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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 34

  IS SELECT DISTINCT fmu.menu_name         Privilege
     ,      fgs.instance_pk1_value         ResourceID
     ,      jrt.resource_name              ResourceName
     FROM  fnd_grants                 fgs
     ,     fnd_menus                  fmu
     ,     fnd_objects                fos
     ,     jtf_rs_resource_extns_tl   jrt
     WHERE fgs.object_id          = fos.object_id   -- grants joint to object
     AND   fgs.menu_id            = fmu.menu_id     -- grants joint to menus
     AND   fos.obj_name           = 'JTF_TASK_RESOURCE'
     AND   fgs.grantee_key        = b_Grantee_Key
     AND   fgs.grantee_type       = 'USER'
     AND   fgs.start_date        <  SYSDATE
     AND   (   fgs.end_date          >= SYSDATE
           OR  fgs.end_date IS NULL
     AND   fgs.instance_pk2_value = ('RS_EMPLOYEE')
     AND   jrt.resource_id        = to_number(fgs.instance_pk1_value)  -- Modified by SBARAT on 30/05/2006 for bug# 5213367
     AND   jrt.LANGUAGE           = USERENV('LANG');
Line: 59

     ,      fgs.instance_pk1_value   ResourceID
     ,      jrt.group_name           ResourceName
     FROM  fnd_grants                 fgs
     ,     fnd_menus                  fmu
     ,     fnd_objects                fos
     ,     jtf_rs_groups_tl           jrt
     WHERE fgs.object_id          = fos.object_id   -- grants joint to object
     AND   fgs.menu_id            = fmu.menu_id     -- grants joint to menus
     AND   fos.obj_name           = 'JTF_TASK_RESOURCE'
     AND   fgs.grantee_key        = b_GranteeKey --'1000001366'
     AND   fgs.grantee_type       = 'USER'
     AND   fgs.start_date        <  SYSDATE
     AND   (  fgs.end_date       >= SYSDATE
           OR fgs.end_date IS NULL
     AND   fgs.instance_pk2_value = ('RS_GROUP')
     AND   jrt.group_id           = TO_NUMBER(fgs.instance_pk1_value)
     AND   jrt.LANGUAGE           = USERENV('LANG');
Line: 175

             jtb.task_id                      TaskId
      ,      jtb.source_object_type_code      SourceObjectTypeCode
      ,      jtb.source_object_id             SourceId
      ,      jtb.customer_id                  CustomerId
      ,      jtt.task_name                    ItemName
      ,      jtb.calendar_start_date          StartDate
      ,      jtb.calendar_end_date            EndDate
      ,      jtb.timezone_id                  TimezoneID
      ,      jtb.duration                     Duration    -- always in minutes
      ,      jtb.private_flag                 PrivateFlag -- needed to determin access level
      ,      DECODE(jta.assignment_status_id ,18, DECODE(jtb.source_object_type_code ,'APPOINTMENT',1,0),0)
      ,      DECODE(jtb.recurrence_rule_id
                   )          RepeatIndicator
      ,      DECODE(jtb.source_object_type_code ,'APPOINTMENT', x_preferences.ApptColor, x_preferences.TaskColor)
      ,      DECODE(jtb.source_object_type_code ,'APPOINTMENT', x_preferences.ApptPrefix, x_preferences.TaskPrefix)
      ,      Jtf_Cal_Utility_Pvt.GetItemURL               -- can't join URL is dynamic..
             ( jtb.source_object_id
             , jtb.source_object_type_code)   URL
      ,      jta.assignee_role                AssigneeRole
      ,      jtb.task_priority_id             PriorityID    -- Needed for todos
      ,      jta.category_id                  CategoryID    -- Needed for todos
      ,      jtb.object_version_number        AssignmentOVN -- Needed to update todos
      ,      jta.object_version_number        TaskOVN       -- Needed to update todos
      FROM jtf_task_all_assignments   jta
      ,    jtf_tasks_b            jtb
      ,    jtf_tasks_tl           jtt
      ,    jtf_task_statuses_b    jtsb
      WHERE jta.resource_id          = b_ResourceID        -- 101272224
      AND   jta.resource_type_code   = b_ResourceType      -- 'RS_EMPLOYEE'
      AND   jta.task_id              = jtb.task_id         -- join to tasks_b
      AND   jtb.task_status_id       = jtsb.task_status_id -- join to to task_status_b
      AND   jtb.task_id              = jtt.task_id         -- join to tasks_tl
      AND   jtt.LANGUAGE             = USERENV('LANG')     -- join to tasks_tl
      AND   jta.show_on_calendar     = 'Y'
      AND   jta.assignment_status_id <> 4 -- using status rejected for declined
      AND   NVL(jtsb.closed_flag,'N')<> 'Y'
      AND   (   jtb.calendar_start_date <= b_EndDate
            OR  jtb.calendar_start_date IS NULL
      AND   (   jtb.calendar_end_date   >=  b_StartDate
            OR  jtb.calendar_end_date IS NULL
      AND jtb.entity <> 'BOOKING'
      AND jtb.source_object_type_code <> 'EXTERNAL APPOINTMENT'
Line: 469

  )IS SELECT DISTINCT jtb.source_id          ItemSourceID
      --,      jtb.source_code        ItemSourceCode
      , jtf_cal_items_pvt.GetName(jtb.SOURCE_CODE, jtb.SOURCE_ID) ItemName
      ,      jtb.source_code        SourceCode
      ,      jtb.source_id          SourceID
      ,      jtb.start_date         StartDate
      ,      jtb.end_date           EndDate
      ,      jtb.timezone_id        TimezoneID
      ,      jtb.url                URL
      ,      jtf_cal_items_pvt.GetUrlParams(jtb.SOURCE_CODE, jtb.SOURCE_ID) URLParams
      FROM  jtf_cal_items_b   jtb
      WHERE(   jtb.start_date <= b_EndDate
      AND   (   jtb.end_date   >=  b_StartDate
      AND jtb.resource_type = 'RS_GROUP'
      AND jtb.resource_id IN --select groups that user is member of
      (SELECT mem.group_id
         jtf_rs_group_members mem,
         jtf_rs_group_usages  rgu
      WHERE mem.resource_id = b_ResourceID
        AND nvl(mem.delete_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
        AND   rgu.group_id = mem.group_id
        AND   rgu.usage =  'CALENDAR_ITEMS')
    UNION -- individual items
     SELECT jtb.source_id          ItemSourceID
      --,      jtb.source_code        ItemSourceCode
      , jtf_cal_items_pvt.GetName(jtb.SOURCE_CODE, jtb.SOURCE_ID) ItemName
      ,      jtb.source_code        SourceCode
      ,      jtb.source_id          SourceID
      ,      jtb.start_date         StartDate
      ,      jtb.end_date           EndDate
      ,      jtb.timezone_id        TimezoneID
      ,      jtb.url                URL
      ,      jtf_cal_items_pvt.GetUrlParams(jtb.SOURCE_CODE, jtb.SOURCE_ID) URLParams
      FROM  jtf_cal_items_b   jtb
       WHERE jtb.resource_id   = b_ResourceID
       AND   jtb.resource_type = 'RS_EMPLOYEE'
       AND  (   jtb.start_date <= b_EndDate
       AND  (   jtb.end_date   >=  b_StartDate
Line: 711

  )IS SELECT DISTINCT TO_NUMBER(fgs.instance_pk1_value) GroupID
      ,           Jtf_Cal_Utility_Pvt.GetGroupColor
                                     ( b_ResourceID
                                     , 'RS_EMPLOYEE'
                                     , TO_NUMBER(fgs.instance_pk1_value)
                                     )                  Color
      ,           Jtf_Cal_Utility_Pvt.GetGroupPrefix
                                     ( b_ResourceID
                                     , 'RS_EMPLOYEE'
                                     , TO_NUMBER(fgs.instance_pk1_value)
                                     )                  Prefix
      FROM  fnd_grants               fgs
      ,     fnd_objects              fos
      ,     jtf_rs_group_usages      rgu
      WHERE fgs.object_id          = fos.object_id   -- grants joint to object
      AND   fos.obj_name           = 'JTF_TASK_RESOURCE'
      AND   fgs.grantee_key        = TO_CHAR(b_ResourceID)
      AND   fgs.start_date        <  SYSDATE
      AND   (   (fgs.end_date     >= SYSDATE)
            OR  (fgs.end_date     IS NULL)
      AND   fgs.instance_pk2_value = 'RS_GROUP'
      AND   rgu.GROUP_ID = TO_NUMBER(fgs.instance_pk1_value)