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Line 27: from per_person_type_usages_f ptu,

23: -- Declare cursors and local variables
24: --
25: cursor c1 is
26: select null
27: from per_person_type_usages_f ptu,
28: per_person_types ppt
29: where ptu.person_id = p_person_id
30: and p_effective_date
31: between ptu.effective_start_date

Line 147: from per_person_type_usages_f

143: -- We are doing this check regardless of the enabled flag
144: -- as even old records must be used for this validation
145: cursor csr_check_uniqueness is
146: select person_type_usage_id
147: from per_person_type_usages_f
148: where person_type_id in ( select person_type_id
149: from per_person_types
150: where system_person_type = l_person_type
151: and business_group_id = l_business_group_id )

Line 352: from per_person_type_usages_f ptu,

348: select distinct ctr.contact_person_id
349: from per_contact_relationships ctr
350: where exists
351: (select null
352: from per_person_type_usages_f ptu,
353: per_person_types pet
354: where ctr.contact_person_id = ptu.person_id
355: and ptu.person_type_id = pet.person_type_id
356: and pet.system_person_type = 'DPNT'

Line 516: from per_person_type_usages_f ptu, per_person_types pet

512: ,c_type_cd in varchar2 default null
513: )
514: Is
515: select pet.system_person_type
516: from per_person_type_usages_f ptu, per_person_types pet
517: where ptu.person_type_id = pet.person_type_id
518: and ptu.person_id = c_per_id
519: ---- added to test a particular type avaialble # 2852514
520: and pet.system_person_type = nvl(c_type_cd,pet.system_person_type )