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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 6

procedure update_lept_data(p_copy_entity_txn_id in number,
                           p_le_id              in number,
                           p_pt_id              in number) is
   -- make sure plan type row exists so that plan copy can read it
   -- if no row doesnot exist, then we have to create it
   -- make sure ptip row also exists else, we have to create it
   -- do we need row in ben_opt_typ_pl_typ for plan copy
      update ben_copy_entity_results
      set information248 = p_pt_id
      where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and table_alias = 'PLN';
Line: 24

end update_lept_data;
Line: 31

   select meaning into l_name
     from hr_lookups
    where lookup_type = 'PQH_GSP_LE_PT_NAME'
      and lookup_code = decode(p_cd,'PROG','PROG_LE'
Line: 126

      select ler_id,name,effective_start_date
        into l_ler_id,l_ler_name,l_effective_start_date
        from ben_ler_f
       where effective_end_date = hr_general.end_of_time
         and business_group_id = p_business_group_id
         and typ_cd ='GSP'
         and lf_evt_oper_cd ='PROG';
Line: 155

         select ler_id,name,effective_start_date
           into l_ler_id,l_ler_name,l_effective_start_date
           from ben_ler_f
          where effective_end_date = hr_general.end_of_time
            and business_group_id = p_business_group_id
            and typ_cd ='GSP'
            and lf_evt_oper_cd ='SYNC';
Line: 185

         select pl_typ_id,name,effective_start_date
           into l_pt_id,l_pt_name,l_effective_start_date
           from ben_pl_typ_f
          where effective_end_date = hr_general.end_of_time
            and business_group_id = p_business_group_id
            and opt_typ_cd ='GSP'
            and pl_typ_stat_cd ='A';
Line: 214

      hr_utility.set_location('setup is fine, update staging area',10);
Line: 215

      update_lept_data(p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
                       p_le_id              => l_ler_id,
                       p_pt_id              => l_pt_id);
Line: 228

procedure delete_steps(p_grade_spine_id in number,
                       p_effective_date in date) is
   cursor csr_steps is
      select step_id,object_version_number,effective_start_date,effective_end_date
      from per_spinal_point_steps_f
      where grade_spine_id = p_grade_spine_id
      and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 247

      (p_validate               => FALSE
      ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
      ,p_datetrack_mode         => 'DELETE'
      ,p_step_id                => l_step_id
      ,p_object_version_number  => l_step_ovn
      ,p_effective_start_date   => l_step_esd
      ,p_effective_end_date     => l_step_eed
Line: 256

      hr_utility.set_location('delete step complete'||l_step_id,20);
Line: 260

      hr_utility.set_location('steps could not be deleted',40);
Line: 262

end delete_steps;
Line: 264

procedure delete_grade_spine(p_grade_spine_id  in number,
                             p_effective_date  in date,
			     P_Date_track_mode In Varchar2 Default 'DELETE') is
   l_gs_ovn number;
Line: 273

      select object_version_number,effective_start_date,effective_end_date
      into l_gs_ovn,l_gs_esd,l_gs_eed
      from per_grade_spines_f
      where grade_spine_id = p_grade_spine_id
      and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 280

         hr_utility.set_location('issues in selecting grade spine',20);
Line: 285

   (p_validate               => FALSE
   ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
   ,p_datetrack_mode         => P_Date_track_mode
   ,p_grade_spine_id         => p_grade_spine_id
   ,p_object_version_number  => l_gs_ovn
   ,p_effective_start_date   => l_gs_esd
   ,p_effective_end_date     => l_gs_eed
Line: 298

end delete_grade_spine;
Line: 300

Procedure Delete_Step (p_copy_entity_txn_id in number,
                       p_effective_date     in date,
                       p_date_track_mode    in varchar2 default null) Is

l_Step_Id               Per_Spinal_Point_Steps_F.Step_Id%TYPE;
Line: 310

l_Scale_Delete          Varchar2(1) := 'N';
Line: 317

L_DELETE                BOOLEAN;
Line: 319

Line: 323

 Select information253 Step_id,
        information254 Step_Ovn
   From ben_copy_entity_results
  Where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
    And Gs_parent_entity_result_id = P_Plip_Cer_Id
    And table_alias = 'COP'
    And dml_operation = 'DELETE';
Line: 332

 Select Effective_Start_Date,
   From Per_Spinal_Point_Steps_F
  Where Step_Id = P_Step_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Effective_Start_Date
    and Effective_End_Date;
Line: 342

 Select Copy_Entity_Result_id,
        Information253 Grade_Id,
        Information255 Scale_Id,
	Information258 Scale_Cer_Id
   from Ben_Copy_Entity_Results Cpp
  Where Copy_Entity_Txn_id = P_Copy_Entity_Txn_Id
    and Table_Alias = 'CPP'
    and Result_type_Cd = 'DISPLAY'
    and Exists
    (Select 1
       from Ben_Copy_Entity_Results
      Where Copy_Entity_txn_id = P_Copy_Entity_Txn_id
        and Gs_parent_Entity_Result_id = CPP.Copy_Entity_Result_id
	and Table_Alias = 'COP'
	and Dml_Operation = 'DELETE');
Line: 359

 Select Parent_Spine_Id     , Grade_Spine_Id,
        Effective_Start_Date, Effective_End_Date
   From Per_Grade_Spines_F
  Where Grade_Id = P_grade_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Effective_Start_Date
    and Effective_End_Date;
Line: 368

 Select 'N'
   From Ben_Copy_Entity_Results Opt
  Where Opt.Copy_Entity_txn_id = P_Copy_Entity_txn_id
    and Opt.Table_Alias = 'OPT'
    and Information256 = P_Scale_Cer_Id
    and Nvl(Dml_Operation,'XX') <> 'DELETE';
Line: 380

   l_Scale_Delete := 'N';
Line: 390

      Fetch Csr_Del_Scle into l_Scale_Delete;
Line: 392

         l_Scale_Delete := 'N';
Line: 396

         l_Scale_Delete := 'Y';
Line: 403

      L_DELETE                := FALSE;
Line: 405

Line: 407

      l_Scale_Delete := 'Y';
Line: 418

  ,P_DELETE                   => L_DELETE
Line: 422

  If l_Datetrack_Mode = 'DELETE' then


	 l_Datetrack_Mode := 'DELETE';
Line: 432


         l_Datetrack_Mode := 'DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE';
Line: 448

      Elsif L_DELETE Then

         l_Datetrack_Mode := 'DELETE';
Line: 456


         l_Datetrack_Mode := 'DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE';
Line: 466

     Select Count(Placement_Id)
       into l_Plcmt_Cnt
       from Per_Spinal_POint_Placements_f
      Where Step_Id in
    (Select Step_Id
       from Per_Spinal_Point_Steps_f
      Where Grade_Spine_id = L_hr_Grade_Scale_id);
Line: 475

       l_Datetrack_Mode := 'DELETE';
Line: 496

         (p_validate               => FALSE
         ,p_effective_date         => L_effective_date
         ,p_datetrack_mode         => L_DateTrack_Mode
         ,p_step_id                => Oipl_Rec.Step_id
         ,p_object_version_number  => l_step_ovn
         ,p_effective_start_date   => l_Effective_Start_Date
         ,p_effective_end_date     => l_Effective_End_Date);
Line: 509

      If L_Scale_Delete = 'Y' then
Line: 517

End Delete_Step;
Line: 520

Function Delete_Rate (p_copy_entity_txn_id in number,
                      p_effective_date     in date)

Return Varchar2 Is

 Cursor Csr_Pay_Rts is
 Select Distinct Information293 Rt_Id
   From Ben_Copy_Entity_results
 Where  Copy_Entity_Txn_Id = P_Copy_Entity_Txn_Id
   and  Table_Alias = 'HRRATE'
   and  Dml_operation = 'DELETE';
Line: 534

 Select Information1,
  From  Ben_Copy_Entity_results
 Where  Copy_Entity_Txn_Id = P_Copy_Entity_Txn_Id
   and  Table_Alias = 'HRRATE'
   and  Dml_operation = 'DELETE'
   and  Information293 = P_Rat_Name_Id;
Line: 545

  Select Rate_Id, Rate_type, Object_version_Number
    From Pay_rates
   Where Rate_Id = P_Rate_Id
   and Not Exists
   (Select 1
      from Ben_Copy_Entity_results
     Where Copy_Entity_Txn_Id = P_Copy_Entity_Txn_Id
       and Table_Alias = 'HRRATE'
       and Nvl(Dml_operation,'XX') <> 'DELETE'
       and Information293 = P_Rate_Id);
Line: 571

    hr_utility.set_location('Delete HR Rate' || Hr_Rate_Rec.Information1 ,20);
Line: 576

        (P_GRADE_RULE_ID                => Hr_Rate_Rec.Information1
        ,P_DATETRACK_MODE               => 'ZAP'
        ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE               => P_Effective_Date
        ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER        => l_Hr_Rt_Ovn
        ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE         => l_Hr_Rt_Esd
        ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE           => l_Hr_Rt_Eed);
Line: 595

    hr_utility.set_location('Delete HR Rate Name ' || l_Rate_Id ,10);
Line: 598

      (P_EFFECTIVE_DATE               =>  P_Effective_Date
      ,P_RATE_ID                      =>  l_Rate_Id
      ,P_RATE_TYPE                    =>  l_rate_type
      ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER        =>  L_Rate_Ovn);
Line: 610

End Delete_Rate;
Line: 612

Function delete_option (p_copy_entity_txn_id in number,
                        p_effective_date     in date)

RETURN varchar2 is
Cursor csr_delete_opt is
Select information1 opt_id,
       information2 effective_start_date,
       information3 effective_end_date,
       information4 business_group_id,
       information265 opt_ovn
  From ben_copy_entity_results
 Where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   And table_alias = 'OPT'
   And dml_operation  ='DELETE';
Line: 630

  Select Mapping_Table_Pk_Id
    From Ben_opt_F
   Where opt_id = p_opt_id
     and p_effective_date
 between Effective_Start_Date and Effective_End_Date
     and Mapping_table_name = 'PER_SPINAL_POINTS';
Line: 639

 Select parent_spine_Id, Object_version_Number
   from Per_Spinal_Points
  Where Spinal_Point_Id = P_Point_id;
Line: 644

 Select Step_id
   From Per_Spinal_Point_Steps_F
  Where Spinal_Point_Id = P_Point_id;
Line: 649

 Select Object_Version_Number
   from per_Parent_spines
  Where Parent_spine_Id = P_Parent_Spine_Id;
Line: 666

hr_utility.set_location('Entering: delete_option',5);
Line: 670

  For del_opt_rec in csr_delete_opt loop
      -- When a point that is not used as step is brought to staging area, an option
      -- is created for it anyway, if the option does not already exist.
      -- When the point is deleted the option record will be marked
      -- delete but theere will be not opt_id as there is no record in BEN.
     If del_opt_rec.opt_id is not null then
      -- Determine the date-tracked mode to use when deleting the row. If no date-tracked
      -- mode is passed, the system will determine date-tracked mode to use when deleting
      -- by reading actual BEN table rows.
          Open csr_ben_opt(del_opt_rec.opt_id);
Line: 697

	   hr_utility.set_location('Going to Delete Progression Points' || l_Point_Id ,10);
Line: 699

           (P_SPINAL_POINT_ID              => l_Point_Id,
            P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER        => l_Point_Ovn);
Line: 703

	    hr_utility.set_location('Progression Points deleted' || l_Point_Id ,20);
Line: 705

	    Select Count(Spinal_Point_Id) into L_Spinal_Cnt
	      From Per_Spinal_Points
	     where Parent_Spine_Id = l_Parent_Spine_Id;
Line: 715

               hr_utility.set_location('PARENT SPINE TO delete' || l_Parent_Spine_Id ,30);
Line: 717

              (P_PARENT_SPINE_ID              => l_Parent_Spine_Id
              ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER        => l_Prnt_Ovn);
Line: 721

              hr_utility.set_location('PARENT SPINE deleted' || l_Parent_Spine_Id ,30);
Line: 732

hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: delete_option',10);
Line: 738

     hr_utility.set_location('Exception raised: delete_option',99);
Line: 752

         select rt.rate_id
         into l_rate_id
         from hr_lookups lkp, pay_rates rt
         where lkp.lookup_code = p_frequency
         and rt.rate_type ='G'
         and rt.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
         and lkp.lookup_type = 'PQH_GSP_GEN_PAY_RATE_NAME'
         and rt.name = lkp.meaning;
Line: 766

            hr_utility.set_location('issues in selecting freq payrate ',30);
Line: 771

         select rt.rate_id
         into l_rate_id
         from per_parent_spines scl, pay_rates rt
         where rt.parent_spine_id = scl.parent_spine_id
         and scl.parent_spine_id = p_scale_id
         and rt.rate_type ='SP'
         and rt.name = scl.name;
Line: 784

            hr_utility.set_location('issues in selecting scl payrate ',30);
Line: 797

      select copy_entity_result_id,information1,information98
      from   ben_copy_entity_results Scl
      where  copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and    table_alias        = 'SCALE'
      and Not Exists
      (Select 1
         from ben_copy_entity_results
        where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
	  and table_alias        = 'OPT'
          and (information256     = Scl.Copy_Entity_Result_Id or information255  = scl.Information1)
	  and Dml_Operation = 'DELETE')
      and Exists
      (Select 1
         from Ben_Copy_Entity_Results
	Where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
	  and table_alias = 'HRRATE'
          and dml_operation in ('INSERT','UPDATE'));
Line: 816

      select copy_entity_result_id,information1
      from   ben_copy_entity_results
      where  copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and    table_alias        = 'OPT'
      and    (information256     = p_scl_cer_id or information255     = p_scale_id);
Line: 840

         update ben_copy_entity_results
         set information293 = l_grd_payrate_id
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
         and table_alias = 'HRRATE'
         and information277 is not null
         and information293 is null;
Line: 846

         hr_utility.set_location('num of hrrs updated'||sql%rowcount,20);
Line: 852

      hr_utility.set_location('grd hrrate rows updated',30);
Line: 873

                update ben_copy_entity_results
                set information293 = l_scl_payrate_id
                where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
                and table_alias = 'HRRATE'
                and information278 = j.copy_entity_result_id
                and information293 is null;
Line: 879

                hr_utility.set_location('num of hrrs updated'||sql%rowcount,20);
Line: 890

   hr_utility.set_location('pt hrrate rows updated',30);
Line: 900

      update ben_copy_entity_results
      set information257 = p_point_id
      where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and table_alias ='OPT'
      and copy_entity_result_id = p_point_cer_id;
Line: 905

      hr_utility.set_location('num of opt updated'||sql%rowcount,20);
Line: 913

      update ben_copy_entity_results
      set information256 = p_point_id
      where table_alias = 'COP'
      and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and information262 = p_point_cer_id;
Line: 918

      hr_utility.set_location('num of oipl updated'||sql%rowcount,20);
Line: 926

      update ben_copy_entity_results
      set information276 = p_point_id
      where table_alias = 'HRRATE'
      and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and information278 = p_point_cer_id;
Line: 931

      hr_utility.set_location('num of hrrs updated'||sql%rowcount,20);
Line: 963

      update ben_copy_entity_results
      set information253 = p_step_id,
          information1   = nvl(information1,l_oipl_id)
      where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and table_alias ='COP'
      and copy_entity_result_id = p_step_cer_id;
Line: 969

      hr_utility.set_location('num of oipl updated'||sql%rowcount,20);
Line: 983

      update ben_copy_entity_results
      set information266 = p_hrrate_id
      where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and table_alias ='ABR'
      and (information277 is null or information277 = p_grade_cer_id)
      and (information278 is null or information278 = p_point_cer_id);
Line: 989

      hr_utility.set_location('num of abrs updated'||sql%rowcount,20);
Line: 1002

      update ben_copy_entity_results
      set information280 = p_grade_spine_id
      where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and table_alias ='CPP'
      and copy_entity_result_id = p_plip_cer_id;
Line: 1007

      hr_utility.set_location('num of plips updated'||sql%rowcount,20);
Line: 1015

      update ben_copy_entity_results
      set information255 = p_grade_spine_id
      where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and table_alias ='COP'
      and gs_parent_entity_result_id = p_plip_cer_id;
Line: 1020

      hr_utility.set_location('num of oipls updated'||sql%rowcount,20);
Line: 1033

      update ben_copy_entity_results
      set information1 = p_scale_id
      where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and table_alias ='SCALE'
      and copy_entity_result_id = p_scale_cer_id;
Line: 1038

      hr_utility.set_location('num of scales updated'||sql%rowcount,20);
Line: 1046

      update ben_copy_entity_results
      set information255 = p_scale_id
      where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and table_alias ='CPP'
      and information258 = p_scale_cer_id;
Line: 1051

      hr_utility.set_location('num of plips updated'||sql%rowcount,20);
Line: 1059

      update ben_copy_entity_results
      set information255 = p_scale_id
      where table_alias = 'OPT'
      and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and information256 = p_scale_cer_id;
Line: 1064

      hr_utility.set_location('num of opts updated'||sql%rowcount,20);
Line: 1072

      update ben_copy_entity_results
      set information260 = p_scale_id
      where table_alias = 'COP'
      and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and information259 = p_scale_cer_id;
Line: 1077

      hr_utility.set_location('num of plips updated'||sql%rowcount,20);
Line: 1092

      update ben_copy_entity_results
      set information253 = p_grade_id
      where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and table_alias = 'CPP'
      and information252 = p_grade_cer_id;
Line: 1097

      hr_utility.set_location('num of plips updated'||sql%rowcount,20);
Line: 1105

      update ben_copy_entity_results
      set information223 = p_grade_id,
          information294 = p_grade_id
      where copy_entity_result_id = p_grade_cer_id;
Line: 1109

      hr_utility.set_location('num of pl updated'||sql%rowcount,20);
Line: 1117

      update ben_copy_entity_results
      set information255 = p_grade_id
      where table_alias = 'HRRATE'
      and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and information277 = p_grade_cer_id;
Line: 1122

      hr_utility.set_location('num of hrate updated'||sql%rowcount,20);
Line: 1132

   select max(sequence) into l_max_seq
   from per_grades
   where business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 1148

   select context_business_group_id
   into l_bg_id
   from pqh_copy_entity_txns
   where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 1179

   If P_Date_Track_Mode = 'UPDATE_OVERRIDE' Then
      l_Del_Dt_Mode := 'DELETE';
Line: 1185

      select effective_date
      into l_effective_date
      from fnd_sessions
      where session_id = userenv('sessionid');
Line: 1189

      update fnd_sessions
      set effective_date = p_effective_date
      where session_id = userenv('sessionid');
Line: 1194

           insert into fnd_sessions(session_id,effective_date) values(userenv('sessionid'), p_effective_date);
Line: 1200

      update ben_copy_entity_results
      set dml_operation = 'DELETE'
      where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and table_alias in ('COP','OPT','CPP','HRRATE','ABR')
      and information104 = 'UNLINK';
Line: 1205

      hr_utility.set_location('num of unlinks updated'||sql%rowcount,2);
Line: 1208

         hr_utility.set_location('issues in marking recs for delete',1);
Line: 1211

   hr_utility.set_location('calling delete obj',1);
Line: 1216

 /*  l_return := pqh_gsp_del_grade_ladder_obj.delete_from_ben
     (p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
      p_effective_date     => p_effective_date,
      p_datetrack_mode     => 'DELETE'); */
Line: 1247

     Delete_Step(p_copy_entity_txn_id  => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
                 p_effective_date      => p_effective_date,
		 P_Date_Track_Mode     => l_Del_Dt_Mode);
Line: 1253

        l_return := Delete_Rate (p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
                                                          p_effective_date     => p_effective_date);
Line: 1256

        l_return := delete_option (p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
                                                           p_effective_date     => p_effective_date);
Line: 1295

      (p_copy_entity_txn_id => p_copy_entity_txn_id,
       p_effective_date     => p_effective_date,
       p_business_area      => p_business_area);
Line: 1315

   elsif p_datetrack_mode = 'UPDATE' then
      l_datetrack_mode := 'UPDATE_OVERRIDE';
Line: 1325

         select information50,information41,substr(information5,1,80)
         into l_gl_currency,l_gl_freq,l_gl_name
         from ben_copy_entity_results
         where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
         and result_type_cd ='DISPLAY'
         and table_alias = 'PGM';
Line: 1334

            hr_utility.set_location('issues in selecting pgm row ',10);
Line: 1363

                     p_copy_entity_txn_id  => p_copy_entity_txn_id
                    ,p_effective_date      => p_effective_date
                    ,p_business_group_id   => p_business_group_id);
Line: 1368

         hr_utility.set_location('Elpros created/updated',20);
Line: 1388

          update pqh_copy_entity_txns
           set status ='COMPLETED'
           where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 1394

	 Delete from Ben_Copy_Entity_Results
	  where Copy_Entity_Txn_Id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
	    and Table_Alias Not In ('PQH_GSP_TASK_LIST','PQH_CORPS_TASK_LIST');
Line: 1457

   hr_utility.set_location('grade row checked for update',30);
Line: 1462

   hr_utility.set_location('Scale row updated',40);
Line: 1472

   hr_utility.set_location('grade spine row updated',40);
Line: 1477

   hr_utility.set_location('option row updated',50);
Line: 1482

   hr_utility.set_location('oipl row updated',60);
Line: 1488

   hr_utility.set_location('Hrate row updated',70);
Line: 1501

      select grade_spine_id,parent_spine_id
      into l_grade_spine_id,l_parent_spine_id
      from per_grade_spines_f
      where grade_id = p_grade_id
      and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 1527

       /*  delete_steps(p_grade_spine_id => l_grade_spine_id,
                      p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
Line: 1529

         delete_grade_spine(p_grade_spine_id => l_grade_spine_id,
                            p_effective_date => p_effective_date); */
Line: 1540

      select *
      from ben_copy_entity_results
      where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and table_alias = 'CPP'
      and Dml_Operation <> 'DELETE';
Line: 1569

            select information1
            into l_scale_id
            from ben_copy_entity_results
            where copy_entity_result_id = grd_spine.information258;
Line: 1575

               hr_utility.set_location('scale was created but deleted',10);
Line: 1581

         select information223
         into l_grade_id
         from ben_copy_entity_results
         where copy_entity_result_id = grd_spine.information252;
Line: 1603

            select grade_id
              into l_grade_id
              from per_grade_spines_f
             where grade_id = l_grade_id
               and rownum < 2 ;
Line: 1620

               select date_from
              into l_grd_effstdt
               from per_grades
             where grade_id = l_grade_id;
Line: 1643

         hr_utility.set_location('grd_spine exists,ceiling step updated',10);
Line: 1661

                  l_dt_mode := pqh_gsp_stage_to_ben.get_update_mode
                            (p_table_name       => 'PER_GRADE_SPINES_F',
                             p_key_column_name  => 'GRADE_SPINE_ID',
                             p_key_column_value => l_grade_spine_id,
                             p_effective_date   => p_effective_date);
Line: 1670

                  p_effective_date           =>      p_effective_date --l_grd_effstdt
                 ,p_datetrack_mode           =>      l_dt_mode
                 ,p_grade_spine_id           =>      l_grade_spine_id
                 ,p_object_version_number    =>      l_gs_ovn
                 ,p_business_group_id        =>      p_business_group_id
                 ,p_parent_spine_id          =>      l_scale_id
                 ,p_grade_id                 =>      l_grade_id
                 ,p_ceiling_step_id          =>      l_ceiling_step_id
                 ,p_starting_step            =>      l_starting_step
                 ,p_effective_start_date     =>      l_gs_esd
                 ,p_effective_end_date       =>      l_gs_eed
Line: 1687

               hr_utility.set_location('issue in update grade scale'||l_ceiling_step_id,23);
Line: 1695

               update per_grade_spines_f
               set ceiling_step_id = l_ceiling_step_id
               where grade_spine_id = l_grade_spine_id
               and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 1699

               hr_utility.set_location('num of grd_sps updated'||sql%rowcount,20);
Line: 1709

            hr_utility.set_location('grd_spine exists,starting step updated',10);
Line: 1712

               update per_grade_spines_f
               set starting_step = l_starting_step
               where grade_spine_id = l_grade_spine_id
               and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 1716

               hr_utility.set_location('num of grd_sps updated'||sql%rowcount,20);
Line: 1781

      select *
      from ben_copy_entity_results
      where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and table_alias = 'OPT'
      and dml_operation in ('INSERT','UPDATE','UPD_INS')
      order by information253 desc; -- do highest seq. first
Line: 1794

            select information1
            into l_scale_id
            from ben_copy_entity_results
            where copy_entity_result_id = point_rec.information256;
Line: 1805

      if point_rec.dml_operation ='INSERT'
         and point_rec.information257 is null
         and l_scale_id is not null then
         hr_utility.set_location('going for ins',20);
Line: 1839

      elsif point_rec.dml_operation in ('UPDATE','UPD_INS')
         and point_rec.information257 is not null
         and point_rec.information255 is not null then
         hr_utility.set_location('going for upd',30);
Line: 1856

                 pqh_cpd_hr_to_stage.update_point(p_point_id             => l_point_id,
                                                  p_point_ovn            => l_point_ovn,
                                                  p_information_category => point_rec.information101,
                                                  p_information1         => point_rec.information173,
                                                  p_information2         => point_rec.information175,
                                                  p_information3         => point_rec.information179,
                                                  p_information4         => point_rec.information181,
                                                  p_information5         => point_rec.information182,
                                                  p_effective_date       => p_effective_date,
                                                  p_business_group_id    => p_business_group_id,
                                                  p_parent_spine_id      => l_scale_id,
                                                  p_sequence             => point_rec.information253,
                                                  p_spinal_point         => point_rec.information98);
Line: 1870

                 (p_effective_date                 => p_effective_date
                 ,p_business_group_id              => p_business_group_id
                 ,p_parent_spine_id                => l_scale_id
                 ,p_sequence                       => point_rec.information253
                 ,p_spinal_point                   => point_rec.information98
                 ,p_spinal_point_id                => l_point_id
                 ,p_object_version_number          => l_point_ovn
Line: 1925

      select *
      from ben_copy_entity_results
      where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and table_alias = 'PLN'
      and dml_operation in ('INSERT','UPDATE','UPD_INS');
Line: 1935

      if grd_rec.dml_operation = 'INSERT'
         and l_grade_id is null
         and grd_rec.information221 is not null
         and grd_rec.information5 is not null then
         hr_utility.set_location('new grade is being created'||l_proc,20);
Line: 1972

      elsif grd_rec.dml_operation in ('UPDATE','UPD_INS')
      and l_ovn is not null
      and grd_rec.information221 is not null
      and grd_rec.information5 is not null
      and l_grade_id is not null then
         hr_utility.set_location('grade is being updated'||l_grade_id,60);
Line: 1995

            hr_grade_api.update_grade(p_date_from             => grd_rec.information307
                                     ,p_effective_date	      => p_effective_date
                                     ,p_date_to               => grd_rec.information308
                                     ,p_short_name	      => grd_rec.information102
                                     ,p_grade_id              => l_grade_id
                                     ,p_object_version_number => l_ovn
                                     ,p_concat_segments       => l_concat_segments
                                     ,p_grade_definition_id   => grd_rec.information221
                                     ,p_name                  => grd_rec.information5);
Line: 2056

      select *
      from ben_copy_entity_results
      where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and table_alias = 'COP'
      and dml_operation = 'INSERT';
Line: 2067

         select information280
         into l_grd_sp_id
         from ben_copy_entity_results
         where copy_entity_result_id = step_rec.gs_parent_entity_result_id;
Line: 2075

         select information257
         into l_point_id
         from ben_copy_entity_results
         where copy_entity_result_id = step_rec.information262;
Line: 2082

      if step_rec.dml_operation ='INSERT'
         and step_rec.information253 is null
         and step_rec.information104 = 'LINK'
         and l_grd_sp_id is not null
         and l_point_id is not null then
         hr_utility.set_location('going for ins',20);
Line: 2094

              INTO l_grd_effstdt
              FROM per_grade_spines_f pgs
             WHERE pgs.grade_spine_id     = l_grd_sp_id
               AND p_effective_date BETWEEN pgs.effective_start_date
                                    AND pgs.effective_end_date;
Line: 2123

            hr_utility.set_location('ceiling step, update grd_sp',23);
Line: 2125

               update per_grade_spines_f
               set ceiling_step_id = l_step_id
               where grade_spine_id = l_grd_sp_id
               and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 2129

               hr_utility.set_location('num of grd_sps updated'||sql%rowcount,20);
Line: 2180

      select *
      from ben_copy_entity_results
      where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and table_alias ='SCALE'
      and dml_operation in ('INSERT','UPDATE');
Line: 2190

      if scl_rec.dml_operation = 'INSERT'
         and l_scale_id is null
         and scl_rec.information98 is not null then
         hr_utility.set_location('new scale is being created'||l_proc,20);
Line: 2232

      elsif scl_rec.dml_operation ='UPDATE' and l_scale_id is not null
            and scl_rec.information98 is not null  and l_scale_ovn is not null then
         hr_utility.set_location('scale is being updated'||l_proc,60);
Line: 2248

               pqh_cpd_hr_to_stage.update_scale(p_scale_id             => l_scale_id,
                                                p_scale_ovn            => l_scale_ovn,
                                                p_information_category => scl_rec.information101,
                                                p_information1         => scl_rec.information112,
                                                p_information2         => scl_rec.information113,
                                                p_business_group_id    => p_business_group_id,
                                                p_name                 => scl_rec.information98,
                                                p_effective_date       => p_effective_date ,
                                                p_increment_frequency  => scl_rec.information253,
                                                p_increment_period     => scl_rec.information99);
Line: 2260

                   (p_name                  => scl_rec.information98
                   ,p_increment_frequency   => scl_rec.information253
                   ,p_increment_period      => scl_rec.information99
                   ,p_parent_spine_id       => l_scale_id
                   ,p_object_version_number => l_scale_ovn
                    ) ;
Line: 2329

      select *
      from ben_copy_entity_results
      where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      and   table_alias = 'HRRATE'
      and   dml_operation in ('INSERT','UPDATE')
Line: 2360

      if hrr_rec.dml_operation = 'INSERT'
         and nvl(hrr_rec.datetrack_mode,'CORRECTION') <> 'UPDATE_REPLACE' then
         l_dml_operation := 'INSERT';
Line: 2363

      elsif hrr_rec.dml_operation = 'INSERT' and hrr_rec.datetrack_mode = 'UPDATE_REPLACE' then
         l_dml_operation := 'UPDATE';
Line: 2365

      elsif hrr_rec.dml_operation = 'UPDATE' then
         l_dml_operation := 'UPDATE';
Line: 2375

            select information223
            into l_grd_sp_id
            from ben_copy_entity_results
            where copy_entity_result_id = hrr_rec.INFORMATION277;
Line: 2393

            select information257
            into l_grd_sp_id
            from ben_copy_entity_results
            where copy_entity_result_id = hrr_rec.INFORMATION278;
Line: 2410

      if l_dml_operation = 'INSERT'
         and l_hrrate_id is null
         and l_grd_sp_id is not null
         and l_payrate_id is not null then
         hr_utility.set_location('new hrrate is being created'||l_proc,20);
Line: 2446

      elsif l_dml_operation ='UPDATE'
            and l_hrrate_id is not null
            and l_grd_sp_id is not null
            and l_hrr_ovn is not null
            and l_payrate_id is not null then
         hr_utility.set_location('hrrate is being updated'||l_proc,60);
Line: 2457

            l_dt_mode := pqh_gsp_stage_to_ben.get_update_mode
                            (p_table_name       => 'PAY_GRADE_RULES_F',
                             p_key_column_name  => 'GRADE_RULE_ID',
                             p_key_column_value => l_hrrate_id,
                             p_effective_date   => l_effective_date);
Line: 2480

            (p_effective_date           => l_effective_date
            ,p_currency_code            => p_gl_currency
            ,p_maximum                  => hrr_rec.information295
            ,p_mid_value                => hrr_rec.information296
            ,p_minimum                  => hrr_rec.information294
            ,p_value                    => nvl(hrr_rec.information297,0)
            ,p_grade_rule_id            => l_hrrate_id
            ,p_datetrack_mode           => l_dt_mode
            ,p_object_version_number    => l_hrr_ovn
            ,p_effective_start_date     => l_hrr_esd
            ,p_effective_end_date       => l_hrr_eed);