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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 22

        SELECT NVL( SUBSTR( value, 1, instr( value, ',')-1), value)
        FROM   v$parameter
        WHERE  name = 'utl_file_dir';
Line: 218

 Select mst.item_no , mst.item_id, mst.gl_class
 from ic_item_mst mst, mtl_system_items mtl
 where mtl.inventory_item_id = v_apps_item_id and
        mtl.organization_id = v_dest_org_id and
        mtl.segment1 = mst.item_no;
Line: 225

 Select mst.co_code, whse.orgn_code, whse.whse_code
 from sy_orgn_mst mst, ic_whse_mst whse
 where whse.MTL_ORGANIZATION_ID = v_dest_org_id and
        whse.orgn_code = mst.orgn_code  ;
Line: 231

 Select plcy.base_currency_code
 from sy_orgn_mst orgn, gl_plcy_mst plcy
 where orgn.orgn_code = x_whse_orgn_code and orgn.co_code = plcy.co_code;
Line: 236

 Select vendor_id, vendgl_class from po_vend_mst
 where of_vendor_site_id = v_vendor_site_id;
Line: 242

                SELECT gic.item_id, gcs.opm_class, gic.category_id
                  FROM gmi_category_sets gcs, gmi_item_categories gic
                 WHERE gic.item_id = p_item_id
                   AND gic.category_set_id = gcs.category_set_id
                   AND gcs.category_set_id IS NOT NULL
                   AND gcs.opm_class in ('GL_BUSINESS_CLASS', 'GL_PRODUCT_LINE');
Line: 461

      SELECT  acctg_unit_id
        FROM  gl_accu_map
       WHERE  co_code = P_whse_co_code and
                         (orgn_code = vc_orgn_code or orgn_code IS NULL) and
             (whse_code = P_to_whse or whse_code IS NULL) and
             delete_mark = 0
             order by nvl(orgn_code, ' ') desc, nvl(whse_code, ' ') desc;
Line: 470

      SELECT  acctg_unit_no
          FROM  gl_accu_mst
       WHERE  acctg_unit_id = P_acctg_unit_id;
Line: 501

      SELECT  acct_no, acct_desc
        FROM  gl_acct_mst
       WHERE  acct_id= P_acct_id;
Line: 617

  select chart_of_accounts_id
  from gl_plcy_mst,gl_sets_of_books
  where         co_code = v_co_code
  and   name like set_of_books_name
  and   set_of_books_id = sob_id;
Line: 627

        SELECT acctg_unit_no INTO x_acctg_unit_no
        FROM gl_accu_mst WHERE acctg_unit_id = p_acctg_unit_id;
Line: 630

        SELECT acct_no INTO x_acct_no
        FROM gl_acct_mst
        WHERE acct_id = p_acct_id;
Line: 634

        SELECT segment_delimiter INTO x_segment_delimiter
        FROM  gl_plcy_mst
        WHERE co_code = v_co_code
          AND delete_mark = 0;
Line: 721

      SELECT p.type, p.length,
             --nvl(substrb(f.application_column_name,8),0) segment_ref,
             --f.segment_num segment_ref,      Bug 3299321
             p.segment_no segment_ref,
        FROM    gl_plcy_seg p,
                gl_plcy_mst pm,
                fnd_id_flex_segments f,
                gl_sets_of_books s
       WHERE p.co_code = v_co_code
          AND   p.delete_mark = 0
          AND   p.co_code = pm.co_code
          AND   pm.sob_id = s.set_of_books_id
          AND   s.chart_of_accounts_id = f.id_flex_num
          AND   f.application_id = 101
          AND   f.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
          AND   LOWER(f.segment_name)  = LOWER(p.short_name)
          AND   f.enabled_flag         = 'Y'
        --ORDER BY  p.segment_no ;     Bug 3299321