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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 33

		select	pbg.business_group_id,
		from	pay_element_classifications	pec,
			per_business_groups_perf	pbg,
			pay_balance_batch_headers	h
		where	h.batch_id = p_batch_id
		and	upper(pbg.name) = upper(h.business_group_name)
		and	pec.classification_id = p_classification_id
		and	pec.balance_initialization_flag = 'Y'
		and	nvl(pec.business_group_id, pbg.business_group_id) = pbg.business_group_id
		and	nvl(pec.legislation_code, pbg.legislation_code) = pbg.legislation_code;
Line: 52

		select	pbt.balance_type_id,
		from	pay_balance_types	pbt
		where	upper(pbt.balance_name) IN
				select	upper(balance_name)	balance_name
				from	pay_balance_batch_lines
				where	batch_id = p_batch_id
		and	nvl(pbt.business_group_id, l_business_group_id) = l_business_group_id
		and	nvl(pbt.legislation_code, l_legislation_code) = l_legislation_code
		and	not exists(
				select	null
				from	pay_element_classifications	pec,
					pay_element_types_f		pet,
					pay_input_values_f		piv,
					pay_balance_feeds_f		pbf
				where	pbf.balance_type_id = pbt.balance_type_id
				and	pbf.effective_start_date = c_sot
				and	pbf.effective_end_date = c_eot
				and	nvl(pbf.business_group_id, l_business_group_id) = l_business_group_id
				and	nvl(pbf.legislation_code, l_legislation_code) = l_legislation_code
				and	piv.input_value_id = pbf.input_value_id
				and	piv.effective_start_date = c_sot
				and	piv.effective_end_date = c_eot
				and	pet.element_type_id = piv.element_type_id
				and	pet.effective_start_date = c_sot
				and	pet.effective_end_date = c_eot
				and	pec.classification_id = pet.classification_id
				and	pec.balance_initialization_flag = 'Y')
		order by pbt.balance_uom, pbt.balance_name;
Line: 96

				select	element_name
				from	pay_element_types_f
				where	element_name like replace(p_element_name, '_', '\_') || '%' escape '\';
Line: 134

		update	pay_element_types_f
		set	element_information1 = 'B'
		where	element_type_id = p_element_type_id;
Line: 168

			p_insert_type		=> 'INSERT_INPUT_VALUE',
			p_element_link_id	=> p_element_link_id,
			p_input_value_id	=> l_input_value_id,
			p_input_value_name	=> p_input_value_name,
			p_costable_type		=> NULL,
			p_validation_start_date	=> c_sot,
			p_validation_end_date	=> c_eot,
			p_default_value		=> NULL,
			p_max_value		=> NULL,
			p_min_value		=> NULL,
			p_warning_or_error_flag	=> NULL,
			p_hot_default_flag	=> NULL,
			p_legislation_code	=> NULL,
			p_pay_value_name	=> NULL,
			p_element_type_id	=> p_element_type_id);