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2   -------------------
3   --  OVERVIEW
4   --
5   -- This package is the system administrator  interface to a replicated
6   -- transactional deferred remote
7   -- procedure call facility.  Administrators and replication
8   -- deamons can execute
9   -- transactions queued for remote nodes using this facility
10   -- and administrators
11   -- can control the nodes to which remote calls are destined.
12   ------------
13   --  SECURITY
14   --
15   -- By default, this package is owned by user SYS and
16   -- execution should be granted
17   -- only to administrators and deamons that perform
18   -- replication administration and
19   -- execute deferred transactions.  See the security considerations for
20   -- the dbms_defer package for related considerations.
21   -------------
23   --
24   --  Parameter type does not match actual type. Message varies.
25   crt_err_err EXCEPTION;
26   PRAGMA exception_init(crt_err_err, -23324);
27   crt_err_num NUMBER := -23324;
28   crt_err_msg  VARCHAR(76) := 'Error creating deferror entry: ';
30   --  Replication is not linked as an option
31   norepoption EXCEPTION;
32   PRAGMA exception_init(norepoption, -2094);
33   norepoption_num NUMBER := -2094;
35   -- Invalid user
36   missinguser EXCEPTION;
37   PRAGMA exception_init(missinguser, -23362);
38   missinguser_num NUMBER := -23362;
40   -- Already the propagator
41   alreadypropagator EXCEPTION;
42   PRAGMA exception_init(alreadypropagator, -23393);
43   alreadypropagator_num NUMBER := -23393;
45   -- Duplicate propagator
46   duplicatepropagator EXCEPTION;
47   PRAGMA exception_init(duplicatepropagator, -23394);
48   duplicatepropagator_num NUMBER := -23394;
50   -- Missing propagator
51   missingpropagator EXCEPTION;
52   PRAGMA exception_init(missingpropagator, -23357);
53   missingpropagator_num NUMBER := -23357;
55   -- Propagator in use
56   propagator_inuse EXCEPTION;
57   PRAGMA exception_init(propagator_inuse, -23418);
58   propagator_inuse_num NUMBER := -23418;
60   -- Incomplete parallel propagation/push, added for bug 430300
61   incompleteparallelpush EXCEPTION;
62   PRAGMA exception_init(incompleteparallelpush, -23388);
63   incompleteparallelpush_num NUMBER := -23388;
65   -- purge queue argument is out of range
66   argoutofrange EXCEPTION;
67   PRAGMA exception_init(argoutofrange, -23427);
68   argoutofrange_num NUMBER := -23427;
70   -- there are deferred RPC for some destination
71   notemptyqueue EXCEPTION;
72   PRAGMA exception_init(notemptyqueue, -23426);
73   notemptyqueue_num NUMBER := -23426;
75   -- serial propagation can not be used
76   serialpropnotallowed EXCEPTION;
77   PRAGMA exception_init(serialpropnotallowed, -23495);
78   serialpropnotallowed_num NUMBER := -23495;
80   cantsetdisabled EXCEPTION;
81   PRAGMA exception_init(cantsetdisabled, -23496);
82   cantsetdisabled_num NUMBER := -23496;
84   -------------
85   --  CONSTANTS
87   --
88   -- constants for result of push or purge
89   --
90   result_ok                    BINARY_INTEGER := 0;
91     -- okay, terminated after delay_seconds expired
92   result_startup_seconds       BINARY_INTEGER := 1;
93     -- terminated by lock timeout while starting
94   result_execution_seconds     BINARY_INTEGER := 2;
95     -- terminated by exceeding execution_seconds
96   result_transaction_count     BINARY_INTEGER := 3;
97     -- terminated by exceeding transaction_count
98   result_delivery_order_limit  BINARY_INTEGER := 4;
99     -- terminated at delivery_order_limit
100   result_errors                BINARY_INTEGER := 5;
101     -- terminated after errors
102   result_push_disabled         BINARY_INTEGER := 6;
103     -- terminated after detecting that propagation is disabled
104   result_purge_disabled        BINARY_INTEGER := 6;
105     -- terminated after detecting that purge is disabled
106   result_cant_get_sr_enq       BINARY_INTEGER := 7;
107     -- terminated after failing to acquire SR enqueue
109   --
110   -- constants for purge_method in purge_queue
111   --
112   purge_method_quick   BINARY_INTEGER := 1;
113   purge_method_precise BINARY_INTEGER := 2;
114   --
115   -- constants for parameter defaults
116   --
117   seconds_infinity          BINARY_INTEGER := 60*60*24*180;
118   transactions_infinity     BINARY_INTEGER := 1000000000;
119   delivery_order_infinity   NUMBER := 100000000000000000000;
121   --  PROCEDURES
123   -- manage default replication node lists
125   PROCEDURE add_default_dest(dblink IN VARCHAR2);
126   --  Add a node to the default list for replication targets.
127   --  Input parameters
128   --    dblink
129   --      name of the node (dblink) to add tRo the default list.
130   --  Exceptions
131   --    ORA-23352
132   --     dblink is already in the default list.
133   ----------
135   PROCEDURE delete_default_dest(dblink IN VARCHAR2);
136   --  Delete a node from the default list for replication targets
137   --  Input parameters
138   --    dblink
139   --      name of the node (dblink) to delete from the default list.
140   --      Operation is a no-op if dblink is not in the list.
141   --  Exceptions
142   --    none.
143   -----------------
145   FUNCTION push(
146       destination          IN VARCHAR2,
147       parallelism          IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
148       heap_size            IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
149       stop_on_error        IN BOOLEAN := FALSE,
150       write_trace          IN BOOLEAN := FALSE,
151       startup_seconds      IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
152       execution_seconds    IN BINARY_INTEGER := seconds_infinity,
153       delay_seconds        IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
154       transaction_count    IN BINARY_INTEGER := transactions_infinity,
155       delivery_order_limit IN NUMBER := delivery_order_infinity
157   --
158   -- Push transactions queued for destination node, choosing either
159   --   serial or parallel propagation.
160   --
161   -- Parameters:
162   --   destination
163   --     name of destination (dblink) to push to
164   --   parallelism
165   --     max degree of parallelism of the push
166   --     0 = (old algorithm) serial propagation
167   --     1 = (new algorithm) parallel propagation with only 1 slave
168   --     n = (new algorithm) parallel propagation with n slaves
169   --   heap_size
170   --     if > 0, max number of txns to be examined simultaneously for
171   --     parallel scheduling computation; default is to compute this
172   --     from specified parallelism
173   --   stop_on_error
174   --     stop on first error even if not fatal
175   --   write_trace
176   --     record execution result value and non-fatal errors in trace file
177   --   startup_seconds
178   --     max secs to wait for another instance of push
179   --     (pushing to the same destination) to finish
180   --   execution_seconds
181   --     shutdown cleanly after this many seconds of real time
182   --   delay_seconds
183   --     shutdown cleanly if queue is empty for this long
184   --   transaction_count
185   --     shutdown cleanly after pushing this many transactions
186   --   delivery_order_limit
187   --     shutdown cleanly before pushing a transaction with
188   --     delivery_order >= delivery_order_limit
189   --
190   -- Result:
191   --   a value from the constants
192   --     dbms_defer_sys.result_%
193   --   indicating how the push completed
194   --
195   ----------------
197   PROCEDURE execute(destination       IN VARCHAR2,
198                     stop_on_error     IN BOOLEAN := FALSE,
199                     transaction_count IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
200                     execution_seconds IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
201 		    execute_as_user   IN BOOLEAN,
202                     delay_seconds     IN NATURAL := 0,
203                     batch_size        IN NATURAL := 0);
204   -- The execute_as_user parameter is obsolete and ignored.
205   -----------------
207   PROCEDURE execute(destination       IN VARCHAR2,
208                     stop_on_error     IN BOOLEAN := FALSE,
209                     transaction_count IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
210                     execution_seconds IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
211                     delay_seconds     IN NATURAL := 0,
212                     batch_size        IN NATURAL := 0);
213   --  Execute transactions queued for destination_node using the security
214   --  context of the propagator. stop_on_error
215   --  determines whether processing of subsequent transaction continues
216   --  after an error is detected.
217   --  deftrandest (and defcalldest if appropriate) entries
218   --  for the successfully executed transactions are deleted and if there
219   --  are no other references, the defcall and deftran entries are deleted.
220   --
221   --  Input Parameters:
222   --    destination
223   --      node (dblink) at which to execute
224   --      deferred transaction.  Case
225   --      insensitive comparisons used.
226   --    stop_on_error
227   --      If TRUE, execution of queued transactions will
228   --      alway stop when an error is
229   --      encountered, leaving unattempted transaction in
230   --      the queue.  If FALSE,
231   --      execution continues except when errors that appear
232   --      to mean that node is
233   --      unavailable are encountered, it which case execution
234   --      always stops, leaving
235   --      unattempted transactions queued.
236   --    transaction_count
237   --      If positive, at most this many transactions will be executed.
238   --    executions_seconds
239   --      If positive, execution will stop after completions of the
240   --      last transaction after this many seconds of executions.
241   --    delay_seconds
242   --      If positive, the routine will sleep for this many seconds before
243   --      returning when it finds no deferred RPCs queued for the destination
244   --      Non-zero values can reduce execution overhead compared to calling
245   --      dbms_defer_sys.execute from a tight loop.
246   --    batch_size
247   --      The number of deferred rpc calls should be executed before
248   --      committing deferred transactions.  If batch_size is 0 a commit will
249   --      occur after each deferred transaction.  If batch_size is greater than
250   --      zero a commit will occur when the total number of deferred calls
251   --      executed exceeds batch_size and a complete transaction has been
252   --      executed.
253   --
254   --  Exceptions
255   --    Raises the last exception encountered before execution
256   --    stops because of
257   --    an exception.
258   ----------------
260   PROCEDURE execute_error(deferred_tran_id IN VARCHAR2,
261                           destination      IN VARCHAR2);
262   --  (Re)Execute transactions that previously encountered conflicts.
263   --  Each transaction is executed in the security context of the original
264   --  receiver of the transaction.
265   --  Execution stops when any error is encountered.  If some input is null,
266   --  then each transaction is committed as it completes. If exactly one
267   --  transaction is specified, then the transactions is not committed.
268   --  Upon successful execution, transactions are removed for deferror, and if
269   --  there are no other references, entries are deleted from
270   --  defcall and deftran.
271   --  Input Parameters:
272   --    deferred_tran_id
273   --      The identifier of the transaction to be reexecuted.
274   --      If null then all transactions in deferror matching
275   --      destination (as specified) are re-executed.
276   --    destination
277   --      dblink that transaction was originally destined to.
278   --      Must not be null.
279   --  Exceptions
280   --    Raises an exception if destination is null.
281   --    Raises an exception if the original receiver is an invalid user.
282   --    Raises the last exception encountered before execution
283   --    stops because of an exception.
284   ----------------
286   PROCEDURE execute_error_as_user(deferred_tran_id IN VARCHAR2,
287                                   destination      IN VARCHAR2);
288   --  (Re)Execute transactions that previously encountered conflicts.
289   --  Each transaction is executed in the security context of the connected
290   --  user.
291   --  Execution stops when any error is encountered.  If some input is null,
292   --  then each transaction is committed as it completes. If exactly one
293   --  transaction is specified, then the transactions is not committed.
294   --  Upon successful execution, transactions are removed for deferror, and if
295   --  there are no other references, entries are deleted from
296   --  defcall and deftran.
297   --  Input Parameters:
298   --    deferred_tran_id
299   --      The identifier of the transaction to be reexecuted.
300   --      If null then all transactions in deferror matching
301   --      destination (as specified) are re-executed.
302   --    destination
303   --      dblink that transaction was originally destined to.
304   --      Must not be null.
305   --  Exceptions
306   --    Raises an exception if destination is null.
307   --    Raises the last exception encountered before execution
308   --    stops because of an exception.
309   ----------------
311   PROCEDURE delete_tran(deferred_tran_id IN VARCHAR2,
312                         destination      IN VARCHAR2);
313   --  Delete transactions from  queues. Deletes deftrandest (and defcalldest
314   --  entries if appropriate.  If there are not other references,
315   --  deftran and defcall entries are deleted.
316   --  Input Parameters:
317   --    destination
318   --      dblink for which transaction(s) are to be removed from queues.
319   --      If null, the transaction specified by the other parameters are
320   --      deleted from queues for all destinations.
321   --    deferred_tran_id
322   --      The identifier of the transaction to be deleted
323   --      If null then all transactions matching destination
324   --      are deleted.
325   --  Exceptions
326   --    tid and/or node not found.
327   ---------------
328   PROCEDURE delete_error(deferred_tran_id IN VARCHAR2,
329                          destination      IN VARCHAR2);
331   --  Delete transactions from  deferror table. If there are
332   --  not other references,
333   --  deftran and defcall entries are deleted.
334   --  Input Parameters:
335   --    destination
336   --      destination for which transaction(s) are to be removed from
337   --      deferror.
338   --      If null, the transaction specified by the other parameters are
339   --      deleted from deferror for all destinations.
340   --    deferred_tran_id
341   --      The identifier of the transaction to be deleted
342   --      If null then all transactions matching destination and
343   --      are deleted.
344   --  Exceptions
345   --    tid and/or node not found.
346   ---------------
348   PROCEDURE schedule_execution(dblink         IN VARCHAR2,
349                                interval       IN VARCHAR2,
350                                next_date      IN DATE,
351                                reset          IN BOOLEAN default FALSE,
352                                stop_on_error  IN BOOLEAN := NULL,
353                                transaction_count IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
354                                execution_seconds IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
355             		       execute_as_user   IN BOOLEAN,
356                                delay_seconds     IN NATURAL := NULL,
357                                batch_size        IN NATURAL := NULL);
358   -- The execute_as_user parameter is obsolete and ignored.
359   -----------------
361   PROCEDURE schedule_execution(dblink         IN VARCHAR2,
362                                interval       IN VARCHAR2,
363                                next_date      IN DATE,
364                                reset          IN BOOLEAN default FALSE,
365                                stop_on_error  IN BOOLEAN := NULL,
366                                transaction_count IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
367                                execution_seconds IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
368                                delay_seconds     IN NATURAL := NULL,
369                                batch_size        IN NATURAL := NULL);
373   --   dblink
370   -- Insert or update a defschedule entry and signal the background process.
371   -- this procedure does a commit;
372   -- Input Parameters:
374   --     Queue name to schedule execution for;
375   --   interval
376   --     If non-null then DefSchedule.interval for dblink is set to this
377   --     value. If null and the DefSchedule entry for dblink exists,
378   --     the value of DefSchedule.interval is not modified. If
379   --     null and the DefSchedule entry
380   --     for dblink does not exist, then the DefSchedule entry for
381   --     dblink is created with a null interval value.
382   --   next_date
383   --     If non-null then DefSchedule.next_date for dblink is set to this
384   --     value. If null and the DefSchedule entry for dblink exists, the value
385   --     of DefSchedule.next_date is not modified. If null and
386   --     the DefSchedule entry
387   --     for dblink does not exist, then the DefSchedule entry
388   --     for dblink is created with a null next_date value.
389   --   reset
390   --     If TRUE then last_txn_count, last_error, and last_msg are nulled.
391   --    stop_on_error
392   --    transaction_count
393   --    execution_seconds
394   --    delay_seconds
395   --    batch_size
396   --      If non-null, these parameters are passed to the
397   --      dbms_defer_sys.execute call that is scheduled for execution by
398   --      this call.
399   -----------------
401   PROCEDURE schedule_push(
402       destination          IN VARCHAR2,
403       interval             IN VARCHAR2,
404       next_date            IN DATE,
405       reset                IN BOOLEAN := FALSE,
406       parallelism          IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
407       heap_size            IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
408       stop_on_error        IN BOOLEAN := NULL,
409       write_trace          IN BOOLEAN := NULL,
410       startup_seconds      IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
411       execution_seconds    IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
412       delay_seconds        IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
413       transaction_count    IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL
414   );
415   --
416   -- Schedule a job to invoke push
417   --
418   -- Parameters:
419   --   interval
420   --     used to calculate the next next_date, via
421   --       select _interval_ into next_date from dual;
422   --   next_date
423   --     the next date that the queue will be pushed
424   --     to the specified destination
425   --   reset
426   --     if TRUE then last_txn_count, last_error, and last_msg
427   --     are nulled in the def$_destination row for the
428   --     specified destination
429   --
430   --   remaining parameters are as for push
431   -----------------
433   PROCEDURE unschedule_execution(dblink         IN VARCHAR2);
434   --  Delete a defschedule entry. Signal to background process to stop
435   --  servicing this queue.
436   --  Obsolescent; use unschedule_push, below.
437   -- Input Parameters:
438   --   dblink
439   --     Queue name to stop automatic execution of.
440   -- Exceptions:
441   --   NO_DATA_FOUND
442   --     no entry for dblink in DefSchedule.
443   -----------------
445   PROCEDURE unschedule_push(dblink IN VARCHAR2);
446   --  Delete a defschedule entry.
447   --  Signal to background process to stop servicing this queue.
448   --  Input Parameters:
449   --   dblink
450   --     Queue name to stop automatic execution of.
451   --  Exceptions:
452   --   NO_DATA_FOUND
453   --     no entry for dblink in DefSchedule.
454   -----------------
456   FUNCTION disabled(destination IN VARCHAR2,
457                     catchup     IN RAW := '00') RETURN BOOLEAN;
458   --
459   --   Test whether disabled for given destination.
460   --
461   --   Parameters:
462   --     destination or NULL (which implicitly identifies the purge row)
463   --     catchup: extension ID if any
464   --   Returns:
465   --     TRUE iff the deferred RPC queue is disabled for the given
466   --     destination.
467   --
468   --   Raises the following exceptions:
469   --       no_data_found:
470   --          if the "destination" does not appear in defschedule.
471   -----------------
473   PROCEDURE set_disabled(destination IN VARCHAR2,
474                          disabled    IN BOOLEAN := TRUE,
475                          catchup     IN RAW := '00',
476                          override    IN BOOLEAN := FALSE);
477   --
478   --   Turn on/off the disabled state for a destination.
479   --
480   --   Parameters:
481   --     destination
482   --       name of dest site, or NULL (implicitly identifies the purge row)
483   --     disabled
484   --       on/off
485   --     catchup
486   --       extension ID if any
487   --     override
488   --       see comment below
489   --       WARNING: Do not set this parameter unless directed to do so by
490   --                Oracle Support Services.
491   --
492   --     If "disabled" is TRUE, disable propagation to the given
493   --   "destination." All future invocations of dbms_defer_sys.execute
494   --   will not be able to push the deferred RPC queue to this
495   --   destination until it is enabled.  This function has no effect
496   --   on a session already pushing the queue to the given
497   --   destination.  This function has no effect on sessions appending
498   --   to the queue with dbms_defer.
499   --     If "disabled" is FALSE, enable propagation to the given "destination."
503   --   sessions.
500   --   Although this does not push the queue, it permits future invocations
501   --   of dbms_defer_sys.execute to push the queue to the given destination.
502   --     In either case, a COMMIT is required for this to take effect in other
504   --   If "override" is TRUE, it ignores whether the disabled state
505   --   was set internally for synchronization and always tries to set
506   --   the state as specified by the "disabled" parameter.
507   --
508   --   Raises the following exceptions:
509   --      no_data_found:
510   --        if the "destination" does not appear in defschedule.
511   --      dbms_defer_sys.cantsetdisabled:
512   --        if the disabled was set internally for synchronization.
513   -----------------
515   PROCEDURE register_propagator(username IN VARCHAR2);
516   -- Register the given user as the propagator for the local database. It
517   -- also grants to the given user CREATE SESSION, CREATE PROCEDURE,
519   -- privileges (so that the user can create wrappers).
520   -- It ensures that only one user is the propagator.  It ignores any existing
521   -- invalid propagator that may be in the catalog.
522   -- Input Parameters:
523   --   username
524   --     Name of the user
525   -- Exceptions:
526   --   missinguser
527   --     The given user does not exist.
528   --   alreadypropagator
529   --     The given user is already the propagator.
530   --   duplicatepropagator
531   --     There is already a different propagator.
532   -----------------
534   PROCEDURE unregister_propagator(username IN VARCHAR2,
535                                   timeout  IN INTEGER
536                                                     DEFAULT dbms_lock.maxwait);
537   -- Unregister the given user as the given propagator for the local database.
538   -- It also revokes all privileges that were granted by register_propagator()
539   -- from the given user, including those identical privileges that were
540   -- granted independently of register_propagator().
541   -- It drops any existing genereted wrappers in the schema of the given
542   -- propagator, and marks them as dropped in the replication catalog.
543   -- If the propagator is in use, it will wait until the provided timeout
544   -- (in seconds), then an exception will be raised.
545   -- Input Parameters:
546   --   username
547   --     Name of the user
548   --   timeout
549   --     Timeout in seconds.  If the propagator is in use, it will wait until
550   --     the given timeout.  The default value is dbms_lock.maxwait.
551   -- Exceptions:
552   --   missingpropagator
553   --     The given user is not the propagator.
554   --   propagator_inuse
555   --     The propagator is in use, thus cannot be unregistered. Try later.
556   -----------------
558   FUNCTION exclude_push(timeout IN INTEGER) RETURN INTEGER;
559   -- Acquire an exclusive lock that prevents deferred transaction push
560   --   (either serial or parallel).
561   --
562   -- Input:
563   --   timeout
564   --     Timeout in seconds.  If the lock cannot be acquired within this
565   --     time period (either because of an error or because a push is
566   --     currently under way) then the call returns a value of 1 (see
567   --     below).
568   --     A timeout value of dbms_lock.maxwait waits forever.
569   -- Return value (lock held?):
570   --   (as for dbms_lock.acquire(.))
571   --     0 - success (Y)
572   --     1 - timeout (N)
573   --     2 - deadlock (N)
574   --     4 - already own the lock (Y)
575   --
576   -- Note:
577   --   ** this function does a commit **
578   --   The lock is acquired with release_on_commit=>TRUE, so pushing may
579   --   resume after the next commit.
580   -----------------
582   PROCEDURE delete_def_destination(destination IN VARCHAR2,
583                                    force IN BOOLEAN := FALSE,
584                                    catchup IN RAW := NULL);
585   -- This procedure is to delete a row in system.def$_destination.
586   -- It is used to get rid of some destination which is not active (no
587   -- replication activities) and will not be active for a significant amount
588   -- of time. Without that entry in def$_destination, purge_method_quick will
589   -- serve its purpose by being able to purge effectively.
590   --
591   -- Input:
592   --   destination: the row with dblink to be deleted
593   --
594   --   force: ignore any safety check and delete the row anyway
595   --
596   --   catchup: catchup value for the destination to be deleted.
597   --            If null, all the rows matching destination will be deleted.
598   --
599   -- Notes:
600   --   1. To do that, we need to lock the site-specific lock for pushing to
601   --      make sure no one is pushing at that time.
602   --   2. To avoid repushing transactions after a site is deleted and then
603   --      added back, we make sure there are no transactions for this site
604   --      (regardless whether the transactions have been pushed or not)
605   --   3. To avoid deleting the destination after an incomplete (unclean)
606   --      parallel push, we have an explicit check on that.
607   --   4. If force is TRUE, we will ignore condition (2) and (3). What it means
608   --      is unless you are absolutely sure you want to get rid of the site
609   --      (destination) and there is NO transaction for it and parallel push is
610   --      clean, do NOT set force to TRUE. Otherwise, you may end up
611   --      repushing some transactions.
615   --   6. There is no commit in this procedure. So, the caller can rollback
612   --   5. To delete a dblink which has some repschema and D-type transaction,
613   --      you need to remove the repschema and push, purge the D-type
614   --      transaction first.
616   --      the change if necessary.
617   ------------------
619   FUNCTION purge(
620       purge_method      IN BINARY_INTEGER := purge_method_quick,
621       rollback_segment  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
622       startup_seconds   IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
623       execution_seconds IN BINARY_INTEGER := seconds_infinity,
624       delay_seconds     IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
625       transaction_count IN BINARY_INTEGER := transactions_infinity,
626       write_trace       IN BOOLEAN := FALSE
629   -- Purge pushed transactions from the queue
630   --
631   -- Parameters:
632   --   purge_method
633   --     a value controlling cost-precision tradeoff; either
634   --     purge_method_quick or purge_method_precise
635   --   rollback_segment
636   --     rollback segment to use while purging the queue
637   --   startup_seconds
638   --     max secs to wait for another instance of push
639   --     (pushing to the same destination) to finish
640   --   execution_seconds
641   --     shutdown cleanly after this many seconds of real time
642   --   delay_seconds
643   --     shutdown cleanly if queue is empty for this long
644   --   transaction_count
645   --     shutdown cleanly after purging this many transactions
646   --   write_trace
647   --     record result value in trace file
648   --
649   -- Result:
650   --   a value from the constants
651   --     dbms_defer_sys.result_%
652   --   indicating how the purge completed
653   --
654   -- Exception:
655   --   argoutofrange(-23427): "argument '%s' is out of range"
656   ----------
658   PROCEDURE schedule_purge(
659       interval          IN VARCHAR2,
660       next_date         IN DATE,
661       reset             IN BOOLEAN := FALSE,
662       purge_method      IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
663       rollback_segment  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
664       startup_seconds   IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
665       execution_seconds IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
666       delay_seconds     IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
667       transaction_count IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
668       write_trace       IN BOOLEAN := NULL
669   );
670   --
671   -- Schedule a job to invoke purge
672   --
673   -- Parameters:
674   --   interval
675   --     used to calculate the next next_date, via
676   --       select _interval_ into next_date from dual;
677   --   next_date
678   --     the next date that the queue will be pushed
679   --     to the specified destination
680   --   reset
681   --     if TRUE then last_txn_count, last_error, and last_msg
682   --     are nulled in the "purge" def$_destination row, i.e.,
683   --     the row for this site's unqualified global name.
684   --
685   --   other parameters as for purge
686   --
688   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
690   PROCEDURE unschedule_purge;
691   --
692   --   Delete defschedule entry for purge.
693   --   Signal to background process to stop servicing purge.
694   --
696   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
698   PROCEDURE clear_prop_statistics(dblink in VARCHAR2);
699   --
700   -- Clear the statistics of a destination in defschdule. This procedure
701   -- will clear the following information from defschedule:
702   --
703   -- total_txn_count
704   -- avg_throughput
705   -- avg_latency
706   -- total_bytes_sent
707   -- total_bytes_received
708   -- total_round_trips
709   -- total_admin_count
710   -- total_error_count
711   -- total_sleep_time
712   --
713   -- Parameters :
714   --   dblink
715   --     The destination whose statistics in defschedule are to be cleared.
716   --
718   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
720   PROCEDURE nullify_trans_to_destination(dblink IN VARCHAR2,
721                                          catchup IN RAW := NULL);
722   --   For internal use only.
724   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
726   PROCEDURE nullify_all_trans;
727   --   For internal use only.
729   PROCEDURE execute_error_call_as_user(deferred_tran_id IN VARCHAR2,
730                                        callno           IN NUMBER);
731   --   For internal use only.
733   PROCEDURE execute_error_call(deferred_tran_id IN VARCHAR2,
734                                callno           IN NUMBER);
735   --   For internal use only.
737   FUNCTION push_with_catchup(
738       destination          IN VARCHAR2,
739       parallelism          IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
740       heap_size            IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
741       stop_on_error        IN BOOLEAN := FALSE,
742       write_trace          IN BOOLEAN := FALSE,
743       startup_seconds      IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
744       execution_seconds    IN BINARY_INTEGER := seconds_infinity,
745       delay_seconds        IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
746       transaction_count    IN BINARY_INTEGER := transactions_infinity,
747       delivery_order_limit IN NUMBER := delivery_order_infinity,
748       catchup              IN RAW := NULL
750   --   For internal use only.
752 END dbms_defer_sys;