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2 /* $Header: FAVEXAJS.pls 120.4.12010000.1 2008/07/28 13:18:25 appldev ship $ */
5 /*
6  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
7  *
8  * Name
9  *              faxbds
10  *
11  * Description
12  *              Builds the depreciation structure
13  *
14  * Parameters
15  *		fin_info_ptr - fin_info structure IN OUT
16  *		dpr_ptr - depreciation structure OUT
17  *		dist_book - distribution book OUT
18  *		deprn_rsv - depreciation reserve OUT
19  *		amortized_flag - amortization flag
20  *
21  * Modifies
22  *		X_fin_info_ptr
23  *		X_dpr_ptr
24  *		X_dist_book
25  *		X_deprn_rsv
26  *
27  * Returns
28  *              True on successful retrieval. Otherwise False.
29  *
30  * Notes
31  *		Shared by other Expense user exits
32  *
33  * History
34  *
35  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 */
37 Function faxbds
38      (
39      p_asset_hdr_rec      IN     FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type,
40      px_asset_fin_rec_new IN OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
41      p_asset_deprn_rec    IN     FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type,
42      p_asset_desc_rec     IN     FA_API_TYPES.asset_desc_rec_type,
43      X_dpr_ptr               out NOCOPY fa_std_types.dpr_struct,
44      X_deprn_rsv             out NOCOPY number,
45      X_bonus_deprn_rsv       out NOCOPY number,
46      p_amortized_flag                   boolean,
47      p_extended_flag                    boolean default FALSE, -- Japan Tax Phase3
48      p_mrc_sob_type_code  IN     VARCHAR2,
49      p_log_level_rec      IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null
50      ) return boolean;
52 /*
53  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
54  *
55  * Name
56  *              faxexp
57  *
58  * Description
59  *
60  *
61  * Parameters
62  *              X_fin_info_ptr - fin_info structure IN OUT
63  *		X_new_adj_cost - new adjusted cost OUT
64  *		X_ccid - GL code combination id
65  *		X_sysdate_val - system date
66  *		X_last_updated_by - user id
67  *		X_last_update_login - login id
68  *		X_ins_adj_flag - insert adjustment flag
69  *		X_deprn_exp - depreciation expense OUT
70  *
71  * Modifies
72  *              X_fin_info_ptr
73  *		X_new_adj_cost
74  *		X_deprn_exp
75  *
76  * Returns
77  *              True on successful retrieval. Otherwise False.
78  *
79  * Notes
80  *              Used by any program that needs to expense a
81  *		financial information change
82  *
83  * History
84  *
85  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------
86 */
87 Function faxexp
88          (px_trans_rec         IN OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type,
89           p_asset_hdr_rec      IN     FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type,
90           p_asset_desc_rec     IN     FA_API_TYPES.asset_desc_rec_type,
91           p_asset_cat_rec      IN     FA_API_TYPES.asset_cat_rec_type,
92           p_asset_type_rec     IN     FA_API_TYPES.asset_type_rec_type,
93           p_asset_fin_rec_old  IN     FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
94           px_asset_fin_rec_new IN OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
95           p_asset_deprn_rec    IN     FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type,
96           p_period_rec         IN     FA_API_TYPES.period_rec_type,
97           p_mrc_sob_type_code  IN     VARCHAR2,
98           p_running_mode         IN     NUMBER,
99           p_used_by_revaluation  IN     NUMBER,
100           x_deprn_exp             out NOCOPY number,
101           x_bonus_deprn_exp       out NOCOPY number,
102           x_ann_adj_deprn_exp     out NOCOPY number,
103           x_ann_adj_bonus_deprn_exp   out NOCOPY number,
104 	  p_log_level_rec      IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null
105          ) return boolean;