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Line 86: object_type_code jtf_objects_b.object_code%TYPE

83: g_miss_task_rsrc_req_tbl task_rsrc_req_tbl;
85: TYPE task_refer_rec IS RECORD(
86: object_type_code jtf_objects_b.object_code%TYPE
87: , object_type_name jtf_objects_tl.NAME%TYPE
88: , object_name VARCHAR2(80)
89: , object_id NUMBER
90: , object_details VARCHAR2(2000)

Line 433: * This is a foreign key to jtf_objects_b.object_code.

429: * @param p_actual_end_date Actual end date for this task.
430: * @param p_timezone_id Timezone identifier used for this task dates. Either timezone identifier or p_timezone_name can be passed. This is validated against hz_timezones.timezone_id.
431: * @param p_timezone_name Timezone name used for this task dates. Either timezone name or p_timezone_id can be passed. This is validated against hz_timezones.global_timezone_name.
432: * @param p_source_object_type_code Object code used as the source type for this task. The object code can be either 'TASK' for standalone tasks or a registered object with usage of 'TASK' for contextual tasks.
433: * This is a foreign key to jtf_objects_b.object_code.
434: * @param p_source_object_id Unique source object identifier used to identify and validate the task source. This must be provided for any contextual task.
435: * @param p_source_object_name No longer in use.
436: * @param p_duration Duration of this task. Should be used along with p_duration_uom.
437: * @param p_duration_uom Unit of measure for the duration. Should be used along with p_duration.

Line 1035: * This is a foreign key to jtf_objects_b.object_code.

1031: * @param p_actual_end_date Actual end date for this task.
1032: * @param p_timezone_id Timezone identifier used for this task dates. Either timezone identifier or p_timezone_name can be passed. This is validated against hz_timezones.timezone_id.
1033: * @param p_timezone_name Timezone name used for this task dates. Either timezone name or p_timezone_id can be passed. This is validated against hz_timezones.global_timezone_name.
1034: * @param p_source_object_type_code Object code used as the source type for this task. The object code can be either 'TASK' for standalone tasks or a registered object with usage of 'TASK' for contextual tasks.
1035: * This is a foreign key to jtf_objects_b.object_code.
1036: * @param p_source_object_id Unique source object identifier used to identify and validate the task source. This must be provided for any contextual task.
1037: * @param p_source_object_name No longer in use.
1038: * @param p_duration Duration of this task. Should be used along with p_duration_uom.
1039: * @param p_duration_uom Unit of measure for the duration. Should be used along with p_duration.