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2 /* $Header: ibyppads.pls 120.22.12010000.6 2008/08/21 21:21:35 jleybovi ship $ */
3 /*#
4  * The IBY_PAYMENT_ADAPTER_PUB package provides payment processing APIs.
5  * These include all standard payment APIs as well as query and batch APIs.
6  *
7  * @rep:scope public
8  * @rep:product IBY
9  * @rep:lifecycle active
10  * @rep:displayname Credit Card Payment Processing
11  * @rep:compatibility S
13  * @rep:doccd iby120ig.pdf Implementing APIs, Oracle iPayment Implementation Guide
14  */
16 -- module name used for the application debugging framework
17 --
20 -- results interface code
21 --
24 -- constant for org_type default value
28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 	--**Defining all DataStructures required by the APIs**--
30 --  The following input and output PL/SQL record/table types are defined
31 -- to store the objects (entities) necessary for the EC-App PL/SQL APIs.
32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 --INPUT DataStructures
34   --1. Payments Related Generic Record Types
36 TYPE Payee_rec_type IS RECORD (
37         Payee_ID        VARCHAR2(80)
38         );
40 TYPE Payer_rec_type IS RECORD (
41         party_id        NUMBER(15)
42         );
43 --
44 -- Dual Payment Instrument Record type
45 --
46 TYPE DualPaymentInstr_rec_type IS RECORD (
47         PmtInstr_ID        NUMBER,
48         PmtInstr_ShortName VARCHAR2(80),
49         BnfPmtInstr_ID        NUMBER,
50         BnfPmtInstr_ShortName VARCHAR2(80)
51         );
53 TYPE PmtInstr_rec_type IS RECORD (
54         PmtInstr_ID        NUMBER,
55         PmtInstr_Type      VARCHAR2(30),
56         PmtInstr_ShortName VARCHAR2(80),
57 	DualPaymentInstr DualPaymentInstr_rec_type,
58         PmtInstr_Assignment_ID  NUMBER
59         );
61 TYPE Tangible_rec_type IS RECORD (
62 	Tangible_ID     VARCHAR2(80),
63         Tangible_Amount NUMBER,
64         Currency_Code   VARCHAR2(80),
65         RefInfo         VARCHAR2(80),
66         Memo            VARCHAR2(80),
67         Acct_Num        VARCHAR2(80),
68         OrderMedium     VARCHAR2(30),
69         EFTAuthMethod   VARCHAR2(30)
70         );
75    --2. Payment Transactions Related Record Types
76    /* PmtMode(On-line = 'ONLINE', Off-line = 'OFFLINE') */
77    --Added New field Retry_Flag (12/16/99)
78    --Added 4 new fields for PCard support (06/13/00)
79    --Added the flag AnalyzeRisk (06/29/00)
80 TYPE PmtReqTrxn_rec_type IS RECORD (
81         Trxn_Extension_Id           NUMBER,
82         PmtMode   	    	    VARCHAR2(30) := 'ONLINE',
83         CVV2	             	    VARCHAR2(10) := NULL,
84         Settlement_Date             DATE,
85         Auth_Type                   VARCHAR2(80),
86         Check_Flag                  VARCHAR2(30),
87         Retry_Flag                  VARCHAR2(30),
88         Org_ID                      NUMBER,
89         org_type                    VARCHAR2(30) := C_ORG_TYPE_OPERATING_UNIT,
90         NLS_LANG                    VARCHAR2(80),
91 	PONum        		    NUMBER,
92 	TaxAmount        	    NUMBER,
93 	ShipFromZip        	    VARCHAR2(80),
94 	ShipToZip        	    VARCHAR2(80),
95 	AnalyzeRisk        	    VARCHAR2(80),
96 	AuthCode                    VARCHAR2(255),
97 	VoiceAuthFlag               VARCHAR2(30),
98         TrxnRef                     VARCHAR2(240),
99         DateOfVoiceAuthorization    DATE,
100         Payment_Factor_Flag         VARCHAR2(1),
101         payment_channel_code        VARCHAR2(30)
102         );
104 TYPE ModTrxn_rec_type IS RECORD (
105         Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
106         PmtMode         VARCHAR2(30),
107         Settlement_Date DATE,
108         Check_Flag      VARCHAR2(30),
109         Auth_Type       VARCHAR2(80),
110 	PONum		NUMBER,
111 	TaxAmount	NUMBER,
112 	ShipFromZip	VARCHAR2(80),
113 	ShipToZip	VARCHAR2(80)
114         );
116 TYPE CaptureTrxn_rec_type IS RECORD (
117 	Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
118         PmtMode         VARCHAR2(30),
119         Settlement_Date DATE,
120         Currency        VARCHAR2(80),
121         Price           NUMBER,
122         TrxnRef         VARCHAR2(240),
123         NLS_LANG        VARCHAR2(80)
124         );
126 TYPE CaptureTrxn_tbl IS TABLE of CaptureTrxn_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
131 TYPE ReturnTrxn_rec_type IS RECORD (
132         Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
133         PmtMode         VARCHAR2(30),
134         Settlement_Date DATE,
135         Currency        VARCHAR2(80),
136         Price           NUMBER,
137         TrxnRef         VARCHAR2(240),
138         NLS_LANG        VARCHAR2(80)
139         );
141 TYPE CancelTrxn_rec_type IS RECORD (
142         Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
143         Req_Type        VARCHAR2(80),
144         NLS_LANG        VARCHAR2(80)
145         );
147 TYPE QueryTrxn_rec_type IS RECORD (
148         Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
149 	History_Flag    VARCHAR2(30),
150         NLS_LANG        VARCHAR2(80)
151         );
153 TYPE VoidTrxn_rec_type IS RECORD (
154         Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
155         PmtMode         VARCHAR2(30),
156         Settlement_Date DATE,
157         Trxn_Type       NUMBER,
158         TrxnRef         VARCHAR2(240),
159         NLS_LANG        VARCHAR2(80)
160         );
162 TYPE CreditTrxn_rec_type IS RECORD (
163         PmtMode         VARCHAR2(30),
164         Settlement_Date DATE,
165         Retry_Flag      VARCHAR2(30),
166         Payer_Party_ID  NUMBER,
167         Org_ID          NUMBER,
168         org_type        VARCHAR2(30)  := C_ORG_TYPE_OPERATING_UNIT,
169         TrxnRef         VARCHAR2(240),
170         NLS_LANG        VARCHAR2(80),
171         payment_channel_code        VARCHAR2(30)
172         );
174 --NOTE: PmtType optional field is newly added to be
175 --used only for closebatch operation.
176 TYPE BatchTrxn_rec_type IS RECORD (
177         PmtMode         VARCHAR2(30),
178         PmtType         VARCHAR2(30),
179         PmtInstrType    VARCHAR2(30),
180         Settlement_Date DATE,
181         Payee_ID        VARCHAR2(80),
182 	BEP_Suffix	VARCHAR2(80),
183 	BEP_Account	VARCHAR2(80),
184 	MerchBatch_ID   VARCHAR2(80),
185         NLS_LANG        VARCHAR2(80),
186         Account_Profile VARCHAR2(30)
187         );
189 --3. iPayment 11i Risk Management Record Types
191 TYPE RiskInfo_rec_type IS RECORD (
192         Formula_Name         VARCHAR2(80)  := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
193         ShipToBillTo_Flag    VARCHAR2(255) := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
194         Time_Of_Purchase     VARCHAR2(80)  := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
195         Customer_Acct_Num    VARCHAR2(30)  := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR
196         -- ,
197         -- Org_ID               NUMBER        := FND_API.G_MISS_NUM
198         );
200 TYPE PaymentRiskInfo_rec_type IS RECORD (
201         Formula_Name         VARCHAR2(80)  ,
202         Payee_ID             VARCHAR2(80)  ,
203         Amount               NUMBER        ,
204         Party_Id             NUMBER(15)    ,
205         PmtInstr             PmtInstr_rec_type,
206         ShipToBillTo_Flag    VARCHAR2(255) ,
207         Time_Of_Purchase     VARCHAR2(80)  ,
208         Customer_Acct_Num    VARCHAR2(30)  ,
209         AVSCode              VARCHAR2(80)  ,
210         Currency_Code        VARCHAR2(80)
212         -- ,
213         -- Org_ID               NUMBER        := FND_API.G_MISS_NUM
214         );
216 TYPE AVSRiskInfo_rec_type IS RECORD (
217         Formula_Name         VARCHAR2(80)  ,
218         Payee_ID             VARCHAR2(80)  ,
219         Previous_Risk_Score  NUMBER        ,
220         AVSCode              VARCHAR2(80)
221         );
224 G_MISS_RISKINFO_REC RiskInfo_rec_type;
226 FUNCTION Is_RiskInfo_rec_Missing (
227                                   RiskInfo_rec in RiskInfo_rec_type
228                                   ) RETURN BOOLEAN;
230 -- OUTPUT value constants
231 --
239 --OUTPUT DataStructures
240 --1. iPayment Response Record Types
241 TYPE Response_rec_type IS RECORD (
242         Status          NUMBER,
243         ErrCode         VARCHAR2(80),
244         ErrMessage      VARCHAR2(255),
245         NLS_LANG        VARCHAR2(80)
246         );
248 --2. OffLine Mode Response Record Types
249 TYPE OffLineResp_rec_type IS RECORD (
250         EarliestSettlement_Date   DATE,
251         Scheduled_Date            DATE
252         );
254 --3. Risk Response Record Types
255 TYPE RiskResp_rec_type IS RECORD (
256         Status                NUMBER,
257         ErrCode               VARCHAR2(80),
258         ErrMessage            VARCHAR2(255),
259         Additional_ErrMessage VARCHAR2(255),
260         Risk_Score            NUMBER,
261         Risk_Threshold_Val    NUMBER,
262         Risky_Flag            VARCHAR2(30),
263 	AVSCode_Flag	      VARCHAR2(30)
264         );
266 --4. Payment Transactions Response Record Types
267 	-- Note: Need to add EarliestSettlementDate,
268 	-- ScheduleDate later, based on BEPs.
269 	-- Note: RiskRespIncluded is a flag that tells the ECAPP that the
270 	--       RiskResonse Record has some valid Risk related Response info.
272 TYPE ReqResp_rec_type IS RECORD (
273         Response          Response_rec_type,
274         OffLineResp       OffLineResp_rec_type,
275         RiskRespIncluded  VARCHAR2(30),
276         RiskResponse      RiskResp_rec_type,
277 	Trxn_ID           NUMBER,
278         Trxn_Type         NUMBER,
279         Trxn_Date         DATE,
280         Authcode          VARCHAR2(80),
281         RefCode           VARCHAR2(80),
282         AVSCode           VARCHAR2(80),
283         CVV2Result	  VARCHAR2(5),
284         PmtInstr_Type     VARCHAR2(80),
285         Acquirer          VARCHAR2(80),
286         VpsBatch_ID       VARCHAR2(80),
287         AuxMsg            VARCHAR2(255),
288         ErrorLocation     NUMBER,
289         BEPErrCode        VARCHAR2(80),
290         BEPErrMessage     VARCHAR2(255)
291         );
293 TYPE ModResp_rec_type IS RECORD (
294         Response        Response_rec_type,
295         OffLineResp     OffLineResp_rec_type,
296         Trxn_ID         NUMBER
297         );
299 TYPE VoidResp_rec_type IS RECORD (
300         Response        Response_rec_type,
301         OffLineResp     OffLineResp_rec_type,
302         Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
303 	Trxn_Type       NUMBER,
304 	Trxn_Date       DATE,
305         RefCode         VARCHAR2(80),
306         PmtInstr_Type   VARCHAR2(80),
307 	ErrorLocation   NUMBER,
308         BEPErrCode      VARCHAR2(80),
309         BEPErrMessage   VARCHAR2(255)
310         );
312 TYPE CancelResp_rec_type IS RECORD (
313         Response        Response_rec_type,
314         Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
315 	ErrorLocation   NUMBER,
316         BEPErrCode      VARCHAR2(80),
317         BEPErrMessage   VARCHAR2(255)
318         );
320 TYPE CaptureResp_rec_type IS RECORD (
321         Response        Response_rec_type,
322         OffLineResp     OffLineResp_rec_type,
323         Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
324 	Trxn_Type       NUMBER,
325 	Trxn_Date       DATE,
326         PmtInstr_Type   VARCHAR2(80),
327         RefCode         VARCHAR2(80),
328         ErrorLocation   NUMBER,
329         BEPErrCode      VARCHAR2(80),
330         BEPErrMessage   VARCHAR2(255)
331         );
333 TYPE CaptureRespAll_rec_type IS RECORD (
334         --Response_rec_type--
335         Status                   NUMBER,
336         ErrCode                  VARCHAR2(80),
337         ErrMessage               VARCHAR2(255),
338         NLS_LANG                 VARCHAR2(80),
339         --OffLineResp_rec_type--
340         EarliestSettlement_Date  DATE,
341         Scheduled_Date           DATE,
343         Trxn_ID                  NUMBER,
344         Trxn_Type                NUMBER,
345         Trxn_Date                DATE,
346         PmtInstr_Type            VARCHAR2(80),
347         RefCode                  VARCHAR2(80),
348         ErrorLocation            NUMBER,
349         BEPErrCode               VARCHAR2(80),
350         BEPErrMessage            VARCHAR2(255)
351         );
352 TYPE CaptureResp_tbl IS TABLE of CaptureRespAll_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
355 TYPE ReturnResp_rec_type IS RECORD (
356         Response        Response_rec_type,
357         OffLineResp     OffLineResp_rec_type,
358         Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
359         Trxn_Type       NUMBER,
360         Trxn_Date       DATE,
361 	PmtInstr_Type   VARCHAR2(80),
362         RefCode         VARCHAR2(80),
363         ErrorLocation   NUMBER,
364         BEPErrCode      VARCHAR2(80),
365         BEPErrMessage   VARCHAR2(255)
366         );
368 TYPE CreditResp_rec_type IS RECORD (
369         Response        Response_rec_type,
370         OffLineResp     OffLineResp_rec_type,
371         Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
372         Trxn_Type       NUMBER,
373         Trxn_Date       DATE,
374         PmtInstr_Type   VARCHAR2(80),
375         RefCode         VARCHAR2(80),
376         ErrorLocation   NUMBER,
377         BEPErrCode      VARCHAR2(80),
378         BEPErrMessage   VARCHAR2(255)
379         );
381 TYPE InqResp_rec_type IS RECORD (
382         Response        Response_rec_type,
383         Payer           Payer_rec_type,
384         Payee           Payee_rec_type,
385         Tangible        Tangible_rec_type,
386         PmtInstr        PmtInstr_rec_type
387         );
389 TYPE QryTrxnRespSum_rec_type IS RECORD (
390         Response        Response_rec_type,
391         ErrorLocation   NUMBER,
392         BEPErrCode      VARCHAR2(80),
393         BEPErrMessage   VARCHAR2(255)
394         );
396 TYPE QryTrxnRespDet_rec_type IS RECORD (
397         Status          NUMBER,
398         StatusMsg       VARCHAR2(255),
399         Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
400         Trxn_Type       NUMBER,
401         Trxn_Date       DATE,
402         PmtInstr_Type   VARCHAR2(80),
403         Currency        VARCHAR2(80),
404 	Price           NUMBER,
405         RefCode         VARCHAR2(80),
406         AuthCode        VARCHAR2(80),
407         AVSCode         VARCHAR2(80),
408         Acquirer        VARCHAR2(80),
409         VpsBatch_ID     VARCHAR2(80),
410         AuxMsg          VARCHAR2(255),
411         ErrorLocation   NUMBER,
412         BEPErrCode      VARCHAR2(80),
413         BEPErrMessage   VARCHAR2(255)
414         );
416 TYPE QryTrxnRespDet_tbl_type IS TABLE OF QryTrxnRespDet_rec_type
420 --5. Batch Payment Transactions Response Record Types
422 TYPE BatchRespSum_rec_type IS RECORD (
423         Response         Response_rec_type,
424         OffLineResp      OffLineResp_rec_type,
425         NumTrxns         NUMBER,
426         MerchBatch_ID    VARCHAR2(80),
427         BatchState       NUMBER,
428         BatchDate        DATE,
429         Credit_Amount    NUMBER,
430         Sales_Amount     NUMBER,
431         Batch_Total      NUMBER,
432         Payee_ID         VARCHAR2(80),
433         VpsBatch_ID      VARCHAR2(80),
437         BEPErrCode       VARCHAR2(80),
434         GWBatch_ID       VARCHAR2(80),
435 	Currency         VARCHAR2(80),
436         ErrorLocation    NUMBER,
438         BEPErrMessage    VARCHAR2(255)
439         );
441 TYPE BatchRespDet_rec_type IS RECORD (
442         Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
443         Trxn_Type       NUMBER,
444         Trxn_Date       DATE,
445         Status          NUMBER,
446         ErrorLocation   NUMBER,
447         BEPErrCode      VARCHAR2(80),
448         BEPErrMessage   VARCHAR2(255),
449         NLS_LANG        VARCHAR2(80)
450         );
452 TYPE SecureCVVResp_rec_type IS RECORD (
453         Response        Response_rec_type,
454         Segment_ID      NUMBER
455 	);
458 TYPE BatchRespDet_tbl_type IS TABLE OF BatchRespDet_rec_type
461 --6. Utility Table Type
462 /* Note: This is a utility table to be used for storing names,
463    values of name-value pairs. */
466 -- Misc. constants
467 --
472 ---------------------------------------------------------------
473                       -- API Signatures--
474 ---------------------------------------------------------------
475 /*#
476  * The OraPmtReq API Submits a credit card/purchase card authorization request.
477  * This API can also be used to transfer funds from a bank account,
478  * such as ACH payment requests and to verify the bank account information.
479  *
480  * This API is available in overloaded form without risk-related
481  * input parameters.
482  *
483  * @param p_api_version version of the API; use 1.0 by default
484  * @param p_init_msg_list required by API standard; use FND_API.G_FALSE by
485  *     default
486  * @param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE
487  *     by default
488  * @param p_validation_level validation level; use FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
489  *     by default
490  * @param p_ecapp_id product identifier of the calling application
491  * @param p_payee_rec entity that stores the attributes of the payee
492  * @param p_payer_rec entity that stores the attributes of the payer
493  * @param p_pmtinstr_rec entity that stores the attributes of the payment
494  * instrument. A payment instrument can be a credit card, purchase card, debit
495  * card  or bank account. Instrument registration is required before
496  * calling this API.
497  * @param p_tangible_rec entity that stores the attributes of an order or bill.
498  *     The tangible identifier is used to identify a transaction, so it must be unique
499  *     for a given payee.
500  * @param p_pmtreqtrxn_rec entity that stores the attributes of the
501  *     authorization request. This entity is used in specifying whether
502  *     authorization is online or offline, the type of the authorization
503  *     (authonly, authcapture, or verify for ACH), etc...
504  * @param p_riskinfo_rec entity that stores the risk management attributes
505  * @param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure -
506  *     'S' indicates success, 'U' indicates an error
507  * @param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
508  * @param x_msg_data contains the error messages
509  * @param x_reqresp_rec entity that stores the attrbutes of the authorization
510  *     response
511  * @rep:scope public
512  * @rep:displayname Perform Credit Card Authorization or ACH Transfer
514  */
515 --1. OraPmtReq
516   PROCEDURE OraPmtReq (	p_api_version		IN	NUMBER,
517 			p_init_msg_list		IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
518 			p_commit		IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
519 			p_validation_level	IN	NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
520 			p_ecapp_id 		IN 	NUMBER,
521 			p_payee_rec 		IN	Payee_rec_type,
522 			p_payer_rec  	        IN	Payer_rec_type,
523 			p_pmtinstr_rec 	        IN	PmtInstr_rec_type,
524 			p_tangible_rec	 	IN	Tangible_rec_type,
525 			p_pmtreqtrxn_rec 	IN	PmtReqTrxn_rec_type,
526 			p_riskinfo_rec		IN	RiskInfo_rec_type
528 			x_return_status		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
529 			x_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
530 			x_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
531 			x_reqresp_rec		OUT NOCOPY ReqResp_rec_type
532 			);
534 /*#
535  * The OraPmtMod API Modifies an existing, deferred, scheduled payment request.
536  * Payment requests can only be modified before requests are sent to the payment system.
537  *
538  * @param p_api_version version of the API; use 1.0 by default
539  * @param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE by default
540  * @param p_validation_level validation level; use FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL by default
541  * @param p_ecapp_id the product identifier of the calling application
542  * @param p_payee_rec record that stores the attributes of the payee
543  * @param p_payer_rec record that stores the attributes of the payer
544  * @param p_pmtinstr_rec record that stores the attributes of the payment instrument. A payment instrument can be a credit card, purchase card or bank account
545  * @param p_tangible_rec record that stores the attributes of an order or bill. The tangible identifier is used to identify a transaction, so it must be unique for a given payee.
549  * @param x_msg_data contains the error messages
546  * @param p_ModTrxn_rec record that specifies the request to modify, as well as containing request attributes, which over-write those originally submitted
547  * @param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure 'S' indicates success, 'U' indicates an error
548  * @param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
550  * @param x_modresp_rec record that stores the attributes of the modification response
551  *  The result of the modification request is returned in parameter x_modresp_rec
552  * @rep:scope public
553  * @rep:lifecycle active
554  * @rep:displayname Credit Card Payment Modification
555  * @rep:compatibility S
557  */
558 --2. OraPmtMod
559   PROCEDURE OraPmtMod ( p_api_version		IN	NUMBER,
560 			p_init_msg_list		IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
561 			p_commit		IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
562 			p_validation_level	IN	NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
563 			p_ecapp_id 		IN 	NUMBER,
564 			p_payee_rec 		IN	Payee_rec_type,
565 			p_payer_rec 		IN	Payer_rec_type,
566 			p_pmtinstr_rec 	        IN	PmtInstr_rec_type,
567 			p_tangible_rec 		IN	Tangible_rec_type,
568 			p_ModTrxn_rec 	        IN	ModTrxn_rec_type,
569 			x_return_status		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
570 			x_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
571 			x_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
572 			x_modresp_rec		OUT NOCOPY ModResp_rec_type
573 			);
575 /*#
576  * The OraPmtCanc API Cancels an existing, deferred, scheduled payment
577  * request while the request is still in Pending status.
578  *
579  * @param p_api_version version of the API; use 1.0 by default
580  * @param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE by default
581  * @param p_validation_level validation level; use FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL by default
582  * @param p_ecapp_id the product identifier of the calling application
583  * @param p_canctrxn_rec record which identifies the request to cancel
584  * @param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure; 'S' indicates success, 'U' indicates an error
585  * @param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
586  * @param x_msg_data contains the error messages
587  * @param x_cancresp_rec record that stores the attributes of the cancellation response
588  *  The result of the cancellation request is returned in parameter x_modresp_rec
589  * @rep:scope public
590  * @rep:lifecycle active
591  * @rep:displayname Credit Card Payment Cancellation
592  * @rep:compatibility S
594  */
595 --3. OraPmtCanc
596   PROCEDURE OraPmtCanc ( p_api_version		IN	NUMBER,
597 			 p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
598 			 p_commit		IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
599 			 p_validation_level	IN	NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
600 			 p_ecapp_id		IN	NUMBER,
601 			 p_canctrxn_rec		IN	CancelTrxn_rec_type,
602 			 x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
603 			 x_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
604 			 x_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
605 			 x_cancresp_rec		OUT NOCOPY CancelResp_rec_type
606 			 );
608 /*#
609  * The OraPmtQryTrxn API Queries the status of a payment request that was submitted to
610  * a payment system. The payment system is contacted by a call to this API, and the
611  * data that the API returns is stored in the Oracle Payments schema.  This API
612  * synchronizes Oracle Payments' data with the payment system.
613  *
614  * @param p_api_version version of the API; use 1.0 by default
615  * @param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE by default
616  * @param p_validation_level validation level; use FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL by default
617  * @param p_ecapp_id the product identifier of the calling application
618  * @param p_querytrxn_rec record which identifies the request to query
619  * @param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure 'S' indicates success, 'U' indicates an error
620  * @param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
621  * @param x_msg_data contains the error messages
622  * @param x_qrytrxnrespsum_rec record which stores a query result summary
623  * @param x_qrytrxnrespdet_tbl record that stores a collection of query result details; multiple details will be returned if the history flag is turned on, one for every distinct request type associated with the given transaction identifier
624  *  The result of the query request is returned in the two query response parameters
625  * @rep:scope public
626  * @rep:lifecycle active
627  * @rep:displayname Credit Card Payment Query
628  * @rep:compatibility S
630  */
631 --4. OraPmtQryTrxn
632   PROCEDURE OraPmtQryTrxn ( p_api_version	   IN	NUMBER,
633 			    p_init_msg_list	   IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
634 			    p_commit		   IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
635 			    p_validation_level	   IN	NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
636 			    p_ecapp_id		   IN 	NUMBER,
637 			    p_querytrxn_rec 	   IN	QueryTrxn_rec_type,
638 			    x_return_status	   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
639 			    x_msg_count	           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
640 			    x_msg_data		   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
641 			    x_qrytrxnrespsum_rec   OUT NOCOPY QryTrxnRespSum_rec_type,
642 			    x_qrytrxnrespdet_tbl   OUT NOCOPY QryTrxnRespDet_tbl_type
643 			    );
645 /*#
646  * The OraPmtCapture API Submits a credit card/purchase card capture request.
647  * A previously authorized payment request is a prerequisite for a capture.
648  *
652  * @param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE
649  * @param p_api_version version of the API; use 1.0 by default
650  * @param p_init_msg_list required by API standard; use FND_API.G_FALSE by
651  *     default
653  *     by default
654  * @param p_validation_level validation level; use FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
655  *     by default
656  * @param p_ecapp_id the product identifier of the calling application
657  * @param p_capturetrxn_rec entity that stores the attributes of the capture
658  *     request
659  * @param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure; 'S'
660  *     indicates success, 'U' indicates an error
661  * @param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
662  * @param x_msg_data contains the error messages
663  * @param x_capresp_rec entity that stores the attributes of the capture
664  *     response
665  * @rep:scope public
666  * @rep:displayname Perform Credit Card Capture
668  */
669 --5. OraPmtCapture
670   PROCEDURE OraPmtCapture ( p_api_version	IN	NUMBER,
671 			    p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
672 			    p_commit		IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
673 			    p_validation_level	IN	NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
674 			    p_ecapp_id 		IN	NUMBER,
675 			    p_capturetrxn_rec 	IN	CaptureTrxn_rec_type,
676 			    x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
677 			    x_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
678 			    x_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
679 			    x_capresp_rec	OUT NOCOPY CaptureResp_rec_type
680 			    );
682 /*#
683  * The OraPmtReturn API Submits a credit card/purchase card return funds
684  * (refund) request. This transaction moves money from the merchant's account
685  * to the customer's account. As the refund is made against a previously
686  * submitted capture, you must submit the tangible identifier of the previous capture
687  * in this request.
688  *
689  * @param p_api_version version of the API; use 1.0 by default
690  * @param p_init_msg_list required by API standard; use FND_API.G_FALSE by
691  *     default
692  * @param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE
693  *     by default
694  * @param p_validation_level validation level; use FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
695  *     by default
696  * @param p_ecapp_id the product id of the calling application
697  * @param p_returntrxn_rec entity that stores the attributes of the return
698  *     request
699  * @param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure; 'S'
700  *     indicates success, 'U' indicates an error
701  * @param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
702  * @param x_msg_data contains the error messages
703  * @param x_retresp_rec entity that stores the attributes of the return response
704  * @rep:scope public
705  * @rep:displayname Perform Credit Card Return
707  */
709 --6. OraPmtReturn
710   PROCEDURE OraPmtReturn ( p_api_version	IN	NUMBER,
711 			   p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
712 			   p_commit		IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
713 			   p_validation_level	IN	NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
714 			   p_ecapp_id 		IN	NUMBER,
715 			   p_returntrxn_rec 	IN	ReturnTrxn_rec_type,
716 			   x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
717 			   x_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
718 			   x_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
719 			   x_retresp_rec	OUT NOCOPY ReturnResp_rec_type
720 			   );
722 /*#
723  * The oraPmtVoid API Voids a previously submitted capture request. Only
724  * those captures that are pending in Oracle iPayment can be voided. Captures
725  * that were already submitted to a credit card processor/gateway cannot be
726  * voided.
727  *
728  * @param p_api_version version of the API; use 1.0 by default
729  * @param p_init_msg_list required by API standard;use FND_API.G_FALSE by
730  *     default
731  * @param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE
732  *     by default
733  * @param p_validation_level validation level; use FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
734  *     by default
735  * @param p_ecapp_id the product identifier of the calling application
736  * @param p_voidtrxn_rec entity that stores the attributes of the void request
737  * @param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure; 'S'
738  *     indicates success, 'U' indicates an error
739  * @param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
740  * @param x_msg_data contains the error messages
741  * @param x_voidresp_rec entity that stores the attributes of the void response
742  * @rep:scope public
743  * @rep:displayname Perform Credit Card Void
745  */
747 --7. OraPmtVoid
748   PROCEDURE OraPmtVoid ( p_api_version		IN	NUMBER,
749 			 p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
750 			 p_commit		IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
751 			 p_validation_level	IN	NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
752 			 p_ecapp_id		IN	NUMBER,
753 			 p_voidtrxn_rec 	IN	VoidTrxn_rec_type,
754 			 x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
755 			 x_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
756 			 x_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
757 			 x_voidresp_rec	        OUT NOCOPY VoidResp_rec_type
758 			 );
760 /*#
764  * capture transaction.
761  * The oraPmtCredit API Submits a credit card/purchase card refund request.
762  * This transaction moves funds from the merchant's account to the customer's
763  * account. A credit transaction can be made without reference to any previous
765  *
766  * @param p_api_version version of the API; use 1.0 by default
767  * @param p_init_msg_list required by API standard; use FND_API.G_FALSE
768  *     by default
769  * @param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE
770  *     by default
771  * @param p_validation_level validation level; use FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
772  *     by default
773  * @param p_ecapp_id the product identifier of the calling application
774  * @param p_payee_rec entity that stores the attributes of the payee
775  * @param p_pmtinstr_rec entity that stores the attributes of the payment
776  *     instrument
777  * @param p_tangible_rec entity that stores the attributes of an order or bill.
778  *     The tangible id is used to identify a transaction, so it must be unique
779  *     for a given payee.
780  * @param p_credittrxn_rec entity that stores the attributes of the credit
781  *     request
782  * @param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure; 'S'
783  *     indicates success, 'U' indicates an error
784  * @param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
785  * @param x_msg_data contains the error messages
786  * @param x_creditresp_rec entity that stores the attributes of the credit
787  *     response
788  * @rep:scope public
789  * @rep:displayname Perform a Credit Card Refund
791  */
793 --8. OraPmtCredit
794   PROCEDURE OraPmtCredit ( p_api_version	IN	NUMBER,
795 			   p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
796 			   p_commit		IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
797 			   p_validation_level	IN	NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
798 			   p_ecapp_id 		IN	NUMBER,
799 			   p_payee_rec 		IN	Payee_rec_type,
800 			   p_pmtinstr_rec 	IN	PmtInstr_rec_type,
801 			   p_tangible_rec	IN	Tangible_rec_type,
802 			   p_credittrxn_rec 	IN	CreditTrxn_rec_type,
803 			   x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
804 			   x_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
805 			   x_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
806 			   x_creditresp_rec	OUT NOCOPY CreditResp_rec_type
807 			   );
809 /*#
810  * The OraPmtInq API Queries the details of a payment transaction. The results  returned
811  * are payment transactions that are currently stored in the product schema.
812  *
813  * @param p_api_version version of the API; use 1.0 by default
814  * @param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE by default
815  * @param p_validation_level validation level; use FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL by default
816  * @param p_ecapp_id the product id of the calling application
817  * @param p_tid transaction identifier of the transaction to query
818  * @param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure 'S' indicates a success, 'U' indicates an error
819  * @param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
820  * @param x_msg_data contains the error messages
821  * @param x_inqresp_rec record which stores the inquiry result
822  *  The result of the query request is returned in the two query response parameters
823  * @rep:scope public
824  * @rep:lifecycle active
825  * @rep:displayname Credit Card Payment Inquiry
826  * @rep:compatibility S
828  */
829 --9. OraPmtInq
830   PROCEDURE OraPmtInq ( p_api_version		IN	NUMBER,
831 			p_init_msg_list		IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
832 			p_commit	        IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
833 			p_validation_level	IN	NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
834 			p_ecapp_id		IN	NUMBER,
835 			p_tid			IN	NUMBER,
836 			x_return_status		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
837 			x_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
838 			x_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
839 			x_inqresp_rec		OUT NOCOPY InqResp_rec_type
840 			);
842 /*#
843  * The OraPmtCloseBatch API Closes a batch of transactions, which might be a mandatory
844  * step for final settlement of funds, depending on the payment system.
845  *
846  * @param p_api_version version of the API; use 1.0 by default
847  * @param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE by default
848  * @param p_validation_level validation level; use FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL by default
849  * @param p_ecapp_id product identifier of the calling application
850  * @param p_batchtrxn_rec record that defines the batch, particularly its name and its owning payee
851  * @param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure; 'S' indicates success, 'U' an error
852  * @param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
853  * @param x_msg_data contains the error messages
854  * @param x_closebatchrespsum_rec record that stores the batch close result summary
855  * @param x_closebatchrespdet_tbl record that stores a collection of batch close result details, with one detail for every payment transaction within the batch
856  *  The result of the batch close request is returned in the two batch close response parameters
857  * @rep:scope public
858  * @rep:lifecycle active
859  * @rep:displayname Credit Card Payment Batch Close
860  * @rep:compatibility S
862  */
863 --10. OraPmtCloseBatch
867 			       p_validation_level      IN       NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
864   PROCEDURE OraPmtCloseBatch ( p_api_version	       IN	NUMBER,
865 		   	       p_init_msg_list	       IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
866 			       p_commit		       IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
868 			       p_ecapp_id	       IN	NUMBER,
869 			       p_batchtrxn_rec	       IN	BatchTrxn_rec_type,
870 			       x_return_status	       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
871 			       x_msg_count	       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
872 			       x_msg_data	       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
873 			       x_closebatchrespsum_rec OUT NOCOPY BatchRespSum_rec_type,
874 			       x_closebatchrespdet_tbl OUT NOCOPY BatchRespDet_tbl_type
875 			   );
877 /*#
878  * The OraPmtQueryBatch API Queries a previously closed batch of transactions, which
879  * may be required for the transactions to achieve a Final status.
880  *
881  * @param p_api_version version of the API; use 1.0 by default
882  * @param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE by default
883  * @param p_validation_level validation level; use FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL by default
884  * @param p_ecapp_id the product identifier of the calling application
885  * @param p_batchtrxn_rec record that identifies the batch to query
886  * @param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure; 'S' indicates success, 'U' indicates an error
887  * @param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
888  * @param x_msg_data contains the error messages
889  * @param x_qrybatchrespsum_rec record that stores the batch query summary
890  * @param x_qrybatchrespdet_tbl record that stores a collection of transaction details, with one for every payment transaction within the batch
891  *  The result of the batch query request is returned in the two batch query response parameters
892  * @rep:scope public
893  * @rep:lifecycle active
894  * @rep:displayname Credit Card Payment Batch Query
895  * @rep:compatibility S
897  */
898 --11. OraPmtQueryBatch
899   PROCEDURE OraPmtQueryBatch ( p_api_version	     IN	  NUMBER,
900 		   	       p_init_msg_list	     IN	  VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
901 			       p_commit		     IN	  VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
902 			       p_validation_level    IN	  NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
903    			       p_ecapp_id	     IN	  NUMBER,
904 			       p_batchtrxn_rec	     IN	  BatchTrxn_rec_type,
905 			       x_return_status	     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
906 			       x_msg_count	     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
907 			       x_msg_data	     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
908 			       x_qrybatchrespsum_rec OUT NOCOPY BatchRespSum_rec_type,
909 			       x_qrybatchrespdet_tbl OUT NOCOPY BatchRespDet_tbl_type
910 			    );
912 /*#
913  * Submits a credit card/purchase card authorization request. This API can
914  * also be used to transfer funds from a bank account (ACH payment requests).
915  *
916  * This API is available in overloaded form with risk related input parameters.
917  *
918  * @param p_api_version version of the API; use 1.0 by default
919  * @param p_init_msg_list required by API standard; use FND_API.G_FALSE by
920  *     default
921  * @param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE
922  *     by default
923  * @param p_validation_level validation level; use FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
924  *     by default
925  * @param p_ecapp_id the product id of the calling application
926  * @param p_payee_rec entity that stores the attributes of the payee
927  * @param p_payer_rec entity that stores the attributes of the payer
928  * @param p_pmtinstr_rec entity that stores the attributes of the payment
929  *     instrument. A payment instrument can be a credit card, purchase card
930  *     or bank account
931  * @param p_tangible_rec entity that stores the attributes of an order or bill.
932  *     The tangible identifier is used to identify a transaction, so it must be unique
933  *     for a given payee.
934  * @param p_pmtreqtrxn_rec entity that stores the attributes of the
935  *     authorization request. This entity is used in specifying whether
936  *     authorization is online or offline, the type of the authorization
937  *     (authonly or authcapture), etc...
938  * @param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure; 'S'
939  *     indicates success, 'U' indicates an error
940  * @param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
941  * @param x_msg_data contains the error messages
942  * @param x_reqresp_rec entity that stores the attrbutes of the authorization
943  *     response
944  * @rep:scope public
945  * @rep:displayname Perform Credit Card Authorization or ACH Transfer
947  */
949 --12. OraPmtReq (Overloaded: NO RISK PARAMETER)
950   PROCEDURE OraPmtReq ( p_api_version           IN      NUMBER,
951                         p_init_msg_list         IN      VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
952                         p_commit                IN      VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
953                         p_validation_level      IN      NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
954                         p_ecapp_id              IN      NUMBER,
955                         p_payee_rec             IN      Payee_rec_type,
956                         p_payer_rec             IN      Payer_rec_type,
957                         p_pmtinstr_rec          IN      PmtInstr_rec_type,
958                         p_tangible_rec          IN      Tangible_rec_type,
959                         p_pmtreqtrxn_rec        IN      PmtReqTrxn_rec_type,
960                         x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
961                         x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
962                         x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
963                         x_reqresp_rec           OUT NOCOPY ReqResp_rec_type
964                         );
965 --13. OraRiskEval ( PaymentRiskInfo ) With No AVS
967   PROCEDURE OraRiskEval (  p_api_version           IN      NUMBER,
968                            p_init_msg_list         IN      VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
969                            p_commit                IN      VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
970                            p_validation_level      IN      NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
971                            p_ecapp_id              IN      NUMBER,
972                            p_payment_risk_info     IN      PaymentRiskInfo_rec_type,
973                            x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
974                            x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
975                            x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
976                            x_risk_resp             OUT NOCOPY RiskResp_rec_type
977                         );
979 --14. OraRiskEval ( AVSRiskInfo ) With AVS; overloaded
981   PROCEDURE OraRiskEval (  p_api_version           IN      NUMBER,
982                            p_init_msg_list         IN      VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
983                            p_commit                IN      VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
984                            p_validation_level      IN      NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
985                            p_ecapp_id              IN      NUMBER,
986                            p_avs_risk_info         IN      AVSRiskInfo_rec_type,
987                            x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
988                            x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
989                            x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
990                            x_risk_resp             OUT NOCOPY RiskResp_rec_type
991                         );
992 --15. OraCCBatchCapture
993   PROCEDURE OraCCBatchCapture (  p_api_version           IN       NUMBER,
994                                  p_init_msg_list         IN       VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
995                                  p_commit                IN       VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
996                                  p_validation_level      IN       NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
997                                  p_ecapp_id              IN       NUMBER,
998                                  p_capturetrxn_rec_tbl   IN       CaptureTrxn_tbl,
999                                  x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1000                                  x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
1001                                  x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1002                                  x_capresp_rec_tbl       OUT NOCOPY CaptureResp_tbl
1003   );
1006  -- Secures a CVV value and returns the segment_ID.
1007  -- param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE
1008  --        by default
1009  -- param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure; 'S'
1010  --        indicates success, 'U' indicates an error
1011  -- param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
1012  -- param x_msg_data contains the error messages
1013  -- param x_resp_rec entity that stores the attrbutes of the
1014  --        response
1015  -- scope: private
1017 --16. OraSecureExtension
1018   PROCEDURE OraSecureExtension (p_commit                IN  VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
1019                                 p_cvv                   IN  VARCHAR2,
1020                                 x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1021                                 x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
1022                                 x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1023                                 x_resp_rec              OUT NOCOPY SecureCVVResp_rec_type
1024                                );