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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 14

	SELECT	employee_number, full_name, last_name, title, email_address, start_date
	FROM	per_all_people_f
	WHERE	SYSDATE	BETWEEN effective_start_date and effective_end_date
	AND	person_id 	= p_person_id;
Line: 46

	SELECT	pei_information1 tenure_status,
		FND_DATE.canonical_to_date(PEI_INFORMATION2) date_determined,
		FND_DATE.canonical_to_date(nvl(PEI_INFORMATION4,PEI_INFORMATION3))  adjusted_tenure_date
	FROM	per_people_extra_info
	WHERE	person_id	= p_person_id
	AND	information_type = 'PQH_TENURE_STATUS' ;
Line: 86

	SELECT	address_line1||DECODE(NVL(address_line2,'X'),'X',FND_GLOBAL.local_chr(10),', '||address_line2||
		FND_GLOBAL.local_chr(10))|| DECODE(NVL(address_line3,'X'),'X','',address_line3||FND_GLOBAL.local_chr(10))||
		town_or_city||', '||region_2||' '||postal_code
	FROM	per_addresses
	WHERE	SYSDATE 	        BETWEEN date_from AND NVL(date_to,SYSDATE)
	AND	person_id  		= p_person_id
	AND	business_group_id	= p_bgroup_id
	AND	primary_flag 		= 'Y';
Line: 107

	SELECT	supervisor_id
	FROM	per_all_assignments_f
	WHERE	person_id	= p_person_id
	AND	primary_flag	= 'Y'
	AND	SYSDATE		BETWEEN effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 125

	SELECT	hr_general.decode_lookup('PQH_ACADEMIC_RANK',pei_information1)
	FROM	per_people_extra_info
	WHERE	person_id		= p_person_id
	AND	information_type	= 'PQH_ACADEMIC_RANK' ;
Line: 142

	SELECT	assignment_id,job_id,position_id
	FROM	per_all_assignments_f	paf
	WHERE 	paf.person_id		= p_person_id
        and     sysdate between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
        and     primary_flag = 'Y'
        and     assignment_type = 'E';
Line: 180

	SELECT	COUNT(paf.person_id)
	FROM	per_all_assignments_f	paf,
		per_people_extra_info	ppe
	WHERE	paf.person_id		 = ppe.person_id
        and     primary_flag ='Y'          -- primary assignments only
        and     assignment_type ='E'       -- only employees
	AND	ppe.information_type = 'PQH_TENURE_STATUS'
	AND	ppe.pei_information1 = p_tenure_status
	AND	SYSDATE	BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date AND paf.effective_end_date
	AND	FND_DATE.canonical_to_date(PEI_INFORMATION2) <= p_effective_date
	AND	paf.supervisor_id  	= p_supervisor_id ;
Line: 210

	SELECT	count(person_id)
	FROM	per_all_assignments_f paf
	WHERE assignment_type ='E'
	 and exists (
	    SELECT	null
	    FROM	per_people_extra_info	ppe
	    WHERE	ppe.information_type = 'PQH_TENURE_STATUS'
	    AND	ppe.pei_information1 = p_tenure_status
	    AND paf.person_id = ppe.person_id
	    AND	FND_DATE.canonical_to_date(PPE.PEI_INFORMATION2) BETWEEN p_start_date AND p_end_date)
	  and exists (
	    SELECT	null
	    FROM	per_people_extra_info	eiar
	    WHERE	eiar.information_type = 'PQH_ACADEMIC_RANK'
	    AND paf.person_id = eiar.person_id
	CONNECT BY PRIOR person_id = supervisor_id
	AND	SYSDATE	BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date
	AND     primary_flag ='Y'
	START   WITH     supervisor_id = p_supervisor_id
	  AND	SYSDATE	BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date
	  and     primary_flag ='Y';
Line: 250

	SELECT	count(person_id)
	FROM	per_all_assignments_f paf
	WHERE assignment_type ='E'
	 and exists (
	    SELECT	null
	    FROM	per_people_extra_info	ppe
	    WHERE	ppe.information_type = 'PQH_TENURE_STATUS'
	    AND	ppe.pei_information1 = p_tenure_status
	    AND paf.person_id = ppe.person_id
	    AND	fnd_date.canonical_to_date(ppe.pei_information2) <= SYSDATE)
	CONNECT BY PRIOR person_id = supervisor_id
	AND	SYSDATE	BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date
	AND     primary_flag ='Y'
	START   WITH     supervisor_id = p_supervisor_id
	AND	SYSDATE	BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date
	  and     primary_flag ='Y';
Line: 301

	SELECT 	COUNT(person_id)
	FROM 	per_all_assignments_f
	WHERE	SYSDATE	BETWEEN	effective_start_date AND effective_end_date
          and   primary_flag ='Y'
          -- 2005/08/08: NS: Performance fix: fetch the count for the business group
          and   business_group_id = hr_general.get_business_group_id
          and   assignment_type ='E';
Line: 311

	SELECT	COUNT(paf.person_id)
	FROM	per_all_assignments_f	paf,
		per_people_extra_info	ppe
	WHERE	paf.person_id		= ppe.person_id
	AND	ppe.information_type = 'PQH_TENURE_STATUS'
        and     primary_flag ='Y'
        and     assignment_type ='E'
	AND	ppe.pei_information1 = l_tenure_status
	AND	paf.effective_start_date <= SYSDATE
	AND     paf.effective_end_date >= SYSDATE
	AND	nvl(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(NVL(ppe.pei_information4,ppe.pei_information3)),sysdate)
		BETWEEN  p_start_academic_dt AND p_end_academic_dt;
Line: 326

	SELECT	COUNT(paf.person_id)
	FROM	per_all_assignments_f	paf,
		per_people_extra_info	ppe
	WHERE	paf.person_id		= ppe.person_id
        and     primary_flag ='Y'
        and     assignment_type ='E'
	AND	ppe.information_type= 'PQH_TENURE_STATUS'
	AND	ppe.pei_information1= l_tenure_status
	AND	SYSDATE	BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date AND paf.effective_end_date
	AND	fnd_date.canonical_to_date(ppe.pei_information2) BETWEEN
                p_start_academic_dt AND p_end_academic_dt;
Line: 340

	SELECT	COUNT(paf.person_id)
	FROM	per_all_assignments_f	paf,
		per_people_extra_info	ppe
	WHERE	paf.person_id		= ppe.person_id
	AND	ppe.information_type = 'PQH_TENURE_STATUS'
        and     primary_flag ='Y'
        and     assignment_type ='E'
	AND	ppe.pei_information1= l_tenure_status
	AND	SYSDATE	BETWEEN	paf.effective_start_date AND paf.effective_end_date
	AND	fnd_date.canonical_to_date(ppe.pei_information2) <=  l_effective_date;
Line: 353

	SELECT	count(person_id)
	FROM	per_all_assignments_f paf
	WHERE assignment_type ='E'
	  and exists (
	    SELECT	null
	    FROM	per_people_extra_info	ppe
	    WHERE	ppe.information_type = 'PQH_TENURE_STATUS'
	    AND	ppe.pei_information1 = l_tenure_status
            AND paf.person_id = ppe.person_id
	    AND nvl(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(
	        BETWEEN  p_start_academic_dt AND p_end_academic_dt)
	CONNECT BY PRIOR person_id = supervisor_id
	AND	SYSDATE	BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date
	AND     primary_flag ='Y'
	START   WITH     supervisor_id = p_supervisor_id
	AND	SYSDATE	BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date
	  and     primary_flag ='Y';
Line: 374

	SELECT	count(person_id)
	FROM	per_all_assignments_f paf
	WHERE assignment_type ='E'
	  and exists (
	    SELECT	null
	    FROM	per_people_extra_info	ppe
	    WHERE	ppe.information_type = 'PQH_TENURE_STATUS'
	    AND	ppe.pei_information1 = l_tenure_status
	    AND paf.person_id = ppe.person_id
	    AND	fnd_date.canonical_to_date(ppe.pei_information2)
	        BETWEEN  p_start_academic_dt AND p_end_academic_dt)
	CONNECT BY PRIOR person_id = supervisor_id
	AND	SYSDATE	BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date
	AND     primary_flag ='Y'
	START   WITH     supervisor_id = p_supervisor_id
	AND	SYSDATE	BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date
	  and     primary_flag ='Y';
Line: 394

	SELECT	count(person_id)
	FROM	per_all_assignments_f paf
	WHERE assignment_type ='E'
	  and exists (
	    SELECT	null
	    FROM	per_people_extra_info	ppe
	    WHERE	ppe.information_type = 'PQH_TENURE_STATUS'
	    AND	ppe.pei_information1 = l_tenure_status
	    AND paf.person_id = ppe.person_id
	    AND	fnd_date.canonical_to_date(ppe.pei_information2) <= l_effective_date)
	CONNECT BY PRIOR person_id = supervisor_id
	AND	SYSDATE	BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date
	AND     primary_flag ='Y'
	START   WITH     supervisor_id = p_supervisor_id
	AND	SYSDATE	BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date
	  and     primary_flag ='Y';