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Line 8: * The posting is done by calling BIS API (BIS_ACTUAL_PUB).

5: /*
6: * PostActual
7: * Called by Alert_Check to post actuals to the BIS table.
8: * The posting is done by calling BIS API (BIS_ACTUAL_PUB).
9: */
10: PROCEDURE PostActual( target_level_id in number,
11: time_level_value in varchar2,
12: org_level_value in varchar2,

Line 17: actual_rec BIS_ACTUAL_PUB.Actual_Rec_Type;

13: dimension1_level_value in varchar2,
14: dimension2_level_value in varchar2,
15: actual in number,
16: period_set_name in varchar2) IS
17: actual_rec BIS_ACTUAL_PUB.Actual_Rec_Type;
18: x_return_status VARCHAR2(30);
19: x_msg_count NUMBER;
20: x_msg_data VARCHAR2(30);
21: x_error_Tbl BIS_UTILITIES_PUB.Error_Tbl_Type;

Line 34: BIS_ACTUAL_PUB.Post_Actual( p_api_version => 1.0,

30: actual_rec.Dim1_Level_Value_ID := dimension1_level_value;
31: actual_rec.Dim2_Level_Value_ID := dimension2_level_value;
32: actual_rec.Actual := actual;
34: BIS_ACTUAL_PUB.Post_Actual( p_api_version => 1.0,
35: p_commit => FND_API.G_TRUE,
36: p_Actual_Rec => actual_rec,
37: x_return_status => x_return_status,
38: x_msg_count => x_msg_count,