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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 575

       a.application_id                                         application_id
     , nvl(a2.application_name, TO_CHAR(g_application_id))      application_name
     , nvl(b.name,TO_CHAR(g_primary_ledger_id))                 ledger_name
     , nvl(d.name,g_event_class_code )                          event_class_name
     , nvl(e.name,g_event_type_code)                            event_type_name
 INTO  l_application_id
    ,  l_application_name
    ,  l_ledger_name
    ,  l_event_class_name
    ,  l_event_type_name
 FROM  fnd_application_tl      a
     , fnd_application_tl      a2
     , xla_subledger_options_v b
     , xla_event_classes_tl    d
     , xla_event_types_tl      e
 WHERE a.application_id      = g_application_id
   AND a2.application_id  (+)= a.application_id
   AND a2.language        (+)= USERENV('LANG')
   AND b.ledger_id        (+)= nvl(g_primary_ledger_id,-99)
   AND b.application_id   (+)= a.application_id
   AND d.entity_code      (+)= nvl(g_entity_code,'#')
   AND d.event_class_code (+)= nvl(g_event_class_code,'#')
   AND d.application_id   (+)= a.application_id
   AND d.language         (+)= USERENV('LANG')
   AND e.entity_code      (+)= nvl(g_entity_code,'#')
   AND e.event_class_code (+)= nvl(g_event_class_code,'#')
   AND e.event_type_code  (+)= nvl(g_event_type_code,'#')
   AND e.application_id   (+)= a.application_id
   AND e.language         (+)= USERENV('LANG')
Line: 622

  SELECT x1.meaning ,
         x2.meaning ,
    INTO l_error_only         ,
         l_source_name        ,
         XLA_LOOKUPS x2,
         XLA_LOOKUPS x3
   WHERE x1.lookup_type = 'XLA_YES_NO'
     and x1.lookup_type = x2.lookup_type
     and x1.lookup_type = x3.lookup_type
     and x1.lookup_code = g_errors_only
     and x2.lookup_code = g_source_name
     and x3.lookup_code = g_acctg_attribute
Line: 1002

           ,nvl(xect.name,xde.event_class_code )
       INTO g_array_events.event_id,
       FROM xla_events              xe
          , xla_diag_events         xde
          , xla_diag_ledgers        xdl
          , xla_subledger_options_v xsov
          , xla_event_classes_tl    xect
          , xla_event_types_tl      xett
      WHERE xe.application_id      = xde.application_id
        AND xe.event_type_code     = xde.event_type_code
        AND xe.event_id            = xde.event_id
        AND xe.event_number        = xde.event_number
        AND xde.application_id     = xdl.application_id
        AND xde.ledger_id          = xdl.primary_ledger_id
        AND xde.request_id         = xdl.accounting_request_id
        AND xdl.application_id     = xsov.application_id (+)
        AND xdl.ledger_id          = xsov.ledger_id(+)
        AND xde.ledger_id          = nvl(g_primary_ledger_id,xde.ledger_id)
        AND xde.event_number       = nvl(g_event_number, xde.event_number)
        AND xde.transaction_number = nvl(g_transaction_number,xde.transaction_number)
        AND xde.event_class_code   = nvl(g_event_class_code,xde.event_class_code)
        AND xde.event_type_code    = DECODE(g_event_type_code
        AND xde.request_id             = nvl(g_request_id,xde.request_id)
        AND xe.process_status_code     = DECODE(g_errors_only,
                                             'Y', DECODE(xe.process_status_code,
                                            , xe.process_status_code)
        AND xde.application_id     = g_application_id
        AND xect.entity_code      (+)= xde.entity_code
        AND xect.event_class_code (+)= xde.event_class_code
        AND xect.application_id   (+)= xde.application_id
        AND xect.language         (+)= USERENV('LANG')
        AND xett.entity_code      (+)= xde.entity_code
        AND xett.event_class_code (+)= xde.event_class_code
        AND xett.event_type_code  (+)= xde.event_type_code
        AND xett.application_id   (+)= xde.application_id
        AND xett.language         (+)= USERENV('LANG')
Line: 1162

         xde.event_id                                       event_id
       , xde.event_number                                   event_number
       , xde.event_date                                     event_date
       , xde.transaction_number                             transaction_number
       , xde.ledger_id                                      ledger_id
       , nvl(xsov.name,TO_CHAR(xde.ledger_id))              ledger_name
       , xde.entity_code                                    entity_code
       , nvl(xecv.name,xde.event_class_code )               event_class_name
       , xde.event_class_code                               event_class_code
       , nvl(xtv.name,xde.event_type_code)                  event_type_name
       , xde.event_type_code                                event_type_code
  FROM xla_events              xe
     , xla_diag_events         xde
     , xla_subledger_options_v xsov
     , xla_event_classes_tl    xecv
     , xla_event_types_tl      xtv
 WHERE xe.application_id         = xde.application_id
   AND xe.event_type_code        = xde.event_type_code
   AND xe.event_id               = xde.event_id
   AND xe.event_number           = xde.event_number
   AND xde.ledger_id             = nvl(g_primary_ledger_id,xde.ledger_id)
   AND xsov.ledger_id         (+)= xde.ledger_id
   AND xsov.application_id    (+)= xde.application_id
   AND xde.event_number          = nvl(g_event_number, xde.event_number)
   AND xde.transaction_number    = nvl(g_transaction_number,xde.transaction_number)
   AND xde.event_class_code      = nvl(g_event_class_code,xde.event_class_code)
   AND xecv.entity_code       (+)= xde.entity_code
   AND xecv.event_class_code  (+)= xde.event_class_code
   AND xecv.application_id    (+)= xde.application_id
   AND xecv.language          (+)= USERENV('LANG')
   AND xde.event_type_code       = DECODE(g_event_type_code
   AND xtv.entity_code        (+)= xde.entity_code
   AND xtv.event_class_code   (+)= xde.event_class_code
   AND xtv.event_type_code    (+)= xde.event_type_code
   AND xtv.application_id     (+)= xde.application_id
   AND xtv.language           (+)= USERENV('LANG')
   AND xde.request_id             = nvl(g_request_id,xde.request_id)
   AND xe.process_status_code     = DECODE(g_errors_only,
                                             'Y', DECODE(xe.process_status_code,
                                            , xe.process_status_code)
   AND xde.application_id        = g_application_id


Line: 1293

                          xdl.ledger_id                                      ledger_id
                        , xdl.primary_ledger_id                              primary_ledger_id
                        , xdl.sla_ledger_id                                  sla_ledger_id
                        , nvl(xso1.name,TO_CHAR(xdl.ledger_id))              ledger_name
                        , nvl(xso2.name,TO_CHAR(xdl.primary_ledger_id))      primary_ledger_name
                        , nvl(xso3.name,TO_CHAR(xdl.sla_ledger_id))          sla_ledger_name
                        , xdl.description_language                           description_language
                        , xdl.currency_code                                  currency_code
                        , nvl(xpr.name,xpr.product_rule_code)                aad_name
                        , xdl.product_rule_code                              aad_code
                        , xdl.product_rule_type_code                         aad_owner
                        , xdl.amb_context_code                               amb_context
                        , xdl.start_date_active                              start_date
                        , xdl.end_date_active                                end_date
 FROM  xla_events              xe
     , xla_diag_events      xde
     , xla_diag_ledgers     xdl
     , xla_subledger_options_v xso1
     , xla_subledger_options_v xso2
     , xla_subledger_options_v xso3
     , xla_product_rules_tl    xpr
 WHERE xe.application_id             = xde.application_id
   AND xe.event_id                   = xde.event_id
   AND xe.event_type_code            = xde.event_type_code
   AND xe.event_number               = xde.event_number
   AND xde.application_id            = xdl.application_id
   AND xde.ledger_id                 = xdl.primary_ledger_id
   AND xde.request_id                = xdl.accounting_request_id
   AND xdl.primary_ledger_id         = nvl(g_primary_ledger_id,xdl.primary_ledger_id)
   AND xpr.application_id         (+)= xdl.application_id
   AND xpr.product_rule_code      (+)= xdl.product_rule_code
   AND xpr.product_rule_type_code (+)= xdl.product_rule_type_code
   AND xpr.amb_context_code       (+)= xdl.amb_context_code
   AND xso1.ledger_id             (+)= xdl.ledger_id
   AND xso1.application_id        (+)= xdl.application_id
   AND xso2.ledger_id             (+)= xdl.primary_ledger_id
   AND xso2.application_id        (+)= xdl.application_id
   AND xso3.ledger_id             (+)= xdl.sla_ledger_id
   AND xso3.application_id        (+)= xdl.application_id
   AND xde.event_number              = nvl(g_event_number, xde.event_number)
   AND xde.transaction_number        = nvl(g_transaction_number,xde.transaction_number)
   AND xde.event_class_code          = nvl(g_event_class_code,xde.event_class_code)
   AND xde.event_type_code           = DECODE(g_event_type_code
   AND xde.request_id                = nvl(g_request_id,xde.request_id)
   AND xe.process_status_code        = DECODE(g_errors_only,
                                             'Y', DECODE(xe.process_status_code,
                                            , xe.process_status_code)
   AND xde.application_id            = g_application_id


Line: 1490

              SELECT transaction_id_col_name_1
                   , transaction_id_col_name_2
                   , transaction_id_col_name_3
                   , transaction_id_col_name_4
                INTO l_transction_id_col_name(1)
                   , l_transction_id_col_name(2)
                   , l_transction_id_col_name(3)
                   , l_transction_id_col_name(4)
                FROM xla_entity_id_mappings
               WHERE application_id = g_application_id
                 AND entity_code    = g_array_events.entity_code(Idx)
                 GROUP BY transaction_id_col_name_1
                        , transaction_id_col_name_2
                        , transaction_id_col_name_3
                        , transaction_id_col_name_4
Line: 1861

                nvl(xaat.name,xals.accounting_attribute_code)        attribute_name
              , nvl(xstl.name,xals.source_code)                      source_name
              , nvl(xds.source_value,' ')                            source_value
              , nvl(xds.source_meaning,' ')                          source_meaning
          FROM   xla_evt_class_acct_attrs    xals
               , xla_acct_attributes_b       xaa
               , xla_acct_attributes_tl      xaat
               , xla_sources_tl              xstl
               , xla_diag_sources            xds
               , xla_diag_events             xde
               , xla_diag_ledgers            xdl
         WHERE  xde.event_id                      = xds.event_id
           AND  xds.ledger_id                     = xdl.ledger_id
           AND  xde.ledger_id                     = xdl.primary_ledger_id
           AND  xde.request_id                    = xdl.accounting_request_id
           AND  xds.source_application_id         = xdl.application_id
           AND  xaa.assignment_level_code         = 'EVT_CLASS_ONLY'
           AND  xaa.accounting_attribute_code     = xals.accounting_attribute_code
           AND  xaa.journal_entry_level_code      = 'H'
           AND  xaat.accounting_attribute_code (+)= xaa.accounting_attribute_code
           AND  xaat.language                  (+)= USERENV('LANG')
           AND  xstl.application_id            (+)= xals.source_application_id
           AND  xstl.source_type_code          (+)= xals.source_type_code
           AND  xstl.source_code               (+)= xals.source_code
           AND  xstl.language                  (+)= USERENV('LANG')
           AND  xals.default_flag                 = 'Y'
           AND  xals.application_id               = xdl.application_id
           AND  xals.event_class_code             = xde.event_class_code
           AND  xds.source_type_code              = xals.source_type_code
           AND  xds.source_code                   = xals.source_code
           AND  xdl.application_id                = xals.application_id
           AND xds.event_id                       = p_event_id
           AND xds.ledger_id                      = p_ledger_id
           AND xdl.application_id                 = g_application_id
                nvl(xaat.name,aha.accounting_attribute_code)         attribute_name
              , nvl(xst.name, aha.source_code)                       source_name
              , nvl(xds.source_value,' ')                            source_value
              , nvl(xds.source_meaning,' ')                          source_meaning
          FROM xla_aad_hdr_acct_attrs      aha
             , xla_acct_attributes_b       xaa
             , xla_acct_attributes_tl      xaat
             , xla_sources_tl              xst
             , xla_diag_sources         xds
             , xla_diag_events          xde
             , xla_diag_ledgers         xdl
        WHERE  xde.event_id                  = xds.event_id
           AND xds.ledger_id                 = xdl.ledger_id
           AND xde.ledger_id                 = xdl.primary_ledger_id
           AND xde.request_id                = xdl.accounting_request_id
           AND xds.source_application_id     = xdl.application_id
           AND xde.event_date   BETWEEN nvl(xdl.start_date_active, xde.event_date) AND
                                        nvl (xdl.end_date_active, xde.event_date)
           AND aha.application_id             = xdl.application_id
           AND aha.amb_context_code           = xdl.amb_context_code
           AND aha.product_rule_type_code     = xdl.product_rule_type_code
           AND aha.product_rule_code          = xdl.product_rule_code
           AND aha.event_class_code           = xde.event_class_code
           AND aha.event_type_code            = xde.event_type_code
           AND aha.application_id             = xds.source_application_id
           AND aha.source_type_code           = xds.source_type_code
           AND aha.source_code                = xds.source_code
           AND xaa.accounting_attribute_code  = aha.accounting_attribute_code
           AND xaa.assignment_level_code       IN ('AAD_ONLY','EVT_CLASS_AAD')
           AND xaat.accounting_attribute_code  (+)= xaa.accounting_attribute_code
           AND xaat.language                   (+)= USERENV('LANG')
           AND xst.application_id              (+)= aha.source_application_id
           AND xst.source_type_code            (+)= aha.source_type_code
           AND xst.source_code                 (+)= aha.source_code
           AND xst.language                    (+)= USERENV('LANG')
           AND xds.event_id                    = p_event_id
           AND xds.ledger_id                   = p_ledger_id
           AND xdl.application_id              = g_application_id

   IF (l_count = 0) THEN


Line: 2040

                 nvl(xaltt.name , xldj.accounting_line_code)       jlt_name
               , nvl(lkp.meaning, xldj.accounting_line_type_code)  jlt_owner
               , nvl(xds.line_number,0)                            line_number
               , nvl(xaat.name,xals.accounting_attribute_code)     attribute_name
               , nvl(xst.name, xds.source_code)                    source_name
               , xds.source_value                                  source_value
               , xds.source_meaning                                source_meaning
           FROM  xla_diag_events           xde
               , xla_diag_ledgers          xdl
               , xla_diag_sources          xds
               , xla_sources_tl            xst
               , xla_aad_line_defn_assgns  xald
               , xla_line_defn_jlt_assgns  xldj
               , xla_prod_acct_headers     xpah
               , xla_acct_line_types_tl    xaltt
               , fnd_lookup_values         lkp
               , xla_jlt_acct_attrs        xals
               , xla_acct_attributes_tl    xaat
          WHERE  xst.application_id            (+)= xds.source_application_id
            AND  xst.source_type_code          (+)= xds.source_type_code
            AND  xst.source_code               (+)= xds.source_code
            AND  xst.language                  (+)= USERENV('LANG')
            AND  xaat.accounting_attribute_code(+)= xals.accounting_attribute_code
            AND  xaat.language                 (+)=USERENV('LANG')
            AND  xde.event_id                     = xds.event_id
            AND  xds.ledger_id                    = xdl.ledger_id
            AND  xde.ledger_id                    = xdl.primary_ledger_id
            AND  xds.source_application_id        = xdl.application_id
            AND  xde.event_date     BETWEEN nvl(xdl.start_date_active, xde.event_date) AND
                                    nvl (xdl.end_date_active, xde.event_date)
            AND  xpah.application_id              = xdl.application_id
            AND  xpah.product_rule_type_code      = xdl.product_rule_type_code
            AND  xpah.product_rule_code           = xdl.product_rule_code
            AND  xpah.amb_context_code            = xdl.amb_context_code
            AND  xpah.entity_code                 = xde.entity_code
            AND  xpah.event_class_code            = xde.event_class_code
            AND  xpah.event_type_code             = xde.event_type_code
            AND  xds.source_code                  = xals.source_code
            AND  xds.source_type_code             = xals.source_type_code
            AND  xds.source_application_id        = xals.source_application_id
            AND  xals.application_id              = xldj.application_id
            AND  xals.accounting_line_code        = xldj.accounting_line_code
            AND  xals.accounting_line_type_code   = xldj.accounting_line_type_code
            AND  xals.amb_context_code            = xldj.amb_context_code
            AND  xals.event_class_code            = xldj.event_class_code
            AND  xldj.active_flag                 = 'Y'
            AND  xldj.application_id              = xald.application_id
            AND  xldj.amb_context_code            = xald.amb_context_code
            AND  xldj.event_class_code            = xald.event_class_code
            AND  xldj.event_type_code             = xald.event_type_code
            AND  xldj.line_definition_owner_code  = xald.line_definition_owner_code
            AND  xldj.line_definition_code        = xald.line_definition_code
            AND  xald.application_id              = xpah.application_id
            AND  xald.amb_context_code            = xpah.amb_context_code
            AND  xald.product_rule_type_code      = xpah.product_rule_type_code
            AND  xald.product_rule_code           = xpah.product_rule_code
            AND  xald.event_class_code            = xpah.event_class_code
            AND  xald.event_type_code             = xpah.event_type_code
            AND  xpah.accounting_required_flag    = 'Y'
            AND  xldj.application_id              = xaltt.application_id           (+)
            AND  xldj.amb_context_code            = xaltt.amb_context_code         (+)
            AND  xldj.accounting_line_code        = xaltt.accounting_line_code     (+)
            AND  xldj.accounting_line_type_code   = xaltt.accounting_line_type_code(+)
            AND  xldj.event_class_code            = xaltt.event_class_code         (+)
            AND  xaltt.language               (+) = USERENV('LANG')
            AND  lkp.lookup_type              (+) = 'XLA_OWNER_TYPE'
            AND  lkp.lookup_code              (+) = xldj.accounting_line_type_code
            AND  lkp.view_application_id      (+) = 602
            AND  lkp.language                 (+) = USERENV('LANG')
            AND  lkp.enabled_flag             (+) = 'Y'
            AND  xde.event_date BETWEEN  nvl(lkp.start_date_active,xde.event_date)
            AND                          nvl (lkp.end_date_active, xde.event_date)
            AND  xde.request_id                   = xdl.accounting_request_id
            AND  xds.event_id                     = p_event_id
            AND  xds.ledger_id                    = p_ledger_id
            AND  xdl.application_id               = g_application_id

               nvl(xaltt.name , xldj.accounting_line_code)       jlt_name
             , nvl(lkp.meaning, xldj.accounting_line_type_code)  jlt_owner
             , nvl(xds.line_number,0)                            line_number
             , nvl(xaat.name,xals.accounting_attribute_code)     attribute_name
             , nvl(xstl.name,xals.source_code)                   source_name
             , xds.source_value                                  source_value
             , xds.source_meaning                                source_meaning
         FROM   xla_evt_class_acct_attrs    xals
              , xla_acct_attributes_b       xaa
              , xla_acct_attributes_tl      xaat
              , xla_sources_tl              xstl
              , xla_diag_sources            xds
              , xla_diag_events             xde
              , xla_diag_ledgers            xdl
              , xla_aad_line_defn_assgns    xald
              , xla_line_defn_jlt_assgns    xldj
              , xla_prod_acct_headers       xpah
              , xla_acct_line_types_tl      xaltt
              , fnd_lookup_values           lkp
        WHERE  xde.event_id                       = xds.event_id
          AND  xds.ledger_id                      = xdl.ledger_id
          AND  xde.ledger_id                      = xdl.primary_ledger_id
          AND  xds.source_application_id          = xdl.application_id
          AND  xaa.assignment_level_code          = 'EVT_CLASS_ONLY'
          AND  xaa.accounting_attribute_code      = xals.accounting_attribute_code
          AND  xaa.journal_entry_level_code       IN ('L', 'C')
          AND  xaat.accounting_attribute_code (+) = xaa.accounting_attribute_code
          AND  xaat.language                  (+) = USERENV('LANG')
          AND  xstl.application_id            (+) = xals.source_application_id
          AND  xstl.source_type_code          (+) = xals.source_type_code
          AND  xstl.source_code               (+) = xals.source_code
          AND  xstl.language                  (+) = USERENV('LANG')
          AND  xals.default_flag                  = 'Y'
          AND  xals.application_id                = xdl.application_id
          AND  xals.event_class_code              = xde.event_class_code
          AND  xds.source_type_code               = xals.source_type_code
          AND  xds.source_code                    = xals.source_code
          AND  xdl.application_id                 = xals.application_id
          AND  xpah.product_rule_type_code        = xdl.product_rule_type_code
          AND  xpah.product_rule_code             = xdl.product_rule_code
          AND  xpah.amb_context_code              = xdl.amb_context_code
          AND  xpah.entity_code                   = xde.entity_code
          AND  xpah.event_class_code              = xde.event_class_code
          AND  xpah.event_type_code               = xde.event_type_code
          AND  xald.application_id                = xpah.application_id
          AND  xald.amb_context_code              = xpah.amb_context_code
          AND  xald.product_rule_type_code        = xpah.product_rule_type_code
          AND  xald.product_rule_code             = xpah.product_rule_code
          AND  xald.event_class_code              = xpah.event_class_code
          AND  xald.event_type_code               = xpah.event_type_code
          AND  xldj.application_id                = xald.application_id
          AND  xldj.amb_context_code              = xald.amb_context_code
          AND  xldj.line_definition_owner_code    = xald.line_definition_owner_code
          AND  xldj.line_definition_code          = xald.line_definition_code
          AND  xldj.event_class_code              = xald.event_class_code
          AND  xldj.event_type_code               = xald.event_type_code
          AND  xldj.active_flag                   = 'Y'
          AND  xldj.application_id                = xaltt.application_id           (+)
          AND  xldj.amb_context_code              = xaltt.amb_context_code         (+)
          AND  xldj.accounting_line_code          = xaltt.accounting_line_code     (+)
          AND  xldj.accounting_line_type_code     = xaltt.accounting_line_type_code(+)
          AND  xldj.event_class_code              = xaltt.event_class_code         (+)
          AND  xaltt.language               (+)   = USERENV('LANG')
          AND  xpah.accounting_required_flag      = 'Y'
          AND  lkp.lookup_type              (+)   = 'XLA_OWNER_TYPE'
          AND  lkp.lookup_code              (+)   = xldj.accounting_line_type_code
          AND  lkp.view_application_id      (+)   = 602
          AND  lkp.language                 (+)   = USERENV('LANG')
          AND  lkp.enabled_flag             (+)   = 'Y'
          AND  xde.event_date BETWEEN  nvl(lkp.start_date_active,xde.event_date)
          AND                          nvl (lkp.end_date_active, xde.event_date)
          AND  xde.request_id                     = xdl.accounting_request_id
          AND  xds.event_id                       = p_event_id
          AND  xds.ledger_id                      = p_ledger_id
          AND  xdl.application_id                 = g_application_id
     ORDER BY line_number, jlt_name, jlt_owner,  attribute_name
            ) LOOP
     --dump Line acctg attributes

      IF l_count = 0 THEN

Line: 2307

SELECT  object_name
      , object_type_code
  FROM xla_diag_sources
 WHERE event_id  = p_event_id
   AND ledger_id = p_ledger_id
 GROUP BY object_name  , object_type_code
 ORDER BY DECODE(object_type_code, C_HEADER ,1
                                    , C_MLS_HEADER,2
                                    , C_LINE,3
                                    , C_BC_LINE,4
                                    , C_MLS_LINE,5
Line: 2437

      , xds.source_type_code
      , xds.source_application_id
      , DECODE(xsb.view_application_id,
                NULL, DECODE(xsb.flex_value_set_id,
                , 'Y')
      , nvl(xst.name,xds.source_code)
  FROM  xla_diag_sources     xds
     ,  xla_sources_b        xsb
     ,  xla_sources_tl       xst
 WHERE xsb.application_id   (+)= xds.source_application_id
   AND xsb.source_type_code (+)= xds.source_type_code
   AND xsb.source_code      (+)= xds.source_code
   AND xds.event_id            = p_event_id
   AND xds.ledger_id           = p_ledger_id
   AND xds.object_name         = p_object_name
   AND xds.object_type_code    = p_object_type_code
   AND xst.application_id   (+)= xds.source_application_id
   AND xst.source_type_code (+)= xds.source_type_code
   AND xst.source_code      (+)= xds.source_code
   AND xst.language         (+)= USERENV('LANG')
   AND xds.line_number =  (SELECT max(line_number)
                             FROM xla_diag_sources    xds2
                            WHERE xds2.event_id            = p_event_id
                              AND xds2.ledger_id           = p_ledger_id
                              AND xds2.object_name         = p_object_name
                              AND xds2.object_type_code    = p_object_type_code
 ORDER BY xds.source_application_id, xds.source_type_code, xds.source_code
Line: 2589

SELECT  xds.source_code
      , xds.source_type_code
      , xds.source_application_id
      , nvl(TO_CHAR(xds.source_value),' ')
      , nvl(TO_CHAR(xds.source_meaning),' ')
      , xds.line_number                     AS line_number
      , DECODE(xsb.datatype_code
      , DECODE(xsb.view_application_id,
                NULL, DECODE(xsb.flex_value_set_id, NULL,'N','Y'), 'Y')
  FROM  xla_diag_sources     xds
      , xla_sources_b        xsb
 WHERE xsb.application_id   (+)= xds.source_application_id
   AND xsb.source_type_code (+)= xds.source_type_code
   AND xsb.source_code      (+)= xds.source_code
   AND xds.event_id         = p_event_id
   AND xds.ledger_id        = p_ledger_id
   AND xds.object_name      = p_object_name
   AND xds.object_type_code = p_object_type_code
   AND (xds.line_number = 0 OR
        xds.line_number  BETWEEN NVL(g_from_line_number,xds.line_number) AND
 ORDER BY line_number, xds.source_application_id, xds.source_type_code, xds.source_code
Line: 3088

          SELECT count(*)
          INTO l_count
          FROM xla_diag_sources
         WHERE source_application_id = p_application_id
           AND creation_date <= l_up_to_date
           AND request_id    =  p_request_id
Line: 3098

        SELECT count(*)
          INTO l_count
          FROM xla_diag_sources
         WHERE source_application_id = p_application_id
           AND request_id    =  p_request_id
Line: 3108

          SELECT count(*)
          INTO l_count
          FROM xla_diag_sources
         WHERE source_application_id = p_application_id
           AND creation_date <= l_up_to_date
Line: 3117

          SELECT count(*)
          INTO l_count
          FROM xla_diag_sources
         WHERE source_application_id = p_application_id
Line: 3130

                                 || ' because no data match the selection criteria';
Line: 3139

          DELETE FROM xla_diag_events
           WHERE event_id IN
                    (SELECT event_id FROM xla_diag_events
                      WHERE application_id = p_application_id
                        AND creation_date <= l_up_to_date
                        AND request_id    = p_request_id)
Line: 3149

          DELETE FROM xla_diag_events
           WHERE event_id IN
                    (SELECT event_id FROM xla_diag_events
                      WHERE application_id = p_application_id
                        AND request_id    = p_request_id)
Line: 3158

          DELETE FROM xla_diag_events
           WHERE event_id IN
                    (SELECT event_id FROM xla_diag_events
                      WHERE application_id = p_application_id
                        AND creation_date <= l_up_to_date)
Line: 3167

          DELETE FROM xla_diag_events
           WHERE event_id IN
                    (SELECT event_id FROM xla_diag_events
                      WHERE application_id = p_application_id )
Line: 3178

         (p_msg      => 'Number of rows deleted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 3183

    write_logfile('Number of rows deleted ='||SQL%ROWCOUNT);
Line: 3188

     DELETE FROM xla_diag_ledgers
      WHERE application_id = p_application_id
        AND primary_ledger_id NOT IN
              (SELECT ledger_id
                 FROM xla_diag_events
                WHERE application_id        = p_application_id
Line: 3200

         (p_msg      => 'Number of rows deleted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 3204

    write_logfile('Number of rows deleted ='||SQL%ROWCOUNT);
Line: 3210

         DELETE FROM xla_diag_sources
          WHERE source_application_id = p_application_id
            AND creation_date        <= l_up_to_date
            AND request_id            = p_request_id
Line: 3219

         DELETE FROM xla_diag_sources
          WHERE source_application_id = p_application_id
            AND request_id            = p_request_id
Line: 3226

         DELETE FROM xla_diag_sources
          WHERE source_application_id = p_application_id
            AND creation_date        <= l_up_to_date
Line: 3233

         DELETE FROM xla_diag_sources
          WHERE source_application_id = p_application_id
Line: 3242

         (p_msg      => 'Number of rows deleted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 3246

     write_logfile('Number of rows deleted ='||SQL%ROWCOUNT);