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Line 1: PACKAGE BODY inv_quantity_tree_pvt as

1: PACKAGE BODY inv_quantity_tree_pvt as
2: /* $Header: INVVQTTB.pls 120.27.12010000.6 2008/12/24 10:41:29 sanjeevs ship $*/
4: g_pkg_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'INV_Quantity_Tree_PVT';
5: g_is_lot_control BOOLEAN := FALSE;

Line 4: g_pkg_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'INV_Quantity_Tree_PVT';

1: PACKAGE BODY inv_quantity_tree_pvt as
2: /* $Header: INVVQTTB.pls 120.27.12010000.6 2008/12/24 10:41:29 sanjeevs ship $*/
4: g_pkg_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'INV_Quantity_Tree_PVT';
5: g_is_lot_control BOOLEAN := FALSE;
6: /* Jalaj Srivastava Bug 5590287. g_not_initialized global var no longer used */
7: --g_not_initialized BOOLEAN := TRUE;

Line 284: inv_log_util.trace(p_message, 'INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT', p_level);

281: END IF;
283: IF (g_debug = 1) THEN
284: inv_log_util.trace(p_message, 'INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT', p_level);
285: END IF;
286: END;
288: --------------------------------------------------

Line 386: -- equals inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_reservation_mode or --

382: -- the picking base sql --
383: -- --
384: -- Input Parameters --
385: -- p_mode --
386: -- equals inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_reservation_mode or --
387: -- inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_transaction_mode --
388: -- p_is_lot_control --
389: -- true or false --
390: -- p_asset_sub_only --

Line 387: -- inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_transaction_mode --

383: -- --
384: -- Input Parameters --
385: -- p_mode --
386: -- equals inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_reservation_mode or --
387: -- inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_transaction_mode --
388: -- p_is_lot_control --
389: -- true or false --
390: -- p_asset_sub_only --
391: -- true or false --

Line 930: IF p_mode = inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_reservation_mode THEN

926: END IF;
928: /* --bug 1384720 - performance improvements
929: -- do not build special tree for rsv mode
930: IF p_mode = inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_reservation_mode THEN
931: l_reservable_where := '
932: AND Nvl(sub.reservable_type,1) = 1 ';
933: ELSE
934: l_reservable_where := NULL;

Line 1183: -- equals inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_reservation_mode or --

1179: -- You should turn on serveroutput to see the output. --
1180: -- --
1181: -- Input Parameters --
1182: -- p_mode --
1183: -- equals inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_reservation_mode or --
1184: -- inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_transaction_mode --
1185: -- p_organization_id --
1186: -- organization_id --
1187: -- p_inventory_item_id --

Line 1184: -- inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_transaction_mode --

1180: -- --
1181: -- Input Parameters --
1182: -- p_mode --
1183: -- equals inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_reservation_mode or --
1184: -- inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_transaction_mode --
1185: -- p_organization_id --
1186: -- organization_id --
1187: -- p_inventory_item_id --
1188: -- inventory_item_id --

Line 2591: IF (inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_is_mat_status_used = 2) THEN

2587: BEGIN
2588: print_debug('in check_is_reservable. node_level='||p_node_level||', subinv='
2589: ||p_subinventory_code||', loct='||p_locator_id||', lot='||p_lot_number);
2591: IF (inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_is_mat_status_used = 2) THEN
2592: --Bug 4587505. The value returned from here is used to set the is_reservable_sub property of the node
2593: --and for any node that is higher than subinventory(for example LOT node), the is_reservable_sub should
2594: --be set to TRUE, when INV_MATERIAL_STATUS profile is set to 2
2595: IF(p_subinventory_code IS NULL) THEN

Line 4009: IF (INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used = 2)

4005: print_debug('in add_qty, l_is_reservable_sub=NULL');
4006: -- invConv changes begin : DEC-2004 : modification in the computation, ONLY if MAT_STAT=YES
4007: -- Now, making a distinction in the MATERIAL_STATUS mode values
4008: -- for compututing the reservable flag :
4009: IF (INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used = 2)
4010: THEN
4011: IF p_is_reservable_sub IS NOT NULL THEN
4012: print_debug('in add_qty, p_is_reservable_sub=NOT NULL');
4013: -- we did not know whether the sub is reservable

Line 4078: END IF; -- (INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used = 2)

4075: IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
4076: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
4077: End IF;
4078: END IF; -- (INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used = 2)
4079: -- invConv changes end.
4081: g_nodes(l_sub_index).is_reservable_sub := l_is_reservable_sub;

Line 4125: --IF (l_is_reservable_sub AND INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used = 2)

4121: -- So with existing condition, when material status is used,
4122: -- code always used to compute incorrect rqoh, atr and thus att.
4124: -- invConv changes begin : DEC-2004 : modification in the computation, ONLY if MAT_STAT=YES
4125: --IF (l_is_reservable_sub AND INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used = 2)
4126: -- OR ( l_is_reservable_sub AND p_is_reservable_sub AND INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used = 1)
4127: IF l_is_reservable_sub = TRUE
4128: THEN
4129: print_debug('in add_qty,0 reservable_flag=TRUE');

Line 4126: -- OR ( l_is_reservable_sub AND p_is_reservable_sub AND INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used = 1)

4122: -- code always used to compute incorrect rqoh, atr and thus att.
4124: -- invConv changes begin : DEC-2004 : modification in the computation, ONLY if MAT_STAT=YES
4125: --IF (l_is_reservable_sub AND INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used = 2)
4126: -- OR ( l_is_reservable_sub AND p_is_reservable_sub AND INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used = 1)
4127: IF l_is_reservable_sub = TRUE
4128: THEN
4129: print_debug('in add_qty,0 reservable_flag=TRUE');
4130: -- update rqoh

Line 4219: --IF (l_is_reservable_sub AND INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used = 2)

4215: -- So with existing condition, when material status is used,
4216: -- code always used to compute incorrect rqoh, atr and thus att.
4218: -- invConv changes begin : DEC-2004 : modification in the computation, ONLY if MAT_STAT=YES
4219: --IF (l_is_reservable_sub AND INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used = 2)
4220: -- OR ( l_is_reservable_sub AND p_is_reservable_sub AND INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used = 1)
4221: IF l_is_reservable_sub = TRUE
4222: THEN
4223: print_debug('in add_qty,1 rsv=TRUE, newATR='||g_nodes(l_loop_index).atr||' + '||l_update_quantity);

Line 4220: -- OR ( l_is_reservable_sub AND p_is_reservable_sub AND INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used = 1)

4216: -- code always used to compute incorrect rqoh, atr and thus att.
4218: -- invConv changes begin : DEC-2004 : modification in the computation, ONLY if MAT_STAT=YES
4219: --IF (l_is_reservable_sub AND INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used = 2)
4220: -- OR ( l_is_reservable_sub AND p_is_reservable_sub AND INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used = 1)
4221: IF l_is_reservable_sub = TRUE
4222: THEN
4223: print_debug('in add_qty,1 rsv=TRUE, newATR='||g_nodes(l_loop_index).atr||' + '||l_update_quantity);
4224: --update atr

Line 4246: --IF (l_is_reservable_sub AND INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used = 2)

4242: -- So with existing condition, when material status is used,
4243: -- code always used to compute incorrect rqoh, atr and thus att.
4245: -- invConv changes begin : DEC-2004 : modification in the computation, ONLY if MAT_STAT=YES
4246: --IF (l_is_reservable_sub AND INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used = 2)
4247: -- OR ( l_is_reservable_sub AND p_is_reservable_sub AND INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used = 1)
4248: IF l_is_reservable_sub
4249: THEN
4250: print_debug('in add_qty,2 rsv=TRUE, newATR='||g_nodes(l_loop_index).atr||' + '||p_primary_quantity);

Line 4247: -- OR ( l_is_reservable_sub AND p_is_reservable_sub AND INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used = 1)

4243: -- code always used to compute incorrect rqoh, atr and thus att.
4245: -- invConv changes begin : DEC-2004 : modification in the computation, ONLY if MAT_STAT=YES
4246: --IF (l_is_reservable_sub AND INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used = 2)
4247: -- OR ( l_is_reservable_sub AND p_is_reservable_sub AND INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used = 1)
4248: IF l_is_reservable_sub
4249: THEN
4250: print_debug('in add_qty,2 rsv=TRUE, newATR='||g_nodes(l_loop_index).atr||' + '||p_primary_quantity);
4251: --update atr

Line 8382: IF (inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_is_mat_status_used = 2) /* Bug 7158174 */

8378: ,v_transfer_locator_id
8379: ;
8380: CLOSE c_unit;
8381: ELSE
8382: IF (inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_is_mat_status_used = 2) /* Bug 7158174 */
8383: THEN
8384: print_debug('build_tree: open c_plain');
8385: --item is not lot controlled or unit effective
8386: OPEN c_plain;

Line 10349: -- INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_MATERIAL_STATUS'), 2);

10345: -- material status usage :
10346: -- INV_MATERIAL_STATUS == 1 == YES
10347: -- INV_MATERIAL_STATUS == 2 == NO
10350: -- invConv changes end.
10351: --END IF;
10352: /* Jalaj Srivastava Bug 5590287
10353: set the value of global var g_is_mat_status_used only if it is null */

Line 10354: IF INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used IS NULL THEN

10350: -- invConv changes end.
10351: --END IF;
10352: /* Jalaj Srivastava Bug 5590287
10353: set the value of global var g_is_mat_status_used only if it is null */
10354: IF INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used IS NULL THEN
10356: END IF;
10358: if (p_is_revision_control = TRUE)


10351: --END IF;
10352: /* Jalaj Srivastava Bug 5590287
10353: set the value of global var g_is_mat_status_used only if it is null */
10354: IF INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used IS NULL THEN
10356: END IF;
10358: if (p_is_revision_control = TRUE)
10359: THEN

Line 10360: print_debug(' >>>>>>>>> In create_tree. mode='||p_tree_mode||', grade='||p_grade_code||', rev_ctl=TRUE. mat_stat='||INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used);

10356: END IF;
10358: if (p_is_revision_control = TRUE)
10359: THEN
10360: print_debug(' >>>>>>>>> In create_tree. mode='||p_tree_mode||', grade='||p_grade_code||', rev_ctl=TRUE. mat_stat='||INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used);
10361: else
10362: print_debug(' >>>>>>>>> In create_tree. mode='||p_tree_mode||', grade='||p_grade_code||', rev_ctl=FALSE. mat_stat='||INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used);
10363: end if;

Line 10362: print_debug(' >>>>>>>>> In create_tree. mode='||p_tree_mode||', grade='||p_grade_code||', rev_ctl=FALSE. mat_stat='||INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used);

10358: if (p_is_revision_control = TRUE)
10359: THEN
10360: print_debug(' >>>>>>>>> In create_tree. mode='||p_tree_mode||', grade='||p_grade_code||', rev_ctl=TRUE. mat_stat='||INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used);
10361: else
10362: print_debug(' >>>>>>>>> In create_tree. mode='||p_tree_mode||', grade='||p_grade_code||', rev_ctl=FALSE. mat_stat='||INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.g_is_mat_status_used);
10363: end if;
10365: if (p_is_lot_control = TRUE)
10366: then

Line 10444: IF (inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_is_mat_status_used = 1 AND l_lot_control = 2)

10442: END IF;
10443: -- invConv comment : g_is_mat_status_used = 1 == Material Status is USED
10444: IF (inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_is_mat_status_used = 1 AND l_lot_control = 2)
10445: THEN
10446: g_is_lot_control := TRUE;
10447: ELSE
10448: g_is_lot_control := FALSE;

Line 10889: inv_quantity_tree_pvt.get_total_qoh

10885: BEGIN
10886: -- invConv changes begin:
10887: -- calling the new signature API:
10889: inv_quantity_tree_pvt.get_total_qoh
10890: ( x_return_status => x_return_status
10891: , x_msg_count => x_msg_count
10892: , x_msg_data => x_msg_data
10893: , p_tree_id => p_tree_id

Line 12105: inv_quantity_tree_pvt.update_quantities

12101: BEGIN
12103: -- invConv changes begin:
12104: -- Calling the new signature API
12105: inv_quantity_tree_pvt.update_quantities
12106: ( p_api_version_number => p_api_version_number
12107: , p_init_msg_lst => p_init_msg_lst
12108: , x_return_status => x_return_status
12109: , x_msg_count => x_msg_count

Line 12391: inv_quantity_tree_pvt.update_quantities_for_form

12388: BEGIN
12390: -- invConv change begin:-- Calling the new signature API
12391: inv_quantity_tree_pvt.update_quantities_for_form
12392: ( p_api_version_number => p_api_version_number
12393: , p_init_msg_lst => p_init_msg_lst
12394: , x_return_status => x_return_status
12395: , x_msg_count => x_msg_count

Line 13510: INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.release_lock(

13506: l_api_number number := 1.0;
13508: begin
13509: for c1_rec in C1 loop
13510: INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PVT.release_lock(
13511: l_api_number,
13512: fnd_api.g_false,
13513: l_return_status,
13514: l_msg_count,

Line 13535: END inv_quantity_tree_pvt;

13531: -- 2. Procedures or functions not exposed to user do not have the following parameters:
13532: -- p_api_version, p_msg_count, p_msg_data. x_return_status is optional.
13533: -- 3. identation and character case uses plsql mode of emacs
13534: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13535: END inv_quantity_tree_pvt;