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2 /* $Header: cactkpvs.pls 120.4 2005/10/18 08:57:33 sbarat noship $ */
3 /*=======================================================================+
4  |  Copyright (c) 2002 Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California, USA|
5  |                            All rights reserved.                       |
6  +=======================================================================+
7  | FILENAME                                                              |
8  |   cactkpvs.pls                                                        |
9  |                                                                       |
10  | DESCRIPTION                                                           |
11  |   - This package is implemented for the commonly used procedure or    |
12  |     function.                                                         |
13  |                                                                       |
14  | NOTES                                                                 |
15  |                                                                       |
16  | Date          Developer             Change                            |
17  | ------        ---------------       ----------------------------------|
18  | 10-Aug-2005   Swapan Barat          Created                           |
19  +======================================================================*/
25 /**
26    * Purge Standalone Tasks for a given set of input parameters.
27    *
28    *@ param errbuf the standard CP variable for error message
29    *@ param retcode the standard CP variable for return status
30    *@ param p_creation_date_from Creation Date from.
31    *@ param p_creation_date_to Creation Date to.
32    *@ param p_updation_date_from Updation Date from.
33    *@ param p_updation_date_to Updation Date to.
34    *@ param p_planned_end_date_from Planned end Date from.
35    *@ param p_planned_end_date_to Planned end Date to.
36    *@ param p_scheduled_end_date_from Scheduled End Date from.
37    *@ param p_scheduled_end_date _to  Scheduled End Date to.
38    *@ param p_actual_end_date_from Actual End Date from.
39    *@ param p_actual_end_date_to  Actual End Date to.
40    *@ param p_task_type_id  Id for a task type
41    *@ param p_task_status_Id Id for a given task status.
42    *@ param p_delete_closed_task_only   Flag to check if close task has to be deleted.
43    *@ param p_delete_deleted_task_only Flag to check if soft deleted task has to be purge from the table.
44    *@ param p_no_of_worker To set how many workers to be invoked.
45    *@ rep:scope Private
46    *@ rep:product CAC
47    *@ rep:displayname Purge Task
48 **/
51       errbuf				OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
52       retcode				OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
53       p_creation_date_from          IN   VARCHAR2 ,
54       p_creation_date_to            IN   VARCHAR2 ,
55       p_last_updation_date_from     IN   VARCHAR2 ,
56       p_last_updation_date_to       IN   VARCHAR2 ,
57       p_planned_end_date_from       IN   VARCHAR2 ,
58       p_planned_end_date_to         IN   VARCHAR2 ,
59       p_scheduled_end_date_from     IN   VARCHAR2 ,
60       p_scheduled_end_date_to       IN   VARCHAR2 ,
61       p_actual_end_date_from        IN   VARCHAR2 ,
62       p_actual_end_date_to          IN   VARCHAR2 ,
63       p_task_type_id                IN   NUMBER   DEFAULT  NULL ,
64       p_task_status_id              IN   NUMBER   DEFAULT  NULL ,
65       p_delete_closed_task_only     IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT  fnd_api.g_false ,
66       p_delete_deleted_task_only    IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT  fnd_api.g_false ,
67       p_no_of_worker                IN   NUMBER   DEFAULT  4 );
70 /**
71    * Populate Purge Temp table for a given processing set id and worker id.
72    *
73    * @param p_api_version the standard API version number
74    * @param p_init_msg_list the standard API flag allows API callers to request
75    * that the API does the initialization of the message list on their behalf.
76    * By default, the message list will not be initialized.
77    * @param p_commit the standard API flag is used by API callers to ask
78    * the API to commit on their behalf after performing its function
79    * By default, the commit will not be performed.
80    * @param p_worker_id   ID for identifying child concurre programme.
81    * @param p_concurrent_request_id   ID for identifying TASKs belong to the concurrent program.
82    * @rep:scope Private
83    * @rep:product CAC
84    * @rep:displayname Purge Task Entities
85 **/
87  Procedure POPULATE_PURGE_TMP (
88       errbuf		          OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
89       retcode			    OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
90       p_api_version               IN           NUMBER ,
91       p_init_msg_list             IN           VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false ,
92       p_commit                    IN           VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false ,
93       p_worker_id                 IN           NUMBER ,
94       p_concurrent_request_id     IN           NUMBER );
97 /**
98    * Purge Tasks entities for a given processing set id.
99    *
100    * @param p_api_version the standard API version number
101    * @param p_init_msg_list the standard API flag allows API callers to request
102    * that the API does the initialization of the message list on their behalf.
103    * By default, the message list will not be initialized.
104    * @param p_commit the standard API flag is used by API callers to ask
105    * the API to commit on their behalf after performing its function
106    * By default, the commit will not be performed.
107    * @param p_processing_set_id   ID for identifying parent of the TASK.
108    * @param x_return_status returns the result of all the operations performed
109    * by the API and must have one of the following values:
110    *   <LI><Code>FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS</Code>
111    *   <LI><Code>FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR</Code>
112    *   <LI><Code>FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR</Code>
113    * @param x_msg_count returns the number of messages in the API message list
114    * @param x_msg_data returns the message in an encoded format if
115    * <code>x_msg_count</code> returns number one.
116    * @rep:scope Private
117    * @rep:product CAC
118    * @rep:displayname Purge Task Entities
119 **/
121  Procedure PURGE_TASK_ENTITIES (
122       p_api_version           IN           NUMBER ,
123       p_init_msg_list         IN           VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false ,
124       p_commit                IN           VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false ,
125       p_processing_set_id     IN           NUMBER ,
126       x_return_status         OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2 ,
127       x_msg_data              OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2 ,
128       x_msg_count             OUT  NOCOPY  NUMBER ,
129       p_object_type           IN           VARCHAR2 );