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Line 2958: ,ota_lp_enrollments ole

2954: cursor csr_wsp_lp(p_person_id number) is
2955: select olp.learning_path_id, olp_tl.name
2956: from ota_learning_paths olp
2957: ,ota_learning_paths_tl olp_tl
2958: ,ota_lp_enrollments ole
2959: where ole.person_id = p_person_id
2960: and ole.learning_path_id = olp.learning_path_id
2961: and ole.path_status_code <> 'CANCELLED'
2962: --and ole.completion_target_date between g_wsp_start_date and g_wsp_end_date --changed

Line 3596: ,ota_lp_enrollments ole

3592: cursor csr_atr_lp(p_person_id number) is
3593: select olp.learning_path_id, olp_tl.name, ole.completion_date, ole.path_status_code
3594: from ota_learning_paths olp
3595: ,ota_learning_paths_tl olp_tl
3596: ,ota_lp_enrollments ole
3597: where ole.person_id = p_person_id
3598: and ole.learning_path_id = olp.learning_path_id
3599: and ole.path_status_code = 'COMPLETED'
3600: and ole.completion_date between g_atr_start_date and g_atr_end_date