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Line 555: /*IF NOT ( INV_Cache.set_to_locator( p_locator_id ) THEN

551: IF ( p_subinventory IS NOT NULL AND p_locator_id IS NOT NULL ) THEN
552: g_progress := 'Get UOM for Weight and volume of Locator';
554: -- Get locator information from cache
555: /*IF NOT ( INV_Cache.set_to_locator( p_locator_id ) THEN
556: --set_to_locator not implemented
557: END IF;*/
559: SELECT mil.location_weight_uom_code

Line 795: l_progress := 'Calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec to get item values';

791: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
792: END IF;
794: IF ( p_lpn_table(i).inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
795: l_progress := 'Calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec to get item values';
797: IF ( inv_cache.set_item_rec(
798: p_organization_id => p_lpn_table(i).organization_id
799: , p_item_id => p_lpn_table(i).inventory_item_id ) )

Line 797: IF ( inv_cache.set_item_rec(

794: IF ( p_lpn_table(i).inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
795: l_progress := 'Calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec to get item values';
797: IF ( inv_cache.set_item_rec(
798: p_organization_id => p_lpn_table(i).organization_id
799: , p_item_id => p_lpn_table(i).inventory_item_id ) )
800: THEN
801: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN

Line 802: mdebug('Got Item info citm='||inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);

798: p_organization_id => p_lpn_table(i).organization_id
799: , p_item_id => p_lpn_table(i).inventory_item_id ) )
800: THEN
801: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
802: mdebug('Got Item info citm='||inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);
803: mdebug('wuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code||' wt='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight||' vuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code||' vol='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume, G_INFO);
804: END IF;
806: IF ( inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag = 'N' ) THEN

Line 803: mdebug('wuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code||' wt='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight||' vuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code||' vol='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume, G_INFO);

799: , p_item_id => p_lpn_table(i).inventory_item_id ) )
800: THEN
801: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
802: mdebug('Got Item info citm='||inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);
803: mdebug('wuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code||' wt='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight||' vuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code||' vol='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume, G_INFO);
804: END IF;
806: IF ( inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag = 'N' ) THEN
807: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN

Line 806: IF ( inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag = 'N' ) THEN

802: mdebug('Got Item info citm='||inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);
803: mdebug('wuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code||' wt='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight||' vuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code||' vol='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume, G_INFO);
804: END IF;
806: IF ( inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag = 'N' ) THEN
807: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
808: mdebug(p_lpn_table(i).inventory_item_id || ' is not a container', 1);
809: END IF;
810: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_ITEM_NOT_CONTAINER');

Line 811: fnd_message.set_token('ITEM', inv_cache.item_rec.segment1);

807: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
808: mdebug(p_lpn_table(i).inventory_item_id || ' is not a container', 1);
809: END IF;
810: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_ITEM_NOT_CONTAINER');
811: fnd_message.set_token('ITEM', inv_cache.item_rec.segment1);
812: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
813: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
814: END IF;

Line 816: p_lpn_table(i).tare_weight_uom_code := inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code;

812: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
813: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
814: END IF;
816: p_lpn_table(i).tare_weight_uom_code := inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code;
817: p_lpn_table(i).tare_weight := inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
818: p_lpn_table(i).container_volume_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code;
819: p_lpn_table(i).container_volume := inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume;
820: ELSE

Line 817: p_lpn_table(i).tare_weight := inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;

813: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
814: END IF;
816: p_lpn_table(i).tare_weight_uom_code := inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code;
817: p_lpn_table(i).tare_weight := inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
818: p_lpn_table(i).container_volume_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code;
819: p_lpn_table(i).container_volume := inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume;
820: ELSE
821: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid'||p_lpn_table(i).organization_id||' item id='||p_lpn_table(i).inventory_item_id;

Line 818: p_lpn_table(i).container_volume_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code;

814: END IF;
816: p_lpn_table(i).tare_weight_uom_code := inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code;
817: p_lpn_table(i).tare_weight := inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
818: p_lpn_table(i).container_volume_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code;
819: p_lpn_table(i).container_volume := inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume;
820: ELSE
821: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid'||p_lpn_table(i).organization_id||' item id='||p_lpn_table(i).inventory_item_id;
822: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_ITEM');

Line 819: p_lpn_table(i).container_volume := inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume;

816: p_lpn_table(i).tare_weight_uom_code := inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code;
817: p_lpn_table(i).tare_weight := inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
818: p_lpn_table(i).container_volume_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code;
819: p_lpn_table(i).container_volume := inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume;
820: ELSE
821: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid'||p_lpn_table(i).organization_id||' item id='||p_lpn_table(i).inventory_item_id;
822: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_ITEM');
823: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;

Line 821: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid'||p_lpn_table(i).organization_id||' item id='||p_lpn_table(i).inventory_item_id;

817: p_lpn_table(i).tare_weight := inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
818: p_lpn_table(i).container_volume_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code;
819: p_lpn_table(i).container_volume := inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume;
820: ELSE
821: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid'||p_lpn_table(i).organization_id||' item id='||p_lpn_table(i).inventory_item_id;
822: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_ITEM');
823: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
824: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
825: END IF;

Line 1207: IF ( NOT Inv_Cache.set_org_rec( p_organization_id => p_lpn_attributes.organization_id ) )THEN

1203: END IF;
1205: l_progress := 'Validate Organization ID';
1207: IF ( NOT Inv_Cache.set_org_rec( p_organization_id => p_lpn_attributes.organization_id ) )THEN
1208: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1209: mdebug(p_lpn_attributes.organization_id||' is an invalid organization id', G_ERROR);
1210: END IF;
1211: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_ORG');

Line 1217: mdebug('Got org info pfx='||inv_cache.org_rec.lpn_prefix||' sfx='||inv_cache.org_rec.lpn_suffix||' seq='||inv_cache.org_rec.lpn_starting_number||' lgth='||inv_cache.org_rec.total_lpn_length||' ucc='||inv_cache.org_rec.ucc_128_suffix_flag, 5);

1213: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
1214: END IF;
1216: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1217: mdebug('Got org info pfx='||inv_cache.org_rec.lpn_prefix||' sfx='||inv_cache.org_rec.lpn_suffix||' seq='||inv_cache.org_rec.lpn_starting_number||' lgth='||inv_cache.org_rec.total_lpn_length||' ucc='||inv_cache.org_rec.ucc_128_suffix_flag, 5);
1218: END IF;
1220: IF ( p_lpn_attributes.inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
1221: l_progress := 'Validate Container Item';

Line 1223: IF ( inv_cache.set_item_rec(

1220: IF ( p_lpn_attributes.inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
1221: l_progress := 'Validate Container Item';
1223: IF ( inv_cache.set_item_rec(
1224: p_organization_id => p_lpn_attributes.organization_id
1225: , p_item_id => p_lpn_attributes.inventory_item_id ) )
1226: THEN
1227: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN

Line 1228: mdebug('Itm info citm='||inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);

1224: p_organization_id => p_lpn_attributes.organization_id
1225: , p_item_id => p_lpn_attributes.inventory_item_id ) )
1226: THEN
1227: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1228: mdebug('Itm info citm='||inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);
1229: END IF;
1231: IF ( inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag = 'N' ) THEN
1232: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN

Line 1231: IF ( inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag = 'N' ) THEN

1227: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1228: mdebug('Itm info citm='||inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);
1229: END IF;
1231: IF ( inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag = 'N' ) THEN
1232: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1233: mdebug(p_lpn_attributes.inventory_item_id|| ' is not a container', G_ERROR);
1234: END IF;
1235: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_ITEM_NOT_CONTAINER');

Line 1236: fnd_message.set_token('ITEM', inv_cache.item_rec.segment1);

1232: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1233: mdebug(p_lpn_attributes.inventory_item_id|| ' is not a container', G_ERROR);
1234: END IF;
1235: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_ITEM_NOT_CONTAINER');
1236: fnd_message.set_token('ITEM', inv_cache.item_rec.segment1);
1237: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
1238: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
1239: END IF;
1240: ELSE

Line 1241: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid'||p_lpn_attributes.organization_id||' item id='||p_lpn_attributes.inventory_item_id;

1237: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
1238: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
1239: END IF;
1240: ELSE
1241: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid'||p_lpn_attributes.organization_id||' item id='||p_lpn_attributes.inventory_item_id;
1242: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_ITEM');
1243: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
1244: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
1245: END IF;

Line 1262: ELSIF ( inv_cache.org_rec.lpn_starting_number IS NOT NULL ) THEN

1258: END IF;
1260: l_seq_source := l_from_user;
1261: l_curr_seq := p_starting_number;
1262: ELSIF ( inv_cache.org_rec.lpn_starting_number IS NOT NULL ) THEN
1263: l_seq_source := l_from_org;
1264: l_curr_seq := null;
1265: ELSE
1266: -- neither defined at org level or user level use db seq

Line 1275: l_ucc_128_suffix_flag := inv_cache.org_rec.ucc_128_suffix_flag;

1271: -- If any user defined values are not given, use values defined
1272: -- at the organization level
1274: IF ( l_ucc_128_suffix_flag IS NULL ) THEN
1275: l_ucc_128_suffix_flag := inv_cache.org_rec.ucc_128_suffix_flag;
1276: END IF;
1278: IF ( l_lpn_prefix = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR ) THEN
1279: l_lpn_prefix := NULL;

Line 1281: l_lpn_prefix := NVL(l_lpn_prefix, inv_cache.org_rec.lpn_prefix);

1278: IF ( l_lpn_prefix = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR ) THEN
1279: l_lpn_prefix := NULL;
1280: ELSE
1281: l_lpn_prefix := NVL(l_lpn_prefix, inv_cache.org_rec.lpn_prefix);
1282: END IF;
1284: IF ( l_lpn_suffix = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR ) THEN
1285: l_lpn_suffix := NULL;

Line 1287: l_lpn_suffix := NVL(l_lpn_suffix, inv_cache.org_rec.lpn_suffix );

1284: IF ( l_lpn_suffix = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR ) THEN
1285: l_lpn_suffix := NULL;
1286: ELSE
1287: l_lpn_suffix := NVL(l_lpn_suffix, inv_cache.org_rec.lpn_suffix );
1288: END IF;
1290: IF ( l_total_lpn_length = FND_API.G_MISS_NUM ) THEN
1291: l_total_lpn_length := NULL;

Line 1293: l_total_lpn_length := NVL(l_total_lpn_length, inv_cache.org_rec.total_lpn_length);

1290: IF ( l_total_lpn_length = FND_API.G_MISS_NUM ) THEN
1291: l_total_lpn_length := NULL;
1292: ELSE
1293: l_total_lpn_length := NVL(l_total_lpn_length, inv_cache.org_rec.total_lpn_length);
1294: END IF;
1296: IF ( l_ucc_128_suffix_flag = 'Y' ) THEN
1297: BEGIN

Line 1337: IF ( p_lpn_attributes.inventory_item_id IS NULL OR inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code = 1 ) THEN

1333: l_progress := 'Checking for serial numbers';
1335: IF ( p_serial_ranges.last > 0 AND p_serial_ranges(1).fm_serial_number IS NOT NULL ) THEN
1336: -- Check that item is under serial control
1337: IF ( p_lpn_attributes.inventory_item_id IS NULL OR inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code = 1 ) THEN
1338: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1339: mdebug('Item '||inv_cache.item_rec.inventory_item_id||' is not serial controlled', G_ERROR);
1340: END IF;
1341: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_SER');

Line 1339: mdebug('Item '||inv_cache.item_rec.inventory_item_id||' is not serial controlled', G_ERROR);

1335: IF ( p_serial_ranges.last > 0 AND p_serial_ranges(1).fm_serial_number IS NOT NULL ) THEN
1336: -- Check that item is under serial control
1337: IF ( p_lpn_attributes.inventory_item_id IS NULL OR inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code = 1 ) THEN
1338: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1339: mdebug('Item '||inv_cache.item_rec.inventory_item_id||' is not serial controlled', G_ERROR);
1340: END IF;
1341: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_SER');
1342: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
1343: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;

Line 2068: IF ( NOT Inv_Cache.set_org_rec( p_organization_id => NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)) )THEN

2064: l_progress := 'License Plate Number';
2065: IF ( p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).license_plate_number <> l_old.license_plate_number ) THEN
2066: l_progress := 'Validate Organization ID';
2068: IF ( NOT Inv_Cache.set_org_rec( p_organization_id => NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)) )THEN
2069: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2070: mdebug(NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)||' is an invalid organization id', G_ERROR);
2071: END IF;
2072: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_ORG');

Line 2078: mdebug('Got org info wms_enabled='||inv_cache.org_rec.wms_enabled_flag, 5);

2074: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2075: END IF;
2077: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2078: mdebug('Got org info wms_enabled='||inv_cache.org_rec.wms_enabled_flag, 5);
2079: END IF;
2081: IF ( inv_cache.org_rec.wms_enabled_flag = 'Y' ) THEN
2082: -- License Plate Number cannot be updated in a WMS organziation

Line 2081: IF ( inv_cache.org_rec.wms_enabled_flag = 'Y' ) THEN

2077: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2078: mdebug('Got org info wms_enabled='||inv_cache.org_rec.wms_enabled_flag, 5);
2079: END IF;
2081: IF ( inv_cache.org_rec.wms_enabled_flag = 'Y' ) THEN
2082: -- License Plate Number cannot be updated in a WMS organziation
2083: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_UPDATE_LPN_ATTR_ERR');
2084: fnd_message.set_token('ATTR', 'License Plate Number');
2085: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;

Line 2110: l_progress := 'Calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec to get item values';

2106: END IF;
2107: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2108: END IF;*/
2110: l_progress := 'Calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec to get item values';
2111: IF ( inv_cache.set_item_rec(
2112: p_organization_id => NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)
2113: , p_item_id => p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id ) )
2114: THEN

Line 2111: IF ( inv_cache.set_item_rec(

2107: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2108: END IF;*/
2110: l_progress := 'Calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec to get item values';
2111: IF ( inv_cache.set_item_rec(
2112: p_organization_id => NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)
2113: , p_item_id => p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id ) )
2114: THEN
2115: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN

Line 2116: mdebug('Got Item info citm='||inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);

2112: p_organization_id => NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)
2113: , p_item_id => p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id ) )
2114: THEN
2115: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2116: mdebug('Got Item info citm='||inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);
2117: mdebug('wuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code||' wt='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight||' vuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code||' vol='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume, G_INFO);
2118: END IF;
2120: IF ( inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag = 'N' ) THEN

Line 2117: mdebug('wuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code||' wt='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight||' vuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code||' vol='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume, G_INFO);

2113: , p_item_id => p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id ) )
2114: THEN
2115: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2116: mdebug('Got Item info citm='||inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);
2117: mdebug('wuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code||' wt='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight||' vuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code||' vol='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume, G_INFO);
2118: END IF;
2120: IF ( inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag = 'N' ) THEN
2121: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN

Line 2120: IF ( inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag = 'N' ) THEN

2116: mdebug('Got Item info citm='||inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);
2117: mdebug('wuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code||' wt='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight||' vuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code||' vol='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume, G_INFO);
2118: END IF;
2120: IF ( inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag = 'N' ) THEN
2121: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2122: mdebug(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id || ' is not a container', 1);
2123: END IF;
2124: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_ITEM_NOT_CONTAINER');

Line 2125: fnd_message.set_token('ITEM', inv_cache.item_rec.segment1);

2121: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2122: mdebug(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id || ' is not a container', 1);
2123: END IF;
2124: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_ITEM_NOT_CONTAINER');
2125: fnd_message.set_token('ITEM', inv_cache.item_rec.segment1);
2126: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
2127: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2128: END IF;
2129: ELSE

Line 2130: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid='||NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)||' item id='||p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id;

2126: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
2127: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2128: END IF;
2129: ELSE
2130: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid='||NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)||' item id='||p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id;
2131: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_ITEM');
2132: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
2133: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2134: END IF;

Line 2171: IF (inv_cache.set_item_rec(

2167: END IF;
2168: ELSIF ( p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL
2169: AND (Nvl(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id,G_NULL_NUM) <> Nvl(l_old.inventory_item_id,G_NULL_NUM)) ) THEN --Bug#6504032 Modified this ELSIF to allow modifying and attaching container
2170: IF ( l_old.inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL ) THEN
2171: IF (inv_cache.set_item_rec(
2172: p_organization_id => NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)
2173: , p_item_id => l_old.inventory_item_id ))
2174: THEN
2175: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN

Line 2176: mdebug('Got Old Item info citm='||inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);

2172: p_organization_id => NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)
2173: , p_item_id => l_old.inventory_item_id ))
2174: THEN
2175: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2176: mdebug('Got Old Item info citm='||inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);
2177: mdebug('wuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code||' wt='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight||' vuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code||' vol='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume, G_INFO);
2178: END IF;
2179: ELSE
2180: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid='||NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)||' item id='||l_old.inventory_item_id;

Line 2177: mdebug('wuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code||' wt='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight||' vuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code||' vol='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume, G_INFO);

2173: , p_item_id => l_old.inventory_item_id ))
2174: THEN
2175: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2176: mdebug('Got Old Item info citm='||inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);
2177: mdebug('wuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code||' wt='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight||' vuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code||' vol='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume, G_INFO);
2178: END IF;
2179: ELSE
2180: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid='||NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)||' item id='||l_old.inventory_item_id;
2181: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_ITEM');

Line 2180: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid='||NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)||' item id='||l_old.inventory_item_id;

2176: mdebug('Got Old Item info citm='||inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);
2177: mdebug('wuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code||' wt='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight||' vuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code||' vol='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume, G_INFO);
2178: END IF;
2179: ELSE
2180: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid='||NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)||' item id='||l_old.inventory_item_id;
2181: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_ITEM');
2182: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
2183: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2184: END IF;

Line 2185: IF ( inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight IS NOT NULL AND

2181: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_ITEM');
2182: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
2183: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2184: END IF;
2185: IF ( inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight IS NOT NULL AND
2186: inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code IS NOT NULL ) THEN
2188: IF ( NVL(l_old.tare_weight, 0) = 0 OR l_old.tare_weight_uom_code IS NULL ) THEN
2189: l_new.tare_weight := 0;

Line 2186: inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code IS NOT NULL ) THEN

2182: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
2183: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2184: END IF;
2185: IF ( inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight IS NOT NULL AND
2186: inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code IS NOT NULL ) THEN
2188: IF ( NVL(l_old.tare_weight, 0) = 0 OR l_old.tare_weight_uom_code IS NULL ) THEN
2189: l_new.tare_weight := 0;
2190: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := NULL;

Line 2191: ELSIF ( l_old.tare_weight_uom_code = inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code ) THEN

2188: IF ( NVL(l_old.tare_weight, 0) = 0 OR l_old.tare_weight_uom_code IS NULL ) THEN
2189: l_new.tare_weight := 0;
2190: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := NULL;
2191: ELSIF ( l_old.tare_weight_uom_code = inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code ) THEN
2192: l_new.tare_weight := l_old.tare_weight - inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2193: l_old.tare_weight := l_old.tare_weight - inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2194: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := l_old.tare_weight_uom_code;
2195: ELSE -- Both are not null but with different UOMs need to convert

Line 2192: l_new.tare_weight := l_old.tare_weight - inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;

2188: IF ( NVL(l_old.tare_weight, 0) = 0 OR l_old.tare_weight_uom_code IS NULL ) THEN
2189: l_new.tare_weight := 0;
2190: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := NULL;
2191: ELSIF ( l_old.tare_weight_uom_code = inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code ) THEN
2192: l_new.tare_weight := l_old.tare_weight - inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2193: l_old.tare_weight := l_old.tare_weight - inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2194: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := l_old.tare_weight_uom_code;
2195: ELSE -- Both are not null but with different UOMs need to convert
2196: l_new.tare_weight := Convert_UOM(inv_cache.item_rec.inventory_item_id, inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight, inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code, l_old.tare_weight_uom_code, G_NO_CONV_RETURN_NULL);

Line 2193: l_old.tare_weight := l_old.tare_weight - inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;

2189: l_new.tare_weight := 0;
2190: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := NULL;
2191: ELSIF ( l_old.tare_weight_uom_code = inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code ) THEN
2192: l_new.tare_weight := l_old.tare_weight - inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2193: l_old.tare_weight := l_old.tare_weight - inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2194: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := l_old.tare_weight_uom_code;
2195: ELSE -- Both are not null but with different UOMs need to convert
2196: l_new.tare_weight := Convert_UOM(inv_cache.item_rec.inventory_item_id, inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight, inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code, l_old.tare_weight_uom_code, G_NO_CONV_RETURN_NULL);

Line 2196: l_new.tare_weight := Convert_UOM(inv_cache.item_rec.inventory_item_id, inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight, inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code, l_old.tare_weight_uom_code, G_NO_CONV_RETURN_NULL);

2192: l_new.tare_weight := l_old.tare_weight - inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2193: l_old.tare_weight := l_old.tare_weight - inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2194: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := l_old.tare_weight_uom_code;
2195: ELSE -- Both are not null but with different UOMs need to convert
2196: l_new.tare_weight := Convert_UOM(inv_cache.item_rec.inventory_item_id, inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight, inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code, l_old.tare_weight_uom_code, G_NO_CONV_RETURN_NULL);
2198: l_new.tare_weight := l_old.tare_weight - l_new.tare_weight;
2199: l_old.tare_weight := l_old.tare_weight - inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2200: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := l_old.tare_weight_uom_code;

Line 2199: l_old.tare_weight := l_old.tare_weight - inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;

2195: ELSE -- Both are not null but with different UOMs need to convert
2196: l_new.tare_weight := Convert_UOM(inv_cache.item_rec.inventory_item_id, inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight, inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code, l_old.tare_weight_uom_code, G_NO_CONV_RETURN_NULL);
2198: l_new.tare_weight := l_old.tare_weight - l_new.tare_weight;
2199: l_old.tare_weight := l_old.tare_weight - inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2200: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := l_old.tare_weight_uom_code;
2201: END IF;
2203: l_change_in_tare_weight := 0-inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;

Line 2203: l_change_in_tare_weight := 0-inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;

2199: l_old.tare_weight := l_old.tare_weight - inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2200: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := l_old.tare_weight_uom_code;
2201: END IF;
2203: l_change_in_tare_weight := 0-inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2204: l_change_in_tare_weight_uom := l_old.tare_weight_uom_code;
2205: END IF;
2206: END IF;
2207: IF ( inv_cache.set_item_rec(

Line 2207: IF ( inv_cache.set_item_rec(

2203: l_change_in_tare_weight := 0-inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2204: l_change_in_tare_weight_uom := l_old.tare_weight_uom_code;
2205: END IF;
2206: END IF;
2207: IF ( inv_cache.set_item_rec(
2208: p_organization_id => NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)
2209: , p_item_id => p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id ) )
2210: THEN
2211: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN

Line 2212: mdebug('Got Item info citm='||inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);

2208: p_organization_id => NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)
2209: , p_item_id => p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id ) )
2210: THEN
2211: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2212: mdebug('Got Item info citm='||inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);
2213: mdebug('wuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code||' wt='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight||' vuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code||' vol='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume, G_INFO);
2214: END IF;
2215: ELSE
2216: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid='||NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)||' item id='||p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id;

Line 2213: mdebug('wuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code||' wt='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight||' vuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code||' vol='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume, G_INFO);

2209: , p_item_id => p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id ) )
2210: THEN
2211: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2212: mdebug('Got Item info citm='||inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);
2213: mdebug('wuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code||' wt='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight||' vuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code||' vol='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume, G_INFO);
2214: END IF;
2215: ELSE
2216: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid='||NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)||' item id='||p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id;
2217: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_ITEM');

Line 2216: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid='||NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)||' item id='||p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id;

2212: mdebug('Got Item info citm='||inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);
2213: mdebug('wuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code||' wt='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight||' vuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code||' vol='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume, G_INFO);
2214: END IF;
2215: ELSE
2216: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid='||NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)||' item id='||p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id;
2217: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_ITEM');
2218: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
2219: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2220: END IF;

Line 2221: IF ( inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight IS NOT NULL AND

2217: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_ITEM');
2218: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
2219: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2220: END IF;
2221: IF ( inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight IS NOT NULL AND
2222: inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code IS NOT NULL ) THEN
2224: IF ( NVL(l_old.tare_weight, 0) = 0 OR l_old.tare_weight_uom_code IS NULL ) THEN
2225: l_new.tare_weight := inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;

Line 2222: inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code IS NOT NULL ) THEN

2218: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
2219: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2220: END IF;
2221: IF ( inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight IS NOT NULL AND
2222: inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code IS NOT NULL ) THEN
2224: IF ( NVL(l_old.tare_weight, 0) = 0 OR l_old.tare_weight_uom_code IS NULL ) THEN
2225: l_new.tare_weight := inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2226: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code;

Line 2225: l_new.tare_weight := inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;

2221: IF ( inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight IS NOT NULL AND
2222: inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code IS NOT NULL ) THEN
2224: IF ( NVL(l_old.tare_weight, 0) = 0 OR l_old.tare_weight_uom_code IS NULL ) THEN
2225: l_new.tare_weight := inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2226: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code;
2227: ELSIF ( l_old.tare_weight_uom_code = inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code ) THEN
2228: l_new.tare_weight := l_new.tare_weight + inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2229: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := l_old.tare_weight_uom_code;

Line 2226: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code;

2222: inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code IS NOT NULL ) THEN
2224: IF ( NVL(l_old.tare_weight, 0) = 0 OR l_old.tare_weight_uom_code IS NULL ) THEN
2225: l_new.tare_weight := inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2226: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code;
2227: ELSIF ( l_old.tare_weight_uom_code = inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code ) THEN
2228: l_new.tare_weight := l_new.tare_weight + inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2229: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := l_old.tare_weight_uom_code;
2230: ELSE -- Both are not null but with different UOMs need to convert

Line 2227: ELSIF ( l_old.tare_weight_uom_code = inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code ) THEN

2224: IF ( NVL(l_old.tare_weight, 0) = 0 OR l_old.tare_weight_uom_code IS NULL ) THEN
2225: l_new.tare_weight := inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2226: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code;
2227: ELSIF ( l_old.tare_weight_uom_code = inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code ) THEN
2228: l_new.tare_weight := l_new.tare_weight + inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2229: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := l_old.tare_weight_uom_code;
2230: ELSE -- Both are not null but with different UOMs need to convert
2231: l_new.tare_weight := Convert_UOM(inv_cache.item_rec.inventory_item_id, inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight, inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code, l_old.tare_weight_uom_code, G_NO_CONV_RETURN_NULL);

Line 2228: l_new.tare_weight := l_new.tare_weight + inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;

2224: IF ( NVL(l_old.tare_weight, 0) = 0 OR l_old.tare_weight_uom_code IS NULL ) THEN
2225: l_new.tare_weight := inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2226: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code;
2227: ELSIF ( l_old.tare_weight_uom_code = inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code ) THEN
2228: l_new.tare_weight := l_new.tare_weight + inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2229: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := l_old.tare_weight_uom_code;
2230: ELSE -- Both are not null but with different UOMs need to convert
2231: l_new.tare_weight := Convert_UOM(inv_cache.item_rec.inventory_item_id, inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight, inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code, l_old.tare_weight_uom_code, G_NO_CONV_RETURN_NULL);

Line 2231: l_new.tare_weight := Convert_UOM(inv_cache.item_rec.inventory_item_id, inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight, inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code, l_old.tare_weight_uom_code, G_NO_CONV_RETURN_NULL);

2227: ELSIF ( l_old.tare_weight_uom_code = inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code ) THEN
2228: l_new.tare_weight := l_new.tare_weight + inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2229: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := l_old.tare_weight_uom_code;
2230: ELSE -- Both are not null but with different UOMs need to convert
2231: l_new.tare_weight := Convert_UOM(inv_cache.item_rec.inventory_item_id, inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight, inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code, l_old.tare_weight_uom_code, G_NO_CONV_RETURN_NULL);
2233: l_new.tare_weight := l_new.tare_weight + l_old.tare_weight;
2234: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := l_old.tare_weight_uom_code;
2235: END IF;

Line 2239: l_change_in_tare_weight := l_change_in_tare_weight + inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;

2235: END IF;
2237: -- bug5404902 now that we are just adding the container item unit weight to the
2238: -- existing tare, change in tare is just the container item unit weight
2239: l_change_in_tare_weight := l_change_in_tare_weight + inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2240: l_change_in_tare_weight_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code;
2241: END IF;
2242: ELSIF ( p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id IS NULL ----Bug#6504032 Added this ELSIF to take care of container removal
2243: AND l_old.inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL

Line 2240: l_change_in_tare_weight_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code;

2237: -- bug5404902 now that we are just adding the container item unit weight to the
2238: -- existing tare, change in tare is just the container item unit weight
2239: l_change_in_tare_weight := l_change_in_tare_weight + inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2240: l_change_in_tare_weight_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code;
2241: END IF;
2242: ELSIF ( p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id IS NULL ----Bug#6504032 Added this ELSIF to take care of container removal
2243: AND l_old.inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL
2244: AND l_old.lpn_context IN (1,5)

Line 2246: IF (inv_cache.set_item_rec(

2242: ELSIF ( p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id IS NULL ----Bug#6504032 Added this ELSIF to take care of container removal
2243: AND l_old.inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL
2244: AND l_old.lpn_context IN (1,5)
2245: AND p_caller = 'UpdateLPNPage' ) THEN
2246: IF (inv_cache.set_item_rec(
2247: p_organization_id => NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)
2248: , p_item_id => l_old.inventory_item_id ))
2249: THEN
2250: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN

Line 2251: mdebug('Got Old Item info citm='||inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);

2247: p_organization_id => NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)
2248: , p_item_id => l_old.inventory_item_id ))
2249: THEN
2250: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2251: mdebug('Got Old Item info citm='||inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);
2252: mdebug('wuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code||' wt='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight||' vuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code||' vol='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume, G_INFO);
2253: END IF;
2254: ELSE
2255: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid='||NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)||' item id='||p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id;

Line 2252: mdebug('wuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code||' wt='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight||' vuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code||' vol='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume, G_INFO);

2248: , p_item_id => l_old.inventory_item_id ))
2249: THEN
2250: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2251: mdebug('Got Old Item info citm='||inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);
2252: mdebug('wuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code||' wt='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight||' vuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code||' vol='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume, G_INFO);
2253: END IF;
2254: ELSE
2255: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid='||NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)||' item id='||p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id;
2256: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_ITEM');

Line 2255: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid='||NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)||' item id='||p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id;

2251: mdebug('Got Old Item info citm='||inv_cache.item_rec.container_item_flag||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);
2252: mdebug('wuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code||' wt='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight||' vuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code||' vol='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume, G_INFO);
2253: END IF;
2254: ELSE
2255: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid='||NVL(p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).organization_id, l_old.organization_id)||' item id='||p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id;
2256: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_ITEM');
2257: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
2258: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2259: END IF;

Line 2261: IF (inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight IS NOT NULL AND

2257: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
2258: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2259: END IF;
2261: IF (inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight IS NOT NULL AND
2262: inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code IS NOT NULL ) THEN
2264: IF ( NVL(l_old.tare_weight, 0) = 0 OR l_old.tare_weight_uom_code IS NULL ) THEN
2265: l_new.tare_weight := 0;

Line 2262: inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code IS NOT NULL ) THEN

2258: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2259: END IF;
2261: IF (inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight IS NOT NULL AND
2262: inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code IS NOT NULL ) THEN
2264: IF ( NVL(l_old.tare_weight, 0) = 0 OR l_old.tare_weight_uom_code IS NULL ) THEN
2265: l_new.tare_weight := 0;
2266: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := NULL;

Line 2267: ELSIF ( l_old.tare_weight_uom_code = inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code ) THEN

2264: IF ( NVL(l_old.tare_weight, 0) = 0 OR l_old.tare_weight_uom_code IS NULL ) THEN
2265: l_new.tare_weight := 0;
2266: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := NULL;
2267: ELSIF ( l_old.tare_weight_uom_code = inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code ) THEN
2268: l_new.tare_weight := l_old.tare_weight - inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2269: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := l_old.tare_weight_uom_code;
2270: ELSE -- Both are not null but with different UOMs need to convert
2271: l_new.tare_weight := Convert_UOM(inv_cache.item_rec.inventory_item_id, inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight, inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code, l_old.tare_weight_uom_code, G_NO_CONV_RETURN_NULL);

Line 2268: l_new.tare_weight := l_old.tare_weight - inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;

2264: IF ( NVL(l_old.tare_weight, 0) = 0 OR l_old.tare_weight_uom_code IS NULL ) THEN
2265: l_new.tare_weight := 0;
2266: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := NULL;
2267: ELSIF ( l_old.tare_weight_uom_code = inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code ) THEN
2268: l_new.tare_weight := l_old.tare_weight - inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2269: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := l_old.tare_weight_uom_code;
2270: ELSE -- Both are not null but with different UOMs need to convert
2271: l_new.tare_weight := Convert_UOM(inv_cache.item_rec.inventory_item_id, inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight, inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code, l_old.tare_weight_uom_code, G_NO_CONV_RETURN_NULL);

Line 2271: l_new.tare_weight := Convert_UOM(inv_cache.item_rec.inventory_item_id, inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight, inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code, l_old.tare_weight_uom_code, G_NO_CONV_RETURN_NULL);

2267: ELSIF ( l_old.tare_weight_uom_code = inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code ) THEN
2268: l_new.tare_weight := l_old.tare_weight - inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2269: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := l_old.tare_weight_uom_code;
2270: ELSE -- Both are not null but with different UOMs need to convert
2271: l_new.tare_weight := Convert_UOM(inv_cache.item_rec.inventory_item_id, inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight, inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code, l_old.tare_weight_uom_code, G_NO_CONV_RETURN_NULL);
2273: l_new.tare_weight := l_old.tare_weight - l_new.tare_weight;
2274: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := l_old.tare_weight_uom_code;
2275: END IF;

Line 2277: l_change_in_tare_weight := 0-inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;

2273: l_new.tare_weight := l_old.tare_weight - l_new.tare_weight;
2274: l_new.tare_weight_uom_code := l_old.tare_weight_uom_code;
2275: END IF;
2277: l_change_in_tare_weight := 0-inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
2278: l_change_in_tare_weight_uom := l_old.tare_weight_uom_code;
2279: END IF;
2280: l_new.inventory_item_id := NULL;
2281: l_new.container_volume := NULL;

Line 2382: l_new.container_volume := inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume;

2378: l_new.container_volume_uom := p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).container_volume_uom;
2379: ELSIF ( p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL ) THEN
2380: -- use new container item tare weight and uom if values are not defined yet
2381: --IF ( l_old.container_volume IS NULL OR l_old.container_volume_uom IS NULL ) THEN --Bug#6504032 Commented this IF as container can be updated now
2382: l_new.container_volume := inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume;
2383: l_new.container_volume_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code;
2384: --END IF;
2385: END IF;

Line 2383: l_new.container_volume_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code;

2379: ELSIF ( p_lpn_table(lpn_tbl_cnt).inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL ) THEN
2380: -- use new container item tare weight and uom if values are not defined yet
2381: --IF ( l_old.container_volume IS NULL OR l_old.container_volume_uom IS NULL ) THEN --Bug#6504032 Commented this IF as container can be updated now
2382: l_new.container_volume := inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume;
2383: l_new.container_volume_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code;
2384: --END IF;
2385: END IF;
2387: l_progress := 'Content Volume';

Line 2988: IF ( NOT inv_cache.set_item_rec(

2984: l_new.outermost_lpn_id )
2985: LOOP
2986: l_progress := 'Find the primary uom code for this item in the source org';
2988: IF ( NOT inv_cache.set_item_rec(
2989: p_organization_id => l_old.organization_id
2990: , p_item_id => new_org.inventory_item_id ) )
2991: THEN
2992: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid='||l_old.organization_id||' item id='||new_org.inventory_item_id;

Line 2992: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid='||l_old.organization_id||' item id='||new_org.inventory_item_id;

2988: IF ( NOT inv_cache.set_item_rec(
2989: p_organization_id => l_old.organization_id
2990: , p_item_id => new_org.inventory_item_id ) )
2991: THEN
2992: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid='||l_old.organization_id||' item id='||new_org.inventory_item_id;
2993: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_ITEM');
2994: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
2995: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2996: END IF;

Line 2999: mdebug('Got WLC for orgxfer itm='||new_org.inventory_item_id||' oldpuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code||' newpuom='||new_org.primary_uom_code||

2995: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2996: END IF;
2998: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2999: mdebug('Got WLC for orgxfer itm='||new_org.inventory_item_id||' oldpuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code||' newpuom='||new_org.primary_uom_code||
3000: ' sctl='||new_org.serial_number_control_code||' lctl='||new_org.lot_control_code||' rctl='||new_org.revision_qty_control_code, G_INFO);
3001: END IF;
3003: UPDATE wms_lpn_contents wlc

Line 3011: , wlc.primary_quantity = Convert_UOM(new_org.inventory_item_id, primary_quantity, inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code, new_org.primary_uom_code)

3007: , wlc.serial_summary_entry = DECODE (new_org.serial_number_control_code,1,2,6,2,wlc.serial_summary_entry)
3008: , wlc.serial_number = DECODE (new_org.serial_number_control_code,1,NULL,6,NULL,wlc.serial_number)
3009: , wlc.lot_number = DECODE (new_org.lot_control_code,1,NULL,wlc.lot_number)
3010: , wlc.revision = DECODE (new_org.revision_qty_control_code,1,NULL,wlc.revision)
3011: , wlc.primary_quantity = Convert_UOM(new_org.inventory_item_id, primary_quantity, inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code, new_org.primary_uom_code)
3012: WHERE rowid = new_org.rowid;
3013: END LOOP;
3014: END IF;

Line 4447: l_progress := 'Calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec to get item values';

4444: l_quantity := 1;
4445: l_primary_quantity := 1;
4446: ELSIF ( p_content_item_id IS NOT NULL ) THEN
4447: l_progress := 'Calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec to get item values';
4449: IF ( inv_cache.set_item_rec(
4450: p_organization_id => p_organization_id
4451: , p_item_id => p_content_item_id ) )

Line 4449: IF ( inv_cache.set_item_rec(

4445: l_primary_quantity := 1;
4446: ELSIF ( p_content_item_id IS NOT NULL ) THEN
4447: l_progress := 'Calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec to get item values';
4449: IF ( inv_cache.set_item_rec(
4450: p_organization_id => p_organization_id
4451: , p_item_id => p_content_item_id ) )
4452: THEN
4453: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN

Line 4454: mdebug('Got Item info puom='||inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);

4450: p_organization_id => p_organization_id
4451: , p_item_id => p_content_item_id ) )
4452: THEN
4453: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
4454: mdebug('Got Item info puom='||inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);
4455: mdebug('wuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code||' wt='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight||' vuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code||' vol='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume, G_INFO);
4456: END IF;
4457: ELSE
4458: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid'||p_organization_id||' item id='||p_content_item_id;

Line 4455: mdebug('wuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code||' wt='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight||' vuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code||' vol='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume, G_INFO);

4451: , p_item_id => p_content_item_id ) )
4452: THEN
4453: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
4454: mdebug('Got Item info puom='||inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);
4455: mdebug('wuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code||' wt='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight||' vuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code||' vol='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume, G_INFO);
4456: END IF;
4457: ELSE
4458: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid'||p_organization_id||' item id='||p_content_item_id;
4459: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_ITEM');

Line 4458: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid'||p_organization_id||' item id='||p_content_item_id;

4454: mdebug('Got Item info puom='||inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code||' snctl='||inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code, G_INFO);
4455: mdebug('wuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code||' wt='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight||' vuom='||inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code||' vol='||inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume, G_INFO);
4456: END IF;
4457: ELSE
4458: l_progress := 'Error calling INV_CACHE.Set_Item_Rec for orgid'||p_organization_id||' item id='||p_content_item_id;
4459: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_ITEM');
4460: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
4461: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
4462: END IF;

Line 4465: IF ( p_uom = inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code ) THEN

4461: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
4462: END IF;
4464: IF ( p_primary_quantity IS NULL ) THEN
4465: IF ( p_uom = inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code ) THEN
4466: l_primary_quantity := p_quantity;
4467: ELSE
4468: l_primary_quantity := Convert_UOM(p_content_item_id, p_quantity, p_uom, inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code);
4469: END IF;

Line 4468: l_primary_quantity := Convert_UOM(p_content_item_id, p_quantity, p_uom, inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code);

4464: IF ( p_primary_quantity IS NULL ) THEN
4465: IF ( p_uom = inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code ) THEN
4466: l_primary_quantity := p_quantity;
4467: ELSE
4468: l_primary_quantity := Convert_UOM(p_content_item_id, p_quantity, p_uom, inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code);
4469: END IF;
4470: ELSE
4471: l_primary_quantity := p_primary_quantity;
4472: END IF;

Line 4493: IF ( inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code NOT IN (1) ) THEN

4489: -- Parse Serials with out validation
4490: -- Sub and locator might not be given in the case of pre-packing
4491: IF (p_content_item_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
4492: /* Toshiba Fix */
4493: IF ( inv_cache.item_rec.serial_number_control_code NOT IN (1) ) THEN
4494: IF ((p_from_serial_number IS NOT NULL) AND (p_to_serial_number IS NOT NULL)) THEN
4495: l_progress := 'Call this API to parse sn '||p_from_serial_number||'-'||p_to_serial_number;
4497: IF (NOT mtl_serial_check.inv_serial_info(p_from_serial_number, p_to_serial_number, l_prefix, l_quantity, l_from_number, l_to_number, l_errorcode)) THEN

Line 4553: l_progress := 'Calling Inv_Cache.Set_Tosub_Rec to get sub';

4549: l_locator_id := p_locator_id;
4550: END IF;
4552: IF ( l_subinventory IS NOT NULL ) THEN
4553: l_progress := 'Calling Inv_Cache.Set_Tosub_Rec to get sub';
4554: IF ( NOT inv_cache.set_tosub_rec(p_organization_id, l_subinventory) ) THEN
4555: l_progress := 'Failed to find subinventory org='||p_organization_id||' sub='||l_subinventory;

Line 4554: IF ( NOT inv_cache.set_tosub_rec(p_organization_id, l_subinventory) ) THEN

4550: END IF;
4552: IF ( l_subinventory IS NOT NULL ) THEN
4553: l_progress := 'Calling Inv_Cache.Set_Tosub_Rec to get sub';
4554: IF ( NOT inv_cache.set_tosub_rec(p_organization_id, l_subinventory) ) THEN
4555: l_progress := 'Failed to find subinventory org='||p_organization_id||' sub='||l_subinventory;

Line 4562: IF ( p_subinventory IS NOT NULL AND NVL(inv_cache.tosub_rec.lpn_controlled_flag, 2) = 1 ) THEN

4559: END IF;
4560: END IF;
4562: IF ( p_subinventory IS NOT NULL AND NVL(inv_cache.tosub_rec.lpn_controlled_flag, 2) = 1 ) THEN
4563: -- subinventory and location infromation was passed validate against lpn
4564: IF ( p_subinventory <> NVL(l_lpn.subinventory_code, l_content_lpn.subinventory_code) OR
4565: p_locator_id <> NVL(l_lpn.locator_id, l_content_lpn.locator_id ) ) THEN
4566: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN

Line 4584: IF ( l_subinventory IS NOT NULL AND NVL(inv_cache.tosub_rec.lpn_controlled_flag, 2) <> 1 ) THEN

4580: /*** Packing or Adjust Operation ***/
4581: IF ( l_operation_mode = L_PACK OR l_operation_mode = L_CORRECT ) THEN
4582: -- Check that in case of a pack, the destination subinventory
4583: -- is an LPN enabled/controlled subinventory otherwise fail.
4584: IF ( l_subinventory IS NOT NULL AND NVL(inv_cache.tosub_rec.lpn_controlled_flag, 2) <> 1 ) THEN
4585: fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_NON_LPN_SUB');
4586: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
4587: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
4588: END IF;

Line 4889: l_change_in_gross_weight := l_item_quantity * inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;

4885: CLOSE existing_record_cursor;
4887: l_progress := 'Pack item: Need to update parent lpns weight and volume';
4888: l_wt_vol_new := l_lpn;
4889: l_change_in_gross_weight := l_item_quantity * inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
4890: l_change_in_gross_weight_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code;
4891: l_change_in_volume := l_item_quantity * inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume;
4892: l_change_in_volume_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code;
4893: ELSE /** Packing a one time item **/

Line 4890: l_change_in_gross_weight_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code;

4887: l_progress := 'Pack item: Need to update parent lpns weight and volume';
4888: l_wt_vol_new := l_lpn;
4889: l_change_in_gross_weight := l_item_quantity * inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
4890: l_change_in_gross_weight_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code;
4891: l_change_in_volume := l_item_quantity * inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume;
4892: l_change_in_volume_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code;
4893: ELSE /** Packing a one time item **/
4894: -- If the LPN has no sub or loc information, it will take on the

Line 4891: l_change_in_volume := l_item_quantity * inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume;

4887: l_progress := 'Pack item: Need to update parent lpns weight and volume';
4888: l_wt_vol_new := l_lpn;
4889: l_change_in_gross_weight := l_item_quantity * inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
4890: l_change_in_gross_weight_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code;
4891: l_change_in_volume := l_item_quantity * inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume;
4892: l_change_in_volume_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code;
4893: ELSE /** Packing a one time item **/
4894: -- If the LPN has no sub or loc information, it will take on the
4895: -- values of the packed item.

Line 4892: l_change_in_volume_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code;

4888: l_wt_vol_new := l_lpn;
4889: l_change_in_gross_weight := l_item_quantity * inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
4890: l_change_in_gross_weight_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code;
4891: l_change_in_volume := l_item_quantity * inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume;
4892: l_change_in_volume_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code;
4893: ELSE /** Packing a one time item **/
4894: -- If the LPN has no sub or loc information, it will take on the
4895: -- values of the packed item.
4896: IF (l_lpn.subinventory_code IS NULL AND

Line 4999: IF( l_subinventory IS NOT NULL AND NVL(inv_cache.tosub_rec.lpn_controlled_flag, 2) = 1 ) THEN

4995: l_cont_new.parent_lpn_id := FND_API.G_MISS_NUM;
4996: l_cont_new.outermost_lpn_id := p_content_lpn_id;
4998: /* Bug 2308339: Update the Organization, Sub, Locator only if Sub is LPN Controlled */
4999: IF( l_subinventory IS NOT NULL AND NVL(inv_cache.tosub_rec.lpn_controlled_flag, 2) = 1 ) THEN
5000: FOR l_child_lpn IN nested_children_cursor(p_content_lpn_id) LOOP
5001: -- Only if there is a difference in location, update nested
5002: -- lpns/items/serials with the new location
5003: IF ( l_content_lpn.organization_id <> p_organization_id OR

Line 5128: , inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code);

5124: l_temp_record.primary_quantity := Convert_UOM(
5125: p_content_item_id
5126: , l_temp_record.quantity
5127: , l_temp_record.uom_code
5128: , inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code);
5130: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
5131: mdebug('Converted WLC pri qty='||l_temp_record.primary_quantity, G_INFO);
5132: END IF;

Line 5158: IF ( l_temp_record.uom_code <> inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code ) THEN

5154: END IF;
5155: --INCONV kkillams
5157: IF ( round(l_item_quantity, g_precision) < round(l_temp_record.primary_quantity, g_precision) ) THEN
5158: IF ( l_temp_record.uom_code <> inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code ) THEN
5159: l_converted_quantity := Convert_UOM(
5160: p_content_item_id
5161: , l_item_quantity
5162: , inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code

Line 5162: , inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code

5158: IF ( l_temp_record.uom_code <> inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code ) THEN
5159: l_converted_quantity := Convert_UOM(
5160: p_content_item_id
5161: , l_item_quantity
5162: , inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code
5163: , l_temp_record.uom_code);
5164: ELSE
5165: l_converted_quantity := l_item_quantity;
5166: END IF;

Line 5179: inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code,

5175: , secondary_quantity = CASE WHEN p_sec_uom IS NOT NULL
5176: THEN (l_sec_converted_quantity - inv_convert.inv_um_convert(p_content_item_id,
5177: g_precision,
5178: l_item_quantity,
5179: inv_cache.item_rec.primary_uom_code,
5180: p_sec_uom,
5181: NULL,
5182: NULL)
5183: )

Line 5246: l_change_in_gross_weight := -1 * l_primary_quantity * inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;

5242: -- Otherwise this calculation is irrelevant since the lpn will become pregenerated
5243: IF ( l_lpn_is_empty <> 1 ) THEN
5244: l_progress := 'Unpack item: Need to update parent lpns weight and volume';
5245: l_wt_vol_new := l_lpn;
5246: l_change_in_gross_weight := -1 * l_primary_quantity * inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
5247: l_change_in_gross_weight_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code;
5248: l_change_in_volume := -1 * l_primary_quantity * inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume;
5249: l_change_in_volume_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code;
5250: END IF;

Line 5247: l_change_in_gross_weight_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code;

5243: IF ( l_lpn_is_empty <> 1 ) THEN
5244: l_progress := 'Unpack item: Need to update parent lpns weight and volume';
5245: l_wt_vol_new := l_lpn;
5246: l_change_in_gross_weight := -1 * l_primary_quantity * inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
5247: l_change_in_gross_weight_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code;
5248: l_change_in_volume := -1 * l_primary_quantity * inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume;
5249: l_change_in_volume_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code;
5250: END IF;
5251: ELSIF (p_content_item_desc IS NOT NULL) THEN /*Unpacking a one time item*/

Line 5248: l_change_in_volume := -1 * l_primary_quantity * inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume;

5244: l_progress := 'Unpack item: Need to update parent lpns weight and volume';
5245: l_wt_vol_new := l_lpn;
5246: l_change_in_gross_weight := -1 * l_primary_quantity * inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
5247: l_change_in_gross_weight_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code;
5248: l_change_in_volume := -1 * l_primary_quantity * inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume;
5249: l_change_in_volume_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code;
5250: END IF;
5251: ELSIF (p_content_item_desc IS NOT NULL) THEN /*Unpacking a one time item*/
5252: OPEN one_time_item_cursor;

Line 5249: l_change_in_volume_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code;

5245: l_wt_vol_new := l_lpn;
5246: l_change_in_gross_weight := -1 * l_primary_quantity * inv_cache.item_rec.unit_weight;
5247: l_change_in_gross_weight_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.weight_uom_code;
5248: l_change_in_volume := -1 * l_primary_quantity * inv_cache.item_rec.unit_volume;
5249: l_change_in_volume_uom := inv_cache.item_rec.volume_uom_code;
5250: END IF;
5251: ELSIF (p_content_item_desc IS NOT NULL) THEN /*Unpacking a one time item*/
5252: OPEN one_time_item_cursor;
5253: FETCH one_time_item_cursor INTO l_one_time_item_rec;