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1 PACKAGE BODY msc_phub_util AS
2 /* $Header: MSCHBUTB.pls 120.3.12010000.7 2008/09/03 14:44:22 wexia ship $ */
6   function get_conversion_rate(p_func_currency varchar2,p_sr_instance_id number, p_date date) return number is
7     l_currency_rate number;
8     l_reporting_currency varchar2(20) := get_reporting_currency_code;
9   begin
10     /*select CONV_RATE
11         into l_currency_rate
13       where FROM_CURRENCY = p_func_currency
14         and TO_CURRENCY = l_reporting_currency
15         and SR_INSTANCE_ID = p_sr_instance_id
16         and CONV_DATE = p_date;*/
17     return 1;--l_currency_rate;
18   end get_conversion_rate;
20     function get_conversion_rate(p_sr_instance_id number, p_organization_id number, p_date date) return number is
21       l_func_currency varchar2(20);
22       l_rate number;
23      begin
24        /*select currency_code
25         into l_func_currency
26        from msc_trading_partners
27        where sr_instance_id = p_sr_instance_id
28         and organization_id = p_organization_id
29         and partner_type = 3;*/
30         l_rate := msc_phub_util.get_conversion_rate(l_func_currency, p_sr_instance_id, p_date);
31       return l_rate;
32     end get_conversion_rate;
34    function get_planning_hub_message(p_mesg_code varchar2) return varchar2 is
35     l_message varchar2(100);
36    begin
37     if p_mesg_code = 'MSC_HUB_UNASSIGNED' then
38         l_message := 'Unassigned';
39     else
40         FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('MSC', p_mesg_code);
41         l_message :=FND_MESSAGE.GET;
42     end if;
43     return l_message;
44    end  get_planning_hub_message;
46    function get_reporting_currency_code return varchar2 is
47    begin
48         if g_rpt_curr_code is null then
49             g_rpt_curr_code := nvl(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('MSC_HUB_CUR_CODE_RPT'),'USD');
50         end if;
52         return  g_rpt_curr_code;
53    end get_reporting_currency_code;
55     FUNCTION get_exception_group(p_exception_type_id in number) return varchar2 is
56         l_exception_group varchar2(300);
57         l_exception_group_id number;
59         CURSOR exception_group_meaning(p_exception_group_id NUMBER) IS
60             select meaning
61             from mfg_lookups
62             where lookup_type = 'MSC_EXCEPTION_GROUP'
63             and lookup_code = p_exception_group_id;
64     BEGIN
65         l_exception_group_id:= case
66                                 when p_exception_type_id in (11,5,12,105,30,48,84,29) then 1
67                                 when p_exception_type_id in (31,32,33,34,43,44,49,114) then 2
68                                 when p_exception_type_id in (2,3,20,115) then 3
69                                 when p_exception_type_id in (6,7,8,10,9,47,62,63,64,65,66,70,71) then 4
70                                 when p_exception_type_id in (13,14,113,23,24,25,26,27,35,41,42,15,16,69,52) then 5
71                                 when p_exception_type_id in (28,112,21,22,36,37,45,46,90,91)then 6
72                                 when p_exception_type_id in (40,38,39,50,51,61)then 7
73                                 when p_exception_type_id in (17,18,19)then 8
74                                 when p_exception_type_id in (53,54,55,56,57,58,67,59,60,72,77)then 11
75                                 when p_exception_type_id in (85,86)then 12
76                                 when p_exception_type_id in (92,93)then 13
77                                 when p_exception_type_id in (87,88)then 14
78                                 when p_exception_type_id in (150,151,152) then 15
79                                 when p_exception_type_id in (160,161,162) then 16
80                                 when p_exception_type_id in (170,171,172,173) then 17
81                                 when p_exception_type_id in (180,181) then 18
82                                 when p_exception_type_id in (190,191) then 19
83                                 when p_exception_type_id in (200,201)then 20
84                                 else 1
85                                end;
87         open exception_group_meaning(l_exception_group_id);
88         fetch exception_group_meaning into l_exception_group;
89         close exception_group_meaning;
91         return l_exception_group;
92     END get_exception_group;
94     function get_list_price(p_plan_id number,p_inst_id number,p_org_id number, p_item_id number) return number is
96         l_list_price number;
97     begin
98         select nvl(msi.list_price,0) * (1-(nvl(msi.average_discount,0)/100))
99         into l_list_price
100         from msc_system_items msi
101         where
102             msi.plan_id =p_plan_id
103             and msi.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
104             and msi.organization_id = p_org_id
105             and msi.inventory_item_id = p_item_id;
106         return l_list_price;
107     end get_list_price;
109     function is_plan_constrained (l_daily number,
110                                        l_weekly number,
111                                        l_monthly number,
112                                        l_dailym number,
113                                        l_weeklym number,
114                                        l_monthlym number) return number is
115           begin
117            if l_daily = 1 or l_weekly =1 or l_monthly =1 or l_dailym = 1 or l_weeklym =1 or l_monthlym =1 then
118              return SYS_YES;
119            else
120              return SYS_NO;
121             end if;
123       end is_plan_constrained;
125      FUNCTION is_plan_constrained(p_plan_id number) return number is
126         l_plan_constrained number;
127          begin
128             select count(1) into l_plan_constrained
129             from
130                 msc_plans mp
131             where
132                 mp.plan_id = p_plan_id
133                 and( nvl(mp.daily_resource_constraints,0 ) = 1
134                 or nvl(mp.weekly_resource_constraints,0) = 1
135                 or nvl(mp.period_resource_constraints,0) = 1
136                 or nvl(mp.daily_material_constraints,0 ) = 1
137                 or nvl(mp.weekly_material_constraints,0) = 1
138                 or nvl(mp.period_material_constraints,0) = 1);
140              if l_plan_constrained = 0 then
141                 l_plan_constrained := 2;
142              end if;
144            return l_plan_constrained;
145      end is_plan_constrained;
147      FUNCTION get_plan_type(p_plan_id number) return number is
148         l_plan_type number;
149         begin
150             select CURR_PLAN_TYPE
151                 into l_plan_type
152             from
153                 msc_plans
154             where
155                 plan_id = p_plan_id;
156         return  l_plan_type;
157      end get_plan_type;
159     FUNCTION get_default_plan_id(p_scenario_id number, p_plan_type number, p_plan_run_name varchar2) return number is
160         cursor c_default_plan_id(p_scenario_id varchar2) is
161             select distinct p.plan_id
162             from msc_scenario_plans sp, msc_scenarios s,
163                 (select distinct plan_id, plan_type from msc_plans
164                 union all
165                 select distinct scenario_id, to_number(10)
166                 from msd_dp_ascp_scenarios_v
167                 where demand_plan_id=5555555) p
168             where sp.scenario_id=s.scenario_id
169                 and sp.plan_id=p.plan_id
170                 and p.plan_type=decode(sign(nvl(p_plan_type, -1)), 1, p_plan_type, p.plan_type)
171                 and s.scenario_id=p_scenario_id;
173         l_plan_id number := null;
174     begin
175         if (p_plan_run_name is not null) then
176             select plan_id
177             into l_plan_id
178             from msc_plan_runs
179             where plan_run_name=p_plan_run_name;
180             return l_plan_id;
181         end if;
183         if (p_scenario_id is not null) then
184             open c_default_plan_id(p_scenario_id);
185             fetch c_default_plan_id into l_plan_id;
186             close c_default_plan_id;
187             return l_plan_id;
188         end if;
190         return null;
192     exception
193         when others then
194             return null;
196     end get_default_plan_id;
198     FUNCTION get_user_name(p_user_id number) return varchar2 is
199         l_user_name varchar2(80);
200     begin
201         select distinct u.user_name
202         into l_user_name
203         from fnd_user u, fnd_user_resp_groups g
204         where u.user_id=g.user_id
205         and g.responsibility_application_id=724
206         and sysdate between u.start_date and nvl(u.end_date, sysdate)
207         and u.user_id=p_user_id;
209         return l_user_name;
211     exception
212         when others then
213             return msc_phub_util.get_planning_hub_message('MSC_HUB_UNASSIGNED');
214     end get_user_name;
216     procedure populate_item_categories(p_query_id number, p_plan_id number, p_plan_run_id number,
217         p_plan_type number, p_aggr_type number, p_category_set_id number) is
218     begin
219         if p_category_set_id is not null then
220             if p_plan_type = 10 then
221                 insert into msc_hub_query(
222                     query_id,
223                     number1, -- plan_id
224                     number2, -- plan_run_id
225                     number3, -- owning_inst_id
226                     number4, -- owning_org_id
227                     number5, -- inventory_item_id
228                     number6, -- aggr_type
229                     number7, -- category_set_id
230                     number8, -- sr_category_id
231                     last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login
232                 )
233                 select distinct p_query_id, p_plan_id, p_plan_run_id,
234                     f.owning_inst_id, f.owning_org_id, f.inventory_item_id,
235                     p_aggr_type,
236                     p_category_set_id,
237                     nvl(ic.sr_category_id, -23453),
238                     sysdate, 1, sysdate, 1, 1
239                 from msc_demantra_f f, msc_phub_item_categories_mv ic
240                 where f.plan_id=p_plan_id and f.plan_run_id=p_plan_run_id
241                     and f.owning_inst_id = ic.sr_instance_id(+)
242                     and f.owning_org_id = ic.organization_id(+)
243                     and f.inventory_item_id = ic.inventory_item_id(+)
244                     and ic.category_set_id(+) = p_category_set_id;
246             else
247                 insert into msc_hub_query(
248                     query_id,
249                     number1, -- plan_id
250                     number2, -- plan_run_id
251                     number3, -- sr_instance_id
252                     number4, -- organization_id
253                     number5, -- inventory_item_id
254                     number6, -- aggr_type
255                     number7, -- category_set_id
256                     number8, -- sr_category_id
257                     last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login
258                 )
259                 select distinct p_query_id, p_plan_id, p_plan_run_id,
260                     i.sr_instance_id, i.organization_id, i.inventory_item_id,
261                     p_aggr_type,
262                     p_category_set_id,
263                     nvl(ic.sr_category_id, -23453),
264                     sysdate, 1, sysdate, 1, 1
265                 from msc_system_items i, msc_phub_item_categories_mv ic
266                 where i.plan_id=p_plan_id
267                     and i.sr_instance_id = ic.sr_instance_id(+)
268                     and i.organization_id = ic.organization_id(+)
269                     and i.inventory_item_id = ic.inventory_item_id(+)
270                     and ic.category_set_id(+) = p_category_set_id
271                 union all
272                 select distinct p_query_id, p_plan_id, p_plan_run_id,
273                     i.sr_instance_id, i.organization_id, to_number(-23453),
274                     p_aggr_type,
275                     p_category_set_id,
276                     to_number(-23453),
277                     sysdate, 1, sysdate, 1, 1
278                 from msc_system_items i
279                 where i.plan_id=p_plan_id;
281             end if;
283             --dbms_output.put_line('populate_item_categories '||p_aggr_type||':'||sql%rowcount);
284             commit;
285         end if;
287     exception
288         when others then
289             --dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm);
290             null;
292     end populate_item_categories;
294     procedure populate_item_categories(p_query_id number, p_plan_id number, p_plan_run_id number,
295         p_plan_type number default null) is
296     begin
297         populate_item_categories(p_query_id, p_plan_id, p_plan_run_id, p_plan_type,
298             42, fnd_profile.value('MSC_HUB_CAT_SET_ID_1'));
299     end populate_item_categories;
301    procedure validate_icx_session(p_icx_cookie varchar2, p_user varchar2, p_pwd varchar2) is
302      l_retval varchar2(1);
303      SECURITY_CONTEXT_INVALID exception;
305      cursor c_user_info is
306      select furg.user_id, furg.responsibility_id, responsibility_application_id
307      from fnd_user_resp_groups furg,
308        fnd_user fu,
309        fnd_responsibility fr
310      where furg.user_id = fu.user_id
311        and furg.responsibility_id = fr.responsibility_id
312        and furg.responsibility_application_id = fr.application_id
313        and fu.user_name = 'APCC_ADMIN'
314        and fr.responsibility_key = 'APS_SCN_PLN';
316      l_user_id number;
317      l_resp_id number;
318      l_resp_app_id number;
319      procedure println (p_msg varchar2) is
320      begin
321        null;
322        --dbms_output.put_line(p_msg);
323      end println;
324    begin
325      println('icx cookie value is cookie user pwd - '|| p_icx_cookie ||' - '||p_user||' - '||p_pwd); commit;
327      l_retval := fnd_web_sec.validate_login(p_user, p_pwd);
328      println('icx cookie value is valid_login - '||l_retval); commit;
330      if p_icx_cookie <> '-1' then
331         app_session.validate_icx_session(p_icx_cookie);
332      elsif (l_retval ='Y' and p_user = 'APCC_ADMIN') or (p_user = 'Administrator') then
333        open c_user_info;
334        fetch c_user_info into l_user_id, l_resp_id, l_resp_app_id;
335        close c_user_info;
336        if (l_user_id is null or l_resp_id is null or l_resp_app_id is null) then
337              raise SECURITY_CONTEXT_INVALID;
338        end if;
339            fnd_global.apps_initialize ( user_id => l_user_id, resp_id => l_resp_id, resp_appl_id => l_resp_app_id);
340      else
342      end if;
343    end validate_icx_session;
345 END msc_phub_util;