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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 233

      p_party_id          => l_rel_party_id,
      p_country_code      => NULL,
      p_area_code         => p_phone_area_code ,
      p_number            => p_phone_number,
      p_extension         => p_phone_extension,
      x_return_status     => x_return_status,
      x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
      x_msg_data          => x_msg_data
Line: 260

      p_party_id          => l_rel_party_id,
      p_country_code      =>  NULL,
      p_area_code         => p_fax_area_code ,
      p_number            => p_fax_number,
      p_extension         => NULL,
      x_return_status     => x_return_status,
      x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
      x_msg_data          => x_msg_data
Line: 287

      p_party_id          => l_rel_party_id,
      p_email             => p_email_address,
      x_return_status     => x_return_status,
      x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
      x_msg_data          => x_msg_data
Line: 319

 Name : update_supplier_contact
 Description : This procedure is used to update the contact details
               like name,email,phone number,fax etc.
 Parameters  :

    IN :
       p_contact_party_id - holds party id of the 'PERSON' party record in hz_parties.
       p_vendor_party_id  - holds party id of the 'ORGANIZATION' party record in hz_parties.
       p_first_name       - first name of the contact
       p_last_name        - last name of the contact
       p_middle_name      - middle name of the contact
       p_contact_title    - contact title of the contact
       p_job_title        - job title of the contact
       p_phone_number     - phone number of the contact
       p_fax_number       - fax number of the contact
       p_email_address    - email address of the contact
       p_inactive_date    - inactive date of the contact
       p_party_object_version_number - object version number of the relationship record in hz_parties
       p_email_object_version_number - object version number of the email contact in hz_contact_points
       p_phone_object_version_number - object version number of the phone contact in hz_contact_points
       p_fax_object_version_number   - object version number of the fax contact in hz_contact_points
       p_rel_object_version_number   - object version number of the relationship record in hz_relationships
       p_cont_object_version_number  - object version number of the hz_org_contacts record
       p_person_party_obversion_num  - object version number of the 'PERSON' party record in hz_parties

    OUT :
      x_return_status - returns either success/failure
      x_msg_count     - returns the number of error messages
      x_msg_data      - returns error messages

PROCEDURE update_supplier_contact
  (p_contact_party_id IN  NUMBER,
   p_vendor_party_id  IN  NUMBER,
   p_first_name       IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   p_last_name        IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   p_middle_name      IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   p_contact_title    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   p_job_title        IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   p_phone_area_code  IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   p_phone_number     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   p_phone_extension  IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   p_fax_area_code    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   p_fax_number       IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   p_email_address    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   p_inactive_date    IN  DATE DEFAULT NULL,
--Start Bug 6620664 - Handling Concurrent Updates on ContactDirectory, BusinessClassifications ans Accounting pages
   p_party_object_version_number  IN NUMBER DEFAULT fnd_api.G_NULL_NUM,
   p_email_object_version_number  IN NUMBER DEFAULT fnd_api.G_NULL_NUM,
   p_phone_object_version_number  IN NUMBER DEFAULT fnd_api.G_NULL_NUM,
   p_fax_object_version_number    IN NUMBER DEFAULT fnd_api.G_NULL_NUM,
   p_rel_object_version_number    IN NUMBER DEFAULT fnd_api.G_NULL_NUM,
   p_cont_object_version_number   IN NUMBER DEFAULT fnd_api.G_NULL_NUM,
--End Bug 6620664 - Handling Concurrent Updates on ContactDirectory, BusinessClassifications ans Accounting pages
   p_person_party_obversion_num   IN NUMBER DEFAULT fnd_api.G_NULL_NUM,
   x_return_status    OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
   x_msg_count        OUT nocopy NUMBER,
   x_msg_data         OUT nocopy VARCHAR2
     CURSOR l_contact_party_cur IS
	SELECT person_first_name,
	  FROM hz_parties
         WHERE party_id = p_contact_party_id;
Line: 395

	SELECT hoc.org_contact_id,
	       hoc.object_version_number cont_object_version_number,
	       hzr.object_version_number rel_object_version_number,
	       hp.object_version_number rel_party_obj_ver_num
	  FROM hz_org_contacts hoc, hz_relationships hzr, hz_parties hp
	 WHERE hoc.party_relationship_id = hzr.relationship_id
	   AND hzr.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
	   AND hzr.object_id = p_vendor_party_id
	   AND hzr.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
	   AND hzr.subject_id = p_contact_party_id
	   AND hzr.relationship_type = 'CONTACT'
	   AND hzr.relationship_code = 'CONTACT_OF'
           AND hzr.party_id = hp.party_id;
Line: 435

     select user_name
     from fnd_user
     WHERE person_party_id = p_contact_party_id;
Line: 441

   SAVEPOINT update_supplier_contact_sp;
Line: 485

       ROLLBACK TO update_supplier_contact_sp;
Line: 528

	 (p_init_msg_list      	  => fnd_api.g_true,
	  p_org_contact_rec    	  => l_org_contact_rec,
        --Start Bug 6620664
          p_cont_object_version_number  => l_cont_object_version_number, --l_rec2.cont_object_version_number,
          p_rel_object_version_number   => l_rel_object_version_number, --l_rec2.rel_object_version_number,
          p_party_object_version_number => l_party_object_version_number, --l_rec2.rel_party_obj_ver_num,
        --End Bug 6620664
	  x_return_status               => x_return_status,
	  x_msg_count                   => x_msg_count,
	  x_msg_data                    => x_msg_data
Line: 541

	   ROLLBACK TO update_supplier_contact_sp;
Line: 560

	 ROLLBACK TO update_supplier_contact_sp;
Line: 596

	(p_init_msg_list  	       => fnd_api.g_true,
	 p_person_rec     	       => l_person_rec,
         p_party_object_version_number => l_person_party_obversion_num,
	 x_profile_id                  => l_profile_id,
	 x_return_status               => x_return_status,
	 x_msg_count                   => x_msg_count,
	 x_msg_data                    => x_msg_data
Line: 607

	 ROLLBACK TO update_supplier_contact_sp;
Line: 612

      p_party_id          => l_rec2.party_id,
      p_country_code      => NULL,
      p_area_code         => p_phone_area_code ,
      p_number            => p_phone_number,
      p_extension         => p_phone_extension,
     --Start Bug 6620664
      p_phone_object_version_number => l_phone_object_version_number,
     --End Bug 6620664
      x_return_status     => x_return_status,
      x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
      x_msg_data          => x_msg_data
Line: 630

      ROLLBACK TO update_supplier_contact_sp;
Line: 634

      p_party_id          => l_rec2.party_id,
      p_country_code      =>  NULL,
      p_area_code         => p_fax_area_code ,
      p_number            => p_fax_number,
      p_extension         => NULL,
     --Start Bug 6620664
      p_fax_object_version_number => l_fax_object_version_number,
     --End Bug 6620664
      x_return_status     => x_return_status,
      x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
      x_msg_data          => x_msg_data
Line: 652

     ROLLBACK TO update_supplier_contact_sp;
Line: 656

      p_party_id          => l_rec2.party_id,
      p_email             => p_email_address,
     --Start Bug 6620664
      p_email_object_version_number => l_email_object_version_number,
     --End Bug 6620664
      x_return_status     => x_return_status,
      x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
      x_msg_data          => x_msg_data
Line: 670

         x_user_name 		  => l_user_rec.user_name,
         x_email_address              => p_email_address,
         x_owner => NULL,
         x_end_date => p_inactive_date
Line: 683

      ROLLBACK TO update_supplier_contact_sp;
Line: 689

      ROLLBACK TO update_supplier_contact_sp;
Line: 693

      pos_log.log_sqlerrm('POSCONTB', 'in update_supplier_contact');
Line: 695

END update_supplier_contact;