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APPS.IGS_AS_GEN_003 dependencies on IGS_AD_LOCATION

Line 93: -- Get the applicable examination IGS_AD_LOCATION for a nominated student

89: p_uoo_id IN NUMBER )
92: -- assp_get_sua_exloc
93: -- Get the applicable examination IGS_AD_LOCATION for a nominated student
94: -- IGS_PS_UNIT attempt record.
95: -- The routine will search for (in order of preference):
96: -- 0. Non-central examination (see below)
97: -- 1. A IGS_EN_SU_ATTEMPT.exam_location_cd value

Line 99: -- 3. The default exam IGS_AD_LOCATION for the enrolled IGS_PS_UNIT attempt

95: -- The routine will search for (in order of preference):
96: -- 0. Non-central examination (see below)
97: -- 1. A IGS_EN_SU_ATTEMPT.exam_location_cd value
98: -- 2. A IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT.exam_location_cd value
99: -- 3. The default exam IGS_AD_LOCATION for the enrolled IGS_PS_UNIT attempt
100: -- If the assessment id is passed as a parameter, the routine will determine
101: -- whether the examination is a non-central examination, in which case all
102: -- students are grouped under a single examination IGS_AD_LOCATION. This IGS_AD_LOCATION
103: -- is defined in the IGS_AS_SASSESS_TYPE table.

Line 102: -- students are grouped under a single examination IGS_AD_LOCATION. This IGS_AD_LOCATION

98: -- 2. A IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT.exam_location_cd value
99: -- 3. The default exam IGS_AD_LOCATION for the enrolled IGS_PS_UNIT attempt
100: -- If the assessment id is passed as a parameter, the routine will determine
101: -- whether the examination is a non-central examination, in which case all
102: -- students are grouped under a single examination IGS_AD_LOCATION. This IGS_AD_LOCATION
103: -- is defined in the IGS_AS_SASSESS_TYPE table.
105: v_nonc_exam_loc_cd IGS_AS_SASSESS_TYPE.non_cntrl_exam_loc_cd%TYPE;
106: v_sua_location IGS_AD_LOCATION.location_cd%TYPE;

Line 106: v_sua_location IGS_AD_LOCATION.location_cd%TYPE;

102: -- students are grouped under a single examination IGS_AD_LOCATION. This IGS_AD_LOCATION
103: -- is defined in the IGS_AS_SASSESS_TYPE table.
105: v_nonc_exam_loc_cd IGS_AS_SASSESS_TYPE.non_cntrl_exam_loc_cd%TYPE;
106: v_sua_location IGS_AD_LOCATION.location_cd%TYPE;
107: v_sca_location IGS_AD_LOCATION.location_cd%TYPE;
108: CURSOR c_sat IS
109: SELECT sat.non_cntrl_exam_loc_cd

Line 107: v_sca_location IGS_AD_LOCATION.location_cd%TYPE;

103: -- is defined in the IGS_AS_SASSESS_TYPE table.
105: v_nonc_exam_loc_cd IGS_AS_SASSESS_TYPE.non_cntrl_exam_loc_cd%TYPE;
106: v_sua_location IGS_AD_LOCATION.location_cd%TYPE;
107: v_sca_location IGS_AD_LOCATION.location_cd%TYPE;
108: CURSOR c_sat IS
109: SELECT sat.non_cntrl_exam_loc_cd

Line 140: -- 0. If assessment ID is set, then check for non-central examination IGS_AD_LOCATION.

136: WHERE person_id = p_person_id AND
137: course_cd = p_course_cd;
138: v_sca_rec c_sca%ROWTYPE;
139: BEGIN
140: -- 0. If assessment ID is set, then check for non-central examination IGS_AD_LOCATION.
141: IF (p_ass_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
142: OPEN c_sat;
143: FETCH c_sat INTO v_nonc_exam_loc_cd;
144: IF (c_sat%FOUND AND

Line 169: -- 3. If the sua exam IGS_AD_LOCATION is set then return it

165: CLOSE c_sua;
167: END IF;
168: CLOSE c_sua;
169: -- 3. If the sua exam IGS_AD_LOCATION is set then return it
170: IF (V_sua_rec.exam_location_cd IS NOT NULL) THEN
171: RETURN v_sua_rec.exam_location_cd;
172: END IF;
173: -- 3.1 If On-Campus IGS_PS_UNIT use the default IGS_AD_LOCATION.

Line 173: -- 3.1 If On-Campus IGS_PS_UNIT use the default IGS_AD_LOCATION.

169: -- 3. If the sua exam IGS_AD_LOCATION is set then return it
170: IF (V_sua_rec.exam_location_cd IS NOT NULL) THEN
171: RETURN v_sua_rec.exam_location_cd;
172: END IF;
173: -- 3.1 If On-Campus IGS_PS_UNIT use the default IGS_AD_LOCATION.
174: IF (v_sua_rec.s_unit_mode = 'ON') THEN
175: v_sua_location := IGS_AS_GEN_002.ASSP_GET_DFLT_EXLOC(v_sua_rec.location_cd);
176: IF (v_sua_location IS NOT NULL) THEN
177: RETURN v_sua_location;

Line 180: -- 4. Search for exam IGS_AD_LOCATION code in the student IGS_PS_COURSE attempt record

176: IF (v_sua_location IS NOT NULL) THEN
177: RETURN v_sua_location;
178: END IF;
179: END IF;
180: -- 4. Search for exam IGS_AD_LOCATION code in the student IGS_PS_COURSE attempt record
181: OPEN c_sca;
182: FETCH c_sca INTO v_sca_rec;
183: CLOSE c_sca;
184: IF (v_sca_rec.exam_location_cd IS NOT NULL) THEN

Line 187: -- 5. Search for the default exam IGS_AD_LOCATION for the enrolled IGS_PS_UNIT campus

183: CLOSE c_sca;
184: IF (v_sca_rec.exam_location_cd IS NOT NULL) THEN
185: RETURN v_sca_rec.exam_location_cd;
186: END IF;
187: -- 5. Search for the default exam IGS_AD_LOCATION for the enrolled IGS_PS_UNIT campus
188: v_sua_location := IGS_AS_GEN_002.ASSP_GET_DFLT_EXLOC(v_sua_rec.location_cd);
189: IF (v_sua_location IS NOT NULL) THEN
190: RETURN v_sua_location;
191: END IF;

Line 192: -- 6. Search for the default exam IGS_AD_LOCATION for the enrolled IGS_PS_COURSE

188: v_sua_location := IGS_AS_GEN_002.ASSP_GET_DFLT_EXLOC(v_sua_rec.location_cd);
189: IF (v_sua_location IS NOT NULL) THEN
190: RETURN v_sua_location;
191: END IF;
192: -- 6. Search for the default exam IGS_AD_LOCATION for the enrolled IGS_PS_COURSE
193: v_sca_location := IGS_AS_GEN_002.ASSP_GET_DFLT_EXLOC(v_sca_rec.location_cd);
194: IF (v_sca_location IS NOT NULL) THEN
195: RETURN v_sca_location;
196: END IF;

Line 861: -- apply to the student IGS_PS_UNIT attempt's IGS_AD_LOCATION, class and mode.

857: gv_other_detail VARCHAR2(255);
858: BEGIN -- assp_get_uai_due_dt
859: -- This function will return the due date of an assessment item.
860: -- It will use a view that will contain the assessment items that
861: -- apply to the student IGS_PS_UNIT attempt's IGS_AD_LOCATION, class and mode.
862: --
863: -- This function is modified by Nishikant - 08JAN2001 - Enh Bug#2162831.
864: -- Its modified to return the due date for the assessment item if available at
865: -- Unit section level first. If it does not find then it checks at unit offering level.

Line 1009: -- apply to the student IGS_PS_UNIT attempt's IGS_AD_LOCATION, class and mode.

1005: BEGIN
1006: -- assp_get_uai_ref
1007: -- This function will return the reference of an assessment item.
1008: -- It will use a view that will contain the assessment items that
1009: -- apply to the student IGS_PS_UNIT attempt's IGS_AD_LOCATION, class and mode.
1010: --
1011: -- This function is modified by Nishikant - 08JAN2001 - Enh Bug#2162831.
1012: -- Its modified to return the reference of the assessment item if available at
1013: -- Unit section level first. If it does not find then it checks at unit offering level.