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Line 51: /* bUG 4925794 - Modified the cursor added per_people_f and its relative joins */

48: /*Bug2920725 Corrected base tables to support security model*/
49: /* Bug 4514282 - Removed the view pay_au_tfn_tax_info_v*/
51: /* bUG 4925794 - Modified the cursor added per_people_f and its relative joins */
52: /* Bug#5864230 moved join pee.entry_information_category = 'AU_TAX DEDUCTIONS' inside expression */
54: CURSOR c_get_tfn_flag_values(c_business_group_id in per_business_groups.business_group_id%TYPE,
55: c_legal_employer_id in hr_soft_coding_keyflex.segment1%TYPE,

Line 91: FROM per_people_f pap /* Bug 4925794 */

87: , pee.effective_start_date
88: , decode(sign(nvl(pps.actual_termination_date,to_date('31/12/4712','DD/MM/YYYY')) - c_report_end_date),
89: 1,null,pps.actual_termination_date) actual_termination_date
90: , decode(eev0.screen_entry_value,'YS','Y','YI','Y','YC','Y','NN','N','YN','N','Y','N','N','N',Null) /*bug7270073*/
91: FROM per_people_f pap /* Bug 4925794 */
92: , per_all_assignments_f paa,/*Bug 3012794*/
93: hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsc,
94: per_periods_of_service pps
95: , pay_element_entries_f pee

Line 141: from per_people_f p

137: AND paa.effective_start_date = (SELECT max(effective_start_date)
138: FROM per_assignments_f a
139: WHERE a.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id)
140: and pap.effective_start_date=(select max(effective_start_date)
141: from per_people_f p
142: where p.person_id=pap.person_id) --Bug 4925794
143: AND pee.effective_start_date =
144: (SELECT max(pee1.effective_start_date)
145: FROM pay_element_types_f pet1