec.event_id,
Line: 458

    ELSIF (p_event_info.event_type_code IN ('MISC_RECP_CREATE', 'MISC_RECP_UPDATE', 'MISC_RECP_REVERSE')) THEN

        /* Check the Distribution Type */
        OPEN cur_ar_rct_dist_type (p_fv_extract_rec.event_id,
Line: 605

     SELECT  ussgl_account --, template_id
     FROM	Fv_Facts_Ussgl_Accounts
     WHERE	anticipated_unanticipated = 'Y';
Line: 610

     SELECT template_id
     WHERE set_of_books_id = p_ledger_id;
Line: 615

     SELECT currency_code
     FROM gl_ledgers
     WHERE ledger_id = p_Ledger_id;
Line: 621

     SELECT period_year, period_num
     FROM gl_period_statuses
     WHERE ledger_id = c_ledger_id
       AND application_id = 101
       AND period_name = c_period_name;
Line: 637

     l_fund_select	VARCHAR2(2000);
Line: 691

	   --Build the Select statement for getting the fund values and ccids
	   l_fund_select := 'SELECT code_combination_id ' ||
	                    ' FROM  Gl_Code_Combinations ' ||
	                    ' WHERE chart_of_accounts_id = :p_coaid AND '||
	                    'segment'||p_balancing_segment || ' = :p_fund_value AND ' ||
                      'template_id = :p_template_id AND '||
	                    'Summary_flag = ''Y''' ;
Line: 702

    trace(C_STATE_LEVEL, l_procedure_name, 'l_fund_select='||l_fund_select);
Line: 708

	   DBMS_SQL.PARSE(l_fund_cur_id, l_fund_select, DBMS_SQL.Native);
Line: 738

		   /*SELECT SUM((begin_balance_dr - begin_balance_cr) +
                        (period_net_dr - period_net_cr))
		   INTO  l_amount
	           FROM  Gl_Balances
	           WHERE    ledger_id          = p_Ledger_id
		    --AND	 currency_code	     = vp_currency_code
		   AND      code_combination_id = l_ccid
		   AND 	 period_name 	     = p_period_name;
Line: 747

		SELECT  code_combination_id
		INTO    l_ccid
		FROM    gl_code_combinations
		WHERE   chart_of_accounts_id = p_coaid
	   	 AND     template_id = l_template_id
		 AND     summary_flag = 'Y';*/
Line: 764

    SELECT SUM((begin_balance_dr - begin_balance_cr) +
                        (period_net_dr - period_net_cr))
		   INTO  l_amount
	           FROM  Gl_Balances
	           WHERE    ledger_id          = p_Ledger_id
		    AND	 currency_code	     = l_currency_code
		   AND      code_combination_id = l_ccid
		   AND 	 period_name 	     = p_period_name;
Line: 788

    SELECT SUM(NVL(accounted_dr,0) - NVL(accounted_cr,0))
		   INTO  l_amount
	           FROM  Gl_bc_packets gbc,
                   gl_account_hierarchies gah
	           WHERE    gbc.ledger_id          = p_Ledger_id
               AND gah.ledger_id = p_Ledger_id
               AND gah.template_id = l_template_id
               AND gah.summary_code_combination_id = l_ccid
		    AND	 gbc.currency_code	     = l_currency_code
		   AND      gbc.code_combination_id = gah.detail_code_combination_id
		   AND 	 gbc.period_year 	     = l_period_year
       AND gbc.period_num <= l_period_num
                   AND  gbc.status_code = 'A';
Line: 1017

    SELECT accounted_amt, event_type_code,code_combination_id  FROM PO_BC_DISTRIBUTIONS
    WHERE distribution_id = p_dist_id AND ae_event_id  =
        (SELECT max(ae_event_id) FROM PO_BC_DISTRIBUTIONS pbd
        WHERE distribution_id = p_dist_id
        AND main_or_backing_code = 'M'
        AND ae_event_id <> p_event_id
        AND distribution_type <> 'REQUISITION'
        AND EXISTS (select 1
                    from xla_ae_headers xah
                    where application_id = 201
                    and xah.event_id = pbd.ae_event_id
                    and xah.accounting_entry_status_code = 'F'));
Line: 1035

    SELECT pbd.distribution_id,pbd.code_combination_id,pbd.accounted_amt
    WHERE ped.event_id = pbd.ae_event_id  --p_event_id AND
    AND ped.po_distribution_id = pbd.distribution_id
    AND pbd.header_id = p_header_id
    AND pbd.main_or_backing_code = 'M';
Line: 1152

    SELECT fund_category, fund_expire_date
     WHERE FUND_VALUE=P_fund_value;
Line: 1235

    SELECT fund_category, fund_expire_date
     WHERE FUND_VALUE = p_fund_value
       AND set_of_books_id = p_ledger_id ;
Line: 1242

    SELECT ts.time_frame
      FROM fv_treasury_symbols ts, fv_fund_parameters fp
     WHERE ts.treasury_symbol_id = fp.treasury_symbol_id
       AND fp.fund_value = p_fund_value
       AND ts.set_of_books_id = p_ledger_id;
Line: 1345

    SELECT application_column_name, fyr_segment_id
      FROM fv_pya_fiscalyear_segment
     WHERE set_of_books_id = p_ledger_id;
Line: 1351

    SELECT period_year
      FROM fv_pya_fiscalyear_map
     WHERE set_of_books_id = p_ledger_id
       AND fyr_segment_id = p_segment_id
       AND fyr_segment_value = p_segment_value;
Line: 1361

    SELECT period_year, period_name
      FROM gl_period_statuses
     WHERE ledger_id = p_ledger_id
       AND application_id = p_application_id
       AND (trunc(p_gl_date)  BETWEEN start_date AND end_date)
Line: 1397

         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT ' || l_bfy_segment.application_column_name ||
                                      ' FROM gl_code_combinations WHERE code_combination_id = :x_ccid' ||
                                      ' AND  chart_of_accounts_id = :x_coaid '
         INTO l_bfy_segment_value USING p_ccid, p_coa_id;
Line: 1497

    SELECT period_year, period_name
    FROM    Gl_Period_Statuses
    WHERE   ledger_id = cp_ledger_id
    AND     cp_gl_date BETWEEN START_DATE AND end_date ;
Line: 1508

                 SELECT po_header_id INTO l_header_id
	             FROM po_extract_header_v
                 WHERE event_id = p_event_id;
Line: 1608

    SELECT chart_of_accounts_id coaid, gl.Ledger_id ledger_id
    FROM xla_events_gt xgt ,gl_ledgers gl
    WHERE gl.ledger_id = xgt.ledger_id
    AND   xgt.application_id = p_application_id
    AND   xgt.event_id = p_event_id;
Line: 1615

    SELECT *
    FROM po_req_extract_detail_v
    where req_distribution_type = 'REQUISITION' ;
Line: 1620

    SELECT *
    FROM po_extract_detail_v
    where po_distribution_type <> 'REQUISITION';
Line: 1625

    SELECT gl_date
    FROM po_req_extract_header_v
    WHERE event_id = p_event_id;
Line: 1630

    SELECT gl_date
    FROM po_extract_header_v
    WHERE event_id = p_event_id;
Line: 1637

    SELECT accounted_amt,event_type_code,code_combination_id  FROM PO_BC_DISTRIBUTIONS
    WHERE distribution_id = p_dist_id AND ae_event_id  =
        (SELECT max(ae_event_id) FROM PO_BC_DISTRIBUTIONS pbd
         WHERE pbd.distribution_id = p_dist_id
         AND pbd.ae_event_id <> p_event_id
         AND pbd.distribution_type <> 'REQUISITION'
         AND pbd.main_or_backing_code = 'M'
         AND EXISTS (select 1
                    from xla_ae_headers xah
                    where application_id = 201
                    and xah.event_id = pbd.ae_event_id
                    and xah.accounting_entry_status_code = 'F') );
Line: 1651

    SELECT event_type_code
    FROM po_bc_distributions
    WHERE ae_event_id = p_event_id;
Line: 1975

                l_debug_info := 'Begin of inserting extra line - for adjustment entry';
Line: 2089

                l_debug_info := 'End of inserting extra line - for adjustment entry';
Line: 2105

         INSERT   INTO FV_EXTRACT_DETAIL_GT VALUES l_fv_extract_detail(l_index);
Line: 2108

    l_debug_info := 'No of rows inserted into FV_EXTRACT_DETAIL_GT: '|| SQL%ROWCOUNT;
Line: 2146

    SELECT chart_of_accounts_id coaid, gl.Ledger_id ledger_id
    FROM xla_events_gt xgt ,gl_ledgers gl
    WHERE gl.ledger_id = xgt.ledger_id
    AND   xgt.application_id = p_application_id
    AND   xgt.event_id = p_event_id;
Line: 2153

    SELECT *
    FROM CST_XLA_RCV_REF_V r_ref ,
    cst_xla_rcv_headers_v r
    WHERE r.event_id=p_event_id
          AND r.RCV_ACCOUNTING_EVENT_ID = r_ref.ref_rcv_accounting_event_id;
Line: 2160

    SELECT *
    FROM cst_xla_rcv_lines_v;
Line: 2164

	FROM po_dists_ref_v pod
	WHERE pod.po_header_id = p_po_header_id
	AND pod.po_distribution_id = p_po_distribution_id;
Line: 2170

    SELECT  event_type_code
    FROM xla_events_gt
    WHERE event_id = p_event_id;
Line: 2175

    SELECT period_year, period_name
    FROM    Gl_Period_Statuses
    WHERE   ledger_id = p_ledger_id
    AND     p_gl_date BETWEEN START_DATE AND end_date ;
Line: 2370

                         SELECT sum(quantity) INTO l_returned_quantity_net  FROM RCV_TRANSACTIONS
                         WHERE po_header_id = l_rcv_extract_header_rec.po_header_id
                         AND po_distribution_id = l_rcv_extract_header_rec.po_distribution_id;
Line: 2420

            INSERT   INTO FV_EXTRACT_DETAIL_GT VALUES l_fv_extract_detail(l_index);
Line: 2452

    SELECT chart_of_accounts_id coaid, gl.Ledger_id ledger_id
    FROM xla_events_gt xgt ,gl_ledgers gl
    WHERE gl.ledger_id = xgt.ledger_id
    AND   xgt.application_id = p_application_id
    AND   xgt.event_id = p_event_id;
Line: 2459

    SELECT  apinvdt.*
         XLA_EVENTS_GT xlagt
         where apinvdt.event_id = xlagt.event_id;
Line: 2465

    SELECT  apinvhd.*
          XLA_EVENTS_GT xlagt
         where apinvhd.event_id = xlagt.event_id;
Line: 2471

    SELECT  appaydd.*
         xla_events_gt xlagt
         where appaydd.event_id = xlagt.event_id;
Line: 2477

    SELECT  appayhd.*
       xla_events_gt xlagt
     where appayhd.event_id = xlagt.event_id;
Line: 2483

	FROM po_distributions_all pod
	WHERE pod.po_distribution_id = p_po_distribution_id;
Line: 2488

    SELECT  event_type_code
    FROM     xla_events_gt
    WHERE     event_id = p_event_id;
Line: 2493

    SELECT period_year, period_name
    FROM    Gl_Period_Statuses
    WHERE   ledger_id = p_ledger_id
    AND     p_gl_date BETWEEN START_DATE AND end_date ;
Line: 2533

        FOR xla_rec in (select * from XLA_EVENTS_GT) loop
          trace (C_STATE_LEVEL, l_procedure_name, 'line_number='||xla_rec.line_number);
Line: 2898

            INSERT INTO FV_EXTRACT_DETAIL_GT VALUES l_fv_extract_detail(l_index);
Line: 2900

         l_debug_info := 'Number of Rows inserted into FV_EXTRACT_DETAIL_GT: '|| SQL%ROWCOUNT;
Line: 2939

    SELECT event_type_code
      FROM xla_events_gt
     WHERE application_id = p_application_id
     GROUP BY event_type_code;
Line: 2947

    SELECT * FROM xla_events_gt;
Line: 2953

    SELECT fund_category
      FROM fv_fund_parameters
     WHERE set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id
       AND fund_value = p_fund_value;
Line: 2960

    SELECT *
      FROM ar_cust_trx_lines_l_v;
Line: 2965

    SELECT led.ledger_id ledger_id, led.ldg_chart_of_accounts_id coa_id
      FROM ar_ledger_h_v led
     WHERE led.event_id = p_event_id;
Line: 2971

    SELECT glseg.ar_gl_balacing_segment_value inv_fund_value
      FROM  ar_gl_segments_ref_v glseg , ar_transactions_s_v trxobj
     WHERE trxobj.trx_receivable_ccid = glseg.ar_gl_code_combination_id
       AND trxobj.event_id = p_event_id;
Line: 2980

    SELECT glseg.ar_gl_balacing_segment_value inv_fund_value
      FROM  ar_gl_segments_ref_v glseg , ar_cust_trx_lines_l_v trxobj
     WHERE trxobj.trx_line_dist_ccid = glseg.ar_gl_code_combination_id
       AND trxobj.event_id = p_event_id
       AND trxobj.line_number = p_line_number;
Line: 2988

    SELECT glseg.ar_gl_natural_segment_value invhead_natseg_value
      FROM  ar_gl_segments_ref_v glseg , ar_transactions_s_v trxobj
     WHERE trxobj.trx_receivable_ccid = glseg.ar_gl_code_combination_id
       AND trxobj.event_id = p_event_id;
Line: 2996

    SELECT dist.event_id, dist.line_number, dist.dist_code_combination_id,
      FROM ar_distributions_l_v dist, ar_cust_trx_lines_l_v trxobj
     WHERE dist.dist_source_type = p_dist_source_type
       AND trxobj.event_id (+)   = dist.event_id
       AND trxobj.line_number (+) = dist.line_number;
Line: 3006

    SELECT distinct trxobj.trx_line_dist_ccid
      FROM ar_distributions_l_v dist,
           ar_cust_trx_lines_l_v trxobj
     WHERE dist.dist_source_type = 'REC'
       AND trxobj.event_id  = dist.event_id
       AND trxobj.line_number = dist.line_number;
Line: 3015

    SELECT to_number(glseg.ar_gl_natural_segment_value) natseg_value
      FROM ar_gl_segments_ref_v glseg
     WHERE glseg.ar_gl_code_combination_id = p_ccid;
Line: 3021

    SELECT *
      FROM ar_distributions_l_v;
Line: 3028

    SELECT glseg.ar_gl_balacing_segment_value inv_rev_fund_value
    FROM ar_gl_segments_ref_v glseg , ar_cust_trx_lines_l_v trxobj
     WHERE  trxobj.trx_line_dist_ccid = glseg.ar_gl_code_combination_id
      AND   trxobj.event_id = p_event_id
      AND   trxobj.line_number = p_line_number;
Line: 3038

    SELECT glseg.ar_gl_balacing_segment_value rct_fund_value
      FROM  ar_gl_segments_ref_v glseg , ar_distributions_l_v trxobj
     WHERE  trxobj.dist_code_combination_id = glseg.ar_gl_code_combination_id
      AND   trxobj.event_id = p_event_id
      AND   trxobj.line_number = p_line_number;
Line: 3146

    IF (l_ar_event_type IN ('INV_CREATE', 'INV_UPDATE')) THEN

        -- ================================== FND_LOG ==================================
        l_debug_info := 'Inside Invoice Event type';
Line: 3359

        -- ================================== FND_LOG ==================================
        l_debug_info := 'Inside Cash Receipt Event type';
Line: 3500

                       So directly jump to the condition that insert the records to fv_extract_detail_gt table */
                    l_overall_acct_valid := TRUE;
Line: 3506

                    GOTO insert_row;
Line: 3637


        -- ================================== FND_LOG ==================================
        l_debug_info := 'Inside Miscellaneous Receipt Event type';
Line: 3823

    IF l_fv_extract_detail.COUNT<> 0 THEN

        /* Set Overall Account Valid Flag */
        IF (l_overall_acct_valid = FALSE) THEN
            FOR l_index  IN l_fv_extract_detail.first..l_fv_extract_detail.last
                l_fv_extract_detail(l_index).account_valid_flag := 'N';
Line: 3833

        /* Insert data into FV_EXTRACT_DETAILS_GT table */
        FORALL  l_index  IN l_fv_extract_detail.first..l_fv_extract_detail.last
            INSERT INTO fv_extract_detail_gt VALUES l_fv_extract_detail(l_index);
Line: 3837

            l_debug_info := 'No of rows inserted into FV_EXTRACT_DETAIL_GT: '|| SQL%ROWCOUNT;