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Line 65: g_release_id PO_RELEASES_ALL.PO_RELEASE_ID%type :=null;

61: g_arcBuyer_lname PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F.LAST_NAME%type :=null;
62: g_arcBuyer_title PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F.TITLE%type :=null;
63: g_arcAgent_id PO_HEADERS_ARCHIVE_ALL.AGENT_ID%type :=null;
64: g_header_id1 PO_HEADERS_ALL.PO_HEADER_ID%type := null;
65: g_release_id PO_RELEASES_ALL.PO_RELEASE_ID%type :=null;
66: g_timezone VARCHAR2(255) :=NULL;
67: g_vendor_address_line_2 PO_VENDOR_SITES.ADDRESS_LINE2%type := null;
68: g_vendor_address_line_3 PO_VENDOR_SITES.ADDRESS_LINE3%type := null;
69: g_vendor_country FND_TERRITORIES_TL.TERRITORY_SHORT_NAME%type :=null;

Line 732: from po_releases_all

729: -- Bug # 3290385 Start
730: if p_document_type = 'RELEASE' then
731: select po_header_id,release_num into l_document_id,l_release_num
732: from po_releases_all
733: where
734: po_release_id=p_document_id;
735: else
736: l_document_id:=p_document_id;

Line 1198: where ((ad.pk1_value=to_char((select po_header_id from po_releases_all

1194: fnd_attached_documents ad,
1195: fnd_doc_category_usages dcu,
1196: fnd_attachment_functions af,
1197: fnd_lobs fl
1198: where ((ad.pk1_value=to_char((select po_header_id from po_releases_all
1199: where po_release_id=l_po_release_id
1200: )) and ad.entity_name='PO_HEADERS')
1201: OR
1202: (ad.pk1_value=to_char(l_po_release_id) and ad.entity_name='PO_RELEASES')

Line 1205: from po_headers_all pha,po_releases_all pra

1201: OR
1202: (ad.pk1_value=to_char(l_po_release_id) and ad.entity_name='PO_RELEASES')
1203: OR
1204: (ad.pk1_value=to_char((select pha.vendor_id
1205: from po_headers_all pha,po_releases_all pra
1206: where pra.po_release_id=l_po_release_id
1207: and pha.po_header_id=pra.po_header_id
1208: )) and ad.entity_name='PO_VENDORS')
1209: OR

Line 1386: where ((ad.pk1_value=to_char((select po_header_id from po_releases_all

1382: fnd_attached_documents ad,
1383: fnd_doc_category_usages dcu,
1384: fnd_attachment_functions af,
1385: fnd_lobs fl
1386: where ((ad.pk1_value=to_char((select po_header_id from po_releases_all
1387: where po_release_id=l_document_id
1388: )) and ad.entity_name='PO_HEADERS')
1389: OR
1390: (ad.pk1_value=to_char(l_document_id) and ad.entity_name='PO_RELEASES')

Line 1393: from po_headers_all pha,po_releases_all pra

1389: OR
1390: (ad.pk1_value=to_char(l_document_id) and ad.entity_name='PO_RELEASES')
1391: OR
1392: (ad.pk1_value=(select pha.vendor_id
1393: from po_headers_all pha,po_releases_all pra
1394: where pra.po_release_id=l_document_id
1395: and pha.po_header_id=pra.po_header_id
1396: ) and ad.entity_name='PO_VENDORS')
1397: OR

Line 1700: SELECT po_header_id into l_header_id FROM po_releases_all

1697: IF l_document_type in ('PO','PA') and l_document_subtype in ('STANDARD','BLANKET','CONTRACT') THEN
1698: l_header_id := l_document_id;
1699: ELSE
1700: SELECT po_header_id into l_header_id FROM po_releases_all
1701: WHERE po_release_id = l_document_id;
1702: END IF;
1704: SELECT pv.language into l_supp_lang

Line 2326: select pvs.language into l_supp_lang from po_vendor_sites pvs , po_headers_all ph,po_releases_all pr

2322: select pvs.language into l_supp_lang from po_vendor_sites pvs , po_headers_all ph
2323: where po_header_id = p_document_id and ph.vendor_site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id ;
2324: else
2325: l_entity_name := 'PO_REL';
2326: select pvs.language into l_supp_lang from po_vendor_sites pvs , po_headers_all ph,po_releases_all pr
2327: where ph.po_header_id = pr.po_header_id and pr.po_release_id = p_document_id and
2328: ph.vendor_site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id ;
2329: end if;
2330: IF g_debug_stmt THEN

Line 2725: select pvs.language into l_supp_lang from po_vendor_sites pvs , po_headers_all ph,po_releases_all pr

2721: if p_document_type in ('STANDARD','BLANKET','CONTRACT') then
2722: select pvs.language into l_supp_lang from po_vendor_sites pvs , po_headers_all ph
2723: where po_header_id = p_document_id and ph.vendor_site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id ;
2724: else
2725: select pvs.language into l_supp_lang from po_vendor_sites pvs , po_headers_all ph,po_releases_all pr
2726: where ph.po_header_id = pr.po_header_id and pr.po_release_id = p_document_id and
2727: ph.vendor_site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id ;
2728: end if;

Line 3394: po_releases_all pr, fnd_languages fl

3390: and pvs.language = fl.nls_language;
3391: elsif l_document_type = 'RELEASE' then
3392: select fl.language_code into l_language
3393: from po_vendor_sites_all pvs , po_headers_all ph,
3394: po_releases_all pr, fnd_languages fl
3395: where ph.po_header_id = pr.po_header_id
3396: and pr.po_release_id = l_document_id
3397: and ph.vendor_site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id
3398: and pvs.language = fl.nls_language;

Line 3979: where ((ad.pk1_value=to_char((select po_header_id from po_releases_all

3975: fnd_attached_documents ad,
3976: fnd_doc_category_usages dcu,
3977: fnd_attachment_functions af,
3978: fnd_lobs fl
3979: where ((ad.pk1_value=to_char((select po_header_id from po_releases_all
3980: where po_release_id=p_document_id
3981: )) and ad.entity_name='PO_HEADERS')
3982: OR
3983: (ad.pk1_value=to_char(p_document_id) and ad.entity_name='PO_RELEASES')

Line 3986: from po_headers_all pha,po_releases_all pra

3982: OR
3983: (ad.pk1_value=to_char(p_document_id) and ad.entity_name='PO_RELEASES')
3984: OR
3985: (ad.pk1_value=to_char((select pha.vendor_id
3986: from po_headers_all pha,po_releases_all pra
3987: where pra.po_release_id=p_document_id
3988: and pha.po_header_id=pra.po_header_id
3989: )) and ad.entity_name='PO_VENDORS')
3990: OR

Line 4295: SELECT po_header_id INTO PO_COMMUNICATION_PVT.g_release_header_id FROM po_releases_all WHERE po_release_id = p_document_id;

4291: -- Modified as a part of bug #3274076
4292: -- Vendor id is same for revisied and non revised documents. So vendor id is retreived from the releases table.
4294: -- select the header id into g_release_header_id global variable for a given release id.
4295: SELECT po_header_id INTO PO_COMMUNICATION_PVT.g_release_header_id FROM po_releases_all WHERE po_release_id = p_document_id;
4297: SELECT ph.vendor_id, ph.currency_code INTO l_vendor_id, g_current_currency_code
4298: FROM po_vendors vn, po_headers_all ph
4299: WHERE vn.vendor_id = ph.vendor_id

Line 6451: FROM po_headers_all ph,po_releases_all pr

6447: FROM po_headers_all ph
6448: WHERE po_header_id = p_document_id ;
6449: ELSE
6450: SELECT ph.segment1 into l_po_number
6451: FROM po_headers_all ph,po_releases_all pr
6452: WHERE ph.po_header_id = pr.po_header_id and pr.po_release_id = p_document_id ;
6453: END IF;

Line 7106: FROM po_releases_all

7103: IF p_document_type = 'RELEASE' THEN
7104: SELECT wf_item_type, wf_item_key
7105: INTO x_item_type, x_item_key
7106: FROM po_releases_all
7107: WHERE po_release_id = p_document_id;
7109: l_progress := '001';