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Line 4431: FROM xla_ae_headers aeh,

4427: DELETE FROM xla_distribution_links
4428: WHERE application_id = 200
4429: AND ae_header_id IN
4430: (SELECT ae_header_id
4431: FROM xla_ae_headers aeh,
4432: ap_payment_history_all aph
4433: WHERE aeh.event_id = aph.accounting_event_id
4434: AND aph.accounting_event_id = p_accounting_event_id
4435: AND aph.check_id = p_xla_event_rec.source_id_int_1

Line 4660: XLA_AE_Headers AEH,

4656: AP_System_Parameters_All ASP,
4657: XLA_Transaction_Entities_Upg XTE,
4658: XLA_Events XLE,
4659: AP_Payment_History_All APH,
4660: XLA_AE_Headers AEH,
4661: XLA_AE_Lines AEL,
4662: AP_Inv_Dists_Source AID1,
4663: AP_Invoices_All AI,
4664: AP_Invoice_Distributions_All AID,

Line 4739: XLA_AE_Headers AEH,

4735: AP_System_Parameters_All ASP,
4736: XLA_Transaction_Entities_Upg XTE,
4737: XLA_Events XLE,
4738: AP_Payment_History_All APH,
4739: XLA_AE_Headers AEH,
4740: XLA_AE_Lines AEL,
4741: AP_Payment_Hist_Dists APHD,
4742: AP_Invoice_Distributions_All AID,
4743: AP_Invoices_All AI,